
Reborn in originals

A young man died and was reborn in the world of original. follow as he empower himself and his siblings to the very peak of this world. my first writing a fanfic, if you have any ideas or suggestions, please them. disclaimer I don't own anything pertaining the originals and only my OC.

Adams2004 · TV
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97 Chs

Prelude to the Plot, The Death of Elizabeth

A Few Minutes Before Idola Attack

"It feels good to be going back home, don't you think favorite niece"

"What favorite niece, I'm your only niece"

"Hahahaha, that's why you are my favorite niece"

Two people were walking through the forest of Mystic Falls as they converse together.

They are Henrik and Malia Mikaelson, they were heading back to Mystic Falls as that's where all the Mikaelsons will be coming together after being separated for years.


Henrik: "what was that?"

Henrik paused when he heard that sound and decided to investigate as he vamp - speed to the source of the noise meanwhile Malia had an inkling to what was happening, if she remembered correctly, then today should be the day that Elena's parents died but what made her a little surprised was that even when Stefan was not here to save since he is with her Aunt in God knows where, she still was fortunate to have Henrik save her.

Malia: [what a protagonist halo and I wonder how everything will turn out now since Stefan is with Aunt Freya and Damon finally got Katerina to be with him, so Elena has no Salvatore brothers to fight over her, wait don't tell me]

Malia said when she came to a realization of how Stefan first save Elena and had to come back to Mystic Falls to find out why Elena bares a resemblance to Katerina.

Malia: [don't tell me, uncle Henrik would fall for Elena or something like that]

Malia decided to put it at the back of her mind as she also vamp - speed to the scene to see how everything will turn out to be.

Malia got to the scene and found out everything was different from what she remembered it to be and saw Henrik about to engage in a fight with a guardian and Elena's mother about to fall off the bridge.

Malia: [well, things are about to get really messy]

Present Time

Idola: "what do you want, Old One?"

Henrik: "like I said, I can't let you harm them or whatever you were planning on doing to them"

Henrik said as he brought out a sword as the guardian also had on with her.

Henrik: "it's been long since I had a sword fight, so please keep me entertained, guardian"

Henrik said as he attacked Idola who also got defensive.

Malia seeing this created a barrier around them and runes of silence which used to block any sound from going out the area, then she went to who she presumed to be Elena's mother.

Malia: "hey, need a hand there? Of course you need a hand, why was I even asking?"

Malia said as she stretched her hands to the woman who held it and got out of there.

Malia: "may I ask why that woman was after you?"

Elizabeth: "is a long story but you have to get my daughter out of here first, please"

Elizabeth said as she ran to the car and still found out that her daughter was still asleep which made her sigh in relief.

Malia: "I casted a sleeping spell on her when I came, I didn't want her to see any of these"

Elizabeth: "thank you, I will explain everything to you later on, but please can I ask you a favor?"

Malia: "what is it?"

Elizabeth: "make sure they never get my daughter, you are the only one who can protect her old one"

Malia frown when she heard Elena's mother call her an old one. There are only a handful of people who calls her father and his siblings the old one and that's the guardians and presumably the devil, Sage's father.

Malia held the woman by her neck and demand to know who she is.

Elizabeth: "I'm Elizabeth Murrow Gilbert, a former guardian, I am no longer with them, I just want a happy life with my children and nothing more, but I know I can never be at peace now that I have offended them and you are the only one who is happened to be here"

Elizabeth explained herself to Malia.

Malia: "well you see here former guardian, I ain't no babysitting any half guardian, heck, I am not a babysitter so find someone else to do that job for you or do it yourself"

Malia said as she released Elizabeth and walked to look at how her Uncle is handling the guardian.

Idola: "you bunch of busybodies, why are you meddling in other people's affairs?"

Idola got angry at Henrik as she slashed and parried Henrik's attacks.

Henrik: "you are good, but you see play time is over, my favorite niece is getting a little angry, so good bye"

Henrik infused lightening on his sword and slashed at Idola only for Elizabeth to appear and took the hit.

Elizabeth: "cough, cough, go Idola, leave, you won't make it if you continue to fight him, and please tell the others to forget about the old ones and move on, we are better than this, we are the light that should shine upon the old and not to be its destruction and I'm sorry for going back on my word, but the times I spent here with my family made me to love that peace and the joy that comes with having a family and I can't break that, Idola, I know I might sound selfish but if I was given the same choice I would still choose this as this is what I want"

Elizabeth said as she bled there, she tapped into her celestial power for a small amount of time which made her to be able to teleport in front of Idola and take the attack meant for her with her mortal life.

Idola: "you, why, why, why did you do that, WHHHYYY"

Idola said as tears threatened to pour out of her eyes as she held Elizabeth's body.

Elizabeth just smiled at Idola as her body started turning into light particles and began to dissipate with the wind.

She looked at Henrik and said.

Elizabeth: "please protect my children"

She said just that four words before she fully dissipate touched Henrik as he put back his sword back into his shadow and looked at Elena who was still sleeping in the car.

Malia sighed as she saw this, she too was a little touched by the scene and how everything turned out.

Henrik: "I guess it is time we have a little talk with you guardians, we have to stop all these fighting, you've lost so many people on your side and the longer this goes on the more you will continue to lose, so listen to your friend who sacrificed her life so that you may live and let's end this"

Henrik said to Idola as he walked towards the car and carried Elena.

Henrik: "let's go, Malia"

Henrik said as he vamp - speed away from the scene.

Malia: "you don't even know where she lives and you are acting like a cool guy"

Malia said as she also joined him leaving the grieving Idola by herself.

1 year later

A very beautiful and attractive young woman with an oval face, light olive complexion, almond-shaped brown eyes which is also sometimes described as doe-eyes, and long dark brown hair. Her height is 5'6"(168 cm), and she has a slim, slightly athletic physique could be seen writing something on a book which might be her diary.

After she was done writing, she got up and look at a photo of her, her little sister and her parents on her bookshelf. She is Elena, the survivor of an accident which took the life of her parents last year or so that they were made to believe.

She was interrupted out of her thought when a girl with similar features like her came into the room. She is Margaret Gilbert, Elena's younger sister.

Margaret: "hey, uncle Grayson is waiting for us with Jeremy, come on and stop your little daydreaming"

Elena: "all right, let's go"

Elena held her sister's hands and walked out of the door while thinking in her mind.

Elena: [I must make sure to make it through today like I practiced]

End of Volume one


600 power stones - 1 extra chapter on Saturday

1000 power stones - 2 extra chapters on Saturday

2000 power stones - 3 extra chapters on Saturday

3000 power Stones - 4 extra chapters on Saturday and bonus chapter on Sunday.