
Red Lilies

Wanting to become a normal high school student after her family life broke apart, Sakura finds herself in Karakura. Meeting new people and starting a new, sadly her Soul is still attached to those who once knew her. How can she hide from those who dress in black, those with white masks, those who follow the black butterflies?

OneWayToFly · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 14

Summer had started and her nerves spiked every day. She did not see Chad, Orihime, Ichigo or even Ishida since school ended.

It was weird, not even a phone call or answer to all of her own. No messages and nothing to go by. What's worse, things began to get weird when Kuchiki left.

As if she never even existed.

She asked the principal and the teachers who shrugged it off and assured her she must be mistaken the name with another student and therefore should stop worrying and go back to class.

There were no answers, there were no place to look for.

Only one person who offered themselves if she ever had a troubled mind.

So, here she was. Hands rubbing at her chest where her mother's pendant always stayed, the small chill of the metal giving her comfort whenever she needed.

Recently, she started to hold on to it more often than not, as if her body searched for it before her mind did.

The sun was up, and the morning had just ended. If she stayed staring at the shop any longer, she might melt from the summer heat. Her red running joggers and white tank top would only do so much to calm the heat.

With a big gulf of air filling her lungs, she finally took the steps to reach the double sliding doors and just as she was about to knock, it opened.

- "Ha! Mis Sakura, so good to see you. How may I be of service. The Owner is not here." - answered the tall, tanned man, politely as ever.

- "Oh. I'm sorry." - she hesitated. Looking around for an excuse. - "I was just…" - her palms began to sweat, could she talk to him? - "um." -

He seemed to have noticed her apprehension and smiled brightly. - "Why don't you come in while we wait? I made some tea." - he offered, stepping aside for her to enter.

With a thankful smile, she slipped in and followed him after leaving her sneakers at the entrance of the home. It was such a spacious building in the inside.

- "The Owner won't be gone for long. Please, take a seat." - he walked her to a spacious room with only a table in the middle and some cushions to sit on each side. The window brought enough light to shine over.

While she waited, Sakura pondered on how exactly she would be talking to the man. She already knew he was quick with words that confused and flustered her, but then he was sharp and direct when he needed to.

She can't just go "Hey, I see ghost and I've been dealing with some issues…" and then…

What kind of issues can she really talk about? Not much that she can expect from a man running a shop in the middle of a small housing district at a huge city.

He knew something.

What exactly, she would hope to pry.

- "Ah! Miss Sakura. What a pleasure to see our angel again." - said man barged in with a huge closed-eyes-smile. - "I see there seems to be a tea party." - he commented as he sat in front of her.

Suddenly 2 cups of steamy tea appeared on the table. - "Apologies for the tardiness. Please, enjoy." - Tessai spoke before closing the sliding doors and leaving both of them in silence.

- "Sorry for barging in unannounced." - Sakura quickly bowed. - "You said -" -

- "to come back whenever you were troubled." - he finished her statement. Taking his cup with careful hands, he sipped. - "I am happy an angel chose me to seek for help." - the small cup didn't even make a sound as he placed it back on the table.

- "Why do you call me that?" -

- "uhm?" - those grey eyes stared back, a glimmer she couldn't put together as he stared. - "Well, it's only natural, of course." - he answered, waving his hand around lazily. - "What else am I supposed to call a Tennyo?" -

She gasped.

- "Besides, it is rare to see one in the flesh." - he continued, eating up her surprise. - "Especially one that is alone." -

- "I-" - she tried to counter. This man had knowledge of her mother's gift that passed on to her. "Never tell a soul." she would repeat. "We are not loved like we used to be."

Over and over as she grew up learning from her teachings.

- "No need to worry." - he assured her with that bright smile of his, sharp eyes matching his observing demeanour. - "I will not tell a soul… unless you give me permission." -

Now she felt like he was reding all of her thoughts. A chill ran down her back, she instinctively held her pendant covered by her shirt.

- "That must be that Divine amulet you hold. I must admit, it does make you seem like any normal human amongst the rest. Unless you are injured." - he stared at her hand holding the pendant. - "Your mother must have been a descendant of the goddess Nakayama Miki. Even if her maiden name was not the same, it runs in your blood." -

- "How do you know all this?" - she gasped.

His smile fell. - "I always found your kind very fascinating. Old books that crumble usually are forgotten at the bottom of the racks." - he took another sip, basking in her dilemma. - "Good thing I was always interested in those who everyone pushed aside." -

- "Are those books…" - she hesitated.

- "Probably long gone or just considered fiction. Tales from old men who have lost it." - he assured her. - "What doesn't add up though…" - That same glimmer shined brighter as he studied her. - "Even if your kind doesn't know you exist, or they have since separated for some reason. Why does your soul emanate more years than your eyes show?" -

Her confusion grew. Fine pink brows knitting at his statement. - "I'm afraid I don't follow." - she leaned closer. - "What do you mean?" -

Now, he leaned over, closer.- "What I mean." - he began, staring at her features. - "You had a previous life." -


Usually, he always had the upper hand when you talked about knowledge, his mind consuming everything and anything that piqued his interest. If he wanted to know, he would follow the leads.

This lead, however, was unaware of her own existence. She fully knew of her mother's linage but her own.

Those dark butterflies carried themselves through the barriers of their worlds, traveling to the Soul Society once purified by a Soul Reaper.

But not all butterflies were black or white.

Oh no. Some had other shades.

Uruhara used to spend his lunches near the talkative older woman that knew a little too much sometimes, but he loved their storied.

One of them was his favourite.

"The Story of the colourful Butterfly"

It is said and believed by many religions that souls can reincarnate. How do they do that? That is the story.

A young woman from a noble civilian family fell deeply in love with the son of a respected Samurai. Both destined to continue their predecessors path in a world where change could mean death. Her long pale hair was a commodity in her village and the man couldn't help but find himself fascinated by her unique beaty.

His dark raven hair paled in her shine as he marched near the places she would go to, his excuse was to guard the areas and keep people safe, just like his father instructed.

But she knew he was near. Every time, he would find a flower for her and leave it at the rocky fountain she would claim as her spot when she gazed at the nature and small animals that gathered near the water.

Their fate was to never be together.

Only from afar, they would gaze upon each other until they decided to escape together. One night, they found an opportunity to meet, a small area far from their village. Surrounded by tall trees and bushed that kept them away from prying eyes.

They proclaimed their love for each other.

Sadly, the very next day, a war horn signalled the end of their meetings. He was set off to war and she was taken away to a safer place.

She promised to find him, no matter how long it would take as he primmed he would fight to see her again.

Those two souls perished shortly after, turning them into small colourful butterflies that fluttered away, looking for their missing love.

The legend says, they would each land on the doorstep of a special person and both would be reincarnated into that new family.

Such a sad story with such a hopeful ending. Beautiful from beginning to end. Was this woman a colourful butterfly?

He would find out, eventually.

- "I don't remember it." - her voice waivered slightly, conflicting emotions shined through her eyes. - "I wish I did." -

- "Let's not worry about that for now." - he assured her, his voice softer. - "Why don't we talk about the troubles you've been dealing with." -

She blinked away the tears before taking a big sip of her cup. - "Somethings wrong." - she stated, barely a whisper. - "There's so much soul energy all of a sudden and then." - she stared at him, eyes searching. - "It just vanished. I don't know what happened. I was chasing a fissure." - his eyes widened. - "It was strong and shined brightly." - her hands moved to try and explain the size and shape. - "I tried to push it back but then it disappeared." - she finished, her shoulders deflating.

- "When?" - his tone sharp.

- "Two days ago." -

He pondered on his next words. Only two days ago he sent Ichigo out to Soul Society along with his friends. Had they really caused damaged to the balance around them?

- "Sakura." - his mind was set. - "I want you to show me." - there was no need to specify, he wanted to see it, in the flesh. How does a Tennyo heal with their own energy.

Obviously, she was surprised. Eyes wide as she gaped at him. - "I don't just do it…" - she murmured.

The corners of his lips twitched with anticipation. - "I have just the place you can show me." - his eyes shined at her curiosity. - "This is my little basement!- he shouted in the giant land under his shop. Turning to see a stunned pinket, her chin could reach the floor. - "Whenever you're ready, little angel." - he whispered near her ear, causing the woman to jump slightly.

- "I- Uh." - her words couldn't express how amazed she was. - "Ok." - with a deep breath, Sakura closed her eyes and concentrated. Both palms up towards the… sky? Roof? - "Divine healing." - she commanded, hands starting to glow at her fingertips, hugging her small dainty hands in the visible energy.

He stayed quiet, just staring at her, giving her space as he sat on a large rock while she did her thing in the field.

Her eyes slowly opened, her look of sincere pride as she smirked. - "If there was a fissure I could-" - but her voice was cut off by a strange sensation.

Something was off.

Way off.

He could feel it. The dark energy suddenly thickened the air around them, making the pinket struggle to breath. - "Sakura!" - he shouted before a dark crack flashed behind her, taking away the small pinket. His hand reached for her as her body was sucked into a black void.

Static and power engulfed his arm, pushing him away from her reach. A powerful barrier keeping him away from following Sakura.

- "SAKURA!"- he shouted as he lunged in weapon at the invisible wall with his other hand, causing energy to explode from every attack. Her wide scared eyes staring right at him as the black matter covered her body and then.

She was gone.


- "Do you think she is one of those Ryoka we've been looking for?" - a voice echoed in her head. A pounding headache eating up her rest.

- "She must be!... I mean, look at her clothes." -

Shuffled noise along with the faint clank of metal sounded while they talked.

- "But who defeated her?" -

- "Stupid! She doesn't even have a scratch, she probably fainted from seeing your ugly face!" -

- "Hey! When I got here, she was already down!" -

- "Ugh…" - she grumbled. The voices suddenly stopped.

- "Shhh! She's waking up." -

Her head, as she now could feel, was on a hard solid ground, the light from above bothering her eyes. As she blinked away the fogginess, her arms lifted her body to sit. - "Wha-" - her voice died as she found herself surrounded by many men, all dressed in black traditional clothing and… carrying weapons.

She gasped.

- "Aw, look! She is scared." - laughed one man behind her.

- "Ha! And we haven't even lifted a finger!" - another joked next to her.

Their laughter barked all around her. She knew exactly what they were. Soul Ripper. Their spiritual pressure raised the hair at the back of her neck.

- "Enough already!" - a tall man approached her; his wild mange and eyes caused her to sweat. He looked scary. - "I say." - he licked his upper teeth. - "What a pretty little criminal we have here. Did you think you could just barge into the Seireitei and get away with it!" - he barked.

- "Yeah! We've been looking for you and your friends! Prepare to be taken by the-" -

The man shouting was cut off only to yell as a strong gush of wind pushed him away. The men all stared at something behind her, their weapons drawn and their features angry.

- "Sakura?" - she heard. That familiar strong voice called to her. Glancing behind, she found someone she really did not expect, but welcomed full-heartedly.

- "Chad!" - her voice filled with relief. He was tall and strong with his white sleeveless shirt and black trousers. A strange dark armour covered his right arm.

His surprise turned to anger as he launched at the men who, just a moment ago, had mocked her. - "Stay behind me." - he stated before taking the entire group down.

Once all men had been left unconscious, he turned to her, providing his unharmed hand for her to reach.

Surprised but assured he would never hurt her; she gladly took his hand as he lifted her up. Her legs wavered a little. - "Are you ok?" - he asked, holding her up.

Turning to see her friend, even behind those long curls, she smiled brightly. - "Better now that you're here…" - she looked around. Tall walls with traditional roofs surrounded them in the wide street. - "Wherever "here" is…" -

- "Sakura, how did you get here?" - he asked, holding both her shoulders and keeping her right in front of him. - "How did you arrive at Soul Society?" -

Her heart skipped a beat. - "I am… in Soul Society?" - she asked numbly. Hopping she misheard him.

He nodded. - "How did you get here?" -

- "How? I- How did you get here? I was just at Urahara's giant basement and then I woke up here!"-

He rubbed his thumbs over her tensed shoulders. - "Sakura. Calm down." - he softened his voice. - "I'll keep you safe. We must find Ichigo and the others." -

- "What- Ichigo? Who are the others?" -

He stood taller, staring at their surroundings. - "I'll tell you everything, but we must move." - he took her hand and began to sprint, dragging the pinket with him.
