
Reborn in originals

A young man died and was reborn in the world of original. follow as he empower himself and his siblings to the very peak of this world. my first writing a fanfic, if you have any ideas or suggestions, please them. disclaimer I don't own anything pertaining the originals and only my OC.

Adams2004 · TV
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97 Chs

A New Beginning

"So grams is telling me I'm psychic, our ancestors were from salem, witches and all that, I know, crazy, but she's going on and on about it and I'm like 'put this woman in a home already'. But I started thinking, I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger and I still think Florida will break off and turn into a little resort island"

A very beautiful and attractive young woman. She is rather exotic and has an "ethereal" beauty with an air of feminine mystery was talking to a not attentive Elena who decided to join her to school since she also has her own car.

She is Bonnie Bennett, a high schooler and a best friend to Elena.

Bonnie: "Elena, back in the car"

Bonnie seeing Elena not paying attention to her decided to call her out on it.

Elena: "I did it again, didn't I? I'm sorry, Bonnie, you were telling me that...."

Bonnie: "that I'm psychic now"

Bonnie told Elena once again.

Elena: "right, okay, then predict something about me"

Bonnie: "sigh, I see..."

Bonnie didn't get to finish her sentence when a black bird flew and hit her windshield which caused her to lose control of the wheel momentarily.

Bonnie: "what was that? Oh, my God, Elena, are you okay?"

Bonnie asked her as she remembered that it was also car accident that led to her parents death just a year ago, so she must be quite shocked right now.

Elena: "it's okay, I'm fine"

Bonnie: "it was like a bird or something, it came out of nowhere"

Elena: "really, I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life"

There was a brief moment of silence after Elena said that as they both stared at each other.

Bonnie: "I predict that this year is going to be a kick - ass and I predict all the said and dark times are over and you are going to be beyond happy"

Bonnie said as she encouraged Elena which put a smile on Elena's face which also made her smile.

After a while, Bonnie started the car and drive them to school.

Mystic Falls High School

A large crowd gathered around the entrance of Mystic Falls high school as they meet up with their friends whom they had had not seen during the holidays and catch up.

Three people walked amongst the crowd as they made their way towards the school entrance.

"Finally, after years of waiting, I'm finally here, but what I don't get is why you are here, little Henrik"

The three people were Viktor who has been undaggered recently and Malia and Henrik.

Henrik: "umm, you see, I am watching over someone, she is attending this school, so that's why I am here"

Viktor: "so someone has finally brought life to your dead heart to the point of protecting them from the shadows, I wonder who this person could be"

Viktor smiled as he said.

Malia: "more like a bodyguard than a crush and I don't understand why I'm even here in the first place"

Viktor: "you should talk to your mother about that, she is the one who wanted you here"

Malia: "I asked and she said and I quote 'you need to make new friends your age and this school is the best place for you, so run along with your father and uncle', I mean, I'm old enough to be there grandmother and she is calling the kids here my age"

Henrik: "and you are still here"

Malia: "yeah, that's because she gave me an ultimatum, either I go to school or practice magic with her, so I chose the former"

Viktor smiled as he heard that, he knew Malia didn't like all these witchy stuffs, that's why he taught her magic - combat oriented skills so that her magical ability will not go to waste.

Viktor: "all right, we are here, you two head inside while I go to the principal's office, okay?"

Viktor said as they got to the secretary office.

Malia: "yeah, I will have to go through with this hell hole once again"

Malia said as she made her way into the office and Henrik followed after exchanging some words with Viktor.

Another Part of the School

Bonnie: "major lack of male real estate, look at the shower curtain on Kelly Beech, she looks a hot, can I say 'trannie mess'?"

Elena: "no that's over"

Bonnie: "ugh. Find a man and coin a phrase, it's a busy year"

Bonnie and Elena were having a heated discussion as they made their way to their respective lookers.

Elena: "he hates me"

Elena said as she looked behind her and saw a very handsome young man, who stands at approximately 6 feet tall with baby blue eyes and short dark blonde hair. He has an attractive face and can be considered as the stereotypical football player in regards to his personality and physical looks.

He is Matt Donovan, her ex - boyfriend, she waved at him but he just looked at her and walked away.

Bonnie: "that's not hate, that's 'you dumped me, but I'm too cool to show it but secretly I'm listening to air supply's greatest hits"

"Elena, oh, my God"

a beautiful young woman with a pale complexion, blue-green eyes and medium length blonde hair. She has a slim, yet due to her cheerleading, toned and athletic figure. She stand's 5'8.

This is Caroline Forbes also one of Elena's best friends, she ran and hugged Elena the moment she saw her.

Caroline: "how are you? Oh, it's good to see you"

Caroline said as she released Elena from the hug and turned to Bonnie aasnd continued.

Caroline: "how is she? Is she good?"

Elena: "Caroline, I'm right here and I'm fine, thank you"

Caroline: "really?"

Elena: "yes, much better"

Caroline: "oh you poor thing"

Caroline said as she hugged Elena again.

Elena: "okay Caroline"

Caroline: "okay, see you guys later?"

Bonnie: "okay, yeah"

Elena: "bye. No comment, I'm not gonna say anything"

Elena said as she looked at the departing back of Caroline.

Elena and Bonnie made their way towards their class only to stop again when they saw the backs of two people standing in the secretary's office but she was more focused on the male.

Bonnie: "hold on, who's that?"

Elena: "all I see is back"

Bonnie: "it's a hot back. I'm sensing Seattle and he plays the guitar"

Bonnie said as it made Elena chuckle.

Elena: "you are really gonna run this psychic thing into the ground, huh?"

Bonnie: "pretty much"

It didn't take long for the two figures to turn around as they made their way out of the secretary's office when they saw two girls looking at them.

Malia: "now what are you two looking at?"

Malia asked Elena and Bonnie as she has an idea as to who they were looking at.

Elena: "um, I'm sorry"

Henrik: "no problem, you see, my ni..sister here is a little paranoid so that's why she was like that, but you have nothing to apology for, I'm Henrik Mikaelson, care to show us where the history class is, miss..."

Henrik said as he smiled at the two beauties in front of him.

Bonnie: "Bonnie, Bonnie Bennett and my friend here is Elena Gilbert, actually we were on our to the history class ourselves, so why don't we go together?"

Bonnie said with a smile on her face.

Henrik: "that would be great and sorry for the inconvenience"

Bonnie: "no problem"

Bonnie and Elena led the two Mikaelson to the history class as they were stared by everyone wherever they passed including Caroline.

They got to the history class not long after as they sat down and waited for their history teacher to come for the class to begin fully which didn't take long as the teacher came in.

Malia: "that's convenient"

Malia said as she saw who came inside with his devilish smile.

Viktor: "hello class, I'm Viktor Mikaelson, I am your new history teacher and I hope we get along pretty well"

Viktor said as he looked at everyone seated in the classroom especially the casts of the TVD series.

Viktor: "with that out of the way, let's begin our class"