
Reborn as Fugaku Uchiha

Uchiha Fugaku said to Uchiha Itachi in front of him, "Uchiha is the first Clan in Konoha, and it can take power without a coup."

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55 Chs

Chapter 26

"Bringing the Uchiha back to prominence has always been one of my goals," Fugaku stated. "In my opinion, the Uchiha clan possesses greater strength, which will in turn make Konoha stronger. It's a mutually reinforcing relationship."

There's a saying that Fugaku didn't mention explicitly, but it suggests that the Uchiha, not Konoha, hold the true strength.

"The Uchiha clan still has a long way to go," Ueno remarked. "Konoha was founded by the Senju and Uchiha. However, what Uchiha Madara did back then directly marginalized our clan within Konoha's power structure."

While the Senju also experienced a decline, they managed to recover. They inherited the Will of Fire from the First Hokage and integrated various clan members into Konoha, leaving a lasting impact on generations of villagers. The name Senju no longer represents a mere surname; it embodies a spirit."

Fugaku regarded Ueno with surprise, realizing that the other party possessed exceptional insight and vision for a jōnin. It was far from being a simple matter.

"Senior Ueno has a keen perception," Fugaku acknowledged.

Fugaku revisited his thoughts on Ueno. Despite Ueno's mediocre shinobi aptitude, he possessed other remarkable qualities. It would be a waste of talent to send him to the Vanguard Camp for battle.

Parting ways with Uchiha Ueno, Fugaku refrained from further conversation with his clansmen and returned to his tent. However, his mind raced, contemplating the implications of their discussion.

The conversation had provided him with significant inspiration, though Ueno's words were somewhat idealistic.

Ultimately, ninjas are revered for their strength. Konoha's power has always resided within the Senju lineage. Of course, the support of the villagers also plays a crucial role, and their strength accounts for a significant portion.

Ueno may be caught up in the game and unable to envision the future, but Fugaku comprehended the larger picture. The current upper echelons of Konoha may be dominated by the Senju, but solely relying on the Senju would prove to be an illusion. No matter how strong Konoha appears now, its power will weaken in the future due to internal struggles for dominance. The moment Konoha truly weakens is when the Uchiha will enter the center of power.

Lost in his thoughts, Fugaku passed through the night, and when he emerged from his tent, he headed towards the dwelling of the last remaining Uchiha clan member at the base, Uchiha Amasuke, situated in tent 42.

Each conversation with his clansmen provided him with inspiration and a deeper understanding of their perspectives.

Maeda and Ueno could be categorized as similar types of individuals. They both loved the clan and were willing to sacrifice their lives for its glory. However, Maeda was more passionate, while Ueno remained rational.

Uchiha Amasuke, a 2-Tomoe clan member who had achieved the rank of jōnin, resided in tent 42.

Many Uchiha clan members possessed inadequate aptitude for the Sharingan, but they compensated through their own efforts, achieving the rank of jōnin. For numerous Uchiha, the Sharingan was not their sole choice.

"Fugaku," Uchiha Amasuke greeted upon seeing Fugaku parting the curtain. "I've heard a lot about you. You've already become a well-known figure at the Vanguard Camp."

The two individuals stepped outside, where the rain was not too heavy.

"They're even talking about me?" Fugaku responded, slightly surprised. "I haven't accomplished any earth-shattering feats."

"It's more than enough that you single-handedly disrupted the supply of a Sunagakure stronghold with an 8-man squad," Amasuke complimented.

"It was just a stronghold, nothing significant," Fugaku humbly dismissed. "Moreover, it couldn't have been done without the teamwork of the squad. I alone wouldn't have been able to achieve it."

"You're being too modest," Amasuke insisted. "With your 3-Tomoe strength, completing missions with any team is not difficult. Although I have only attained 2-Tomoe, I can sense the power contained within it."

Hearing Amasuke's words, Fugaku furrowed his brow slightly. Amasuke's overconfidence in Sharingan and disregard for the team's strength was not a desirable attitude. At least for now, a 2-Tomoe Sharingan was not far behind an ordinary shinobi.

Promoting the Sharingan to Mangekyō was a qualitative leap, providing considerable power to contend against the peak fighters from other villages. However, it seemed that not many clan members, including Amasuke, fully grasped this. Such blind arrogance would need to be guided in the future.

"Amasuke," Fugaku addressed him, "the Land of Rain is a melee battlefield involving the four countries, and the fighting there is intense. You mustn't be careless."

"Fugaku," Amasuke countered, "do you think I am blindly confident? My Sharingan aptitude is not exceptional, and I have only reached 2-Tomoe. I'm fully aware of the extent of its power and how far I can go as a jōnin."

"I sense that my Sharingan is on the verge of advancing, and I may attain 3-Tomoe at any time. Once that happens, my strength will be sufficient for the current situation," Amasuke asserted.

Fugaku observed the somewhat proud Amasuke. Although 3-Tomoe Sharingan was formidable, it was merely a quantitative improvement. When confronted with a true peak expert, Amasuke would still have to wait for his turn.

"Amasuke, as the possessor of 3-Tomoe Sharingan, I must remind you that it's not as potent as you believe."

As a member of the same clan, Fugaku felt obligated to caution Amasuke, ensuring he didn't suffer heavy losses in battle. However, whether Amasuke would heed his advice or not was ultimately up to him.

After parting ways with Amasuke, Fugaku's thoughts continued to roam. Clan members, including many who believed in the strength of the Sharingan, displayed an excessive amount of arrogance.

Changing one's mindset and beliefs couldn't happen overnight; it required subtle influences over time.

Having run for two consecutive days, the team had reached the time limit set by the camp. In the morning, Uchiha Fugaku obtained the team's next mission from Hatake Sakumo's tent.

Surveying the well-organized team, Fugaku nodded, feeling content.

"This mission won't be easy," Uchiha Fugaku contemplated. "Yet, it won't be too difficult either. It doesn't specify a particular number of enemy kills; it depends on how far we can go."

Fugaku knew that the melee involving the four countries would reach a stalemate that would persist for several years. During this stage, battles were primarily team-oriented and exceedingly brutal. It would also test the depth of a Hidden Village's resources.

This mission served as a test for both the team and its captain.

The number of enemy shinobi to be eliminated was intentionally unspecified, allowing the captain to make judgments and devise combat strategies based on the team's situation. However, battles between shinobi were rife with variables, and over the past few months, Fugaku had already prepared the team for potential casualties.

"Shinobi battles have always been cruel," Uchiha Fugaku declared. "In the initial stage, our goal isn't to eliminate the enemy. I want you to develop teamwork and coordination through practical combat, starting from now."

With these words, the Fugaku squad immediately sprang into action, making their way out of the camp.