
Red Lilies

Wanting to become a normal high school student after her family life broke apart, Sakura finds herself in Karakura. Meeting new people and starting a new, sadly her Soul is still attached to those who once knew her. How can she hide from those who dress in black, those with white masks, those who follow the black butterflies?

OneWayToFly · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 13

Drifting winds echoed in the night, the noise around her was very familiar and yet… she couldn't peace it together.

Something carried her up and down, up and down. Slowly, like a sweat melody, her body chilled and light as if nothing weighed her down.

If only she could see what it was.

Once again, her eyes struggled to open, and everything was a blur. Lights shining from above as the wind pushed grey figures that covered those lights, only to uncover them again.

The faint noise of bubbles erupting in her ears nudged her to move, her body lost its balance as she sank into the water.

Gasping and closing her eyes as she struggled to wake her limbs from their slumber, the salty water in her mouth causing her to gag and spit it out.

As her feet touched the sandy ground, she stood and rubbed her eyes. The shock of salty pain startling her as her eyes burned from her mistake.

- "God dammit!" - she shouted.

after a few seconds of blinking the salty burn away from her eyes, the tears joining the water around her, she found herself in the beach. One she did not recognise.

Water reached right above her hips as she pushed herself to the sandy shores. The moonlight illuminating her path as the water reflected the silver lights.

- "ugh!" - her knees hit the shores as she felt her body finally start to ache from the exertion. - "What the hell?" - she cursed.

Sakura glanced around her, the sandy shores could spread for miles and a few meters away, she saw vegetation. A couple of harsh looking rocks and pebbles mingled with grass and some bushes. She had no shoes. "Definitely not going through there..." she thought.

But the sudden bright light stunned her. As she fell on her bum, she found herself staring at a tall white building.

- "A light house?" - she wondered.

Confused and starting to feel the chilled wind on her wet clothes, the pinket picked herself up and began to walk towards the building.

- "Hello?" - she knocked on the tall wooden door. It looked heavy and dry from the salty air around her. The metal handle was opaque and worn down with rugged edges that could cut her hands if she wasn't careful.

She called again and knocked a few times before she could hear, above the wind and waves, the sound of heavy footsteps.

But then it stopped.

She feared it was her imagination as the winds picked up sand and her body shrunk to protect herself from the sandy winds.

- "Is there someone there?" - she shouted. He hands reached for the rugged handle as the door swung open.

Warm light reached her legs as a tall figure loomed over her. Glancing up, she found herself with a pale blue face.

Yellow eyes bore into her as she stared, dumbfounded.

His brows furrowed slightly before he relaxed. - "He-" - her voice cracked. - "Hello!" - she squeaked.

He just blinked at her.

His Addams apple bobbed as he stared her down. She could see fine lines under his eyes, but the light was against her.

- "May I come in?" - she asked, her arms hugging her sides.

The man glanced down and noticed her white robed were wet and covered in sand, as was her hands and feet. - "How did you get here?" - he asked. Voice rough and strong, causing shivers down her spine.

It wasn't the voice that haunted her dreams.

But it was close.

The pinket glanced at the shore and pointed with her chin. - "From there." - she glanced back, the man never losing sight of her. - "I saw the light house." -

The winds blew hard, and the man's long dark fisherman's coat lifted slightly, exposing his blue limbs to her.

He was completely blue.

He sported sandals that made complete sense in the moment. Shyly, she stared and then contemplated if she should go elsewhere. - "I'm sorry. Is there any town nearby?" -

- "No." -

- "Great" - she deflated. - "You are the only one who can help me." - she pouted at the man, hoping for some sympathy. There was nothing around her other than the exposed landscape.

- "Why are you here?" -

- "Like hell I know!" - she expressed in frustration. - "I woke up in the water!" - she pointed, yet again, at the shore.

This time, he glanced over and stared at the moon for a few seconds. - "Hey!" - she caught his attention. - "Can I come in? I'm cold." -

Finally, he moved to let her in. her body rushed to engulf herself with the warm glow of a fireplace. Tipping around the grey carpet, she found herself at the edge with both hands reaching for the warm heat.

- "You didn't have to take so long. I'm not some thief." - she grumbled.

- "You certainly don't look like one." - he approached. - "At least not a good one." -

- "Hey!" - she turned to counter the man when she noticed he was handing her a cloth.

- "You´re covered in sand." - he stated. - "There's a shower over there, go wash it off." - he didn't sound mean or angry.

He just sounded…

Like he was struggling with something.

Well… she did arrive in the middle of the night with nothing near his lighthouse.

Sakura mumbled a thank you and rushed to clean herself. By the time she was done, he spoke from the other side of the bathroom door. - "Take one of the shirts in the cabinet. I keep them there, so I don't have to walk up the stairs all the time." -

- "Thank you!" - she answered back. Slipping in the very large shirt. But again, he was a rather large man, the shirt reaching mid-thigh.

A large blue man.

"What kind of crazy dream was this?"

She found some socks and slipped into those as well, she had no shoes, and the floor was cold. Maybe he won't mind?

- "Comfortable?" - he asked with a raise brow as he stared at her feet. She nodded with a smile; the warm fire was doing things to her.

The man walked to the side of the stairs that carried on above the bathroom in the round shaped building and removed his fisherman coat.

His muscled arms caught her eye, his tight fitted sleeveless shirt marked a strong chest that narrowed to a defined waist. Was this the first time she saw a sixpack?


His joggers covered down to his knees and his muscled legs looked long and strong. Those clothes seemed that they barely fit.

But she wasn't complaining.

- "Are you going to stay there or come by the fire?" - his voice woke her up from her drifting mind.

- "Yes!" - she squeaked as she lowered her chin and rushed to the couch nearest to the warmth. The room was spacious and welcomed a large couch at the centre with smaller loveseats at the sides, closer to the fire.

The pinket folded her feet under her as she cuddled to the armrest and felt her body relax.

It was a strange situation. She had never seen a lighthouse in person, much less a blue man. Said man took the larger couch and just stared at her. - "Never seen pink hair before?" - she teased.

He nodded. - "It's been a while." -

Surprised, she asked. - "You have? Who?" -

He just stared at her for a few long seconds before blinking and leaning over his knees. - "You asked me the same question." - he smiled slightly, showing sharp white teeth, beautifully dangerous. His dimples only made his smile even more captivating.

- "You smile a lot." - she whispered, unable to help her thoughts from escaping her treacherous lips.

Sadly, his smile fell. - "I used to." - he turned to the fire. - "I remember how much you hated that." - his smile grew once again.

- "I'm sorry. Have we met before? Because I am dam well sure I would remember a tall blue sexy man." - she questioned.

Her statement at the end caught him by surprise as his brow reached his hairline before he engulfed the space with his laughter.

- "You sure did know how to make me laugh." - he answered once his laughter died down. Bright toothy smile directed right at her. - "I could say the same. I wouldn't forget a beautiful and strong woman with pink hair." -

It was now her turn to be surprised, but a raging blush was her only answer.

- "It's good to see you aren't so stiff this time." - he commented, staring at her relaxed form. - "You always seemed so on edge." -

- "Ok stop that. We haven't met before." - her hands pointed at him and then at herself. - "This is just another dream and I'll probably forget everything." - she stated.

His smile dropped. - "Sakura." - his voice grew stern. - "This isn't a game. We didn't come this far to forget everything and everyone." -

- "Forget what… exactly?" - she hesitated, he looked angry at her. - "And how do you know my name?" -

The man stood tall and walked over to her. His larger form looming over her on the loveseat. Strong hands reached for the back of the couch, and he caged her in.

Those dark rims around his eyes caught her attention, had she seen them before?

- "We fought together." - he stated against clenched teeth. - "I made mistakes, but so did you." -

- "What?" - she gasped.

- "We were lied to and manipulated." - his breath tickled her features. - " The world we used to live in." - he continued. - "Was eaten." -

- "No!" - she shouted back. - "Stop that! We never met!" - but even she started to doubt it.

His eyes softened as he reached for her chin, lifting her heart-shaped face to meet his chiselled and defined features. - " You were taken." - his thumb rubbed her chin. - "And he never forgave me." -

- "Who?" - she held her breath, anticipating the answer.

But he never did, shaking his head, he returned to his couch and contemplated the fire. - "Hey." - she demanded. - "Who was it?" -

- "Why don't you remember us?" - he questioned.

Frustrated, she rose to her feet. - "How am I supposed to know that!? I am Sakura Haruno! Highschool student living in Karakura. I'm 17 years old and I am just having another one of my lucid dreams!" - her hands lifted in frustration as she paced in front to the man. - "I will wake up and then go to school like any normal day. I'll see my friends and live a normal life without blue men and fights that never happened!" -

Her green gaze zeroed on his as she stopped in her tracks. - Which, by the way. I do not even know your name." - Sakura placed both hands on her hips and waited for him to respond.

- "First of all." - he lifted one finger at her. - "You are and have always been Sakura Haruno. Second." - he lifted another finger. - "You were 17 years old. Third." - another finger. - "There was nothing normal about you." - he stated. - "What's more." - he stood and closed the gap between them, his chest almost bumping into her nose. - "You did something no one has ever done before." -

Sakura found herself surprised and overwhelmed by his intense speech. There was no malice in his voice, only a warmth recollection of memories. His eyes searched for hers in hopes of a reaction. It almost hurt how hopelessly they shined at her complete ignorance.

He remembered a Sakura she did not know.

A woman who was a fighter and caused this giant man to respect her to a point he hurt at her loss.

Her eyes pricked with unshed tears at his deflated shoulders and knitted brow. Her hand instinctively reached to smooth out those lines at his forehead. - "You will wrinkle if you frown too much." - she whispered, he was close enough to hear.

Her hear ached at how his eyes closed and he slightly leaned to her touch. What could she do? - "I'm sorry." - she mumbled.

- "Don't." - he reached for her waist, rubbing his thumb at her side. - "We don't know what happed after the tree took you." -


Her body froze.

- "Repeat that." - she whispered through sharp beaths. - "What tree?" -

Slowly, his brows knitted again as he stared back. - "The God Tree." - he answered.


Her world turned. Suddenly losing her footing as she sank into a darkness. Her body missing his warmth and freezing into the dream.


- "NO!" - she awoke.

Breathing heavily as she sat up abruptly from her slumber.

- "Sakura?" - she heard a man speak. She searched the room until she found the man sitting next to her. Tall and dark with glasses and a moustache. - "How are you feeling?" - he asked.

Confused, she searched the room again. It was familiar, she stayed here over night after falling in the rain. - "I- I don't." - she stumbled.

- "Your fever has gone down. I was worried it would go up again." -

-"My what?" - she turned to him, her brows knitting at his statement. -"But I only twisted my ancle." -

The man rose to his feet, shaking his head. - "Not just that. Mis Sakura. You fell ill. I'll let the Owner know you are awake. He will be pleased." - he turned to the sliding doors. - "It's been days since you fell ill." - he commented before sliding the door softly.

- "What?" - she asked again.


Urahara was smart. He avoided trouble and conflicting emotions since he was young. As he grew older, his responsibilities and work pushed him to become sharper and to follow his golden rule.

Do not get attached.

There was no happy ever afters, there was no forever homes and smiles greeting you at every corner. The world could turn dark, and you'll find yourself blinded by the loss, the reality, the sweat lies and the ruthless truths.

But at least he had his great memory. Even if other might say otherwise.

Sometimes you just need a little push to bring back all those times he would sneak a read here and there that he might have not been allowed to. Get his hands on tomes and books older than the soul society that failed many.

Listen to the wise men converse as he lounged nearby, not bothered by those who called him lazy or not worthy of his position.

But maybe he wasn't worthy.

Worthy of the sight before him. The woman was like no other. Her soul older than those doll eyes expressed. He knew something was off with her and whatever it was, had something to do with the faint green glow that covered her injured ancle as it turned back to normal.

It all happened in her sleep, as if her body knew exactly what to do even as she wasn't aware.

His fascination only grew as she spoke in her dreams. Mumbles of a life she couldn't piece together.

- "So, do what do we owe the pleasure of meeting an angel?" - he asked.

The woman scoffed. - "I'm no angel. But I do want to thank you for your hospitality." She bowed in her sitting position next to the folded futon and sheets. - "I must go home as if seems I overstayed my welcome by…" - she tried to remember.

- "Three days." - he helped. - "And do not worry!" - he provided with a smile, taking a seat crossed legged in front of her. - "You didn't miss much. Just a couple of lost and angry souls here and there." - he smiled at the pinkets surprise. He loved leaving women speechless.

- "I see… um." - she fumbled with her words. - "Anyway, I must go before my boss gets worried. I have missed too much work already." - she apologised and rose to her feet, now in her clean uniform. - "Thank you once again." - she bowed before stepping in the hallway.

- "Sakura." - she stopped in her tracks. - "Do come back whenever your troubled. This old man has a good ear." - he stated. He didn't have to turn to know her shaky breath was filled with emotions.

He liked the waiting game.

A little too much.

- "Excuse me." - she stumbled on her feet as she fled from her own self.

He knew one thing very clearly.

She was not to be left alone.

There was no telling what kind of evil might want to get their hands on such an exotic little soul.


- "Hey Sak!" - Tatsuki shouted from the corridor. - "How are you feeling? All better?" - the girl jogged over to her friend and placed a hand over her forehead. - "You do look tired. Are you sure you slept enough?" -

- "I slept plenty, Tatsuki. Thank you for your worry." - she lightly pushed her friends prying hands away. Sakura didn't know Tatsuki was very physical when she made sure her friends were fine.


How that word caused butterflies in her stomach. She was grateful to have her. - "Hey Haruno, I heard you got sick, we made notes for you." -

- "Yes! And I talked to the teachers and asked for an extension on the test." -

- "Sakura, we can study at your place after school. My mum made soup for you." -

How grateful she was for having such caring girls around her.

She nodded happily. - "Definitely! Where is Orihime?" -

- "She's in class, staring at Ichigo like always." - one of the girls joked.

- "I know, right! He's so oblivious!" - the other interjected.

Tatsuki shook her head. - "I'll see if she wants to come. Class will start soon. Come on!" - she ended the chatter.

The girls rushed in, talking about their summer vacation plans. - "I want to see the fireworks!" - one squeaked.

- "You saw them last year." - another deflated their enthusiasm.

Giggles erupted as they all too their seats. Third period had just started, but she still had to catch up and hated the idea of staying home another day. It took her a few more days to get over whatever happened. Her body was completely drained, and her muscles screamed for some rest.

- "Ishida. How did you get hurt like that?" - the teacher asked, stopping her lecture. Said student entered with both hands completely covered in bandages.

- "I fell down the stairs." - he answered.

Who would believe that?

The pinket worried at his injuries, should he even be in class?

- "hmm… That's fine."- the teacher turned to her book. - "I'm going to continue the lecture." -

At lunch time, the pinket rushed to see her orange-haired friend. - "Hey, Ichigo." -

- "Huh?" - he turned to her, seeming very distracted.

- "I wanted to know if you'd like to come to my place. We are having a study group since I missed so much class." - she smiled sheepishly.

His brows knitted together. - "You missed class? When?" - that caught her off-guard. She had missed almost an entire week!

Hadn't he noticed?

- "Yeah… like a week." - her voice dying down.

- "Oh, sorry." - he stood and turned to leave. His eyes searching for someone. - "Excuse me." -

She moved aside to avoid being pushed. - "Oh-hey." -

- "ICHIGO!" - sang his brown-haired friend as he waltzed towards him. - "Let's eat lunch together!"-

He stopped for a moment. - "Sure… but. Can I invite someone else?" - he continued walking.

- "WHAT! Another girl!?" -

- "Ishida." - he stopped next to the dark-haired student sitting at his desk. - "Let's eat lunch together." -

- "Hey Sakura, let's go get Kuchiki and have lunch together!" - Inoe approached, cheery as always. The pinket nodded dumbly as she tore her eyes away from her friend.

Oh well…

Outside, the sun was bright and warm. Birds chirping away as students searched for a place to eat. - "Uh! There she is!" - pointed a girl at a tree. The small student had taken a seat at a tall branch.

Sakura was impressed, that tree was very tall.

- "Kuchiki! Let's have lunch together!" - shouted her friend at their classmate. The girl in the tree seemed surprised for a before turning on the switch and smiling back.

Their lunch went on about the summer events as they all planned to go together, but Sakura noticed how their short classmate only agreed on command.

No actual intentions to go.

Was she not interested?

Why did she suddenly seem so… melancholic. The pinket knew that emotion all too well.

What happened since she missed so many days?


Hello all!

I am not good at this, but I do want to know how it's sounding to you. I try to follow the storyline with my own interpretation of how I want the stories to blend.

If I am being confusing or anything, let me know.

I am not a writer, but the idead and storilines are all in my head and organizing with dialog and events does make the description longer than going straight to the point.

All characters from Naruto are, of course, no longer their younger self where their emotions and believes conflicted the corruption of their lives. For example, Kisame had always a very carefree personality over the fact he had left his previous life and now lived "how he wanted" but we all know he actually did not have the freedom and authority to chose, he laughed a lot about battles and his achievements but now he lived the reality of his crimes and mistakes, he was lied to and manipulated by using his pain to push him foward to cause harm.

His life of atonement will be drescribed later on as well of the other characters.

The only character, so far, that has left completely their previous life (as you have read) is Sakura. With no memories of the life in the Naruto-verse and no influence from that world, I am trying to provide her personality traits that existed and continued to exist (even if thei are barely mentioned) when she did not know anyone from the ninja academy and her "violent nature" (that, in my opinion, had nothing to do with her and was just for comedic value) was a defense and learned reaction from her being a victim of bullying.

Sorry for the long message.


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