
Reborn In Naruto With Wishes

Hates_Thanatos · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter 2. A happy and sorrowful day

Feemale Doctor " come on just a couple more push your madam you can do it just a little more!"

Queen sacura " AAAAHHHH!!!! GWOAAAAAA!!!HAAAAAA!!!


Inside baby's mind *the fuck was that feeling half of me being sucked up wall the other half being sucked down feeling like I was splitting in two wall being forced to stay together!!! Jesus Christ I never want to feel that way ever again!!*

Female doctor "it's a boy!!!"

Queen sacura " let me see my baby."

""(nock nock nock)""

King Dracula "Can I finally come in and see my wife and kid!"

Female Doctor " yes sir the delivery is over now."

""(door creaks open)""

Queen sacura " husband it's a truly powerful baby boy I can't feel the true depths of his strength just like his poppa.!."

King Dracula " you're wrong dear he's not like his father even I can't see the limits of his power he's even greater than his father and with the help of the others who I can barely sence the limits of it seems like the time of the true friendship between true kings queens and people shall come just like the profasy I'm just sad that a great calamity has to happen for everything to be made right."

Queen sacura " no with you and me as well as the rest of conoha we can stop anything bad that happens!!! We've done it before!!"

King Dracula " you're right dear we'll be!?!"


Sacura/Dracula " An attack now no!!!"

Dracula " stay here sacura in your cerent condition you'll only get hurt out there.!."

Sacura " I refuse you know as well as I do that this is not a random act who ever did this did it knowing that we would be weakened right now and if they know that much then they have a mole! I can't let you go out there just to get stabbed in the back!!!"

Baby * seems my parents are going to be killed before I even get to know them!!!*


Sacura " shshsh it's all right sweetie mommy is here…" " darling what should we name him if we don't come back i at least want him to know his name was given to him by his parents."

Dracula " you know what I want to name him but sense you don't like it how about hiro?"

Sacura " I don't want to put pressure on him to live up to his name like that!" " how about a twist of what you fist wanted and just use the reverse?"

Dracula "?!? Alucard? I guess it's not bad Alucard dragonheart huh." " yes lets go with that for his name! I love it hunny you always know how to brighten my day!"

Sacura ""( giggles)"" " we should leave at least some people behind to take care of the children.

Dracula "Well leave Gregorio Aurora Davis Coco Carmilla Miguel Eva Jack Mia Emily yakumo Riki Rin and Karen."

Sacura " that should work if we don't come back this time like the profacy says the kings parents will die on their birthday!" " I don't want to loose my baby!" ""(sobs)""

Dracula " neither of us do but the enemies this time are not simple even at 100% you and I might die now sense we have a 95% chance that we will die but that doesn't mean we can't make it that much easier for our kids to win right!.!"

Sacura " you're right and we need to make shore as few die as possible!"

Dracula " I'm sorry for all the trouble I cosed you maybe if I."

Sacura " don't be so hard on yourself you do what you think is right even at the cost of your life so never apologize for being the man I married!!!"

Dracula " thank you dear.!."

Sacura " now lets go stop some bad people!"

Dracula " HAHAHA yes my love!"

""(inside the cort yard of the dragonheart clans section of conoha village)""

Dracula " dragonheart clan assemble!"

""(swish swish swish)""

Dracula " Karen what's going on?"

Karen " kin no patriarch sama the nine tails is loose and running amok it appears to be being controlled by someone there's the people in weird attire that are taking the opportunity to try and operantly steal children from conoha."

Dracula " sometimes I don't think I want to understand humans!!!" " Gregorio Aurora Davis Coco Carmilla Miguel Eva Jack Mia Emily yakumo Riki Rin and Karen will stay behind to watch the new borns and make sure nothing bad happens to them! The rest of you split into the usual teams and a third of us will go kill the kidnappers the rest will come help stop nine tails Haru you will lead the group after the kidnapper bastards got it?"

Haru " sir yes sir!.!"

Dracula " remember Haru only trust your 6th sence."

Haru " yes sir?!?"

Sacura " remember everyone we fight together to protect what's truly precious to us all the children's bright future their happy smiles and the people whom we love may we fight side buy side forever more!!!"


Dracula " we may die today but if we do we will die for what we believe in love truth forgiveness peace and happiness with these things in our hearts we fight for everything that we believe in for the future!!!" " everyone let's show the morons what happens when you step on a dragon's tail"

Everyone " HOORA"

Dracula " Gregorio if we don't come back your i incharge of training them you understand right?"

Gregorio ""(starts to tear up)"" " yes sir I'll make sure they honor the ansesters way of blood manipulating!"

Dracula " that's good and all but don't forget to teach them jutsu as well." " they'll need to be stronger than us."

Gregorio " I… yes your highness."

Dracula " I'm only a patriarch now how meany times have I told you not to bother with formality even when I was a king?"

Gregorio " it's still hard sir I mean to drop the king of the most powerful race in the world to a mear clan head is outrageous!!!"

Dracula " …. My friend you have to learn to let go. If you focus too much on past glory you'll miss present and future glory when it is right infrunt of you."

Gregorio " I'll try to take your words to heart old friend."

Dracula/Sacura " please take good care of our beloved son Gregorio!!!"

Gregorio " is it really that bad?"

Dracula "….."

Gregorio " I understand I'll take care of the boys and girls who have been born today as my own children.!."

Dracula " includ yellow flashes sun in that as well he was born today as well."

Gregorio " wow that bad huh shit I'm not sure if I can just sit this out sir.!."

Dracula " I need someone to stay with the children and make sure nothing happens to them with the rest. Please old friend I don't want my son to become the ender of the world."

Gregorio " sigh we really have no choice in this do we.!."

Dracula " sometimes my old friend every choice is taken from you and all you can do is go down swinging. But that doesn't mean you can't take as many of those bastards with you as possible right!.!"

Gregorio " when it's my tern I can only hope that I'm half as manly as you old friend."

Dracula " you never know until you face it if you'll face it head on or not. I'm only glad I don't have to worry about the children with you here."

Gregorio " I'll protect them with my own life if necessary you can fight unbound my old friend give them the hell they deserve before you send them to the real thing!"

Dracula " will do old friend" " see you on the other side hopefully not too soon."

""(Swish swish swish)""

Gregorio " old friend you truly fear nothing it's awe inspiring even at the end!"