
Reborn as Gods: A Family Odyssey

When a mother and her two sons are given the chance to reincarnate with special powers, they think it's the opportunity of a lifetime. But when they find themselves caught up in a cosmic conundrum, they realize that they may have bitten off more than they can chew. With their unique abilities, can they navigate the challenges of the multiverse and come out unscathed?

StoryCraft · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 10: A Chance Encounter

Chapter 10: A Chance Encounter

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on existing works. All original characters and plotlines are my own creation, but I do not claim ownership of any pre-existing characters or content. All rights to these pre-existing works belong to their original creators. This is a non-profit work created solely for the enjoyment of fans and no copyright infringement is intended.

The day of the initiation test for the new students had arrived, and everyone in Beacon was eager to see how they would perform. The students watched the TV screens from their dorms, cafeteria, library, and other places, hoping to catch a glimpse of the action.

In Team RWBY's dorm, Ruby was sitting on the couch with her teammates, holding a bowl of popcorn in her lap. She was bouncing with excitement as she watched the screen.

"Hey, do you think the new students will have to do the same thing we did?" she asked. "You know, with the launch pads and the relics and the Grimm?"

Yang shrugged and grinned. "Maybe. Or maybe Ozpin has something else in mind for them. Either way, I'm sure it'll be awesome!"

She nudged Blake, who was sitting next to her, reading a book. "Hey, Blakey, what do you think? Any idea what's going to happen?"

Blake looked up from her book and sighed. She tucked her cat ears under her bow and adjusted her glasses. She had been hiding her faunus heritage from everyone except her team, and she hoped no one would notice.

"I don't know, Yang," she said. "But I have a feeling that Daichi will be showing off a lot. He reminds me of you, you know."

Yang laughed and ruffled Blake's hair. "Aw, thanks! That's a compliment, right?"

Blake rolled her eyes and pushed Yang's hand away. "Sure, Yang. Whatever you say."

Weiss, who was sitting on the other side of Ruby, nodded in agreement with Blake. She remembered how Daichi had decimated an entire swarm of Nevermore including their giant alpha that he split in half with a karate chop. And he did all that while free-falling from the sky. She wondered if he had a super strength or body enhancement semblance.

"He is certainly impressive," she said. "But also reckless and arrogant. He needs to learn some manners and discipline."

Ruby ignored Weiss's comment and focused on Daichi's weapon instead. She had been fascinated by his gauntlets, Fenrir, she only saw a glimpse of what it does, so she was now fully curious as to what it can really do. Was it like Yang? Her dad? She wanted to see them in action so badly.

However, the youngest huntress in Beacon remembered something. "Hey, guys," she said. "Do you remember if we ever saw Daichi's older brother use any weapon? I don't think I ever did."

Her teammates shook their heads. They had not seen Ryota wield any weapon either. He seemed to rely on his semblance alone, which was mysterious and elusive.

Blake spoke up again. "I think his semblance has something to do with illusions," she said. "Remember how he pranked his brother during Glynda's class? He stacked up a bunch of objects on his head while he was sleeping, and no one noticed until class was dismissed."

The others chuckled as they recalled the scene. Daichi had woken up with a loud thud as the objects fell off his head, causing everyone to laugh at him. It was painfully obvious who was the culprit of the prank.

"That was hilarious," Yang said.

Ruby agreed. She was glad her relationship with her sister wasn't as wild as Ryota and Daichi's. She knew she was going to win in a prank war though.

She hoped they would get along with them.

She turned her attention back to the TV screen, where Ozpin's voice was announcing the start of the initiation test.

She leaned forward and gripped the edge of the couch.

"Let's see what they can do!" she exclaimed.


On the cliffside, Ozpin was observing the two brothers who were about to take the initiation test. They were both dressed in black and red, with contrasting styles. Daichi was wearing a black leather jacket with a white shirt, tight black jeans with chains and safety pins, and combat boots with red laces. He accessorized with a spiked collar, a bandana, and a pair of sunglasses. Ryota was wearing a long black coat with a hood and a red lining, a white shirt with a black vest and a silver necklace, black pants with red belts and buckles, and black boots with silver studs. He had a cane that he used as a weapon and a book that he carried in his hand.

Ozpin wondered if they were going for a theme. He cleared his throat and addressed them.

"Welcome to the initiation test," he said. "Your main goal is to retrieve a relic from the forest and return to this cliff before the time limit runs out."

Daichi raised his hand and asked, "How much time do we have?"

Ozpin checked his watch and said, "You have half of the day to look for it. The relics are hidden in various locations throughout the forest. You will also encounter Grimm along the way, so be careful."

Daichi laughed and said, "Sounds easy enough." He turned to Ryota and taunted him. "Hey, Ryota, you better get your plan ready. Because I'm gonna..."

Ryota smirked and pressed a button on his cane, which activated the launch pad under Daichi's feet.

"Smashed like a buuuuug!" Daichi's voice echoed as he screamed at Ryota as he flew over the forest.

Ozpin stared at the launched teen with a raised eyebrow. He looked at the glowing launch pad and then at Ryota, who was giving him an innocent look.

"What?" Ryota said. "He asked for it."

He shrugged and pressed another button on his cane, which launched him into the air as well.

He waved at Ozpin as he followed his brother.

"See you later, professor!" he said.

Ozpin shook his head and sighed.

"Those two are going to be trouble," he muttered.


Meanwhile, Ayumi was in Vale, exploring the city once more. She had been enjoying her time in this world, meeting new people, and learning new things. She had also been keeping an eye on her sons, Ryota and Daichi, who had enrolled in Beacon Academy as new students. She was proud of their achievements, but also worried about their safety.

As she continued her stroll, she stumbled upon someone she never thought she would see. There, in front of her, was Taiyang Xiao Long, the father of Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long. Ayumi recognized him from the show and fanfic she had read before coming to this world. He was always called "Tai" by his friends and family, and he was a teacher at Signal Academy and a former member of Team STRQ.

Ayumi felt a surge of excitement. Not because she was fangirling over him, but because she saw an opportunity to do something she had always wanted to do. Ayumi recalled her younger days of writing a fanfiction about a deity or some convoluted time travel plot that involved Summer Rose not being dead, but rather being sent into the future. She had always been fascinated by Summer's character, who was Ruby's mother and Tai's second love. She had died on a mission and left behind a mystery that haunted Tai and her team.

With the opportunity at her fingertips, Ayumi became giddy at the prospect of turning her fanfiction into a reality. She quietly observed Tai as he walked his corgi, Zwei, on the street. She noticed that he looked sad and lonely as if he was missing someone. She felt a pang of sympathy for him.

She decided to make her move. With a bit of magic, Ayumi changed her appearance slightly, like her skin tone, hairstyle, and color, even her eyes. Her entire facial structure was still her original appearance. Next, she gave Zwei a mental suggestion to approach her. The corgi obediently ran towards her and started to sniff her legs and wag his tail. Ayumi bent down and petted him, smiling.

Taiyang noticed that Zwei was missing and looked around. He spotted him bothering a woman. He quickly walked towards them and apologized to his dog.

"Sorry about that," he said. "He's very friendly, but sometimes he gets too excited."

He reached for Zwei's collar, but then he froze. He looked at the woman's face and felt his heart skip a beat. She had silver eyes, pale skin, and black hair with red tips. She looked exactly like Summer.

"Summer?" he whispered in disbelief.

Ayumi looked at him and felt a pang of guilt. She realized that she might have gone too far with her idea. She decided to tell him the truth.

"No, I'm not Summer," she said softly. "I'm sorry for misleading you. I'm Ayumi Nakamura."

Taiyang realizing the error, profusely apologized. "I'm so sorry," he said. "I don't know what came over me. You just look so much like her." He introduced himself as Taiyang Xiao Long, a teacher at Signal Academy.

Ayumi's smile, made Tai's heart quiver in agony, her voice sounded the same even her smile was just like how his second love would do when he made a mistake. Was this some cruel mockery of the world? To remind him of what he lost?

"It's okay," Ayumi said. "I know how it is to miss someone you love. I'm Ayumi Nakamura, by the way. A new teacher at Beacon Academy."

She decided to give the poor man some half-truths, claiming that she had just arrived in Vale a few days ago and was still getting used to the city.

She then asked him the name of his corgi, who was still wagging his tail and licking her hand.

Taiyang smiled and said that his name was Zwei. He said that he was his loyal companion and best friend.

"Zwei, huh? That's a cute name," she said. "He's a very friendly dog. I like him."

She petted him and praised him for being a good boy.

She then pretended to squint her eyes as if she was starting to recognize Taiyang who was part of Team STRQ, the legendary team that had graduated from Beacon Academy.

"Wait a minute," she said. "Are you Taiyang Xiao Long? Member of Team STRQ?"

Taiyang nodded and said that he was. He said that he was part of Team STRQ, which consisted of himself, Summer Rose, Qrow Branwen, and Raven Branwen.

"Wow, that's amazing," she said. "I've heard of Team STRQ. You guys are famous among the Huntsmen and Huntresses community. I admire your skills and achievements." She giggled and said that she was a fan of his team.

"How about we have a snack together?" she said. "I'm starving, and I'd love to try some of the food here. Do you have any recommendations?"

Taiyang accepted her offer and suggested a place where they could eat. He said that there was a cafe nearby that served delicious sandwiches and coffee. He said that it was one of his favorite places to go.

"Sure, sounds good to me," she said. "Lead the way."

She followed Taiyang as he led her in the direction of the cafe. They decided to talk as they walked.

Ayumi then turned to Tai with a curious look. "By the way, are you a father?" she asked. "You seem like one."

Taiyang asked her how she knew, and Ayumi playfully answered him. "You have this look in your eyes," she said. "A look of love and pride for your children. I can tell."

Taiyang laughed and honestly thought she was going to comment on his growing gut, which he had been working on getting rid of. "Yeah, I'm a father," he said. "And I'm very proud of my daughters. They're both students at Beacon, just like I was. Their names are Ruby and Yang, and they're both incredible."

He boasted of how proud he was of them, how they had inherited his strength and courage, as well as their mothers' beauty and grace. He said that they were his pride and joy and that he loved them more than anything in the world.

He showed Ayumi some pictures of his daughters on his scroll. Ayumi looked at them with interest and admiration.

Ayumi let out a silent squeal of glee when she saw baby Ruby and Yang. "They're very cute," she said. "And they look so much like you."

She giggled earning a curious look from the blond, "It's funny," she said. "Because I also have two sons who are students at Beacon. Their names are Ryota and Daichi, and they're both amazing."

She boasted of how proud she was of them, how they had inherited her intelligence and creativity, as well as their uncle's charm and wild temper. She said that they were her treasure and delight and that she loved them more than anything in the world.

She showed Taiyang some pictures of her sons on her scroll (She just made them with magic). Taiyang looked at them with interest and admiration.

"They're very handsome," he said. "And they look so much like you."

Taiyang smiled, though he wondered what happened to her husband but something in his gut told him not to ask. It was not his place to ask, and the fact she was omitting his connection her children meant they had a fallout. Taiyang couldn't help but slightly feel threatened by her kids. Call it a father's hunch but something tells him those two kids are aiming for his.

"That's quite a coincidence," he said. "But also a nice one. I'm happy to meet another teacher and parent who loves their children as much as I do."

He asked her if she wanted to see more pictures of his daughters, which he had on his scroll. Ayumi nodded and said yes, please. She also asked him if he wanted to see more pictures of her sons, which she had on her scroll.

They exchanged their scrolls and looked at each other's pictures with interest and admiration. They commented on how cute and handsome their children were, how much they resembled their parents, and how much they had grown over the years.

They reached the cafe and entered it together. They ordered their food and drinks, found a table, and sat down.

They continued their conversation, talking about their lives, their careers, their hobbies, their dreams.

They enjoyed each other's company, laughing at each other's jokes, listening to each other's stories, and sharing each other's opinions.

While Ayumi was enjoying his company, she failed to take into account what her interaction with Taiyang was resulting in.

As Taiyang watched the woman with Summer's face smile and laugh, he wondered if this was the beginning of something new.