
Laser Tag!

As the instructor entered the room, he immediately began instructing on the proper way to put on the clothing and handle the gun.

He then explained the rules, warning everyone about the consequences of cheating.

Despite his words, Raven was already familiar with the game and paid no attention to his voice.

A triangle plate adorned with blue LEDs was worn by each player on their back and front.

The LED can be blue or red, depending on the team.

Additionally, there is a button that, when pressed, grants you 'god mode' for a brief three seconds.

It's a dumb idea, Raven thought.

Raven glances at the dark field, where they'll be playing.

There were two floors.

The bottom floor was like a labyrinth, with many windows and doors leading in different directions.

The top floor was like a sniper den, with four hallways leading to the other side, with barrels for cover.

From the second floor, you have a clear shot at the people in the maze, but firing your weapon would compromise your position.

The game requires players to cross over to the other team's side and shoot their giant LED tree to win.

If you get shot, you'll have to return to the observation room where they're currently stationed and wait for the instructor's signal to rejoin the group.

Once you are dead, the gun will lock itself, preventing any chance of cheating.

With that being out of the way, the instructor sends them off to their respective locations.

The blue team is on the left side, while the red team is on the right side.

"Finally, we can shoot some people." Jacob said, holding up the gun and shooting.

Evan stands alongside him, both holding the gun and firing.

"You guys know that the guns have a cool down time, right?" Raven looked at them and said.

Stunned, Jacob and Evan ceased firing their weapons.

"Ima head out on my own." Raven said, walking up to the second floor.

They stood there, watching as he vanished from sight, and didn't follow him.

Raven reached the second floor and heard the instructor's announcement that the game had officially begun.

"Come on Vanessa, help me destroy these fuckers."



Raven bolted down the hallway on the second floor as the game began, taking down an opponent with ease.

As he reached the end, Vanessa analysed the best course of action for him.

[2 people on the right judging by footsteps and breathing patterns.]

[1 person on the left, judging by the bullets flying from the left window.]

[Best choice of action is…]

Following Vanessa's advice, Raven listened intently to her voice, taking each step with precision.

Raven's agility was on full display as he sprang to the right side, fired 4 inches to the left and 8 inches to the right, all in one fluid motion.

Like a flash of lightning, he spun around, fell to the ground, and pulled the trigger, hitting the man on his left side.

The three individuals were killed with no knowledge of what had happened, and Raven stood before them, observing their dazed expressions.

"What the fuck?" one shouted, unable to come up with a response.

Raven ignored them and kept pushing forward.

"Four down, 6 currently alive." Raven said to himself.

He kept pushing towards the other team's side, and his breathing became laboured as his vision blurred.

After taking a moment to collect himself, Raven paused for a second.

"Vanessa, what the hell is going on?" Raven asked, his palm rubbing his head.

Not too long ago, he recalls experiencing those same effects.

[That… The overworking of your brain is causing it; how do I explain it… Crash?]

Raven froze.

"What do you mean, my brain is crashing?!"

[Don't worry. Nothing is wrong and I won't let such things happen.]

[You have been overloading your brain with too much information without letting it process it.]

[This causes side effects such as nausea, fatigue, headaches, pain, and lots of other symptoms.]

"Why didn't you mention this before?"

[God works in mysterious ways…]

Raven was left speechless after hearing Vanessa's response.

But knowing he was fine, he kept playing.

After performing some inhuman actions, the instructor started live streaming Raven.

Knowing that Raven was that Raven on YouTube after getting his autograph, he couldn't just let this amazing opportunity go.

"Haha, hello everyone. I'm Dylan and I've found Raven playing laser tag in real life!"

After speaking, a decent amount of people started flooding the stream.

This is because he clicked baited the shit out of Raven.

The chat was lively as Dylan pointed the camera at the monitor that had Raven playing.

They even got to see him pull off some of the most crazy shots.

One was Raven with one hand on the ground, catching his opponents off guard and taking them down.

But as time passed by, people noticed something strange.

"Anyone notice his face is pale?"

After that comment was sent, many others caught on and began messaging the same thing.

Dylan, on the side, was worried that something was going to happen, but saw the views on the stream and decided not to stop it.

"Damn. Vanessa, why is it so bad compared to before?" Raven asked, leaning on the side of the wall.

[Because that was before and this is now.]

"Vanessa! Not in the mood right now!"

[Yes Raven. If you keep going on now, you might pass out.]

With only 5 minutes left, Raven slowed down his playing as he glanced at the clock.

He played carefully now, sitting in the same place and not moving around.

But because of his conditions, his speeds were slow and his movements were jittery, but still managed not to die.

He heaved a sigh of relief as the five minutes finally ended.

"Congratulations to the blue team for winning! Please return to where you came from to take off the gear."

Raven wasted no time and hurried back to the room to remove his gear.

With each passing moment, his condition deteriorated, and he felt his strength slipping away.