
Reborn In Naruto With Wishes

Hates_Thanatos · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1. I Died Saving Well the world.

Everything is going hazy. I can't believe what I just did what kind of idea was it to throw myself at the guy so the turrets he set up would shoot us both? Well at least my half baked skeem actually worked! Even got to see the bastards shocked look when the rain of bullets came and blew his brains out it's just a shame I couldn't go the same route. Don't get me wrong stopping a deadly disease that mutates to extreme levels from getting out is good and all but why'd this asshat of a half baked genius have to bring that crappy nano tec to my hospital of all places when I had my appointment??? Well at least I got to do something heroic before I die.

Little girl "Mister please hang in there!!! The doctors will make you feel better when they come to help you please don't die!!!"

Mc "little one sorry but even doctors can't fix me now."

Little girl " mister you promised you'd help me find my mommy please don't die!!!"

At least at the end of the day I could stop that loon from ending the world well if the government destroys the virus anyway I hope they aren't dumb enough to use it.

Mc "sorry kid I'm gonna have to brake my promise… take… care… of… your…self…kid…"

Little girl "mister no No NO don't di...."


Mc "….."

Mc "huh so now what? I'm dead right? Do I go somewhere just sit here or what?"

??? "Well usually your judged right away and sent to your next life but your case is a bit special we are still calculating your karma value honestly it's high enough that you'll get a few wishes I think."

Mc "who's this?"

Rob " just call me Rob a few of you refer to my kind by that name."

Mc "Rob stands fo"

Rob " Rob stands for random obnipotient being"

Mc "right so how long is this gonna take?"

Rob " your dead time is subjective when you're dead what do you have a hot date? And before you go into smartass mode I already know you haven't had a girlfriend since you were 22 and you're age at time of death wa."

Mc "stop I get it I won't be to much of a smartass in front of you. You happy now taking away my fun like that.!."

Rob " it's only intertaining when you do it to others."

Mc "well at least you're telling me up front you're going to use my life from here on as intertainment."

Rob " we use all of you mortals as entertainment not just the ones who get special treatment although they do have more robs watching I will admit."

Rob "well everything has been tallied do you want a rundown of your previous life or get straight to the wishes?"

Mc "just tell me how meany wishes I got.!."

Rob "very well you get 5 wishes congratulations"

Mc "5 huh? Do I get to wish where I go?"

Rob " sorry that's random."

Mc " ok my first wish is for the little girl who cried for me to be able to fulfill all her life's dreams."

Rob " done though using a wish for a little girl who you don't even know? I'm curious as to why?"

Mc " she's the only one that would morn me."

Rob "well thanks to saving the world and your last wish that smart little girl went on to extend human lives to 10,000 years solved world hunger and poverty and even advanced civilization to the space age honestly even in death you're looking out for that world. It's rather impressive."

Mc "wait what???"

Rob "never underestimate the power of wording in a wish my friend also sense that happened after your tally for this life was already terned into wishes these good deeds will carry over to your next next life not this next life so sorry but no more wishes this time."

Mc " that's fine. For my second wish I wish I had everything my favorite character I've created from code vein has that includes everything from blood codes to mitearial to looks to levels Everything with the ability to level in the trillions instead of hundreds also instead of only being able to use 12 abilities at a time I want to use them all at once also a 100% perfect control over my abilities body mind and soul and instead of parasites being the cose of the way I am I want it to be a bloodline ability like a vampire clan ability with me being born prince or king of the clan with my actual hight of 6.4 when fully grown. And a dimmentional storage to hold everything."

Rob "what do you want to have all the blood codes combined into one a starting level of 300 S grade for every state you have completely leveled equipment the works? You do know how broken the code vein game really is right I mean if you compare it to say naruto for instance 1 point would be worth 1 kagai level ninja right and with every level you gain all your stats would be world breaking from the start. Not to mention that you have everything maxed out and when I say everything I mean even your haise is 999,999,999,999,999 you'd be a monster wherever you go!!!"

Mc "yes! I want to live an easy life no matter where I go."

Rob "fine what's your third wish?"

Mc " I wish Io and Cruz were my wife's in my next life keeping all of there ability's and can quench their bloodlust off of my blood and I can quench my own bloodlust of their and the other women I make my queens and vica verca."

Rob "fine but that counts as 2 wishes. Last wish."

Mc " wtf I got everything I wanted in the first wish why not this one?"

Rob "because it has to do with actual people my friend. Your asking for two people to be transferred from completely separate dementional arias of course it takes more because a lot of stuff has to come with them for there souls to completely except being there."

Mc "damn I guess that makes sense. Wait what stuff?"

Rob "(grins) you'll see.!."

Mc "for my last wish I wish the three of us would be childhood friends. Sense their going to be my queens I would like to know them from the start."

Rob "granted and let me do a little tweaking on the first wish to help you out a lot (laughs out loud) now let's see where you'll go.!."

Just then a weal piped up and I saw the names of hundreds of fantastic fantasy worlds from anime all the way to Star Wars and everything else in between. The weal spins faster than I can keep track of so I closed my eye and hoped it doesn't land on bocunopeco. I sit there eyes closed and listening and soon enough I hear it slowing down to a crawl and oh no ho no no no NO NO NOOO click click…. Click.

Mc "Oh thank god it didn't land on bokunopeco. Wait how did you tweak my first wish?"

Rob " your a lucky man you got naruto world it's legal to have a harem there. And you'll see."

Mc "better than bokunopeco. And your just leaving me hanging like that. Also Do you know when I'll be born?"

Rob " according to the weal same time as naruto. You'll be born in the leaf village worry not."

Mc "bastard wait?!? When donzos at his hight of power grate.!. well guess I'll ask is there anything specific you want me to do when I get there?"

Rob "na and don't worry about donzo even as a baby you'll be able to kill him you'll start off as level 300 remember?!?

Mc " ah that's right and one state points worth one kagai and at level 300 with all my stats starting at S+ with thousands in the stats and having 999,999,999,999,999 haise from the beginning oh wait how do I get hase?"

Rob "hase is just degraded blood so if you want to get stronger you'll have to kill and use your enemies blood comes with being a vampire and sense your going to naruto world so the more chacra in the blood the better."

Mc "ok at least that keeps me in the know."

Rob "oh and when you change someone they'll become as strong as you at level one and get stronger same way as you do so if you're not careful then you only have yourself to blame if you become wiped."

Mc " what?!?"

Rob " well enjoy your new life 😅"

Mc "you su…."

"Swish" "swish"