
I’m wrong? No, you're wrong.

Following their exit from the building, the students searched and eventually located their maths teacher.

Ms Thompson was waiting at the front, holding a cup of coffee.

She looked at her students with a smile.

"So, how did you guys do?"

Raven shrugged and said, "perfectly."

Ms Thompson couldn't help but smile, her face lighting up with joy and happiness at his answer.

She looked at the rest of the students.

"What about you guys?" She asked.

A moment of awkward silence followed as each individual in the group scratched their heads, too embarrassed to voice their thoughts.

Ms Thompson sighed and said nothing and waved her hand.

"Ok, don't worry about your marks. Let's first head to a hotel and get ready for tonight's duo session."

Raven and the rest nodded their heads, but Raven had a different idea.

"Vanessa, can you find me a 5-star hotel to stay at?"

[Yes, here are the best options.]

Suddenly, Raven's sight changed, and some buildings around had a big icon on them.

It was like he was on google maps in real life.

He tapped on the logo to see if it did anything.

As soon as he touched it, a hologram came up.

It showed all the rooms with the best rating.

It also showed what they had for dinner, lunch, and breakfast.

Raven marvelled at how advanced technology had been to have it like Vanessa did.

"Vanessa, can you book everything?" Raven asked in his heart.

[Yes, I can.]

Raven felt a buzz on his phone, which was his bank account saying that he paid for X amount of things.

He couldn't help but be thankful for his mother as she set him up for his own personal bank account, as this feature wouldn't be available.

"Teacher, I booked my room at a different hotel." Raven said.

Ms Thompson nodded her head.

She knew about Raven's financial situation and believed he was mature enough to be on his own.

"Ok, but be back at the main building by eight a clock to be in the duo's match and to get your test back." She said.

Raven nodded and said his thanks to his teacher and his goodbyes to his teammates.

He then stopped a taxi and got in it.

"Take me to this hotel." Raven said.

He clicked on the hotel icon and swiped it on his phone, and showed the taxi driver.

The taxi driver nodded his head and stepped on the gas.

It wasn't long before Raven reached the hotel.

Raven gave the man a 10 dollar tip and entered the hotel.

When he opened the door, a bellboy greeted him.

"Welcome to the 5-Star Hotel, Mr Morningstar." The bellboy said with a bow, "If you'll follow me, sir?"

Raven smiled and followed the bellboy, who took Raven to his room.

A man with black hair and blue eyes was sitting in the lobby reading a magazine.

He noticed Raven enter the lobby and stood up.

"Hello, I'm Ravi, please call me Ravi." he extended his right hand towards Raven.

Raven shook his hand and said, "Nice to meet you, Ravi."

"I am your personal server, so if you have anything, call me." He said, giving Raven his number.

Ravi escorted Raven to his room and said, "Please take off your shoes before entering the room. You'll need slippers for the floor."

Raven nodded and removed his shoes.

He placed them on the rack and said, "Thank you".

Ravi bowed his head and left Raven alone.

Raven sat on the bed and closed his eyes.

A few seconds later, Ravi knocked on the door and said, "Your slippers are here, Mr Morningstar."

Raven opened the door and saw a box with slippers inside it.

"You can put them on now." Ravi said.

Raven nodded and went into the bathroom to change.

When he came out, Ravi was setting up the room service menu.

"I will be here if you want anything." He said.

Raven nodded and watched Ravi leave.

Raven realised he forgot to ask about the food, but didn't care.

He wanted to relax and go through the items on his mind.

He also called Mia to let her know he's ok.

After spending two hours at the hotel and having dinner, he had to make his way back to the main building.

Raven picked up his phone and dialled a number.

After a bit of waiting, a voice sounded on the other side.

"Is this Mr Morningstar?" Ravi's voice came from the other side.

"Yes, it is. I'm just wondering if you guys have any personal vehicles or do I have to order a taxi?"

"Yes sir, we have some cars that I can drive for you."

Raven nodded on the other side of the phone.

"That works. Can you take me now?" Raven asked.

"Of course, sir, I'll be 3 minutes to your room to escort you."

Raven thanked the person and hung up.

Five minutes later, Raven was standing outside the front doors of the arena.

A car pulled up to him, and a man with black hair rolled down the window.

"I am here, sir."

Raven thanked him and got in.

"Take me here."

Ravi looked at Raven's phone and nodded.

"7 minutes, sir."

Raven nodded and calculated the time.

He'll get there at about 7:53.

Seven minutes passed by in a flash, and Raven reached his location.

"We're here, sir."

Raven looked out the window and nodded.

"Thank you. Can you pick me up at 10?"

"Yes, sir."

Raven said nothing and got out of the car.

He saw his teacher in the building, so he walked in and said hello.

"So, what do we do now?" Raven asked his teacher.

"If you walk to the right and go up to the lady at the counter, you can get your test marks."

Raven nodded and walked over to the counter.

"Good morning. How may I help you today?" The woman said with a smile.

"Hi, my name is Raven. I would like to see if I passed my maths test."

The lady looked at Raven's ID card and said, "Ah yes, you did. Do you want the results immediately?"

"Yes, please."

She handed him a paper.

"Thank you," Raven said and left the room.

He found a place to sit and look at the test.

He frowned when he looked at the 99% on it.

"Venessa, scan through the test and find out what I did wrong."

[Question 38:

y≤ -15x+3000

y ≤ 5x

In the xy-plane, if a point with coordinates (a, b) lies in the solution set of the system of inequalities above, what is the maximum possible value of 6 2

Your answer: 750

Teachers answer: 36]

[Your answer is correct but the teacher's answer is wrong.]

Raven read the first couple of lines and frowned.

Why does my teacher think I'm wrong?

He scanned the rest of the answers and saw nothing on the page that said he was wrong.

Raven went up to his maths teacher and handed up the question.

His teacher looked at him in confusion and looked at the page.

Her brows frowned when she looked at it.

"This is stupid. You clearly got the right answer, but they mark you wrong." She said, clenching the page.

"Come on, follow me."

Raven followed behind his teacher and entered a room filled with 5 other teachers.

She walked up to the desk and slammed the paper on it.

The teacher in front looked at her with unkind eyes.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Look at the test. How can you guys be marking the test if you can't even answer the question properly?" Ms Thompson said.

The man looked down at the test paper, putting down his glasses so he can see properly.

"Hmm, indeed. The boy got the answer right." He said.

"Judging by the handwriting, it was done by Mr Conwell himself." The man said, looking at Raven.

"I will make sure it gets fixed."

Raven nodded, and the man got up from his seat.

"Follow me."

Raven and his teacher followed behind the man and entered one of the side rooms.

There was a single man there alone, his desk scattered with paper.

"What do you want?" The old man asked, taking a puff from his cigarette.

Mr Thompson frowned.

"You can't smoke in these buildings."

Mr Conwell ignored her and took another puff.

The man who took Raven's test put it on Mr Conwell's desk and said, "You mark his test wrong."

Mr Conwell picked up the test and looked over it lightly.

"Hmm, I see nothing wrong. Get out of my room."

Raven on the side couldn't take it much longer.

"It's quite sad that a freshman at high school has a higher level in maths."

Mr Thompson felt a little embarrassed hearing him say that, as she knows that also means he has a higher level than them.

"Well, you don't know everything, or else you wouldn't have got a 99% on this test." Mr Conwell sneered.

Raven rolled his eyes at him.

"You young people need to stop lying to yourselves. You're all out of your mind. You should just give up now and try something different. You'll never reach the top."

Mr Conwell stood up and picked up the test paper, flicking it away to the side.

"Get out."

Raven sighed and headed out of the room with the two other teachers.

He knew he couldn't end it here.

"Hey Vanessa. Is it possible to record my memory and send it to my phone?"

[Yes, why?]

Raven said nothing but smiled and looked around, seeing people with their apple devices out.