
Red Lilies

Wanting to become a normal high school student after her family life broke apart, Sakura finds herself in Karakura. Meeting new people and starting a new, sadly her Soul is still attached to those who once knew her. How can she hide from those who dress in black, those with white masks, those who follow the black butterflies?

OneWayToFly · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 2

Her seat was a bit close to him, assigned by their initials, it was a relief to be close to him. Even if all he did was ignore the class and look bored.

She was not bored, she was happy. Since young, school was easy for her, paying attention and exercising her mind really helped her to catch up, school would be no problem if she just completed her homework early, rushing was not her favourite.

Still, no one spoke to her. A few hours in and she had not even said a word other than present herself. Great.

At least during the short breaks, she could wonder around and discover the different rooms, the laboratory, music room, library! Another laboratory (with a weird smell) and… a storage room for sneaky students wanting to take a nap… ups.

Silent tippy toes exited the room…

In one of those doors she opened, she found herself on the roof. A beautiful skyline of the city, tall buildings and smaller ones with the endless sea as the background. Sakura was mesmerized, the beach breeze blew her long hair as she welcomed the fresh embrace.

This felt different, this felt like living again.

Until her small heavenly moment was cracked by the bell ringing. Crap, she had to run back to class. Turning to catch a last glimpse of the view she closed the door, with a promise to come back.


At the ring of the bell, she did not wait, and, like her other classmates, she rushed to the door. Almost sprinting towards the stairs, she reached to door, the view is just what she hoped for.

A gasp left her lips, nothing could compare to the midday sky as it started to reach its peak, just before sunset. Those precious hours of light she was desperate to catch before night fell, a pang in her chest created a new fear inside, she would have another nightmare. Reaching close to the edge of the roof, she held her breath.

Why can't she chase those demons away?

What does she still fear?

Emerald eyes shined with uncertainty at the sky, as if there were answers way up above the clouds, far away from her reach…

Walking back home felt like a chore, she would try to remember her previous route, but at least she knew on what direction her apartment was located. That should be enough, right?

After many turns and dead ends, who would imagine some streets literally ended with a tall wall? Tired feet dragged her to the top of her apartment front steps when the night covered the sky, a cold blanket of odd shades of black and a couple of surviving bright stars that they city's light pollution could not cover.

The uniform's jacket was warm enough to keep her cosy, but the chills still crept up her back. After a warm bath and drowning her thoughts with homework, she could finally settle down. Her teacher had left group projects she was not sure how to complete… no one spoke to her, like, at all.

In her old school, a new student was rare and if there was just one new kid in their small town, everyone would pounce and want to meet the new kid. Sakura felt grateful for not being surrounded left and right on her first day, but not even a "Welcome" was directed her way.

She felt very little. The smallest person in the big city of Karakura.


Next morning, she woke up with more vigour, another day and another chance for her. Even if she was shy at first, she would talk to someone. "Today's my day!"

She only stumbled a little to avoid the main roads, but when she spotted some students with her same uniform, she felt sure of herself. Even her steps slowed down with the thought of looking like an anxiety filled teenager that she was, but in front of strangers was not what she wanted. Save it for later, when there is more trust.


Her steps fell into a halt at the thought, could she? People can be mean and selfish; she knew that very well. Catching her reflection on a nearby window, she could barely recognize herself. Long pink hair with a few waves, a different uniform, a lost expression on her face.

"Who was Sakura Haruno?" She asked her reflection, a silent answer for a silent question. Her mother always asked her that very question when she felt lost and defeated, her small voice would always shout "I am Sakura Haruno, your daughter". God, she missed her mother.

It's been years, but it felt like just a few days ago. Her mother was gone now, she was alone.

She hated the idea of being alone, her need for company was killing her inside. Someone to talk to, to laugh with, joke around and cry when your down. She wanted all that. Envy grew when she saw other students laugh from afar, happiness radiated from their morning-tired expressions with a full day ahead of them.

-"Did you start the project? I could not concentrate…"- they went on about a new series that seemed to be popular, maybe she could watch it tonight and have something to talk about, right?

"Who am I kidding?" side effects of her nightmare started to creep back, lack of sleep and rest would not ruin her day. With a deep breath, she straightens her back and returned to her walk, school would close its gates if she drowned in her self-pity.


School life felt more mondain the last few days, school year had started with more excitement, mostly fed by his father and sisters, but after their life settled down again to their routines, Ichigo felt bored of his monotony.

It's not like he craved drama or action, but some excitement won't kill anyone every now and then. That same excitement came in a little surprise with pink hair. She was like a lost poppy, she looked kind of pitiful in his honest opinion.

The silence felt loud with her, the need to speak up when she was near grew in his chest, but what would he say? Even though she had not uttered a word to him, he heard about her everywhere. It was enough with the comments about his wild hair colour, she seemed to compete with him. Only she did it better.

Maybe because she wore it with pride, long and well tamed with those soft waves that cascaded and shined more than it probably should. He even had the thought to ask why she would cover blonde hair with pink… only children would think of those colours.

Rumours started on the very first day, either they thought it was a very expensive wig or a great dye job. Surprisingly, the teachers paid no mind to her as she literally scouted the entire school, no one knew what she was looking for. Another rumour, she was looking for her boyfriend, the thought of her being a needy and intense girl kept him at a distance.

But then, what if he just tested it out himself, he had nothing to lose. Other than his time.

He could not stop himself as he stood a few houses back and took a little too long to find something in his phone, while she stared at her reflection. Those eyes had never seemed so… so alone.

He noticed she lived near him, taking the same route was a given, their paths would cross more often than not. Probably every morning on a school day. That may be an excuse to talk to her.

She was new after all, at least in school. But he also noticed how she stared at other students and at the streets… she was actually lost. Following those with her same uniform seemed to be her only way to be sure of where she was going. He almost laughed at her small jump of excitement when she saw the school gates. Ichigo saw the change on her step, excitement clear in her mind, a small goal she must have made herself to get to school on time and on the right path.

Maybe he would not be bored for long.


This series starts before the original bleach series, just a little to create a bit of a connection with the characters. Hope you enjoy.

OneWayToFlycreators' thoughts