
Golden Cooler

The crowd of Saiyans began cheering, wildly "The moon is where our partners who can't handle the gravity of planet Salada will reside."

Vegeta turned to his wife, "They will be our connection to the Earth and the Galactic Police. Once we settle in, everyone who works will be paid fairly for your work."

Vegeta held his hand out to his parents, "I'll leave my father and mother in charge once they are taught what needs to be done to restructure our society. Taxes will resume after everyone begins working for a few years. It's a big universe and the Galatic Patrol's forces have a lot of work for us."

Vegeta then gathered up all the Saiyans that had achieved Super Saiyan form and had them transform.

Everyone was shocked again, pondering just how there were so many Super Saiyans. Some even recognized Bardock's family as low-class warriors.

"For those that clean up their hearts and choose to live as good-natured people, this form is easier to obtain," Vegeta explained.

"I've left a training room in the center of the sole city on the planet," Vegeta then went on to explain how the training room works and what was required to become a Super Saiyan.

"I expect a full-on Super Saiyan Squad that will represent our race well in the stars! Our names will echo throughout the universe as the greatest saviors ever to exist." Vegeta raised his hand and listened to the crowd yell in praises at the top of their lungs.

Bardock was called out by his old squad and pilot, Leek, while Gine introduced her daughter-in-law and grandchildren to her old friends.

Vegeta stared at his family before he walked up next to his father and said, "I'm only handing the throne to you, for now, don't forget to train, old man."

Vegeta Senior smiled and said, "Maybe it's better this way,"

Vegeta paused and slapped his forehead, "I'll be right back."

Teleporting to Namek, he asked Guru if he could have a Namekian become his planet's God.

Guru thought about it and after thinking of the good it would do, he then assigned Dende to become his planet's new guardian god.

Vegeta smiled and Nail also asked if he could go with them, "I will protect Dende, I've already trained Cargo to become my replacement, and would like to watch over Dende so nothing happens."

Vegeta laughed, "This is great, I needed a teacher to help my people learn to control their Ki, and a Guardian God can't be without an attendee."

Guru smiled and said, "You have come a long way. Nail, please serve the savior of our people well."

Vegeta nodded his head, after teleporting back to planet Salada. Vegeta made them a floating temple like the one on earth with his and the Namekians' magic.

Dende and Nail moved up top and at Vegeta's request, Dende made them a new dragon.

This one was in the shape of a furry monkey-like dragon. Dende said he designed it this way to honor the Saiyan People.

Its overall form looked a bit like Parunga, but with five fingers and a more humanoid torso. It still had a dragon's face but its whole body was covered in partial sections of fur and scales.

Vegeta then announced to the Saiyans that before they could use the Saiyan's Timeless Training Grounds, they would have to master learning to control and sense Ki.

Lastly, left Nail in charge of training his people and finally decided to take a break.


On the planet of Frost Demons, Cooler was currently sparing with his father. The two had grown monstrously strong during the past few months they've been going at it.

King Cold was surprised to see his son's continual growth.

Once Cooler had informed his father about Frieza's death and the power level of the warrior that killed him, Cold agreed to train with his son in order to avenge his son, Frieza.

King Cold in his final form looked a lot like Frieza's 4th form but was much taller and had more muscle.

It appeared that it wasn't that he couldn't do it while fighting against Future Trunks, but knew Trunks wouldn't give him time to transform.

When Cold ate a single Fruit of Might, something happened that Cooler thought would be impossible, his father's power level vastly outstripped him.

King Cold's full power was at 15 Billion when he ate the fruit it gave him the power level of 225 Billion.

After training for three months, their new power levels were...

King Cold: 400 Billion

Cooler: 375 Billion.

The two fought fiercely destroying everything in their path, Cooler started to attack with everything he had, throwing out a barrage of punches.

King Cold laughed as he dodged all of his son's attacks with ease.

With a single punch to his gut, Cooler kneeled over and coughed up a lung.

King Cold then started to lay into his son and beat the ever-living crap out of him.

Finishing him off with a powerful tail slap, King Cold sent Cooler's body went flying into the ground causing a massive explosion of dust and debris.

Cooler roared causing chunks of large stones to fly off in every direction alongside the smoke..

"Damn you, Old Man!" Cooler huffed as he push his Ki to the limits.

King Cold Laughed and said, "Don't tell me this is all you have?"

King Cold started to power up revealing something that shook Cooler to the core. His father revealed he had a 5th form just like him.

Cold's body bulked up and a mask appeared around his face, two purple bio-crystals formed on his forearms, and his horns shrunk down to look something like an Oni from Japanese lore.

King Cold's Current Power Level, 800 Billion; around ten times stronger than Perfect Cell.

Cooler started to really suffer as his father laid into him, after this two-week assault, Cooler had managed to raise his peak power level to 500 Billion.

While Cooler was on the receiving end of his father's attacks, he started to give in to his rage. His body started to glow golden hue when suddenly, he let out a feral shout and transformed.

He slammed his fist into his father's face and he continued to attack not noticing that he had achieved a new form.

King Cold was helpless as his son continued to savagely beat on his body. Punch after punch, caused massive piles of stone and dust to shoot into the atmosphere while his father sank deeper into the planet's mantle.

Cooler didn't calm down until he felt all of his stamina drain. Stopping mid-punch, the Frost Demon's body went limp before he suddenly fell unconscious over his beaten and bruised father.

King Cold struggled to pick up his son, the damage he received wasn't a joke, "Well I'll be damned, the little bastard managed to use Demonic Qi!"

Carrying his son back to his castle, King Cold laughed, "Finally Emperor Verglas has a successor!"

The next day Cooler woke up to discover his father starting over him with a smile. Looking around he realized that he was inside a healing pod that was quickly draining.

As he stood out of the pod he looked to his father and said, "What was that power?"

King Cold smiled and said, "Follow me."

King Cold led Cooler deep inside the castle's depths, once they got close to the lowest floor, the temperature suddenly dropped. King Cold opened up a large double-sided door to reveal a Golden Frost Demon sealed in a block of transparent black-colored ice.

"Who is he?" Cooler asked.

"This is our ancestor, Emperor Verglas, the Frost Demon who challenged the Gods!" King Cold laughed loudly.

Cooler, not knowing much about his own race, nor cared, made King Cold let out a sigh of disappointment.

"A long time ago, our ancestor tried to conquer the entire galaxy and did a good job at it. According to legend, even the gods could not stop his progress. Only, one day after fighting against a giant green Beast, he was mortally wounded. He returned to our home planet, Geyser, and froze himself in ice to heal. Unfortunately, he is most likely dead. The Devil Emperor Verglas has been sleeping for more than a thousand years," King Cold Explained.

Cooler was astonished, "Then the form I accessed?

"It was a Demonic Qi, the polar opposite to God Ki, " King Cold explained. "I expected Frieza to be the first to access this form, his potential was so much higher after all. Tell me, son, how did you do it?"

Cooler smiled and transformed into his golden state again. King Cold smiled and said, "Yes, that's it, tell me! And together we can rule the cosmos!"

Cooler showed a soft smile before he turned to his father, and without warning, quickly placed his hand through Cold's chest.

The force from the blow sent blood flying across the room.

King Cold was completely taken by surprise, he couldn't so much as mutter anything other than the word, "Why?" before he fell over and died.

"Because father, I no longer have need of you! Now everything you own is mine. Your planets, men, and resources."

Cooler laughed as he flicked his body across the room and forced it to crash into the black ice.

Laughing as he walked away, the blood from King Cold's wound leaked into the cracks across the Emperor's ice coffin.

Little by little, the black-ice began to absorb the blood of the fallen Frost Demon, and after a few hours, the Emporer Verglas' Heart slowly began to beat.

Unaware of what was happening in the depths of his castle, Cooler returned to the surface and declared himself the supreme leader, Devil Emperor Cooler.

After getting his army in order, Cooler took in a great number of forces. He even invited the Ginyu Force to join him.

After going through Frieza's hidden records, Cooler finally discovered why his little brother went to earth.

"Dragon Balls, Namekian Wish Orbs capable of granting a wish! How interesting!" Cooler then started to arm his forces and decided to head to earth.

It would take them one year to arrive, on Age 764.


Back on Planet Salada Vegeta was undergoing intense training with Goku. The two fought with everything they had until they had completely tapped out. Exchanging a final punch, the two rammed their fists into each others' faces and fell on their backs, panting heavily at the sky above them.

"It's another tie," Vegeta said taking deep breaths, "153 wins, 144 losses and 480 draws."

"I'm...pant...glad...pant...we can...pant...permanently sustain Super Saiyan 2 now. But how are we going to break through to the next form?" Goku questioned while sitting up and swallowing a Sensu.

Vegeta did so as well. He looked over to Goku and pointed to his tail as he said, "I think this is the key to surpassing SS2 and achieving SS3, but something seems to be missing."

"Nah, we're on the right track, we just got to dig deeper!" Goku powered up to maximum strength, he started to scream out as the wind picked up around his body.

"Forget about the damage it will do to my body! Just give into that power!" Goku shouted as his aura surged even higher.

Lightning and Thunder echoed around his body causing the training grounds to shake wildly. The other Saiyans Training in the distance all watched on in awe as Goku's hair started to grow.

Goku was roaring and grunting as he struggled to force the evolution of his power.

To make sure he didn't blow up, Vegeta cast Re-Heal on Goku and looked on as he smiled in joy.

Following in Goku's footsteps, he powered up to max power as well. He started to imagine the worst things happening to his family and the life he had built, even all his new friends.

He focused on the anger so much his body started to inflate from the rampaging Ki. However, he didn't fight it, he just gave in. Once Vegeta surrendered to the flow of his Ki, his hair started to grow like Goku's and the two shouted at the top of their lungs.

Their hair had only grown about halfway before the two fell forward and collapsed in a pool of their own sweat.

"Darn it! So close!" Vegeta shouted.

They both took another Sensu bean and tried again, Vegeta and Goku once again attempted to achieve the SS3 Form.

Vegeta tried to focus on one single person, Bulma, he imagined another man touching her and harming her when suddenly, the Timeless Training Grounds once again began to assist them in breaking through their limits.

Vegeta looked to Goku and said, "Think of Chi-Chi, your wife, family, and friends. You got that in your head?"

Goku nodded with a gentle smile on his face.

"Good! Now know this, someone wants to kill and maim your family," Vegeta said as the illusion took grasp of his fellow Saiyan.

Goku snapped and the two gave into the illusionary event. With a loud roar, the hair on their heads grew long, spiking towards the bottom of their spine. Their eyebrows grew muscular and faded away. Lastly, their power levels shot through the roof, both of them had peaked at around 120 Billion.

Mastered Super Saiyan has a 75x modifier. Mastered Super Saiyan is 2.66666666667 times as strong as Mastered Super Saiyan, boosting their base by 200 times. Super Saiyan 3 is four times as strong as Mastered Super Saiyan 2, giving them an 800 times base multiplier.

Vegeta wondered what the modifier would be for Super Saiyan 4, "Will it be 10 times stronger than Super Saiyan 3, or be 100 times stronger than Super Saiyan 3? I wonder what it is!"

Vegeta faced Goku to train up this new form, "Now let's try and Master Super Saiyan 3. If it's like SS1 and two's mastered form, this isn't the highest multiplier it can offer."

"I was surprised to learn that mastered SS1 gave a 75 Times Base Boost, and Mastered SS2 gave a 200 Times boost after mastering them," Goku said, smiling as he jumped up.

"A twenty-five increase that was hidden, while SS2 had fifty left in store. Maybe SS3's multiplier will increase by a hundred, or perhaps four hundred. I wonder what it will be as well," Vegeta mumbled.

Goku did his stretches and took his fighting stance before saying, "Alright! I'm going to score another win!"

Vegeta grinned as he moved into his own fighting stance and replied, "Bring it on Kakarot!"

The two jumped at each other and started to exchange blows once more.

Their fight created massive quakes in the air that scared off the other people training nearby.

Even Gohan, who was training with a bunch of Saiyan children, look up in awe.

He was surrounded by a group of them and all 5 of the kids had achieved Super Saiyan form, all of who paused and looked over in shock at the Super Saiyan 3 forms.

Goku's oldest son was at Super Saiyan 2 and was trying to master it, so that earned him a lot of respect with his fellow Saiyans. But not even that could stop them from idolizing Vegeta and Goku. On Salada, they're all celebrities.

When Gohan saw his father and Vegeta reach a new level, his Saiyan Blood began to boil in anticipation for when he too can access that form.

"Come at me with everything you got! I have to head back to earth and study after this!" Gohan shouted as he was charged by several Super Saiyans kids his own age.

It had been almost three years since Vegeta had arrived on Earth and Gohan had just turned seven. However, he was mentally older by a few years thanks to all the training inside the Timeless Training Grounds.

After training for a few more years inside the Training Grounds Goku and Vegeta exited with Gohan and his friends. Each of them managed to master their Super Saiyan forms thanks to Gohan's training.

However, Gohan hadn't yet reached Super Saiyan 3, but he was well on his way.

Goku and Vegeta, however, mastered their SS3 Forms and discovered that it became additional two hundred times to their overall multiplier of 800. 4 times stronger than a mastered SS2 additional gains.

In total, a Master Super Saiyan 3 was capable of increasing their base power levels by 1,000 times.

Vegeta smiled as he looked at the fully functioning Planet Salada. He was proud to see so many Saiyans prospering.

In seven years, many Saiyans sought human mates, pushing their numbers into the millions.

Almost every battle able Saiyan signed up to work as members of the Galactic Police, while only a percent of the population chose other work, such as technical production, becoming trainers, and farming.

Vegeta looked up to the sky and thought, "Future Trunks should be arriving any day now."

Vegeta started to grin, "I wonder how much stronger the Androids will be, after all, Dr. Gero knows about Super Saiyan, and the earth has changed a lot."