
Reborn in Harry Potter with system

Hello everyone, this is my first fanfic, my mother tongue is not English so I hope you understand if there are some or many mistakes, I hope throughout this story to improve, now the important thing, this story may sound like a dejavu like many others and I hope that with your comments plus my own ideas to make this story something different, something I want to say is that the hp and marvel universes will be together, as for the dates I am going to vary them to adapt some scenes, finally in this story the mc will have a system, I'm still deciding what to base myself on for that system. enjoy.

jose1992 · Filme
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Almost 11 years

When I wake up the day after my transmigration, I open my eyes and think that it is completely incredible what is happening to me and I can hardly believe it, until I see the characteristic blue screen of the system

[Sleeping on his bed restores Hp and Mp, restores blemishes and curses]

'That means that if by any chance I get cursed I just need to sleep in my bed, I love my system hahahaha'

Alex: "Well let's start the day"

I go down to have breakfast with my family, I find that my father is not at the table to what my mother tells me that he is in a meeting at the wizenmagent, I begin to remember the information of what I have lived in this body and I see that my father is a very influential thoroughbred in the neutral faction.

"Honestly, I like being on the side of the thoroughbreds, without racism or anything like that, but it is a headache all the lessons that I have to see since I am the next head of the house"

Alex: "Well mother I'm going to start my training, if you need me I'll be at the gym"

Selene: "Ok honey, take care and don't overdo it"

Rose: "Brother can I go with you, I'm just bored"

Alex: "It's fine but only if you're calm"

Rose: "Ok", jumping with excitement

Already in the gym I start to warm up before starting, and so the morning goes by, I decided that I would make my sister start exercising even if it is a little, the next few years are not going to be easy.

My sister, although she did not like to exercise, she started doing it, since I told her that with a stronger body she will grow more and she could use magic better

(It should be noted that in my novel the magicians do not have cores but use the magic of the environment through their bodies)

Already in the afternoon after lunch I started another foray into the library, I may have a perfect memory but the number of books will take me ages to finish them all, that thrilled me.

So the days passed, the months and I'm almost 11 years old. I realized in these months that my system was very similar to that of 'the gamer'.

How is that, well one day I wanted to know where I was since I got lost in the forest of the mansion and suddenly a map appeared in my vision that was literally the same as in the games where points appear with the people and animals that were nearby green, I need to investigate to see if all people are the same color or not.

Throughout these months I was also forced to attend meetings with other pure blood wizards, I learned that I am a family of blacks, the black sisters are still very young like Sirius and Regulus, I got along with them and we talked about tastes and hobbies

I also met the malfoys and others from the different factions, although they have different points of view they all like parties, since it is where they can do business, be they politicians or family

In these months I discovered that I have an arranged marriage with

a magician of the Rosier family, the first time I saw her I was paralyzed with Jazmin Rosier to be them she looks like alexandra daddario, after we introduced ourselves although we were nervous we got along very well, we visited each other regularly at my request since she wanted us to get to know each other better .

My stats weren't far behind either, through my training I managed to increase them as much as I could, I convinced my parents to get me teachers for the different subjects whether magical or not, which seemed fine to them. They knew that I could perform magic already at this age so they had no problem,

The magical subjects were a bit problematic but I held my own quite well, my favorites were runes, healing, potions and defense against the dark arts or DADA, the others like etiquette and those were a bummer, the non-magical ones well it was pure memorization.

Alex: "Status"


Name: Alex White

Age: 10 years

Level:0 (0%)

Hp:300/100 (175 every minute)

Mp:450/100 (225 every minute)









Str Represents the value of our strength

Vit Represents Hp (Vit x 10 =Hp)

Def Represents the damage we can receive physical or magical

End Represents our resistance (End x 5 = Hp recovery)

Agi Represents our speed and reflexes

Int Represents our Mp (Int x 10 =Mp)

Wis Represents our Mp recovery speed (wis x 5 = Mp recovery)


Gamer Mind (MAX)

Player Body(MAX)

Observation (MAX)

Healer lvl 8

Charming lvl 6

Transfiguration lvl 5

DADA lvl 4

Runes lvl 7

Potions lvl 6


I hoped that over time I could level up but it didn't, so I assumed that it would be when I passed my first magical awakening, which is said to be at 11 years old. It's also weird that he doesn't have the ability to Create Id you know for dungeons and stuff.