
Reborn As The 9 Tail Fox Kurama

I was reborn as the 9-tail fox, one of the strongest beings in the world of Naruto. Yet just days after I was sealed away

Itachi102 · Anime und Comics
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30 Chs


"I don't remember eating bring this good!" I said with bright eyes, before me was a table filled with food. Sure I was in the body of a woman, I couldn't care less about this. I could walk around and enjoy life, to make things better, Mito was like a goddess as she had a high ranking as one of the founding members of the Hidden Leaf village. She was also the leader of the Uzumaki clan.

One call and food was given to me to eat. And I fully enjoyed myself, eating the food fit for a king, maybe it was the years of not eating, or maybe it was my past life filled with me eating cheap food to not waste time. Whatever it was, I didn't care

But there were a few things that made me displeased, this food wasn't all that perfect. My senses were sharp, mostly because I took over Mito's body so her senses were enhanced.

After eating until my stomach was a ball, I sat back while rubbing my stomach with a smile... This was the taste of freedom. I got up, struggling to move, I was not used to this body, and due to how full I was,

So I did some stretches, and quickly my huge stomach returned to normal, shocking me slightly, but I shrugged it off and went out to explore this world for myself...

Mito sat on the ground, watching the scene of me going out to explore the village which was called the Village Hidden by Whirling Tides, which was not located within the hidden leaf. The Uzumaki clan called this place home, it was easy to tell if one was a member of the Uzumaki clan by the color of their hair, which was red.

She could feel my emotions, and to her, it was like a newborn child seeing the world for the first time. Which wasn't completely false, I was within a new world and it was a new feeling walking through the crowd of redheads,

Sure I saw many of this through Mito's eyes, but it was now me living through it. But Mito only felt complex seeing this, I killed everyone she knew, but it's not like they were the good guys here.

The more she thought about this, the more she felt how bad they were. Not too long ago, Hashirama had caught all of the tail beasts and sold them off to each village... Were they not the bad guys within the tail beast's eyes?

Try wanting to live your world in peace, yet because you're powerful, you can't do that. The 9 tail fox had every right to hate her and the village, even more so after what they did to its kind, but it was all for the sake of peace. At the time she thought it was the right thing

Once the Hidden Leaf Village was built, many others followed. But after the 9 tails were captured by them, all of the villages thought they were too powerful, forcing Hashirama to give each village a tail beast for the sake of peace

All for peace, this shinobi world was just built. Not too long ago, it was the warring era, a time when there was war left and right. Right now, things are hundreds of times more peaceful,

Children could now live without being thrown into war, not everyone was being forced to become a warrior. This was the peace they wanted to build, so were they wrong?

Of course not, she believed they went about the wrong way. They should have taken the time to speak to the tail beast, If the 9-tail fox had never been captured then the other tail beast would have walked free.

Sure some caused trouble, but they were not as powerful as the 9-tail fox. She wanted to know if she could still fix this mistake they made, but all of this was thrown out the window seeing the 9 tail fox removing her clothing to use the bathroom

"I forgot..." I said softly after reaching for my little brother, only to realize I didn't have one, so I remembered the clothing which was harder said than done as these clothing were complex. So I took off everything, only to be met with Mito's breast

"..." I couldn't help but touch them, I died a virgin and never had time for romance... But to think the first time I would see a girl's breast would be from inside her.

Shaking my head, I went on to remove my underwear, only for Mito to stay fighting for control of the body. Feeling this I frowned, Barely a few hours had passed and she wanted me to go back

"That's the male bathroom, Quickly switching back," Mito said leaving me stunned, then again I was walking around with the mindset of a male, so I guess I forgot that the body was female and that the mind was male.

I hesitated for a moment but shook my head, I was unwilling to go back in there. I would have run away from this village if it wasn't for the fact I was being followed around. Plus, I was not sure how Madara or those two brothers found me. This was one of the safest places to be.

"I will give you back my body, we had a deal... I apologize, we all see you as monsters and not living creatures. We could have found better ways to go about this... We took the easy route." Mito said seeing my reaction.

I snorted slightly, thanks to the fact she broke the seal, I could sense her emotions the same way she could sense mine. I knew she wasn't lying, so I allowed her to take control of her body but I was on guard throughout the whole time, if she did something I would be able to react.

But Mito didn't do anything and simply got dressed and left before any male could enter the bathroom. She then went to a female bathroom, where she went to the bathroom but she didn't switch places with me, After all, thanks to me many have seen how weird she had been acting.

Plus, when I took over her appearance did go through some changes. Her eyes became my red sliced pulls, which a few people noticed

Personally, I didn't care. The fact I can take on a human form should show you how I can compress my energy. Sure within that human form, I can't use any chakra-related techniques, but the fact I'm thouands of times stronger makes up for it.

"I have a question, How can you take on a human form?" Mito asked softly as she sat in her room,

"Trying to make me a friend? Is it not too late for that?" I said mockingly, Mito said nothing for a moment before signing softly.

"We sealed you and your people away, we took away the freedom. Can I blame you for hating us? Even so, I hate you for what you did... Was there a better way to deal with this?" Mito asked softly, making me go quiet for some time.

"What's done is done, I don't think I can reason with you people. You didn't simply enslave my kind, you doomed your people who would become our host. Just look at you, all alone. With everything to your name, when was the last time you made a friend? Everyone fears you and sees you as a monster. " I said coldly, Mito took a deep breath before sighing

"I want to try, You can't be free, and if I die you die. I might be the only person crazy enough to speak with you if I were to end my life..." She said softly, causing me to stand up from within my seal

"fear? What do you have to fear from my death if you would just reform?" She asked in confusion, we tail beast couldn't die. When we die, we reform after some time. But when the 9 tail fox died, I ended up reincarnating when it reformed.

"Mito, if you kill yourself, I will make it my personal goal to make you regret it. As the second hokage has proven, it's possible to bring back the dead... Test me." I said in a scary deep voice, which sent chills down Mito's spine. Mito smiled slightly as she held a kunai in her hands, causing my chakra to go restless

"Tsunade is the only reason I have to live... And for her sake, I will happily take my life. Now that I see you fear death... Can we agree to talk and start over? You're immortal, 12 years is nothing to you compared to losing everyone you know and love. You're right, I'm all alone. I'm in my 40s, alone without a single friend. My children have died, my husband has died, and only my grandson is alive." Mito said with a bitter smile,

"So... Let's talk, let's find a way to aside our hatred," Mito said softly causing me to grit my teeth for some time before I snorted.

Mito appeared within the seal, standing before me who just coldly looked at her. She sat down on her knees and began talking about her past and explaining her reasoning for everything, although annoyed, I did the same.

In the end, we stumbled upon an agreement, I couldn't be free or risk being under control by someone else. So, I give Mito my power. Tailed Beasts, can't correctly focus its power without a Jinchuriki's aid, I was special as I managed to learn to focus my power, but it was still not as good as when

For my safety, I needed a host. Of course, I wouldn't stay inside Mito. My chakra will leave Mito's body, and form a human body for myself. My main body would remain in Mito, so even if I die I will reform within Mito

"You need clothes," Mito said with a sigh seeing me standing before her but naked. This was pretty much my avatar.

"Clothes..." I said softly while having my chakra take the form of clothing, I looked at myself for a moment before nodding

"Alright, you free," Mito said softly, to which I nodded slightly. To think everything could have been solved if she simply sat down and talked...