
Record Of Evolution

============== Mysterious energy called mana has come to the world. Causing the world grown in size and creating big earthquake that destroy a lot of contry in process. Because of it the old law no longer followed, the world became complete chaos But world not the only thing change. After succeed withstand and absorbing mana that flowing in the atmosphere all living being has evolve. Human has become stronger and awakaned ability to gain skill. Animal has become a vicous beast that much more stronger and more intellegent then before. Plant has gain self awarness and become bigger and terrfying. Harold Frandes is a 25 year old normal office worker. The day the world change he was going camping with his 2 litte brother in forest that have a lot animal and plant. Can he and his brother survive in forest full with evolve animal and plant and get out ?. ================ Earth in this novel not the same with the real one. ================ Cover is not mine. If the artist want me to take it out, u can tell me :) ================

ChrisTheSlacker_ · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Chapter 1 : The Begining

Somewhere in a forest Inside Nasional park of country named Verion.

"F*ck why the hell today is so hot ? its already 17:00" say a man complained looking to the sky while siting lazily.

That man name is Harold Frandes. Harold was a 25 years old man. He working on a quite good company as a office worker. he have a mature face with oval shape face, black hair and a bit sharp dark orange eyes, he look quite handsome compared averange people.

He got 2 younger brother that he need take care of. Their name was Alex Frandes the 2nd brother and Roy Frandes the 3rd brother.

Alex was 21 years college student in quite good university thanks to recomendation he got. he good at sport specially he really like kendo. he even win a few tournament when he still in high school. He have oval face with short black hair with bright orange eyes.

Roy was a 18 years high school boy in 2nd grade, he should be 3 grade but he fail and have to stay in 2nd grade again. He a delinquet who always got on troble and like to go pick a fight to another strong looking delinquet and sell their shoes after he knock them out. He have oval shape face, short black hair and red orange eyes.

His Father name was James Frandes. He was working as a quite succesful lawyer. But he abadoned them 11 years ago, when his mother got hospitalized because strange disease that taking away her vitality in fast rate.

His mother name is Olivia Weiss. She pass away at age 40 ten years ago after strugge against strange disease for 1 years. when she alive she working as a lawyer same as his father.


"I know right. we should not go here in the first place" Roy complained while sitting in the chair next to Harold.

"I F*ucking agree" Say Harold

Bacause Harold taking off work and Roy on holiday. Today his brother Alex drag them from their house to Aradi national park to go camp and sight seeing together to relax away once a while.

"Haa... quit complaing, you both just gonna do nothing anyways at home" Alex sigh listening to his brother complain.

"Do nothing ? of course not. we both have somthing to do" Roy stand up and replay to what his brother Alex say.

"Like what ? walking around the neigbor find someone to pick a fight to ? its just prove that you bored and have nothing to do" Say Alex back while looking at Roy with folding arms.

Hearing what Alex just said, Roy flinch immediatly shut his mouth.

"And you should stop doing that you know. at this point you might gonna catch by the police because you always fighting people in the public and stole their shoes" say Alex.

"Cheh, f*ck the police" Replay Roy

Alex shook his head while sigh listening what he just hear.

There were a reason why Roy became delinquet and like like this. 11 years ago when their father abadoned them, Harold doing the same thing just like Roy do to make money or even worst.

That time Harold is really desprate because even thought they still got money from their mother bank account, most of it been taken by their father and some left used to pay hospital bill for their mother.

Herald know its just matter of time before they run out of money, doing part time job wont do because its not enough to pay all his brother school fee and his mother hospital bill.

So when Harold is still 14 years old he start go ambuse or fighting rich delinquent in neighborhood far from his school and house when their alone.

After he knock them out, he stsr taking their money and all their valuable thing that can be sold for money like shoes, watch, phone, accesoris, all theit clothes, belt and left them with only underwear.

He even sometime go around and stole something like bicyle, motorbike, people package from delivery car or even car part and electronic to make money. Because everything he do.

There always police patroling around neighborhood he go to stealing, and almost go caught by the police.

Thanks to everything he do, he barely have time go to school studying or sleep till he go to college.

So its Harold influence that make Roy became delinquet that he was. While Alex might see what Harold do, he more restain do his own thing in the school.

"Alright now stop your bickering. And go start a prepare the food because i already hungry" Say Harold stand up from his chair.

As he starting walking to the tent. He suddenly feel like a wave strong wind hit his body. Few second after that his body start became really weak and losing strength. Few second later his body start felt like he been lit on fire.

"Ughh. What happen to my body ?!" Harold fall on the ground try his best to stand up while endure the pain he feel right now.

"Harold what happen ?"

"Big Brother why you fall to the ground ?"

Seeing their brother fall to the ground both Alex and Roy start running to help Harold.

But few second after they start running, sunddenly they feels their bodies been hit by strong wind. At the same time like Harold their bodies starting to lose strengh and felt like their bodies on fire.

"What the f*ck ?!"

"Ughh, what just happen ?!"

Both Roy and Alex feel shocked and start fall to the ground.

"Are you guys ok ?" Harold looked at both Alex and Roy worried while still trying his best to stand up and endure the pain.

"Ugghh...im alright. It just my body feel like on fire"

"Dammit why the my body feels like this"

After 5 minute after enduring all the pain. They finally gain their bodies strengh and burning feeling disappear completely.

They start to stand up and start inspecting their body, to see if there any change to their body.

After inspecting for a while they suprise after found out that they body somehow feel stronger then before they bodies start burning.

But before they can recover from the suprise about their body change. a weird messege on blue panel appers in front of them.

[Record Of Evolution has arrived on earth. Your body has succeed absorbing mana. Now you can start to walk on path of evolution.]

[You can open you status window whenever you wish just by thingking]

[Warning ! The World will start to evole because mana that filling the world. Big Earthquaek will occur on the whole world when the earth begin its evolution. Good Luck]

"What the f*ck ?!" Roy was so shock after reading the messege in the blue panel that suddenly appear in front of him.

"Are you guys seeing this too?" Alex look at both Harold and Roy.

"U guess we all can see the blue panel"

"What should we do now ? its say the world will start its evolution, and big earthquek will happen

"I think we shol-"

Before Harold can complete his sentence. The ground start shaking violently. all animal running away.

[Warning ! the World has start its first phrase of evolution]


Just as Harold read the messege that pop out, suddenly a giant crack just appear in the ground, the ground shaking more violently then before. All the tree around them destroy some even got throw to the sky, some part of the ground is rising while some part look go down, the whole landscape is changing.

Seeing what just happened in front of him Harold can help but feeling shock. but he instanly recover from it. because some flying rock hit him in the stomach really hard.

"Ughhh" Harold hold his stomach because the pain

"Harold are you alright ?" Alex try to get close to Harold.

"F*ck what should we do now. the earthquaek still getting more more violent" say Roy moving closer to Harold really quik.

"For now we should go to open place where there no tree and rocks. Do you knoe where we can find that area ?" ask Harold to Alex

"I know some place just like what you said, but that place a bit far from where we are" Replay Alex

"Lets go there. If we stay here we might die crused by the tree and rocks" After saying that Alex quikly run as fast as he can to the location he talk about while the ground still shaking and unstable.

Without wasting time Harold and Roy immediatly follow him to the area that he running to.

As they were running. Suddenly a tree is falling and crash Alex from his left side and pushing him to the ground


"Ughh" Alex frown feeling the pain being crushed by the tree from his back. he immediatly try to get rid of the tree that still in his back but still cannot get off from the tree.

Looking Alex struggle to move the tree from his back, Harold and Roy immediately go to where Alex where fast and help him move the tree that have a thickness that even man can barely hug and height of 20 meter.

"Roy lets help Alex lift that tree so we can move"


With both Harold and Roy help lifting the tree together. Alex finally can crawl to get off from the tree.

"What a bad luck" Alex stand up from the ground

"Are you fine ?" Ask Harold walking closer to Alex

"Yeah, im fine. Lets go to the location fast or we might gonna experience the same thing again" Alex start to run followed by both Harold and Roy.

After they run and struggle for 15 minute they finally arrive at location

Sorry about the information dumb :)

Its my first novel here and english is not my native language so if there anything wrong hope you can give me some advise so i can fix it

ChrisTheSlacker_creators' thoughts