
Cooler Arrives

Goku and Vegeta returned to earth and went off to join their families.

Vegeta arrived at Capsule Corp to see Bulma working on a new spaceship. He gave a kick kiss on the cheek before checking in on Trunks.

In the yard, he saw his son was playing with Goten and Raunch. They all had just turned two some time ago and were, born much earlier than in the original Canon.

Vegeta was surprised to find out that Raditz married Launch and even had a kid so soon. Though as always, giving them three new full-blooded Saiyans in the process was always a good thing in Vegeta's head.

Bulma often wondered if Vegeta had anything to do with their coupling. He was the one who sent Raditz to Kame's to learn Kamehameha when he knew Launch would be there.

There was no way Vegeta was going to let Goku call him Onii-Chan. Pushing that thought aside, Vegeta watched for a bit as they played.

Although they were all two years old at the time, because of their genetics, they already looked like they were four and moving about like it too.

Seeing Bulma act as a mediator between the children fighting over a toy made Vegeta laugh as he walked up to his wife and gave her another kiss.

"Good morning, kids," Vegeta said placing his arms around her waist.

Bulma smiled. Thanks to the other Saiyans she had to beat off Vegeta because they were trying to appeal to his affections, Bulma decided now was a good time to start up her training.

It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact the Saiyan Females called her a weakling and a low-class queen wannabe.

She had good trainers and was highly intelligent. Within a matter of days, her power level had risen greatly as well.

Bulma wanted to train with Vegeta, but he always refused, saying, "No matter how much you ask, I won't be able to hurt my Bulma."

Bulma gave up after that and accepted his help by constantly maintaining a Re-Heal spell on her while she trained with the others.

After all her time training, Bulma was considered part of the Strongest Wives Under the Heavens Group.

Bulma had a power level of 135 Million. Chichi had a Power Level of 140 Million. Launch had 100 Million. Lastly, Gine had a power level of 150 Million.

Vegeta felt Bulma grab his wrist before asking, "So did you have fun training with Goku?"

Vegeta laughed, "Not as much as I missed you!"

Bulma turned around and laughed, "Good answer. Maybe we should spend a few days inside the Training Grounds on Earth."

Vegeta grabbed Bulma and started to float up as he said, "Well? What are we waiting for?! Let's go!"

He looked over to see Raditz chatting with Tights in a friendly manner, "How long has he been here?"

Bulma smiled, "Apparently they hit it off well, they just decided to become friends."

Vegeta started to sweat, "Oh god, can you imagine if they got married instead? Kakarot would've been my brother-in-law!"

Bulma laughed, "It couldn't be that bad."

"He's my rival, not my brother, oh no, what if called me Onii-Chan!" Vegeta felt a chill crawl up his spine and resisted the urge to barf.

"He'd do that just to get at you!" Bulma laughed.

"It's not funny!" Vegeta countered.

After letting out a sigh, he looked to Trunks and Goten before saying, "Kids, we're going to Turtle Mountain, Trunks can spend a few nights over at Goten's place."

Goten jumped up, "Yay! Trunks can have a sleepover at my place!"

"I wanna come too!" Raunch shouted.

"You live there idiot," Trunks sighed.

"You take that back, Trunks!" Raunch shouted as she tackled him to the ground.

Trunks managed to shake her off and ran over to the window. With a sneaky smile on his face, he opened it and shouted, "The last one there is a rotten egg!"

Trunks blasted off while sticking his tongue out at his two friends.

"No fair Trunks! You cheated!" Goten took off after him.

Raunch grinned and said, "I'll get you for this Trunks!"

Vegeta laughed happily at the children's antics before teleporting Bulma to Goku's house.

The changes that took place around Goku's residence were pretty big.

Frist, Bulma helped them pick out a much bigger house to live in. Second, they built a large and expansive Kame Dojo a few dozen miles away from their property.

As a top-notch training facility, it was equipped with many fighting platforms, healing chambers built into a medical wing, gravity training rooms, and top-of-the-line workout machines that even Saiyans love.

Nearby the Kame Dojo's lands were massive dormitories and facilities such as shops and restaurants, all built for the live-in students and residents of Turtle Mountain.

From a distance, it looked like a highly advanced, but small mountain town.

Tien and Chiaotzu had become trainers at the Dojo, along with Grandpa Gohan, Krillin, and even Master Roshi came by once and a while to help under the guise of checking out the young ladies in training.

Yamcha, however, had disappeared shortly after Vegeta's arrival on earth. No one had seen nor heard of him since.

(A/N: Que image of Yamcha hanging from a ceiling.)

Tien's Power Level was at 188 Million.

Krillin's Power Level was at 190 Million.

Chiaotzu's Power Level was at 50 Million.

Grandpa Gohan was around 100 thousand PL. He didn't so much as partake in the physical training as much so only his technique grew. "Too much strain on these old bones," he'd always complain.

Grandpa Gohan worked much better as a teacher, and as for Goku, well...he was terrible at it, just awful really.

Even with Grandpa Gohan's help, it ended up taking him a long time just to learn to teach with proper words instead of sound effects and gestures with his body.

However, the 'teaching Goku how to be a teacher plan' paid off. Helping him find the words for his students allowed him to better understand his own skills. He even improved on his naive behavior thanks to his students teaching him about common life.

Bulma and Vegeta sensed Raunch, Trunks, and Goten arriving in an explosion of Ki and wind just a few moments later.

Gine and Bardock were the first to see them, "My Lord!" the two gave a salute.

Vegeta waved his hands, "It's alright...while I'm on Earth you can forgo the pleasantries. Oh...Kami. I'm talking like those smug...sigh, remind me to stop mother from sending the royal tutors to ambush me again. That's not why I taught them how to sense Ki."

Bulma laughed as she noticed the settle changes in Vegeta's speech. Gardna was a medical worker. He hasn't cussed in a year.

The sound of Trunks and Goten landing on the ground drowned out his voice, "I win!" Trunks shouted.

"You cheated Trunks, you didn't line up with me!" Goten countered.

Raunch thought the same before running over to Gine and shouting, "Grandma!"

Gine picked Raunch and Goten up and cuddled their cheeks, "You two are so adorable. I love you two so much!"

"Hey, kiddos. Don't I get a hug?!" Bardock pointed at himself.

Goten and Raunch jumped into Bardock's hug and laughed.

"Where is grand-uncle Turles?" Launched asked.

"Turles left the planet in search of Vegeta's brother, he and the other Saiyans that might have survived the initial explosion since he was sent off-planet years before," Bardock answered.

Turles 'apparently' found out what he used to be like and was trying to atone for his actions. They all tried to keep his past a secret, but eventually, he found out when the wives were talking.

Feeling bad over his wicked actions, Turles decided to try and find other Saiyans that might be out in space and persuade them that they've been going down the wrong path. If he was successful in his endeavor, Turles would return them to the Planet Salada, where he chooses to live, representing the Son Family.

Goku and Chichi came out to greet everyone, as they talked Goku and Vegeta sensed a powerful surge of energy enter their solar system.

Everyone looked up and could sense the terrifying power getting closer and closer to earth at a rapid pace.

Vegeta and the group quickly blasted off in the direction of the space ships that had arrived.

The Z fighters all appeared out in a large wasteland. The ship was getting closer and closer to their positions when the shape of the PTO's mothership appeared in the sky.

Dozens of PTO dropships flew alongside it and landed on the planet not too far from the mother ship.

All the Z fighters watched as the purplish-pink and white-colored frost demon descend in his base form.

He looked around the area and said, "This is a nice planet, clean skies, fresh waters, and a bountiful ocean. It should fetch a high price."

Cooler then grinned, waving his hand he shouted, "Move out, and find me those Dragon Balls."

Vegeta and the rest were about to make a move, when suddenly, a voice called out to stop them, "I don't think you'll be making a move anytime soon,"

Everyone looked over to see a blue-haired youth wearing a capsule corp jacket and carrying a sword on his back. He was staring down the Frost Demon when he said, "So you must be Frieza,"

Cooler made a funny expression and proceeded to laugh, "No, I'm afraid you have me confused with my brother,"

Future Trunks made a perplexed expression, "Odd, did I come to the wrong time?"

"Are you an Earthling?" Cooler asked with a cold smile.

"You're half right." Trunks began sensing the power levels for all of Cooler's men,

Trunks then frowned and immediately turned into a Super Saiyan. Without warning, he attacked the army with intense ferocity.

With a power level of 162 Million, only Cooler could stop his attacks, but instead of acting, he found himself amused at how Trunks handled himself in combat.

Cooler was ready to make his move when Vegeta and Goku appeared out of nowhere. Both of them had entered their Super Saiyan 2 forms and charged towards the Frost Demon.

Before Trunk or the Frost Demon could react, the two rival Saiyans punched out at Cooler with all their strength.

The extremely suppressed Cooler, suddenly raised his arms to block their combined attacks.

This split-second given by Goku and Vegeta allowed Trunks to completely wreck the Cooler Force. A shining light reflecting off of metal made its way across the battlefield, cutting through the enemies all at once.

When Trunks came to a stop and sheathed his sword, the men on the land fell over and exploded with various cut wounds before dying in their places.

Above the future warrior, countless air-bursts made by Goku and Vegeta's combined assault destroyed entire space ships full of PTO Soldiers. Their ships crashed to the ground in a haze of fire and destruction while the fight intensified.

It appeared the only one to survive the attack was Salza and his men. Before he exited the ship, Salza had eaten his second Fruit of Might and gained the power level of 165 Million, just slightly stronger than Trunks.

Salza jumped at Trunks and started to fight with his own Ki-sword.

Trunks being slightly weaker, was only able to keep up because of his superior martial skills and combat experience.

The two clashed dozens of times before Trunks got caught in Salza's trap.

His men, although wounded, managed to feign death after Trunk's first assault.

They suddenly reached out and held Trunks down before Salza impaled him on his Ki sword.

Blood flew out of the wound and Trunk's mouth, but Salza didn't stop as he spun around while his hand and dragged the blade across his chest, cutting through his organs and bones.

Trunks let out a death wail, but before he fell, he saw Gohan suddenly power up to SS2 and one-shot Salza with a punch to the gut. The force was so intense that it stretched out the villain's gut and sent him flying into the distance, crashing into a mountainside.

Once they saw Salza wasn't getting back up, the remaining men looked on in horror as Piccolo, Krillin, Raditz, and Bardock, finished off the rest of Cooler's Elites.

Gohan knelt down and gave Trunks a Sensu before asking, "Hey, are you a Saiyan from Salada?"

Trunks sensed everyone's Ki and then looked back at his father and Goku in surprise, "Either mom has a terrible memory, or I really came to the wrong timeline!"

He could feel the power rolling off of them like a calming storm. "If they had this kind of power, then this can't be the past, where am I?"

Before he could continue, he felt Cooler's power surge and forced everyone to look over in surprise.

Because Cooler was in his base form, or rather his 4th form he sealed his own power, similar to how Frieza did on Namek.

Once cooler started to get bored, he shifted his power until it revealed that his power level was at a steady 200 Billion.

Goku and Vegeta knew that their power level of 40 Billion currently wasn't Cooler's match.

Their mastered SS2 forms gave their 200 Million Power Level a 200 Times Boost instead of their usual one 150, and it was still no match for Cooler.

Vegeta grunted and thought, "How did he get so strong?! I don't understand, I thought Cooler's max-power was around 400 Million."

Goku, however, was thrilled to be fighting such a powerful Frost Demon. Even as Cooler started to fight back with a flurry of attacks, Goku remained smiling.

Vegeta continued to heal them as Cooler started to beat the ever-living shit out of them. But once Goku transformed into his Mastered Super Saiyan 3 form, the situation completely changed, boosting Goku's base power by 1000 Times its base.

When Goku's Power Level shot up to 200 Billion, Cooler was taken by surprise as Goku's punch railed into Cooler's face and sent him flying into the sky.

Vegeta transformed into his MSS3 Form, and used a Kokoro-Ken Times 2, giving him a power level of 400 Billion before he appeared behind Cooler.

Before Cooler could power up more, Vegeta landed a harsh kick against the center of the Frost Demon's back.

Cooler's body shot up into the high atmosphere before he came to a stop. Finally done playing around, Cooler pulled out all the power in his 4th form, revealing him to have a power level of 400 Billion.

Trunks and the rest watched on in shock as Goku and Vegeta continued to push Cooler higher up into space, Cooler blocked Goku's punch with a crossguard as Goku used a Kiao-Ken Times 2 and sent him flying back.

Before Cooler could counter, Vegeta appeared in front of him and punched Cooler even further.

The two Saiyans took turns, trading off between assaults and combos off until Cooler ended up outside Earth's Atmosphere.

Goku then went for his first feint of the match. Acting like he was still aiming for Cooler's head, he switched his attack last second and punched the Frost Demon in the gut.

Vegeta then took this time to charge up a full-powered Galic Kamehameha.

As the indigo-colored blast stretched across the sky, Goku kept the pressure on until Cooler shouted, "Are you crazy, he'll kill us both!"

Goku smiled and at the last second, he teleported out of the way.

Vegeta's full-powered Galic Kamehameha slammed into Cooler and sent a massive explosion out that could be seen from earth.

However, before the explosion cleared, Cooler transformed into his 5th form, making his power level shoot up by 10 times his current amount, giving the Frost Demon a Power Level of 4 Trillion.

As his Ki washed over everyone and surrounding space, it shook and rattled all across the planet causing earthquakes and tsunamis to form over the ocean.

Cooler shot out from the light of Vegeta's attack and slammed his fist into Goku, sending him flying back into Vegeta.

Everyone on earth shuddered as they felt Cooler's massive Power Level blasting throughout their universe. Several Saiyans on Planet Salada also felt their battle going on and cast their senses out to observe.

Vegeta Senior frowned as he felt the power was similar to the Frost Demons. He gathered as many Super Saiyans as he could and stood together in case the frost Demon came to their planet.

If Cooler did come, he would be met with a combined Super Saiyan Ki blast that numbered in the several dozen.

Vegeta and Goku were smiling ear to ear, "Kakarot, I call dibs," Vegeta said as he felt his Saiyan Blood boiling.

Goku frowned, "No way Vegeta, you got to fight last time!"

"Are you challenging your king?!" Vegeta grunted.

"Hah, you know your not my King!" Goku stuck his tongue out, "I live on earth!"

Vegeta held out his hand "Play you for it!"

Goku smiled, "You're not gonna win this one!"

Cooler stared at them in disbelief, "What the hell is happing here?" he thought as they started playing, Rock, Paper, Scissors.

He didn't wait long until Goku lifted his hands up in victory and shouted, "Hahaha! I win, Vegeta!"

Vegeta crossed his arms and powered down, "Fine, don't get sloppy!"

Goku grinned and said, "I got this, Kaioken Times 20!"

His power level shot up to 4 Trillion, everyone was shaking with trepidation as they felt Goku's strength completely match Cooler's.

"What power!" Trunks thought, he was so focused on the fight, that he almost missed seeing Salza trying to hide in the distance.

Salza pulled out a small green seedling and tossed it into a crevice before Trunks appeared above him and ran his sword through his chest while saying, "Sorry, but I can't have you causing any more trouble here."

He looked back to the sky and focused in on Goku fighting, unaware that the seed growing a few feet away from him was slowly sprouting tendrils.

"Mom was right about him, he really is the strongest," Trunks mumbled as he saw Goku going toe-to-toe with the Frost Demon.

Goku and Cooler punched each other's fists before jumping back staring each other down.

Goku then grinned and said, "Let's have a good fight!"

Cooler frowned and said, "Are you the one who killed my brother?"

Goku shook his head, "No, but if your looking for revenge you'll have to get past me first!"

"Revenge? I want to thank whoever killed my brother! However, losing all my forces like that was a little disappointing. I know Frieza hated you Saiyans, but I hold you Saiyans in different regard. Join me, become my new soldiers, with your power you could help me conquer the universe!"

Goku shook his head before awkwardly saying, "Are we going to fight now? Because if you aren't, then uh, I'm just going to go ahead and...attack...now."

With a blast of Immense Speed, Goku shot out at Cooler and appeared in front of him before he could react, Goku raised his fist and punched out with all his might.

A loud boom was heard as Goku sent Cooler reeling backward. Before he realized it, Goku shot over and kicked out at Cooler's hip.

Once again Cooler was sent flying away, "Danm it, where is this strength coming from!"

Goku went on the offense. He continued to attack with dozens of punches and kicks, martial skills he had honed his entire life showed in his ability to overcome all of Cooler's attacks and counter with perfect accuracy.

Cooler knew he was taking damage. Using a Kiai, Cooler made some space before he shot out at Goku's throat with his fist.

However, Goku was able to predict his movements and placed the bottom of his foot against Cooler's knuckles, jumping back with the force of the blow while charging up a beam attack.

"Super Kamehameha!" Goku shouted as a giant Ki Beam engulfed Cooler and shot him down towards the ground.

Cooler raised his arms and pushed back against the beam while shouting, "You damn dirty Saiyan Apes! How dare you disobey the new Emperor of the Universe!"

His power level began to grow during the fight, little by little he was catching up with Goku. They struggled for a few minutes before Cooler finally managed to knock the beam away.

Goku was about to charge at him when a massive tree could be seen growing in the distance caused him to pause.

Everyone down on earth had their energy drained almost to zero. The roots spread out and covered a large section of the surface, destroying cities and draining entire towns of their life essence.

The Z fighters closest to the tree felt the biggest drain in their energy. The roots were wrapped around them and caused the Tree of Might to rapidly accelerate its growth.

"My energy?" Trunks said as he felt the roots tighten around his body.

All the remaining Z-Fighter's were in the same position. They were so concentrated on the fight, that the moment the roots latched onto them it was all over.

Cooler grinned as he took flight towards the Tree of Might.

In response to his sudden fleeing, Goku frowned and was about to go and help everyone.

When Vegeta suddenly shouted out from the distance, "I got this, just go after him! And make sure you don't let him eat any of those fruits!"