
Reborn in MCU to be the Invincible Ghost

#marvel, #mutants, #multiverse travel This is my first story on Webnovel hopefully you guys will like it I got the inspiration of this fan fic from another novel in the app called fanfic ideas. this story is about a guy who is brought into the multiverse of marvel by one above all to add a little spice to the boredom of one above all and Loki the god of stories. after experiencing the same type of story every time one above all gets mc from real god to see what fun changes he will make to the plot. Mc gets a system when he dies at the hands of a certain big tin can and goes on to become the invincible ghost. follow the journey of the mc as he faces the challenges that shape him to who he is.

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27 Chs

Chapter 4: Reborn And Information About The System

"Now choose quickly our time here is running out." Said "one above all"

"Ok wait let me read the list quickly" I said as I looked at the list and decided while muttering "ok let's start with Fantastic Four I loved them as a kid but I can't just get it why they were so obsessed with the negative zone I get that they just want to use it like a prison but it is a huge risk. meh let's choose them anyway my second choice will be the Inhumans I like Black bolt and Medusa so I will choose them.

As for sentry I have no particular idea about his villains but still let's choose him as well and since they want entertainment lets choose the mutants as well and I will definitely choose Deadpool as I don't want him to pop in and out of my universe at will I will have to do something about him.

As I was quietly planning my future plans, I heard a cough beside me I turned around to see Deadpool standing beside me I looked at him for some seconds then I screamed as it was totally unexcepted that I was planning about dealing with Deadpool and he was standing write beside me I was scared and then screamed "since when were you beside me?" "how the hell did you even get here and where is "one above all"?"

As I was searching around for "one above all" I heard Deadpool say "I was getting bored at home and felt some one talking about me and after some asking around, I found you here all alone muttering something and why are you glowing bluish is it a new trend."

I was just about to say something when I felt a huge suction force pull me somewhere else as I rocketed through the multiverse, I thought the one above all must have known about Deadpool coming that is probably why he told me to hurry my choice.

Anyway, even if I didn't give him my choice list, he surely will get it if I just choose them right and along my journey through the multiverse, I decided to choose all the options and be done with it. If it was a challenge so, be it.

As I was travelling through space and time, I got dizzy and lost consciousness when I woke up, I was in a dark and damp but kind of warm place I wanted to escape from there so tried to kick around and suddenly there was light and then some one was congratulating some one that they had a baby boy.

As I was thinking about it, I felt someone holding me then it struck me I never decided to be reincarnated at what age and now I am stuck In the body of a child who can't even properly open its eyes.

And so, two months passed and I know how my mother looked she was an absolute beauty and I think that every child loves their mother as for my father I don't think I have ever seen him yet.

My daily life is like sleep eat and poop and then again sleep the remaining time I am awake I just look around my surroundings and I don't think I like the house we are living at although I am no longer the young master, I used to be I still can't live in this rundown I mean it looks shabby so probably it is very rundown as well I will check that after I am able to walk.

Another year passed now I can crawl and I have completed looking at the whole house. It is kind of bad and it is very old even the furniture here is old but the atmosphere here is very clean and tidy probably because my mother cleans the house every day and till date, I haven't even seen my father and I have a feeling that I won't be seeing him ever.

And one day while on my daily crawling duty there was suddenly a ring at the door step as I was crawling towards the door someone picked me up, I turned my head to see mother smiling as she carried me to the door and opened it and I say Stan Lee standing there in a postman's uniform and handed her a letter and said it is addressed to her while looking at me he smiled and asked about me and left. I am fairly sure that this letter has something to do with me.

Let's see what the almighty creator has written for me a love letter might be or might be some earth socking event for me let's see as I looked at the letter with my mother it was empty my mother was stunned even; I was stunned my mother looked at the piece of paper for some time and with frustration on her face. She then threw the paper down and gently placed me down beside it thinking I would love to play with paper and hell yeah, I would love to it is a letter for me after all.

After talking hold of the letter words appeared on it read "I almost forgot to tell you about your system yes you have one congratulations and I am telling you this late because you were too young to even hold the letter or even read it and I was in a hurry last time so I couldn't tell you about it.

So, I am sending it to you now and about your system it is a surprise wait till it activates as once it activates you will know about its functions your well-wisher "one above all"."

I suddenly feel like I was cheated of something I know it is my emotions it hurts my emotions.

Who the hell writes a letter like this did he take the inspiration from Voldemort's diary his words keep vanishing and appearing one after another its like he is intentionally creating unwanted suspense for me. He informed me about the system and now he tells me I have to wait till it activates to know about he didn't even specify when it will activate, I suddenly want to murder him.

Ok calm down Jay calm down its nice to add a bit of suspense to life, let's wait I wouldn't even have known about the system if he hadn't told me about it so its no use raging over it, I don't know what other powers I have but we will think about it when time comes. What I should be worried about is my mother she is kind of looking very tense as if waiting for exam results to see if se had scored full marks or not. I think our financial conditions are not good as I don't see mother having any good food its always the cheap goods that are available in the market. According to mom my dad died in the cold war and that cold wars have ended.

 I didn't think that cold war would end so early in this world I think it ended between 1991 in the real world probably but oh well economic growth is eminent after the war so I think my mother should be able to find a job and considering my father's military background it would be easy.

And I feel like my mother isn't doing well cause the amount of food she eats daily is so little that I feel like she will be malnourished and she even has to feed me.

Another year passed and I can finally stand up and speak somewhat properly after asking about it I got to know that my mother finally got a new job in a company. And I learnt from my mother that she had a double PhD in chemistry and biology and had gotten the job she liked but I don't know in which company though but that's ok as long as she is happy and now, she can have a full plate of delicious meal once her salary arrives. And I am still waiting for the arrival of the system.

Another year has passed I joined school for the first time and met many friends there. We have also changed houses and now living in a well-furnished apartment it seems to me that mom is doing well in the company now that I think about it, I forgot to look about her company though I heard from her it was a newly opened company and has high prospects bit I think I need to learn more about it. Still waiting for the system.

Two years in school, I heard many students and teachers talking about a very advanced computer that is very advanced compared to its peers it is about a 10 cm thick and possess a 32Mb RAM and 8Gb of ROM and possess a very good processing power made by Tony Stark.

I then realized that this Tony Stark had made something that is generations ahead of the current technology like this kind of memory and processing power was only available in the computers of 2001 and even many years later computers with these specifications were used.

But now Tony stark has created such a computer in the size of a laptop at the age of 17. A computer that should have only been released in the year 2000 has not only been made in the year 1989 but also the size of a very thick laptop if he just thinned it a bit and added a screen it will function as a portable laptop just without a battery.

What's astonishing is that not only he made it nearly 20 years ahead of time and also made it so thin (# if any one has seen the CPU of 2000, then you know what I am talking about and those are bulky and useless compared to now).

If the researchers of earth see this in the year 2000, they will vomit blood at the fact that after countless years of research they made a computer with these specifications but in this world a kid age 17 or 18 is making computers of the same specifications but way less bulky even at his own home and what's even more heart breaking is that he did it all by himself without anyone else's support.

As these thoughts were running through my head, I suddenly wondered how so many people know about this fact.