
Red Spades

Two worlds collided. One full of violence, horror, and trouble. The other full of loss, secrets, and betrayal. They are so different but so similar at the same time. Axel is the bad boy of River High school, people hide from him when they seem him and refuse to speak his name. He leads one of the biggest gangs on the streets that no one can control. He's cold and intimidates everyone around him. He's not afraid to kill or be killed. Aella is a girl that can't be intimidated. She ignores everyone that pushes her around as she keeps to herself trying to graduate high school so she can get away from her abusive uncle and aunt. With a broken past she covers with a mask she fights her inner and outer demons.

LionoftheStars01 · Teenager
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20 Chs

Never Betray the Red Spades


After taking Aella home I made my way to the warehouse after getting a text from Carter

We need your ass over here soon we got news on this guy causing us trouble

The warehouse was in the middle of no where a few miles outside of town. It looked like shit on the outside from being so old but the inside was in a lot better condition.

As I walked up to the door a slot opened revealing a gun pointing right at my head, "canyon let me in before I blow off your head" the guy moved the gun looking at me with a scared expression,

"Oh shit! Sorry..." he opened the door letting me in. Other members would have to reveal the red spade tattoo we all had in order to get in but as one of the leaders I had free passage.

People who didn't have the tattoo were instantly shot. I walked in seeing most members working on putting guns and drugs in trucks to be delivered. They all looked at me with fear and admiration as I walked passed them. I made my way to the back where a office room was. I walked in finding the boys sitting around waiting for me.

"Alright talk to me" I sat on the desk looking at them. The room was fairly large with a TV and bean bags around it in one corner. We had a fridge and microwave in another part of the room stocked up on mostly frozen foods. 

Carter stood up from his chair and handed me a phone,

"Here listen to this" taking the phone I pressed play on what looked like a recording. The voice on the other end was disoriented so you couldn't hear the persons real voice,

"Red Spades...looks like you've been snooping into my shit. I'll tell you that's a bad choice. Now I've kept my eyes on you too, and I'm very interested in a certain girl you've been keeping close. Keep crossing my path and I may have to do something with her to send another message if this one doesn't get through to you." anger boiled up inside of me as I slammed the phone on the desk after the recording ended.

'How the fuck do they know about Aella" Austin sighed,

"The kid we interrogated apparently isn't just a customer but a fucking member" I glared up at him,

"How the fuck did you miss that" Jack put a hand on my shoulder to try and calm me down,

"Any proof he was a member was erased and replaced with him being a customer so we would try to get answers out of him. It was all set up, and the only reason we know that is because he's the one who sent us that recording. I drove my fist into the old desk,

"Dammit!" Gus bit on his lower lip nervously,

"What's our move?" I was silent trying to think of something anything to get her out of this,

"How does he know about her?" Carter grabbed his phone and pulled up a few pictures of her sitting with us at lunch, walking around, and other places we had all hung out in the short time we've known her.

It's weird we've only known each other in a week and it feels like we've been friends for years.

"He's been watching everything. And the only way that's possible is if he had someone getting info to him" Jack looked at him,

"We have a traitor" I stood up walking around and pulling out a drawer where my pistol was. Making sure it was loaded I left the office with the others following me. Gus called out,

"Woah, hold up how do we know who it is?" Jack rolled his eyes,

"Think about it, only five people know about this piece of shit in our gang and four of those guys are us. Leaving one other, and that one is who we sent to go spy on his ass" Gus paused his eyes wide as he figured it out.

I eyed Vincent putting a box of drugs in a truck. He looked up at me with fear, he knew that I knew. One thing I hated more than anything was a traitor. He tried making a run for it but Carter and Austin cut him off,

"Where you going Vincent" Jack called. Vincent looked between all four of us. He tried acting normal,

"My shift is over" I glared at him and held my gun up aiming in between his eyes,

"Who the fuck is your boss" he stayed silent and we knew we weren't getting anything out of him, "This is what happens to people who betray the Red Spades!" I yelled to everyone watching us. In a moment I pulled the trigger killing him instantly. I lowered my gun walking away without looking back. I played with my dog tags as I sat by a window smoking a cigarette.


I couldn't let anything happen to her. As I looked at my dog tags I got an idea. Quickly I dropped my cigarette stomping on it before I left the warehouse and drove to her house. The lights were off and I made my way to her window which was unlocked as usual. I climbed through quietly seeing her sleeping soundly on her bed. Taking off my tags I carefully placed them around her neck without waking her up. 

'This is how I can protect her until I figure out what to do with that bastard'

A smile tugged at my lips as I moved a strand of hair out of her face before climbing out her window and closing it.

'She'll be okay'

I told myself as I drove home. I had to believe that, because if I didn't I would lose what restraint I had to keep myself calm.