
Reborn In Titanic World

Summary - A modern Soul reborn, with some wishes in a different world. It's Slow, boring, cliche. kind of wish fulfilment but No Harem.

Agwinz · Filme
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7 Chs


[Aden POV ]

It was just like any other day, same old routine: waking up at 6 PM, getting ready, and on the bus by 7:05.

Life had been very monotonous for me. At this point, it felt like I was in the backseat, and someone else was steering the wheel of my plane. Day in and day out, I don't remember doing anything notable, and I was tired of it.

Life was getting confusing, but I wasn't that concerned. As the bus reached the coffee factory, I got up from my seat and jumped out since the driver didn't stop here for more than a minute.

After an early retirement from the army, I had been keeping myself distracted with various anime and movies. But I couldn't sustain that life for long as my money ran out, and only this junkyard was open for work at the time.

It was still early evening; there was no one around. Today was Saturday, and only security guards changed shifts. Yes, I had to work on weekends too, but it came with higher pay.

The factory was in the middle of two towns, so there was no residential area near it. Many avoided this place as bears liked to roam around here at night.

It didn't take me long to reach my cabin. It was a shabby house that would fall apart if someone kicked it too hard.

Unlocking the door, I entered the storage area and grabbed my on-duty gun. My hands loved the feel of this metallic beauty. I really liked having it on my back. As I was about to make my tea-yes tea, I hate coffee, and you would too if you worked at this factory-


It was a gunshot. Leaving the boiling water behind, I rushed outside towards the forest; it was close.

Reaching the area, I saw a boy in a white hoodie and black jeans with a Glock pointing towards a girl who was on the floor crying. She had a visible wound on her left thigh. They both looked around 15-16 years old.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" I shouted, which startled them.

I could see the boy pointing his gun towards me, and my years of training kicked in.

I took out my gun and pointed it at him. "Don't move! I won't hesitate a second to blow your brains out," I said, trying to intimidate him.

The girl was shivering, but she had a relieved look on her face. Poor girl must have been forced by the boy to come here. Seeing her resistance, he must have shot her. He's a child and committing such heinous crimes, a future r*pist, glad I came here on time.

I checked the wound and stood in front of the girl, my gun aimed at the boy who was looking at me with a murderous glare. Son of a bitch, nobody taught him to respect others.

"Thank you for saving me, sir! I was so afraid," sobbed the girl. She's a strong one; others would have passed out from exhaustion and pain.

"You're okay, don't worry. I'll take you to the hospital. Just wait a minute. Take this phone and call the cops." I passed her my phone, not taking my eyes off the boy. I couldn't afford to be careless in this situation.

"You don't know who you are saving! Just leave. I have waited years for this," the boy said. As his finger was about to press the trigger, I instinctively shot him.

And with no suspense, he was blasted. I was speechless, motionless, horrified.

Realisation hit me, I JUST KILLED A BOY.

"A...are you okay?" said the girl. I don't know how much time had passed since I pressed the trigger.

"I...I'm fine. It was either him or us. There's no point in thinking about this. Let's get you to the hospital." I walked towards the girl and helped her up.

We walked a few steps when I realized she still had my phone. As I was about to ask about it, I felt a sharp object stab my neck.


Blood sprayed from my neck. I could feel my life slipping away. In my last moments, I put all my willpower into taking one final shot and turned her head into spaghetti. After that, everything went blank.


"You are going to reincarnate me with wishes!!" I was ecstatic; this has to be a scene out of a below-average novel.

The being in front of me introduced himself as the god of the Omniverse. He was wearing a golden suit, his towering body nearly 7 feet tall, packed with lean muscle.

"So how many wishes do I get? Do I get to change my appearance? Which world are you going to send me to? Am I being reborn or transmigrated? Is the world going to be dangerous? Am I going on some kind of mission to do something for you?" I couldn't control myself and asked a lot of questions quickly.

He merely smiled in amusement, looking at my excitement. I got a little embarrassed due to my childish display. I am a grown man!

"Haha, don't worry, kid. The world you are going to is safe, and no, you don't have any mission or anything like that. I am granting you this opportunity because of your karma. Now state your wishes. Yes, you can indeed change your appearance and choose whether you want to transmigrate or reincarnate," he said, waving his hand in the air, shooing my worries away.

"Can I know which world I will be going to?" I asked slowly this time.

"Hmm, you will be going to an alternate Earth. It might have some changes, and before you ask, no, you can't have Anos Voldigoad's template. The world doesn't have magic, so ask for something else," he said with an exasperated sigh.

What! I really wanted Anos's power. No magic, huh? I've got just the thing.

"I want a library in my brain that contains all the knowledge that mankind has discovered and known. I also want Captain America's powers. Reincarnate me, And yes, make me super handsome with blue eyes, have you seen Austin butler? give me his voice. That would be good," I said, nodding to myself. looks, and power—everything needed for a good life. And blue eyes are mandatory for a good reincarnation.

"Done. Now you have everything; go and enjoy your ride~" he said with a wink. I smiled, thanked the generous god, and closed my eyes.

[Pov end]


(God POV)

Good, now I have a great setting for my adopted grandson.


"Do you have any wishes?" I asked the boy.

"You said that girl died, right?" he asked with anger, to which I nodded.

"I want you to give her nothing, enhance her pain receptors, and throw her into the Warhammer 40k world. If she dies, respawn her to the beginning. Make it an infinite loop, so she can't die," he said. I had to look carefully at him; he did resembled one of my sons. Did Luci leave hell again and impregnated his mother? Am I his grandfather!

No, after confirming his origin, I continued.

"You are wasting your wishes on revenge? What would happen to you if you were thrown into a dangerous world?" I asked him curiously.

"You know what she did! Oh, sorry for asking something stupid, of course you know. She rammed her father's BMW into my family, who were walking down the street. All of them passed away, and she didn't receive a single punishment. Her father was rich, and she was a minor. She didn't do it intentionally, it was an honest mistake—that's what the judge said. I want her to suffer for what she did. My whole world collapsed in front of me. And I am hundred percent sure she did it intentionally; I saw everything with my own eyes," said the boy with clenched fists.

I mean, it's fair. She did kill more than 20 people down there.

"Alright, you got it. I can't reunite you with your family; they have already been reborn, and their memories were erased. Choose a world for yourself," I asked him.

He just shrugged and said, "Anywhere you think is feasible, old man."

Old man? ... He's going to be my grandson.

Hmm, I've got an idea.

(Flashback end)

Snapping my fingers, I sent everyone to their respective worlds and got back to surfing YouTube.


[Somewhere in an alternate Earth - Aden POV]

"What the fuck!"

"Language, Pico. Where did you learn this?" roared an old man, who, by the memories I have gained, was my grandfather.

I have reincarnated in the world of Boku no Pico, as Pico.


So obviously Aden is not the MC if anyone is having any doubt.

It's not a harem fic so comment your wifu here.