
Red-Eyed. Devil.(Hiatus).

Yang Jin reincarnated on what he thought was a simple normal life. After some traumatic events, he awakens his [Sharingan] and proceeds to explore his newfound powers and discover more mysteries about himself, like the strange yellow sparks that have been helping him, or the mysterious purple flame that only appears when he is truly angry. PS: The first 85 chapters are the Prologue. Extra Tags: Ruthless Mc, Side Characters are Cannibals, Graphic Descriptions, JoJo, AU, Multiverse, Omniverse, From depressing to positive, from doomer to bloomer, gods, overpowered beings, slow-paced, slice of life, Sharingan, Ripple, Dragon Soul, Not Wyvern, True Dragon.

ClearSkySage · Videospiele
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133 Chs

Vampire Dust.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:


Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




Appearing close to the Nord vampire I didn't hesitate and used my [Thunder Fist style] and threw a right-hand punch at him using my full strength. [Wave] filled my body, going through my arms and flooding in, somehow the friction of stream of [Wave] hitting [Wave] made the air around my fist generate some kind of lightning-like effect boosting my punch power even more.

My punch traveled with my utmost speed and strength, but to my utter surprise, the vampire who doesn't have [Ki] neither a developed [Magika] reserve, could match my speed and follow me with his eyes. The vampire quickly sent a punch to meet mine.


A loud shockwave washed over the storage, our punch was so strong and the shock so great, that it even managed to disrupt the Bosmer vampire for a bit.

I was simply immensely surprised when the vampire was able to match my strength as easily as he did. You have to know that I've long since passed the barrier of using kilos to measure my strength, as I could easily exert strength in the Tons. But this no-name vampire matching my strength was a surprise to me, I knew the vampires would have a better physical capability than a human, but this is something that exceeded my expectations principally considering the lack of [Ki] and [Magika] in the vampire.

With my [Sharingan] active I had plenty of time to observe my foes, my eye quickly scanned the Nord for the visibly wound my [Wave] cause, and I was surprised once more. His hand was superficial burned and singled, but that as it. I literally use one of the better knows energies against vampires, and this one wasn't much affected by it.

Maybe it's because I failed to pierce his skin? or the Undeads I fought previously were that weak? the Liches were indeed very much concentrated on their Ritual to feasibly make truly strong undead.

Quickly my [Sense] detected, something behind me moving. As it was probably the Bosmer vampire I didn't hesitate to use a [Evade Step] tur turn around as fast as possible, seeing a Dagger coming in my direction, I used the momentum of my turn to bring up my left hand and used my gauntlet to parry the incoming Dagger slash.


A loud *Paang* resounded when the dagger hit my left hand, my armor even filling it with [Wave] to boost defense, was easily passed through. Thankfully I quickly saw that it wouldn't hold with my [Sharingan] and used the [Iron Skin] technique to boost my defense even more. The pang occurred when the dagger hit my skin under the [Iron skin] technique and didn't have enough momentum to completely cut it, a little bit of blood still flowed, but not enough to warrant any trouble, my [Wave] can easily heal it in seconds.

Looking at the Bosmer face he seems extremely surprised, and when I looked at his dagger I knew why. He has a [Dwarven] dagger, the straight brass-colored blade made by the Ancient Dwemer. No wonder it pierced through my simple steel armor like it was made of paper.

And that explains why I didn't go through a sword fight with these two vampires, they both possess Orcish Swords on their hips, trying to fight using my normal steel swords against Orcish metal is a foolish endeavor. It's akin to using an Iron sword against a Steel sword, I may be able to parry and fight against it for some time, but my steel will start to chip soon enough, and eventually break in the most unfortunate time possible.

Before the Bosmer could follow up with another attack I used a [Soul-Crushing Strike] into his stomach, [Wave] traveled my body smoothly going through my [Ki Channels], until it reached my hand where I held it and released it at the right time:


The attack was strong enough that it made the Bosmer buckle and falter back a few steps. A frown appeared on my face, a [Soul-Crushign Strike] powered by [Wave] can obliterate a normal person, much less an undead. Put if the smoke coming out of the vampire's torso is any indication, this had a better effect than my previous strike.

Without missing a beat, I used my [Evade Step] again and turned towards the Nord vampire. Using the momentum of my turn I saw that the Nord Vampire was mid-way through drawing his Orcish sword and moving towards me.

Bringing up my left foot I kicked the Nord's burned right hand with all my strength, using a [Focus Stomp] filled with [Wave], my kick hit the vampire. His arm bones cracked under the pressure, and [Wave] quickly burned and singled a good part o his skin, bright molten spots and cracks appeared on his arm as the effect of the empowered kick.

Using the recoil of the kick, I jumped in the air turning around, and looked at the Bosmer vampire. The vampire had already recovered somewhat and was already almost recovered and ready to attack. Before he could do anything I used the momentum, the gravity, and a combination of [Strong Metal Hand] and [Finger Sword] to use my forefinger and my middle finger in a sword motion and cut the right hand of the Bosmer vampire.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", the Vampire screeched in pure pain, his open mouth giving everyone's a show of his sharp vampire fangs. His right hand had been completely cut off, on his stump instead of seeing a gory scene of its interior I was able to see a bright molten visage, like it was some kind of liquid fire that still brunt the Vampire's stump even after the attack, it was bright enough that it made it difficult to see inside.

Using my right foot u kicked the Dwarven dagger, but instead of the dagger being sent away, I used [Wave] to make it stick to my feet. In a swift motion, I picked the Dwarven dagger with my right hand, and spun around to parry the slash of an Orcish sword by the Nord Vampire using his intact left hand.

Using the moment the Nord faltered to my parry, I kicked the Nord Vampire's torso using [Focus Stomp] again, the kick sent the vampire back a few meters and made him smoke a little bit.

Before I could spin around once more and attack the Bosmer, my danger senses went haywire and I tried jumping forwards using [Advance Step], sadly I wasn't fast enough and a slash hit my back, as fast as I could, I activated the [Iron Skin technique] enabling my body to endure the sword slash.

Thanks to both my chest plate and my [Iron Skin], only a shallow slash line appeared on my back with a little bit of blood flowing out. The strike had enough strength to disrupt my rhythm slightly, but I tried to not falter, and spun immedialy.

Using the momentum of my spin I filled my Dwarven dagger with [Wave] and slashed towards the Bosmer Vampire's neck. The Vampire had enough reflexes to half avoid my slash. Why half avoid? Because I only managed to cut half his neck. And the bastard was still alive.

Spinning again I was face to face with the Nord vampire, seeing was even with [Wave] the vampires are enduring a lot, I decided to test another common weakness of vampires, their heart. Without hesitation, I filled my Dwemer dagger with [Wave] making me also feel some kind of weird resonance with the brass-colored metal, but I didn't pay much attention to it as I was concentrating on thrusting my dagger into this Nord Vampire heart.

My dagger pierced through the Nord strange leather armor with ease, and soon it pierced the Vampire's heart. And to my utter delight, I was right, the heart is a weak point. The moment the [Wave] filled dagger pierced the vampire's heart, the bloodsucker face morphed into a face of pure and unadulterated agony and he started to become dust.

The Bosmer vampire seeing his companion become dust immediately screeched; " YUSEF, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-", I didn't let him continue, picking the Orcish sword of Yusef The Nord Vampire with my left hand, I pounced on the bosmer.

Soon I started a flurry of slashes, thrusts, and parries that quickly started to overwhelm the grieving Bosmer Vampire. Using both my recently acquired Dwemer Dagger and bosmer sword I relentlessly attacked, wounds suddenly started pilling up on the Bosmer body while he desperately fought for his life trying to save himself and somehow avenge his companion.

Soon his arms became covered in bright molten wounds, ranging from shallow to deep cuts from my thrusts and slashes. [Wave] filled my weapons boosting their power, while the Vampire struggles for his unlife.

Soon the vampire, still rather inexperienced in combat committed a mistake. A counter slash he tried to desperately change the flow of battle, but to his utter despair, I easily avoided it and cut off his left arm in the middle.

Before his weapon could fall to the ground with a clang, I used the Dwarven dagger on my right hand to pierce the creature's heart immediately dusting the vampire. In its final moments, the vampire stopped the same face as his companion as his soul traveled to the hellish depths of Coldharbour following his companion. Well, at least he has some company.

[Ki] +[Ripple] = [Wave]

Discord here:


WARNING: I will take some liberties with the content, IT WON'T BE CANONICALLY ACCURATE. So please don't state the obvious, it's just a waste of time.

DISCLAIMER: I only own my own original creations, everything else is owned by their respective owners.

Cultivation rankings:





//5-Advanced Master

//6-Real Master


~~Thanks for reading~~

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