
Red Lilies

Wanting to become a normal high school student after her family life broke apart, Sakura finds herself in Karakura. Meeting new people and starting a new, sadly her Soul is still attached to those who once knew her. How can she hide from those who dress in black, those with white masks, those who follow the black butterflies?

OneWayToFly · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 1

"White lilies, mother's favourite, white as snow… Sometimes I would imagine that should have been my name…"

The sea of white lilies always painted a smile on her face, even with a dark sky, the light from the moon would cascade those delicate flowers in a brilliant and almost otherworldly shine.

With each step, she would come closer to the tall tree in the middle of the meadow, each time was the same. That one tree would call her, using the wind as a messenger, the cold caress on her skin caused her goosebumps.

- "Who are you?" – a whisper escaped her lips, the wind carried it far into the night, her eyes could only see the tree, it was everything to her. She did not know why…

It was just a tree, tall, strong, no fruits or flowers. Big enough to hide behind its strong trunk, her hand itched to touch, to reach this magnificent form of life.

But she would never get the chance, strong winds lifted her hair and dried her eyes. When she opened them, not a single sound could be heard, the wind was gone.

"It" has arrived.

With the noise of fast footsteps behind her, her body froze. Her watery eyes could only stare at the tree, pleading or salvation, her heart rang in her ears.

She forgot how to breath. She shot her eyes with such force, her tears fell. – "Look at me." – it ordered, a strong and deep voice could be heard, it was right in front of her.

The tickle of sweat dripping down her spine caused her to visibly shiver. – "Look at me!" – it demanded, but she could not remember how to talk, her thoughts overwhelmed with the fear inside her core, eating her sanity.

Her chest started to burn, cold and shivery hands held a pendant that hung from her neck, a beautiful reminder that this was a dream, not reality.

A Nightmare.

The thing would ger closer, standing tall and strong, breathing harshly over her streams of tears dripping down her cheeks, whispering to her. She could feel the closeness but would not dare to open her eyes.

The words spoken could not be understood as her mind drifted away from the meadow, into reality.


The alarm was a hideous reminder of the morning, early and exhausting. But her calendar reminded her of something important, her first day of school.

Technically it was not the first day of school starting, just a transfer from her old school to the new one, a different campus in a completely new and huge city.

The big city of Karakura amazed her from the first time she saw it, a mix of huge buildings, suburbs, parks, metro stations, busses, huge stores and everything you could ever imagine, or need was here.

Even with the cluster or traffic, pedestrians and one or two strangers staring at you weirdly, nothing could compare to a big city. Not in her eyes.

Growing up in the countryside was a blessing for her parents, simple and easier than the hustle in Karakura, but she was on her own now, ready to start a new life and try everything she could. Something her small town could not satisfy.

Dressed in her grey uniform, fitted like a glove, she started her day walking to school. During her few days spent in the city, she had a plan that backfired the moment she stepped foot on the busy streets of Karakura on a Monday morning…

The school advisor had told her "Just take the straight path to our school grounds, the main entrance is easy to find, and you'll get here in no time." That liar. She should not have trusted a man who obviously had not used a metro or even walked to his work in a long time, it was absolutely crowded with students, pedestrians getting to work, parents walking their small children to school on their way to start their day.

Never, I repeat, never take the main roads. At least not on a day like this.

Squeezing herself out of the crowds of people, she found herself in a less busy street, houses left and right, a few parks and convenient stores, one of the suburban areas in Karakura.

Now she just had to follow the direction of her school, her time was running out.

With only a few minutes to spare, her rushed steps took her to the school's secretary office, just a quick stop before she had her papers ready and be taken to her new classroom. By the time she was out of the office and with too many questions in her head, the secretary rushed her to the stairs and left her there. Alone. Now what? The secretary said something about a meeting and ignored to tell the confused pinket where she was supposed to take her classes, not even a map was provided. This school is huge!

- "Hey, are you going to stand there all day?" – she was taken by surprised by a student coming up behind her, was she standing there all day in the middle of the stars? She took a few steps and shied away from him – "Sorry, I'm lost." – she had to admit it.

– "I can tell." – and he was very honest.

Her shoulders dropped in a defeated huff, but he surprised her by taking her school papers. – "You're in my class, just follow me." – she was amazed by how tall he was, orange and wild hair that could be spotted in a crowd, dark eyes… that seemed annoyed at her staring too much. She was considered tall back in her hometown, now that she has experienced the world of a big city, there's completely different standards to be compared to…

Shaking herself back to reality, she noticed he was handing her papers back. With blushed cheeks she took them back and started to follow him.

Great first impressions…

She is a teenager, at least she could give herself a pass when finding herself in front of another teenager that catches her attention, even if he did not do anything at all to cause her blush… her embarrassment kept her quiet and staring at anything other than her new classmate.

A new classmate, excitement pulled in her stomach, she was grateful to be found by him. With a smile she stared at him when he prompted her to enter the classroom, even when he did not smile back. – "Kurosaki, you are late! Again!" – the teacher shouted the moment they entered, she stopped dead on her heals and held her papers tight to her chest.

First day and the teacher was already shouting. Great.

- "Yeah, I was bringing the new girl. You. Are. Welcome." – the orange haired guy excused himself as if he was mocking the teacher for telling him off after doing a good deed, lazily taking his seat and staring at the window.

Her attention was brought back by the teacher's sudden change of demeanour, - "First day and you are already late little miss." – it really was not her day.

A quick apology left her mouth as she tried to escape the teacher's rath and fin her seat, but her attempt was stopped by a very ominous looking wooden ruler. – "Introduce yourself to the class and then you can take a seat." – her excitement rushed back to her, even with the bored and sleepy expressions from her classmates, she was happy to be part of the class.

Taking her step on the front of the class, deep breath and a smile. – "My name is Sakura, Haruno Sakura, please to meet you all." –
