
Red Lilies

Wanting to become a normal high school student after her family life broke apart, Sakura finds herself in Karakura. Meeting new people and starting a new, sadly her Soul is still attached to those who once knew her. How can she hide from those who dress in black, those with white masks, those who follow the black butterflies?

OneWayToFly · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 15

He had his mind set on helping, he trained for days hoping to be someone when times were hard. Fighting wasn't something he was shy about, he just… didn't express it anymore.

As a young child, he fought with his punches as much as he could, pushing back all those emotions into every opponent.

His reasons, however, are completely different from back then. He only cared about protecting his heart by jumping at others. As he grew older, idiots jumped at him in groups every time he neared a dark alleyway, wanting to take down "the biggest guy" they could find and prove themselves.

A sort of twisted pride he learned in the streets. Sado was no kid anymore, his pride evolved around doing the right thing.

Defend himself only if others start with the first blow.

Never cause too much unnecessary damage, just enough to prove a point.

Fight for those who are down.

So, he would always follow those teachings, teachings his grandfather would be proud of if he could see how much he has grown.

After promising never to use his fists for his own sake, Ichigo turned his way of thinking. His friendship with Ichigo only boosted his need to be stronger as new and unexpected foes threatened to hurt those he cared about.

One thing that never changes was his determination.

As he sprinted to find his friends inside the maze that is the Seireitei, he had to save up his energy. Avoiding most of the unnecessary punches by taking streets with less Soul Reapers and only taking them on with a single strike to give him the chance to continue… he did not imagine, in his wildest dreams, to find her.

Rage filled his soul as men, bigger than her and with weapons, taunted her as she was surrounded. It only took a few strikes; the shouts only boosted his confidence in his moves. He knew they wouldn't die, but maybe will stay down until he made sure she was safe and sound.

It wasn't the best situation to find out she could also see and feel those souls back in their world, it amazed him how much he had lost touch with all the changes around him. He had pushed her aside and not given her the opportunity to open up to him.

Not that he would have done much about it, he didn't even believe it himself when he battled that creature while saving Ichigo's little sister. She was able to see the monster and he was able to throw the punches.

If Sakura would have told him she saw hollows, ghost and even felt their energy… honestly, he would have had a hard time believing her and might have hurt her feelings at the time. That is what she must have thought.

Even he had a hard time dealing with the changes and didn't spoke about them until that talking cat helped him through it. Sado and Orihime had Urahara and Yoruichi for guidance and assurance (in their own weird way).

Sakura had no one.

As his eyes have now opened to the worlds around him, Sado found himself empathizing with the pinket as they talked about what's been going on.

She spoke about her experience always seeing more than the world showed him, feeling the energy and using it to keep the world safe, as her mother had taught her.

She used words that circled around his mind, the way you hear in old tales about shrines and priests when ghouls were normal talk amongst their culture.

Finally, she had confided in him, in this dark storage shed he found and locked the double doors to keep them safe during the night.

- "You've been training to come here?" - she asked, amazed. His arm turned back to normal, but she still stole some glances, wondering if the armour would appear again.

- "That's right. Orihime, Ishida and Ichigo have been training. We came to rescue Rukia." - her eyes widened at the name.

- "Then… she has been gone all this time… because." - she fumbled with her hands, not knowing how to react to the news. Finding out that Rukia had been a Soul Reaper this whole time and Ichigo had taken the responsibility to purify Hollows was a shock to her. Honestly, he didn't know if she feared Soul Reapers in general because of their power… or had mixed emotions towards them.

Much like those two who helped his group jump over the barrier.

Hatred. Fear.

- "Because she gave her powers to Ichigo and now is being punished." - he provided, hoping she would stay close if he turned away or fell asleep. She was so skittish and constantly glanced at all directions with those wide green eyes of hers.

Filled with concerns.

- "We must save her!" - she stated, her shoulders squared as determination shined across her face. It took her a little to collect herself since he found her, but he knew how strong and determined of a woman she was.

He only hoped she was capable of fighting if she needed to.

- "Chad." - she smiled bravely at him. - "I'll fight. We didn't spend that much time together, but." - her eyes wandered around the dark room, the moon barely shining through the small windows. - "I know she's a kind soul. I can't allow them to punish her for doing the right thing." -

Good. The breath he didn't know he was holding finally escaped his tensed chest.

They had to lay on top of huge wooden crates at the back of the room, hiding under the high windows and with a good viewpoint of the entrance.

He woke up first, staring at the pinket cuddling at his side, apparently his arm became a pillow.

The sound of countless footsteps and shouts of men approaching their hiding spot was the push he needed to awake her. - "Sakura, we need to prepare." -

Those shouts became louder as the sudden push of the big heavy doors began to rattle the plank that locked the door. She woke up in a gasp and instantly turned to him. Signalling her to stay quiet, he lifted his arm to the side as he prepared to attack.

Once the doors broke.

- "There they are! Get them!" - men pushed and shoved at the entrance and Chad took a protective stance in front of her and strook. The men flew back and outside of the building.

- "Stay close." - he ordered before pushing forwards and lunging at the men, their weapons weak against his mighty arm.

- "Chad! Behind you!" - she shouted.

As he turned, she was smart enough to seek shelter behind the wall, the strong gushes of wind and energy he pushed forwards could have hit her as he aimed at the armed men behind him.

- "I got you now pinky!" - a man shouted.

Chad turned swiftly and aimed, the man about to slice the small pinket in two.

- "No! you don't!" - she shouted back as her body dropped and she kicked his shin. The man screamed and dropped his sword but before he could hit the ground, she punched him right in his gut, causing him to hit the ground with force.

Sakura knew how to fight.

And what's more… he could feel her energy. Like a fresh breeze surrounding him as his lungs filled with her scent of flowers. She didn't overwhelm her foes with kill intent, it was more of a sense of calmness to keep them unaware of her power.

The ground cracked bellow them but the man was not dead, just knocked out.

Another man rushed towards him, easily, he was able to knock the man down. - "We need information." - he commented as the pinket approached him. - "See any still conscious?" -

- "Over there." - she pointed at a man. With a few steps, he reached the man who stared at him in fear.

He reached for his Shihakusho and kept him at eye level. - "Tell me. Where is the Repentance Cell where Rukia Kuchiki is held?" - he calmly asked.

The man gasped and whined. - "How-how did you even know that name!?" -

- "I asked the last guy I punched where Rukia Kuchiki was and that is what he said just before he passed out. Tell me where it is, while you still can." -

The man stuttered as he pointed at the tallest building at the centre of the Seireitei. The white tall tower right next to the mountain. Just to make sure, he stared at the man, knitting his brows at him and watched as his face paled, and he started to shout in fear.

He let him go and the man took a step back before falling on to the ground. - "Very well." - Chad answered, bowing slightly. - "Thanks for your help." -

- "You-you mean… you're really going to let me live?" -

- "Let's go, Chad." - the pinket ushered. He turned to follow the pinket who was heading towards the tower.

Laughter echoed from behind him, the man he just spoke to was about to strike. - "You know better than to turn to your enemy so soon- ugh!" - but he was cut off by Chad's larger hand holding the sword and bending it.

Echoing his spiritual pressure towards the man, Chad was able to push him back by scaring the Soul Reaper. He shouted apology after apology while on the ground bowing time after time, his head almost hitting the ground.

- "Fine, just don't come after me again." - Chad answered before returning to the pinket.

- "We must avoid more idiots like that." - Sakura mumbled next to him.

- "Agreed." -


-"Ichigo!" - he heard a familiar scream as his mind fogged, closed eyes too heavy to see. After his battle with Kempachi Zaraki, all he could think about was how he had failed his friends.

The regret in his heart clenched at his bleeding chest, the damage was unknown to him, but he knew his wounds were extensive.

After that lieutenant took off with her captain, the cold winds around him were deafening. His consciousness slowly slipping away as he heard footsteps.

- "No! Ichigo!" - he heard her scream again. Was he hallucinating? He remembered that voice perfectly. She wasn't supposed to be here at all. - "I got you, please! Stay with me!" - she pleaded; her voice cracking at the end.


Her warm hands landed on his back, a welcoming sensation. - "I'll heal you." - she cried.

"Don't cry…"

- "Just stay in there, ok? Stay with me." -


- "There's so much blood…" - she murmured, her voice slowly drifting away from him. - "Huh?... a cat?" -

And then his whole body felt warm as his mind drifted away. His eyes opened, focusing on a rocky roof he did not recognise. It was almost completely dark as a sliver of light helped his eyes adjust.

"Where am I? … I am not dead… at least, I don't think I am." He wondered.

- "Ah. You are finally awake." - he heard Yoruichi approach him, the cat staring down at him. He realised now that he was on the ground, his body covered by a blanket as something slightly heavy brought him warmth from his side.

- "Yoruichi… it was you who saved my life, wasn't it?" - he asked.

The cat shook his head. - "You should be thankful to your strong life force, without it, you wouldn't have survived such serious wounds and she wouldn't have been able to get to you in time." -

Suddenly, he remembered. Yes, he had received severe wounds during his battle. The weight next to him shifted. - "Oh… your awake." - he heard the small female voice.

It can't be. - "Sakura?" - her smile was sad as her eyes seemed very tired.

- "She has been treating your wounds." - the cat provided as he stared dumbfounded at the pinket next to him.

- "You shouldn't be here." - he rasped. The pinket flinched at his comment, but he had reasons. It wasn't safe for her!

- "Well. I am now." - she answered, her eyes shined the hurt in his words. - "And you would have been in worse condition if I wasn't here." - pink fine brows knitting together.

He was about to counter her until he remembered. - "Oh no!" - he quickly sat, flinching at his sore body.

- "Hey! Don't move like that! You are still recovering." - the pinket protested.

- "Chad! I have to go save him. I think he is in danger." - he argued. Her eyes widened at this. Yoruichi jumped at his face and pushed him back.

- "Chad is ok, just relax." - the cat ordered. - "Orihime and Uryuu are fine too." - the cat jumped back to the ground, staring at the stubborn Ichigo. - "Chat was fortunate to fight who he fought; he left him alive. Orihime and Uryuu have avoided confrontation so far and are without a scratch." - those words calmed him down. - "So, you both just stay here in the barrier and rest for a while." -

They both agreed to the cats orders. The small dark paw pushing the white mask on the floor, explaining how Ichigo's organs had been crushed and the mask saved him from being sliced in half. He could hear the pinkets worried voice next to him. - "You could have died… Ichigo." -

The mask had absorbed much at the impact, but Ichigo's mind was concentrated on one question. "That thing… was on me… the whole time?" The mask stared right at him, part of the side missing from the blow he received.

That same mask had saved him on his fight with Renji, he had kept it assuming it was a good luck charm. Hanataro had even tried to throw it away, claiming it had something evil.

Now that he thought about it… the mas was thrown in the waters of those tunnels… - "The mask sank like a rock." - he told the cat. Those yellow eyes turned to him, widening at his words. - "Oh, Hanarato, he is from squad 4, but he is ok. " - Ichigo answered, thinking Yoruichi was concerned about some new guy. He assured the cat that he was technically the enemy, but Hanataro healed his wounds.

After holding it with his good arm, the cat told him to hand it over. Even as he rejected the offer, Yoruichi suddenly angered, and Ichigo had to agree to hand it over.

- "Well anyway." - he turned to the pinket. Her worried eyes zeroed into the mask. - "Thank you for dragging me over here, Sakura." - his eyes softened at her, a small apology for his harsh words from a few moments ago.

She stared back at him. - "Oh. Yoruichi helped me. I carried your sword after closing your wounds enough to bring you here." - she answered.

- "Really?" - his eyes widened, turning to the cat. - "Thank you Yoruichi, you must be very strong then." -

The cat licked its paws. - "Oh. It's nothing. Lifting things is no problem for me." - the cat stared at the closed entrance. - "Once I return to my original form that is." -

Ichigo turned to the roof. - "Oh… right… original form…" - his mind short-circuited. - "What do you mean… original from?" - he turned dumbfoundedly.

The cat answered nonchalantly. - "Oh, right. You and your friends haven't seen my original form. I suppose, after coming this far, there is no reason for hiding it any longer." - said cat walked a few meters away and turned to face them. - "Behold! Here is what I really look like." -

- "Wait! Yoruichi!" - the pinket protested, suddenly nervous. White steam erupted from those small black paws as energy surrounded the cat. Ichigo had to sit up to see better, the pinket holding him carefully upright.

Yoruichi grew in size as black fur was replaced by tanned human-like skin. Purple hair adorned with the shape of ears and long locks fell on a…

Naked woman!

The pinket tried to cover his eyes, but ichigo softly held her hands away from his face. - "You- you're… a girl." - those yellow eyes stared back at him with mischief, steam still provided a thin blanket over her body.

Her smirk firmly placed. - "Yeah." - her now softer female voice answered his dilemma. - "You were even more shocked than I thought you would be." - her arms crossed as she closed the distance - still naked - at both youngsters. - "I don't blame you. I guess everyone just assumes I am a man because of the voice I use when I use my cat form." - Ichigo only answered in uncoherent stutters. - "No matter how many times I reveal my true form. It is always fun to see the reaction I get." - she stopped right in front of him.

- "But-but I- I thought you were a cat!" - he stumbled.

- "Cats don't talk Ichigo." - Sakura whispered back at him.

- "She's right. Use your head, Ichigo." - said man hanged in head in defeat. - "Anyway." - she crouched down in front of them. - "That is enough of surprises for now. Let's get back…" - her voice became white noise as he turned to her… and looked down.

His face lit up in a bright shade of embarrassed red. - "AH!" - he screamed. - "WOULD YOU PLEASE PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!?" - he released the pinkets hands in his emotional reaction, giving her the opportunity to cover his eyes - the right way this time -

- "Yoruichi, your clothes are over there." - the pinket signalled with her chin, her hands warming up with her friends feverish skin. - "Ichigo, you shouldn't be staring like that!" - she scolded him.

The tanned woman took her clothes. - "Oh right, sorry about that." - she spoke. - "It's been so long since I had to wear clothes. I forgot." - she continued with her mischievous taunting about him seeing a naked girl for the first time.

- "WOULD YOU PLEASE JUST SHUT UP AND PUT SOME DAM PANTS ON!" - both youngsters yelled back in unison.


Sakura could finally breath again, Ichigo was awake and Yoruichi had finished dressing. They were speaking about the instrument the taller woman used to carry him to the cave. Sakura had to follow close by, tired from the energy needed to close most of the worse bleeding and she used her Celestial Robe to get here.

Looking around, it seemed safe enough and rarely used. The cave must have existed for a very long time, hidden or forgotten by most.

After running behind Chad for what felt like hours, he had decided to punch through the walls to create a direct wall. But something scared her.

A sudden blast of spiritual pressure that came from the top ushered her to take a faster route, her Celestial Robe wasn't used much, she kept it with her, sealed in her mother's pendant. It was only meant for emergencies as it can consume all her energy is she is not careful.

Every Celestial Item needs energy to activate, it took skill to master your use of energy.

Now she berated herself for not practicing more often with it. It can both cover her from sight, protect her from harm and even grant her a flight. Sadly, experienced Tennya could wield it perfectly and have no issues… Sakura had little experience and would rather not expose her mother's gifts.

Glancing at Chad, she knew he was preoccupied with the need to punch through the walls, that will alert many to them. Sakura couldn't carry both of them… or maybe she could?

No time to think.

With resolve, she turned a corner and summed the robe, it covered her from others as she made way to the tower.

She had a feeling she couldn't brush off. And that feeling was right. Seeing Ichigo down like that really scared her, her heart almost stopped at the sight.

He was alone on the cold and broken ground; it was obvious he fought hard. The other opponent was gone, the drops of blood next to her friend could have been his owns or whoever he fought. Scared for his life, she quickly jumped to action and began to release her spiritual energy, praying she still had time.

That cat startled her once it spoke, but Yoruichi assured her she would help. Chad had mentioned the cat… but seeing it was another thing.

- "So… this is what you used." - Ichigo spoke as he held the artifact. It was a long bone handle with an animals skull and leather belt. It was creepy and looked old, but the energy it emanated once Yoruichi wielded it was… amazing to see.

Their conversation was stopped as an immense spiritual pressure hit them. - "That spiritual preasure!" - ichigo spoke above the deafening pressure. - "It's him again!" - He lifted his weapon and placed it on his back as he sprinted away and towards the entrance, ignoring the women's pleas for him to stop and rest. - "I must save them!" - he spoke about his friend who he sent to the tower to tave Rukia.

Lifting his arm with the artifact, he activated it with his spiritual energy. The leather belt wrapped tight around his arm, a long featherless wing with spiky bones growing as he took flight.

Both women chased him to the entrance. - "Ichigo!" - they both yelled.

- "Ugh… you're such a fool." - the taller women grumbled, angry at his escape.

- "Hold on!" - Sakura offered before jumping off, not giving Yoruichi time to argue as they both lifted into the air and followed. - "Dam it! He's fast." - the pinket complained. She had rested enough back in the cave.

- "You're doing great! Keep going Sakura!" - Yoruichi encouraged her.

She needed to follow him and would be helpful. Sakura would not sit back and wait for him to get hurt like that again.

"Never again!" she promised to herself.

Her feathered cloak taking her like bright wings, there was no energy to waste in covering herself. In the human world it can't be seen by normal humans, only those with strong spiritual pressure could see.

The colour of the feathers pale like clouds, easy for her to blend in.

The blast of Ichigo's spiritual pressure could be felt all of a sudden, he was near the enemy. She could feel it. But she could also feel…


Small cracks echoed around her, the immense spiritual energy being released along with the spiritual pressure was causing the constant flow of energy to twist and turn inside the dome.

Yoruichi told her about the stone that protected the Seireitei and how it repelled the energy, but that meant it also kept the concentration of the spiritual power inside of the dome.

Static around her told her something was going to happen if they continued with all the damage.

This isn't good. "I must stop them!"

- "Yoruichi, listen to me closely." - her voice was strained, but she needed her to listen. - "That stone will keep any foe away from the Seireitei like you mentioned. But that blast caused by the cannon echoed energy to bounce around in the dome. I don't know if you can feel it, but the static has been present ever since I got here and each time spiritual pressure or energy is blasted out, it keeps hitting the barrier and bouncing back." -

- "I do feel it, but what does that mean to you?" - the woman was calm, as if she had an idea of what could happen.

- "It means." - they could see the long bridge. They were so close. - "The barrier and every soul inside are in danger. Small fissures are appearing everywhere, I can't even count them all." -

Before they got close enough, Yoruichi finally answered. - "I trust you to keep us all safe." -

- "What?" - she did not have any time to ponder as the woman jumped right as one of the men dressed in white robes over black attacked Ichigo.
