
Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Give me some ideas or references for the future plot of the story! If you wanted to read 15 Chapters ahead and more, be sure to check my Patreon!!! Go to https://www.patreon.com/Tang12 >English is not my main language as you all will see >Will try my best to make the story enjoyable and can not promise that everyone will be happy as let's be real not all can be pleased >The early chapters will be a bit slow-paced for the continuity of the story From, Author ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lie Fan was a Normal High School student who loves The Three Kingdoms History, He already plays all of the three kingdoms games and read the Romance of the three kingdoms. When he was walking home from school he encounters a very strange necklace in the street, when he takes the amulet he was reincarnated to the three kingdom era which was 17 years before the beginning of the yellow turban rebellion “Finally I can change the course of history!” Follow Lie Fan in his struggle to rewrite history with the help of a system

Tang12 · Geschichte
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502 Chs

466. Cai Clan Preparation For The Future

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Back in Xiapi, the news of Wuling's fall and Liu Biao's death soon reached Lie Fan through the Oriole's network. Though he celebrated the birth of his son, he could not ignore the shifting political landscape. With Liu Biao's death, the power vacuum caused by his force would either crumble his force entirely or become some sort of a lifelong for the successor of Liu Biao, Liu Cong, who became the puppet of the Cai Clan.

Lie Fan gathered his most trusted advisors in the main hall within the Governor's Castle. The atmosphere was one of anticipation and urgency. News of Liu Biao's death and the fall of Wuling had just reached them, and they all understood the significance of these events. The power vacuum in Jing Province presented both an opportunity and a threat.

Lie Fan's advisors, a formidable assembly of minds, sat on the left and right side of the room, with Lie Fan at the head of the formation. Jia Xu, Xun You, Chen Qun, Liu Ye, Chen Gong, Lu Su, Chen Gui, Sun Qian, and Mi Zhu were all present, their expressions ranging from contemplative to eager.

Lie Fan began the meeting with a serious tone. "Gentlemen, we have received news of significant developments in Jing Province. Liu Biao is dead, and Wuling has fallen to Liu Bei. This presents us with a crucial opportunity. We must decide our course of action swiftly and strategically."

Jia Xu, known for his cunning and strategic brilliance, was the first to speak. "My lord, the chaos in Jing Province can work to our advantage. Let the region destabilize. As Liu Bei and Sun Ce scramble to expand their domains, we should prepare to swoop in and attack Liu Bei when he is most vulnerable. A divided Jing Province is easier to conquer."

Xun You nodded in agreement. "Indeed. By allowing chaos to reign, we can weaken our enemies without direct confrontation. Our forces remain strong while theirs are exhausted and divided."

Chen Qun, however, had a different perspective. "While I understand the strategic value of letting chaos take its course, we must consider the economic impact. Jing Province is a significant source of trade and revenue for us. Allowing prolonged instability could result in a substantial loss of profits. We must balance our military strategy with economic considerations."

Mi Zhu, who had always been an advocate for trade and economic prosperity, supported Chen Qun's view. "Lord Lie Fan, the profits we receive from our trade in Jing Province are vital to our financial stability. If we let chaos reign for too long, we risk losing those valuable trade routes and partnerships. We should consider a more measured approach to maintain our economic interests."

Chen Gong, with a pragmatic idea, weighed in. "We need a dual strategy. While we allow some degree of chaos to weaken our enemies, we should also ensure that our trade routes and economic interests are protected. We can use our influence to stabilize key areas of Jing Province that are critical to our trade."

Lu Su added, "We should also monitor the movements of Liu Bei and Sun Ce closely. Any sign of overextension on Liu Bei's' part can be our signal to strike. We must be ready to act swiftly and decisively."

Lie Fan listened intently to his advisors, appreciating the diverse perspectives they brought to the table. "Jia Xu, Xun You, I agree with your approach of exploiting the chaos. However, Chen Qun and Mi Zhu's concerns are valid. We cannot afford to lose our economic foothold in Jing Province. Chen Gong, Lu Su, your suggestions of a balanced strategy resonate with me."

He paused, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "We will let chaos take its course in the central regions of Jing Province, but we will also secure our trade routes and key economic areas. We must strengthen our alliances with local merchants and influential families to maintain our economic interests. Additionally, we will closely monitor Liu Bei and Sun Ce's movements, ready to strike when the moment is right."

Liu Ye, known for his diplomatic skills, spoke up. "My lord, we should also consider diplomatic overtures to the factions within Jing Province that may be looking for stability amidst the chaos. Offering them protection and economic support in exchange for allegiance could expand our influence without direct military intervention."

Sun Qian, always focused on the bigger picture, added, "We must also be mindful of our internal stability. While we look outward, we should ensure that our own territories remain secure and prosperous. A strong and united home front will enable us to act more effectively in Jing Province."

Lie Fan nodded, appreciating the wisdom of his advisors. "You all have provided valuable insights. We will implement a multifaceted strategy. Jia Xu and Xun You will oversee our military preparations and intelligence gathering in Jing Province. Chen Qun and Mi Zhu, work in securing our economic interests and strengthening our trade alliances. Sun Qian and Lu Su, handle diplomatic efforts to forge a new partnership within Jing Province. Chen Gong, ensure our internal stability and readiness."

The advisors nodded in agreement, each understanding their roles in the plan. Lie Fan continued, "This is a pivotal moment. The fall of Wuling and the death of Liu Biao have reshaped the political landscape. We must act with precision and purpose. Let us prepare for the opportunities and challenges ahead."

With Lie Fan's last words being said, he ended the meeting and everyone dispersed to do their assigned tasks. Lie Fan, meanwhile, took out the Imperial Seal from his system inventory and began to contemplate.

As he looked at the seal, he pondered whether he should declare himself emperor soon or wait until he had at least defeated Yuan Shao. He could see that the influence of the Han Dynasty had deteriorated much faster than in the original timeline, but he feared that declaring himself emperor too soon might deter many talented individuals who still considered the Han Dynasty the true ruler.

As for the nobles, merchants, and scholar caste, who lacked true talent and only held influence, he was confident that his current power, both on the surface and underground, would allow him to control them easily.

As he pondered, Jia Xu entered the hall quietly. "My lord," he said, bowing slightly, "I couldn't help but notice your pensive mood. Is there something troubling you?"

Lie Fan looked up, a faint smile on his lips. "Ah, Wenhe. Yes, I am contemplating a significant decision. The Imperial Seal represents a path to ultimate power, but declaring myself emperor now might be premature. I fear losing the support of those who still hold the Han Dynasty in high regard."

Jia Xu nodded, his expression thoughtful as he gave his perspective. "It is indeed a delicate matter, my lord. The Han Dynasty's influence is waning, but many still see it as the legitimate authority. A premature declaration could isolate us. Perhaps it would be wise to wait until we have defeated Yuan Shao and further solidified our power base. By then, we may have more support, and the decision will appear more justified."

Lie Fan sighed, appreciating Jia Xu's wisdom. "You are right, Wenhe. Patience and strategic timing are crucial. We will wait and focus on strengthening our position. When the time is right, we will make our move."

As Lie Fan comes to terms with his dilemma thanks to Jia Xu, to the southwest of Xiapi, Cai Mao, who was on his way to Wuling with the remnants of his army retreating from attacking Changsha, received the news of Wuling's fall and Liu Biao's death had left him feeling both angry and hopeless.

His anger was directed at Zhang Yun's incompetence, but he also felt a deep sense of futility, knowing there was nothing he could do to change what had already happened. As he processed the news, another messenger arrived, bearing the insignia of the Cai Clan.

Cai Mao, seeing the messenger, knew that his sister must have sent him. He quickly motioned for the messenger to approach. The man dismounted and bowed deeply before speaking.

"My lord, I bring urgent news from Lady Cai," the messenger began. "She requests your immediate presence in Lingling. The situation is dire, and she needs your support to stabilize the region and secure Liu Cong's position."

Cai Mao's eyes narrowed as he listened. "Tell me everything," he commanded.

The messenger proceeded to relay the details of Liu Biao's death, the chaos that ensued, and Lady Cai's plan to consolidate power in Lingling for Liu Cong. As Cai Mao listened, a mix of emotions crossed his face.

Even though he regarded Liu Biao as his sworn enemy now, he still held a sliver of respect for the man who pacified Jing Province. But he soon comes to terms with his death, because his death will allow the Cai Clan will rise to power.

"I will head to Lingling immediately," Cai Mao said decisively. "We must ensure that Liu Cong's rule is established firmly. Lady Cai's foresight is commendable, but we must be prepared for the challenges ahead."

He turned to his officers and gave orders to change their course toward Lingling. The remnants of his army moved with a sense of urgency, knowing that their next steps could determine the fate of their clan.

Cai Mao and his forces made their way to Lingling with all possible speed. As they approached, they could see the signs of hurried preparations. The atmosphere was tense, with everyone aware of the precariousness of their situation.

Upon his arrival, Cai Mao was greeted by Lady Cai, her expression a mix of relief and determination. "Brother, thank you for coming so quickly," she said, embracing him. "We have much to discuss."

Cai Mao nodded, his face serious. "Indeed, sister. The fall of Wuling and Liu Biao's sudden death has thrown us into chaos. We must act decisively to secure Liu Cong's position and stabilize our forces."

Lady Cai led Cai Mao into a private chamber, where Zhang Yun and several other key advisors and generals were already assembled. The room was filled with maps, strategic plans, and lists of loyal supporters of the Cai Clan.

Lady Cai began with opening remarks, "We are facing threats from both Liu Bei and Sun Ce, who hold domains to our north. Our army is not much compared to either of them, and morale is low. We need a strong plan to consolidate our power and defend against further attacks."

Cai Mao listened intently, his mind racing with possibilities. "We must first secure Lingling and establish it as our new stronghold," he said. "Strengthen the defenses and ensure that our supply lines are protected. We should also reach out to any remaining loyalists and bring them under our banner."

Zhang Yun nodded in agreement. "I have already begun fortifying the city and rallying our troops. However, we need to act swiftly to prevent Liu Bei and Sun Ce from exploiting our weakness."

Lady Cai added, "We should also consider diplomatic measures. Offering alliances to smaller factions and influential families within Jing Province could help us bolster our numbers and resources. We should also eliminate any clans that don't support us."

As they strategized, a sense of determination filled the room. The Cai Clan and their allies knew that their future depended on their ability to adapt and respond to the rapidly changing political landscape that was caused by Liu Biao's death, Liu Bei's attacking them, and Han Xuan's betrayal. They would need to be both cunning and resolute to survive the coming storm.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Overlord Of The Central Plains

Age: 31 (198 AD)

Level: 16

Next Level: 462,000

Renown: 1325

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 9)

SP: 1,121,700


STR: 951 (+20)

VIT: 613 (+20)

AGI: 598 (+10)

INT: 617

CHR: 96

WIS: 519

WILL: 407

ATR Points: 0

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