
Reborn as Fugaku Uchiha

Uchiha Fugaku said to Uchiha Itachi in front of him, "Uchiha is the first Clan in Konoha, and it can take power without a coup."

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55 Chs

Chapter 25

Uchiha Fugaku surveyed the eleven individuals standing before him. Among them were four new members, who reintroduced themselves to foster familiarity and cooperation among the team.

One of the members was Jōnin Inuzuka Maru, hailing from the Konoha Inuzuka Clan. He was accompanied by a towering Ninken, a canine companion raised from infancy, proficient not only in investigations but also in combat. However, in the Land of Rain, the Inuzuka Clan's investigative abilities would be significantly weakened.

Yamamoto Isuke, despite sharing a surname with the late Elder Yamamoto, had no relation to him. He possessed great aptitude in Water Release techniques. Fugaku observed Isuke's youthful visage, which bore a resemblance to his own, and decided to promote him temporarily to the rank of Chūnin.

Aida Maki, a seasoned Chūnin from Konoha, had earned numerous promotions over the years due to her participation in perilous missions. Considered an elite Chūnin, she excelled in Fire and Earth Release techniques.

Harada Kirisawa, who had been a Chūnin for two years, specialized in Wind Release and wielded her family's inherited Kenjutsu techniques.

"Now that the team has been reorganized and finalized," Uchiha Fugaku addressed them, "some of you may not have experienced war and may find it challenging to adjust to the intense battles that lie ahead. However, given the current circumstances, we do not have the luxury of time for extensive familiarization and adaptation."

"We will receive the mission in a matter of days. I expect you all to exert yourselves in adapting to your comrades and acclimating to this tense environment. In the meantime, I encourage you to collaborate closely near the camp, developing a deep understanding and synchronization among yourselves."

Recent events had brought relative stability. Though the conflicts in the Land of Rain raged fiercely, the Wind, Earth, and Fire countries had yet to make decisive moves. Each nation had dispatched a formidable figure to coordinate the overall war effort.

The world of shinobi revolved around the five major countries, and at present, neither the Land of Lightning nor the Land of Water had engaged in significant actions.

The three countries refrained from fully exerting themselves against one another to gauge their respective strengths and gather valuable intelligence. They also sought to prepare for any unforeseen attacks by external powers, wary of falling victim to opportunistic schemes.

While Konoha and Kumogakure had formed an alliance since the previous war, Konoha still remained cautious of any sudden intervention from Kumogakure. The so-called treaty was merely a piece of paper, subordinate to the village's best interests.

Initially, around twenty Uchiha clan members were dispatched to the Vanguard Camp. Now, only four, including Fugaku, remained.

Several days earlier, Uchiha Kon had compiled a list of Uchiha clan members in the Vanguard Camp, specifying their names and tent numbers. Each Uchiha clan member possessed a copy of this list.

This practice was common among the major clans in Konoha, ensuring convenient communication. The team consisted of individuals such as Hyūga Tazumo, Aburame Nozawa, and Inuzuka Maru, all belonging to their respective clans within the Vanguard Camp.

Although Fugaku was not overly familiar with these three Uchiha clan members, he knew they came from the Police Guards. Normally, Fugaku was amicable toward Uchiha clan members.

The thoughts of these three individuals represented specific perspectives within the Uchiha clan and provided valuable insights, aiding in better management of the clan in the future.

While strength was essential, understanding people's hearts was equally crucial. In the past, Uchiha Madara stood as the most formidable shinobi in the world, with only the First Hokage capable of opposing him.

Yet, within the clan, the majority opposed him. To lead the clan effectively, one needed the majority's agreement and acceptance of their ideals.

Fugaku produced the Uchiha clan's list within the Vanguard Camp. Tent 25 belonged to Uchiha Maeda, a clansman with two tomoe Sharingan. Fugaku opened the tent flap and peered inside.

Three shinobi were engaged in conversation, and upon spotting Uchiha Fugaku at the entrance, Maeda stood and stepped outside.

"You called for me," Maeda informed his two teammates, "it's a matter concerning the Uchiha Clan. I'll be right back."

The two teammates exited the tent, and beneath the drizzle, Fugaku and Maeda engaged in a brief conversation.

"Fugaku, is there something Clan-related that requires our attention?"

"Not at the moment," Fugaku replied. "I simply wanted to converse with the clan members who remain in the camp. How have you been adapting to the past few days?"

Maeda smiled and responded, "To be honest, I'm still quite nervous. This is my first time participating in a war, but I refuse to bring shame upon the clan. Fortunately, the past two days have been relatively calm."

"I've been observing the others secretly. Most shinobi here haven't experienced war, and many are feeling anxious."

Nodding, Fugaku acknowledged, "I was nervous when I first arrived as well. However, after completing a mission, I fully acclimated to the situation."

Relieved, Maeda said, "That's reassuring. Rest assured, I will handle it. After all, we possess Konoha's most powerful kekkei genkai. I won't allow the clan's reputation to be tarnished in front of outsiders. Should any mishap occur, I am prepared to sacrifice my life to uphold the glory of the Uchiha."

Fugaku observed the genuine dedication reflected in Maeda's expression, prioritizing the clan's honor over his own life.

Watching them enjoy a lighthearted chat at the tent entrance, Fugaku concealed the pride swelling within him. Seeing his comrades interact harmoniously while harboring unwavering loyalty, ready to sacrifice their lives to uphold the clan's glory, warmed his heart. These were the individuals who, once guided properly, could play pivotal roles in the future.

Fugaku discussed the situation in the Land of Rain with Maeda, offering insights he had gained from previous missions in that region. He hoped Maeda would survive the war and become an outstanding Uchiha clan member.

After bidding farewell to Uchiha Maeda, Fugaku proceeded to tent 36.

Uchiha Ueno, a 3-tomoe Sharingan clansman and a Jōnin from Konoha, resided in this tent. However, Ueno's aptitude was not particularly exceptional.

Upon Fugaku's arrival, Ueno greeted him, saying, "Fugaku, what brings you here? You're a busy person, rarely seen outside. But you've brought great honor to the clan. As a thirteen-year-old Jōnin leading a team, you're the sole representative in the Vanguard Camp. Many young clan members regard you as their role model."

"Senior Ueno, you exaggerate," Fugaku replied humbly. "We've been occupied with team training these past few days, leaving me with little time to visit you."

"There's no need for such politeness," Ueno stated. "When I joined the Police Guards, I served under Lord Patriarch's command. He taught me a great deal."

Fugaku was taken aback. He hadn't expected Ueno to have been under his father's tutelage. It made sense why Ueno showed such deference.

"Fugaku," Ueno's tone turned serious, "both Patriarch and I participated in the last ninja war, albeit towards its conclusion. The severity of war was still fresh in my memory.

The ongoing war in the Land of Rain serves as a preliminary test for all involved. You're different from me. I'm already thirty years old, and my strength won't improve significantly. Being able to fight for the clan's glory on the battlefield is the greatest reward for me. However, your future is immense, and you're the most likely person to lead the Uchiha Clan to new heights."