
Reborn in the Narutoverse

2 Chapters a Weekday, 2,000 Words Minimum! Aron Smith had died a worthy death; diagnosed with a brain tumor that could take his life at any given moment, when a freak incident occurred, he inadvertently saved a future savior of man kind. Due to the mass of Karmic Points he'd earned he was allowed to choose he's reincarnation. “Due to the massive amounts of Karmic points you’ve amassed you can choose to be reincarnated to Earth, sent to a Heaven realm to live out the rest of eternity in peace. Or you can be reincarnated into a Dream Realm world with you memories intact.” “I want to be born into the Naruto Universe.” Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Masashi Kishimoto, Shonen Jump, and Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · Anime und Comics
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157 Chs

Meeting the 3rd

After traveling for a few hours the three got to know each other pretty well.

Kana was surprised to find out he was the same age as her daughter, only just a few months older.

Karin couldn't stop asking questions, mostly about his Star Chakra. The young red-head loved his Chakra. Unlike the usual blue or purple color of Star Chakra of the Hoshi Clan, Kibo's looked like a vast night sky littered with dozens of blue, red, yellow, and white stars surrounded by a purple hue.

She even said some things that made the young Kibo blush and at the same time, made Karin's mother scold her.

It took a bit longer than expected but they had finally arrived at Konoha. The guards posted at the gates noticed him flying in while being surrounded by a never before seen Chakra.

"Who are you?" One of the guards asked.

"I'm the grandson of the Hoshikage and I'm here to seek an audience with Konoha's Hokage," Kibo declared as he let the girls down and released his Chakra Construct.

The guard looked surprised before scanning over the boy and his companions. The guard came to the conclusion that Kibo was a young Nin while the two red-heads behind him were family members or being escorted by him.

The Leaf Ninja then sent a message to the Hokage via carrier pigeon. After a few minutes, the bird returned and handed the Jonin a piece of paper.

Reading it, he turned to the group and smiled before saying, "Please follow me to the Hokage's mansion."

After being lead to the Hokage's office, the trio entered the room. While Karin and Kana waited by the door, Kibo marched up to the desk to see an old man with balding grey hair and a pointed beard. On his face were three distinct markings that stretched out from the bottom of his eyes.

The Hokage known as Sarutobi was sitting behind his desk, smoking his pipe while his hands were furiously rushing through a mountain of paperwork. It took a few minutes, but when he had finally cleared out the pile and signed everything that needed signing, he began rubbing the bridge of his nose to relieve his headache.

"So old Jun Hoshi finally had a Grandkid? Good for him! With such a talented Grandson, it seems the Village Hidden by the Stars might actually be able to rise up in this era. I look forward to future relations with your clan." Sarutobi said with a gentle smile on his face.

"Not all sir; I still have much to learn." The two exchange pleasantries for a while before Kibo said, "Actually, the reason I came here was to discuss the involvement of my clan and Konoha's future dealings."

Sarutobi gave the first serious look he had throughout this entire conversation "Oh and what have you come to discuss?"

"My clan is in a rather . . . bad situation right now. I come here to ask Lord Hokage to take my people in as citizens of Konoha," Kibo stated while hanging his head.

"Do you know what you're asking?" Sarutobi questioned with a sad look in his eye.

"Please know that I don't come here with empty hands." Saying this, Kibo pulled out a copy of the Pink Muscle Transformation Cultivation Technique and handed it to Sarutobi.

"This is something my ancestor left behind for my kin. It's been repaired and just about anyone can practice it. Normally, to have any success in the technique, one has to be able to use Lightning Chakra. But one can have a Raiton specialist apply the pink muscle technique to another person as a substitute."

Looking over the scroll Sarutobi was impressed at how useful the technique was while thinking, "This must be how the 1st Hoshikage rose to power."

Sarutobi then looked at him again and nodded his head in an approving manner before saying, "From now your clan can be considered part of Konoha members. Giving away an S-Class Body Technique will get you a large piece of land, and we can take care of your Clan's first year of expenses."

Kibo placed his hands behind his head and smiled before saying, "I heard clans with a Kekkei Genkai can get a little extra."

Sarutobi looked at him with interest as he asked, "Has the Hoshi Clan married into a rare bloodline?"

Kibo shook his head, "Nope! I'm the first of our new bloodline."

The Hokages eyes widened and asked, "You have a?"

Before the Hokage could finish speaking, Kibo activated his Tengan and surprised everyone in the room.

"This is my Tengan, also known as the Heavenly Eyes." After clarifying his bloodline awakening to the fullest and explaining his village's dire circumstances, the Hokage's face became stern and resolute.

"No wonder you came to us, I doubt your clan could protect yourselves from dangers for very long, especially considering the condition your village is in now." Placing his hand up, Sarutobi then called out, "Inu!"

With an intense burst of speed, a grey-haired Anbu appeared out from behind the shadows, bowing before the Hokage.

The signature dog-shaped Anbu Mask and familiar figure almost made Kibo shout out "IT'S KAKASHI!!!" but managed to hold himself back.

"Prepare a group of Jonin to help his clan move in beside the vacant land that we cleared out recently for the Uchiha. Also, make it an S-Rank Mission, so no information leaks you understand?" Sarutobi commanded.

In response, Kakashi bowed before saluting and saying, "Yes, Hokage Sama!"

With that done, Kakashi disappeared as quickly as he came. Sarutobi then returned his attention to Kibo, "So young. Kibo, how old are you?" Because of how well Kibo was built people usually misjudged his age so when he announced that he was four; the Hokage's eyes bulged.

"Even Itachi only managed to activate his Sharingan when he turned 6. I don't know what the requirements are to activate his Do-Jutsu but it must be far easier than the Sharingan and the Byakugan," Sarutobi thought as he looked over Kibo with a beaming smile.

The Hokage was more than in a positive mood. Due to the Kyuubi attack, the village was suffering from a lack of capable Ninjas. Not to mention the accusation against the Uchiha being responsible for the assault and losing the trust of some of their most capable Ninjas because of it. The 300 or so Star Shinobi would more than replenish that loss.

"If you want you can stay here until your clan arrives, or you can head out and join the Jonin tomorrow," Sarutobi stated while thinking of what team to send out.

"I think I should leave with the Konoha Nin. That way my clan knows everything went well," Kibo said before he looked to Kana and Karin and stated, "And now that this topic is over, I was hoping you take care of these two." Kibo pointed to Karin and Kana.

He explained their circumstance completely while also telling the Hokage about their potential towards Medical Nin-Jutsu.

"I see no problem allowing them to become citizens, since you two came with a recommendation of a future Clan Leader, your first year of taxes will be omitted. Once you complete your medical training we will employ you full time. Since you have no home one of the apartments in the lower sector will be given to you to live in for 1 year without rent. Are these terms acceptable?"

Kana and Karin nodded their heads up and down, "Thank you Hokage-Sama!" The two shouted making Sarutobi laugh.

To be honest, gaining two Uzumakis as Medical Nin was a godsend for the Hokage. With Tsunade leaving the village, it was hard to find good talent in the medical field.

Waving his hand a Ninja appeared and led the two ladies towards their new living arrangements, but not before Karin gave Kibo a hug and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'm gonna make you my husband someday!" She boldly declared before her mom dragged her off while apologizing.

Kibo's face was beet red, he had never been kissed by a girl that wasn't his mother; not in this life or the last.

The Hokage teased him a bit by raising his pinky finger and waging it, little did he know, Kibo understood its meaning.

Rolling his eyes, Kibo thought, "This pervert, doesn't he understand he's talking to a 4-Year-Old."

Sarutobi then offered him a tour guide to help him find his hotel. Kibo thanked before accepting. For the next few hours, Kibo was led around by an Anbu member wearing a monkey shaped mask.

He was taken to all the best tourist locations, local specialty shops, and some of the best food and drink products their village had to offer.

When the Anbu member finally left, he heard an all too familiar voice saying "Hey old man! Give me the usual."

Kibo heard Teuchi's voice answer the boy's request, "One bowl of Miso Pork Ramen; coming right up!"

Kibo stood by the stall and sniffed the air around him, the aroma of the food drifted to his nose and began to make him salivate, "MAN! Ichiraku's Ramen is no joke! This smells delicious!"

Not wanting to wait any longer, Kibo stepped inside to see a small blond kid wearing a blue and orange jumpsuit, his face had the traditional Uzumaki whisker markings on his face, and he was grinning like a fool while chowing down heavily on the bowl of ramen in front of him.

At the rate Naruto was eating, it like he thought it would be the last meal he ever ate.

Taking his seat, Kibo looked to Naruto and asked "You seem like a regular. What do you recommend?"

Naruto almost choked on his food, after slapping his chest a few times and downing a glass of water, he looked around and asked while pointing to himself, "Are...Are you talking to me?"

Seeing Naruto's confused reaction, Kibo sighed while thinking, "Naruto is almost four years old and the village has already begun to ostracize the young Jinchuuriki?"

Kibo could only continue to sigh in his heart as he replied, "I don't see anyone else here. My mom said I can't spend all my money on junk food, so I can only eat here once right now. So what do you recommend?"

Naruto seemed really happy. Other than the Hokage, Iruka, and the people at Ichiraku Ramen, Kibo was the first person to treat him so kindly.

Naruto pointed to his bowl and said, "I've tried all the flavors here, and they're all good! But the best, in my opinion, is the Miso Pork Bowl. The flavor of pork and miso mixed to the perfect consistency make the mouth water in anticipation."

Naruto went on, and on about the glory of ramen for a few minutes when he noticed that he was rambling on. The young boy then rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment before saying "Sorry, I tend to get a bit passionate when it comes to ramen."

Kibo laughed and held his hand out and said, "No problem, it's not a bad thing to have something you're passionate about. People like you tend to put all of their efforts into themselves and their ideals. You know what? I wanna be your friend. My name's Kibo Hoshi what's yours?"

"Fr. . friend?" Some tears started to form in Naruto's eyes as he quickly wiped them away with his sleeve.

After calming himself down, Naruto put an innocent grin on his face and shook Kibo's hand before saying, "My name's Naruto Uzumaki and I'm gonna be Hokage someday! Making friends with me now is a really wise choice!"

"Well then future Hokage, we're friends now!" Kibo said with a straight face.

Naruto seemed surprised by his actions, and said "You're not gonna laugh at me, and say it's a silly dream?"

Kibo looked at him with a smile on his face. When his order finally arrived, Kibo pulled apart his chopsticks and said, "Why would I laugh at someone who has a similar dream as me? After all, when I grow up, I'm going to become the next Hoshikage and make my village a power that can rival Konohagakure!"

"WOW! REALLY?!" Naruto shouted with sparkles in his eyes.

Kibo then looked a little disappointed before he explained that his clan had to abandon the Hoshikage name currently.

"So you can't become a Hoshikage anymore?" Naruto questioned with a dower expression.

"No, joining Konoha is only temporary. At least until my Clan can stand on their own," Kibo replied.

Naruto applauded Kibo's tenacity and said, "Than I guess our village will have a great relationship! Seeing as us two Kages' will the best of friends."

"Fostering relationships with fellow Kages is a good idea. I also intend to leave a branch of Shinobi here in the future. Maybe make an exchange to have a clan from Konoha take up residence in Hoshigakure." Kibo added.

When Naruto asked why; Kibo explained that it was a show of trust. If he trusted Konoha with the lives of his clansmen, then Hoshigakure would respond in kind.

"Wow! You're so smart, Kibo!" Naruto praised.

"Of course, being a Kage is a lot of responsibility the smarter you are the easier time you'll have managing the village. I don't want to be stuck behind a desk doing paperwork during my whole reign as the Hoshikage. So I hit the book's early, Mom said that the earlier you begin gaining knowledge the easier it is to learn the knowledge; but you can't give up halfway, no matter how many times you fail, you need to pick yourself back up and try again."

"I see!" Naruto placed his hand on his chin and looked to Teuchi and asked, "Hey old man! Where's the library at?"

Being surprised by Naruto taking the initiative to learn Teuchi smiled and told Naruto the directions. After Naruto finished slurping down the rest of his broth, he paid for his meal and took off. But not before saying one last thing to Kibo, "If you want to hang out again you can find me at this address."

Naruto threw a crumpled up receipt with his home address written on it. And with a wave goodbye, Kibo caught it, learning where Naruto lived.

Kibo threw paper finished his meal and stood up from his seat to pay.

"It's on the house!" Teuchi said with a smile on his face.

"Why?" Kibo looked at him awkwardly because he most likely knew the reason.

Teuchi had a somber look on his face as he explained Naruto's situation minus the part about Kyuubi, "That boy doesn't have any friends his age, I'd like to ask you to take care of him."

Kibo laughed as he took out the money to pay and placed it on the counter.

"Old man I would have done so even without your kind gesture. Naruto's my friend as well. I don't care what other people say about him. I'll judge him by his actions, not by his origins!"

Heading out, Teuchi chuckled looking at the bills laid out, "What a nice kid, he even paid for Naruto's tab."

As he was walking around he noticed some dissatisfied looks on being tossed at the Uchiha clan members.

"That's right, they still suspect the Uchiha." Thinking deeply, Kibo went to his hotel to take some time in order to come up with an idea, one that might subvert the Uchiha tragedy.

After a few hours, Kibo figured that since one is rewarded for doing good things in the afterlife, it'd be best to stock up on Karmic Point's just in case he died again, plus he liked helping people. It was a win, win situation for him.

"Might as well do what I can. I think I can help a lot of people in this world. That in turn, will have many ripple effects that would give me even greater karmic merit." Kibo thought to himself.

He left the hotel, returned to the Hokage's mansion, and walked inside.

He was greeted by a receptionist with kind eyes. After informing her that he wished to speak to the Hokage, Kibo was told to wait a while.

He sat in the hallway for a good thirty minutes until the receptionist greeted again him and allowed him to enter.

"So little Kibo, I hear you wish to speak to me about something?" Sarutobi asked while taking a puff of his pipe.

"Yes, it's about the Uchiha. Why are they not in their usual lands? Grandpa told me that they were the village's law enforcement officers. Shouldn't they live in the central part of the village?"

The Hokage sighed as he blew out his smoke while saying "You're awfully attentive to such things at your young age. I can understand if you were a genius and were a bit smarter than other children, but the way you think is far too mature."

Kibo was afraid he'd been found out when he cleverly came up with an excuse, "My mom says that I'm a genius not seen for centuries. Because I was born with a photographic memory, I learned to read when I was two; and during the last 2-Years, I've read over 10,000 books and scrolls gathered by my clan. Most of the books were on how to run a village and various other bits of information about the Shinobi world. I even managed to decode my ancestor's technique. That Pink Muscle Transformation Technique I gave you is the only technique of the 1st Hoshikage besides our Clan's main technique that could be recovered."

The Hokage turned his head to the shadows and said a single name "Yamanaka?"

A tall older man stepped out from the shadows and spoke, "He hasn't told a single lie, sir."

The Hokage sighed in relief, "Well now that we got that out of the way, I hope you don't mind Inoichi's presence."

After bowing to Ino's dad Kibo responded, "Not at all sir, I can understand your suspicions. But I wish you to know that I mean Konoha no harm, and only wish for its future well being to be both prosperous and grand."

Sarutobi looked at Inoichi again as the Sensor Ninja nodded his head Sarutobi finally relaxed enough to trust this kid.

"You would learn once your clan's adjusted to living here anyway. The reason the Uchiha's are being discriminated against right now has to do with the Kyuubi attack. The Nine-Tailed Fox was being controlled by someone with a Sharingan, so many of the Elder's suspect the same Uchiha that have lived here for generations. A foolish thing like this fractured our built up trust. Armed with this information, our Anbu Elder, Danzo, has finally managed to sway the rest of the council. I was out-voted for the stopping of their relocation."

Kibo appeared to be thinking really hard as he placed his hand to his chin and tapped his foot against the ground. A few minutes passed when he shouted, "I got it."

The two elders looked at him, curious as to what he would say. "You have around 300 new residents moving to Konoha. Use us as a pretense to sway the other Elder's minds. For instance, you could say the Uchiha need to return to their position to watch over the new clan until we can be trusted."

"Not a bad idea, but what if they don't bite!" Sarutobi countered.

Kibo took a few more minutes to think before he answered the Hokage's question, "Then state it as a probationary period for the Uchiha. Hire someone from their Clan who is loyal to Konoha to act as watchers. If you appeal to the Elders' in this manner there's no way they can refuse. Any back lip from that point on is just simple insubordination, that you, as the Hokage, have every right to overturn."

The Hokage stroked his beard as he laughed and said, "Not a bad plan! With some slight alterations, I'm sure I can use it. Yamanaka, inform the Elders that they're being summoned for a meeting tomorrow."

Sarutobi then looked back towards Kibo and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Kibo bowed once more to the Hokage and smiled before saying, "That is all I wanted to talk about. Thank you for your time."

"No need for such thanks, you may have inadvertently helped this village overcome quite the troublesome incident," The Hokage responded with happiness in his voice.

Just as he was leaving Kibo paused and said, "Oh! Hokage you should inform the head of the Uchiha clan yourself. This is too big of a responsibility to hand off to some subordinate. It will also build greater trust with them and the Uchiha Clan Leader will know that you still believe in their Clan's innocence."

The Hokage nodded once more, approving of the suggestion when he said, "I'll make sure to just do that."

As Kibo left Sarutobi's field of vision, he sighed and said, "That Jun is one lucky Grandfather! I can only hope my future Grandson will be just as good."

Kibo would have laughed if he heard him say that, and maybe pitied him a bit.

After running all around Konoha and taking in the sights, Kibo returned to his hotel at nightfall.

Walking inside the pre-paid room, Kibo quickly headed off to bed and flopped his body across the mattress.

"God I'm tired I've been moving up and about all day." He let out a tiring yawn as he closed his eyes and passed out.

While the boy slept, he felt his spirit wander from his body. Kibo appeared in a seemingly infinite space of soft grass fields with ponds and forests. Above him, was a night lit sky full of star clusters that stretched on out as far as he could see. When he thought he was dreaming, Kibo pinched himself before hearing a chilling voice rumbled throughout his consciousness.

Kibo's eyes quickly moved to the epicenter of the noise when he shouted mentally.

"System, am . . . Am I dreaming?" After a bit of waiting a chime was heard throughout his soul.

"Thanks to the Host absorbing the spirit inside the meteor and nurturing it with star chakra, it has revived as a Mass of Chakra. Similar to that of a Bijuu. Its soul and consciousness have already begun to repair themselves. An estimated two minutes remain until full revival."

"Wait I thought there were only Nine-Tailed Beasts and the Tenth being the true last beast?" Kibo exclaimed with worry.

"You forget Host, the Ten Tailed Beast came from a higher plane. There are many others like the Chakra Beasts all throughout the universe. As a matter of fact, 10 tails isn't the limit. There are countless powerful beasts and monsters that roam the cosmos. They go by many names, Beast of Chaos, Primordial Beasts, Star Beasts, Dao Beasts, Tailed Beast, but the fact remains they are all Immortal beings. Now that I am bonded with a Human, I guess that makes me a Dao Beast."

Before he could ask and be surprised further, an intense burst of Chakra began forming into an azure blue serpentine shape.

A loud and mighty roar echoed though out his mindscape when he saw a super-massive dragon with twin antlers, each with nine branches sprouting from the ivory. The beast's beak had two long whiskers that floated in front of his face and hung below its nostrils giving off a majestic look.

Its soft scales looked like they were expertly forged with cobalt steel, the beast had two massive muscular hind legs, and overpowering arms with razor-sharp black talons.

The dragon then looked at Kibo curiously as it let out a snort of hot air from its nostrils.

"Dragon!" Kibo shouted shouting at the gargantuan beast before him.

As if annoyed, the Azure Dragon let out another snort. This time, the gust was so powerful that it nearly sent Kibo flying.

It took the Azure Dragon awhile to come to grips with his new surrounding. But once he did, a look of surprise spread across its face.

"I . . . am I still alive?" A sophisticated yet ancient voice echoed throughout Kibo's mind. The dragon's starry emerald eyes looked at himself in the reflection of a nearby pond then back at Kibo.

"It appears I have lost my true body, even my soul should have vanished by now. If not for you absorbing my fang and nurturing me here in this strange place. I fear I wouldn't exist at all let alone as a Chakra Soul Mass." The dragon's face moved near Kibo before saying, "You have my thanks, young humanoid mortal. As one of the only remaining Celestial Dragons, you have saved my existence."

The Dragon then seemed to be bowing to Kibo, "As you have saved my life, on my Honor as a Sacred Beast, this one's life now belongs to you."