
Reborn In MHA With PSI

A man is reborn in the world of My Hero Academia and forced to bear the burdens of his predecessors. Thankfully he has a solid quirk and an enchanted gift to see him through. Watch as he nukes the world timeline down the shitter and dominates his hero academia. MaybeHarem.MaybeNot.Whoknows. edit, 28 july, 2021 : the fic is completed. though i may rewrite the alst couple of chapters later to make them better. please give this fic a try if you feel like it! :-)

GoldFinger · Anime und Comics
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123 Chs

Waking up in a brand new world!

Conciousness came to me slowly, like shit from a constipated man's ass. Why did I even make that comparison?

The dull taste of asphalt lingered in my mouth. Asphalt? Asphalt!


I spit out a fat glob attempting to clean my mouth of the dirt road.

I looked around at the world devoid of colour, a sticky goo soaking me from head to toe, with bits of a skin-like fabric clinging to my body.

Almost instantly everything came back to me. Memories. History. Personality.

As if it had been planted into me.

No. No!

Alright Haru. You gotta calm down. Ignore the existential dread and brewing identity crisis. Take a deep breath.

Foo, Fwi.

Foo, Fwi.

Wait a minute! I am not a Haru! I am a ^@%#^÷_.

No a ^@%#^_.

Why can't I...ugh?

A sharp pain tore straight through my head, 1000 degree knife through butter.

I screamed out in a shrill voice. Unbefitting a 20 year old man I am. Or was.

My hands. They are ... small.

Is this reincarnation? Did I die? Shouldn't I be meeting a ROB and getting my wishes or something, instead of being stuck in this pina noir knockoff?

No. Gotta stay straight edge here. Can't think of this shit. Fuck.

I pushed against the ground in a vain attempt to get on my feet. My tiny goo soaked hands slipped, the colorless asphalt once again becoming my rough lover.

Why the fuck am I talking like this?

Miss me with that gay shit.

Yes. Finally. I muttered. My original personality was coming back to me.

I wiped the goo off my hands, and at long last got up on my feet. The black and white nature of this street was giving me the creeps. I looked around again, only this time, I saw him. A man in a long coat sitting on a bench, lazily staring at me.

I jumped in fright.

"Bejeezus frick! How long have you been there, ya bastard?

And why am I talking like this? Who are you even? What am I doing here?

What did you do to me? And why am I ... is this moonspeak?"

"You done? One question at a time. Now." He spat out in contempt, as if somehow I was the one at fault here.

"Alright. Who are you?" I asked.

"You. I am you. Or a version of you. Or something. It's not important." He replied.

So not a ROB huh? That's new.

"And what is important?" I asked, my baby voice betraying the annoyance in my tone.

"Aha! Finally. Now you're asling the real questions!" He chirped. A small sigh of relief left his mouth as he looked at me with a bit more respect.

"I almost thought I'd failed in the process of making you." He added.

"And why exactly did you make me?" I pressed.

"Now that's a long story. You want the long or the short of it?"

"I'll take the long version. I have all the time in the world." I shrugged.

"Well it all began when another me, or is it us now? Nevermind. So an ROB offered one of the past recursive iterations of us a deal. Then the dude flipped out on it and stuck another copy with the bill. And so on and so forth. Until me. And now you. So..... l used my power to glean a way out of this. For the both of us." He exposited.

"And this pedo abuse vicious cycle of yours relates to me how?" I quipped.

"See the thing is that direct clones are bound to the deal and have to continue the cycle to get rid of the deal. But here's the catch. A far enough dissimilar clone can end the chain. And that's where you come in. You are the last link in this chain. The saviour of all of us."

"You mean the sacrifial lamb?" I snorted.

"In a way, yes."

"So what's in it for me?"

"Besides me not wiping you from existence right now on the spot. Superpowers. Does that sweeten the deal up for you?"

"And what's the catch?"

"Nothing really. But you are in the world of My Hero Academia so....."

"So I'll need them to survive. Got it? And no thanks. I'll take vaporization for 200 now, if that's fine."

"Okay. Fine. I'll give you give you this." He said, holding out a calling card with a seed taped up to it.

"And this is?"

"A card that will enchant any item with one enchantment effect. It won't be anything awesome like instakill or probability manipulation and you'll need to power it with your quirk. The other is a seed of rebirth. Fill it with your quirk and it'll auto regen your ass out of tough situations."

"All this talk about my quirk, but you haven't told me anything about it. What exactly is my quirk?"

"It's a broken dead shard fragment with Psi in it."

"Shard like stormlight or .."

"Shard like Worm. Parahumans. That stuff. And don't worry. It's not conflict driven or predestined or any some such."

"And Psi is?"

"PSI from Psyren. Now that that's done, I'll take my leave." He said, slapping his legs.

"Wait! What about my living conditions? I ain't exactly a kryptonian space baby. Where am I going to live? With what identity?"

"Now that you mention it, I did have it prepared kinda like that." He said.

"Like what?"

"See, down the road, some ways from here, there's the small town of hamamatsu. On the outskirts of that town, there's a farmhouse owned by a childless couple. Their pigs, well, let's just say, ate their only child. A boy, coincidentally named, Haru. About your age too." He smirked.

"Coincidentally huh?" I retorted.

"Yup. Totally." He replied, whistling mischievously.

"Mind dropping me by their frontdoor?" I pleaded.

"Heheheh... Now where's the fun in that?"

"Aw c'mon man."

"Get busting 'Haru'. It's getting late. I hear there's coyotes out here. I'm sure they'd enjoy a fresh snack today." He said, and color returned to the world, the setting sun painting the sky red.

I stared at the sun, in all it's natural beauty, diving at the horizon.

When I turned back, he was gone.

"Haaah! Fine. I'd best get moving." I muttered.

3 hours later, thirsty and almost at the brink of exhaustion, I arrived at a farmhouse. Shikimori Farms and Poultry. With the pigs crossed out from their logo. Yup. Jackpot.

Here we g....

Then, I collapsed and darkness took me.