
Reborn as frieza?!

What if an average and ordinary guy was reborn in the world of Dragon Ball as Frieza? *THIS IS A MTL*

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DBZ Cold Rebirth: Ch.9: Android 13's Attack

DBZ Cold Rebirth

Welcome to Cold Rebirth. A What If based on the concept of a person being reincarnated as a Dragon Ball character. This story follows a Dragon Ball fan reincarnated as Frieza and taking a different approach to life than the tyrant's original story. I hope you enjoy and have a great day!

Chapter 9: Android 13's Attack

With mere months left till the androids appear, I'd like to say that my training was going well. But... I may have gotten a little distracted. But who wouldn't be dying to do as many things on Earth as possible when you've been in space for years? I felt like an astronaut coming back from a trip to the edge of the galaxy and I was happy to be back on Earth, even if it's technically not "my" Earth. Crystal and I spent at least an hour a day doing something fun among normal people. Amusement parks, restaurants, all kinds of stuff. However, this did cause me to be a bit distracted during training. One time, I accidentally started thinking about where I was going to eat during training and Piccolo punched me through a mountain. I was buried in a pile of snow for a few minutes. But I did learn that you can make some crazy looking snow angels with a large tail.

Piccolo: "Take this seriously!"

Frieza: "No offense, but you guys are the ones who are behind me a bit. You should work on catching up to me before I start brawling for real. Sure, Goku's super saiyan form can give me a challenge, but no one else on the Earth even comes close."

Goku: "He's got a point, Piccolo. But Frieza, we have to be prepared for these guys."

Frieza: (You're not going to be ready for them one way or the other, Goku. You're still going to get the heart virus and the androids are going to be way too strong to beat. So then you'll hop in the time chamber and train to beat them for good.) "I know. I'm just... curious about your planet is all. Now, if you'll excuse me, Crystal and I wanted to go check out this one super store in West City."

Piccolo: "Hmph."

Goku: "Well, I guess we'll see you later."

I flew back to the house and grabbed Crystal while also switching to my human disguise. We teleported over to West City for a simple trip around the store before stopping for a bite at a food court.

Crystal: "Aren't you a bit worried about the androids? We only have a little bit of time left till they're supposed to attack."

Frieza: "I am a bit, but honestly I'm technically as prepared as I can be. Things just need to play out close enough to the original."

Crystal: "Original what?"

Frieza: "Uhh... I mean, things will just play out like they're supposed to. Fate and destiny and all that."

Crystal: "I didn't know you had a belief in that kind of stuff. I personal-"

Frieza: (The androids shouldn't cause to much of a shake up, but Cell on the other hand... That could be a problem in a world with no Gohan. But how am I going to be able to handle that? Work on mastering my 5th form? Hmm... Huh? Wait a second.)

Crystal: "-like it's all predetermined for us by something else or that we control it? Frieza? Frieza, are you listening?"

Frieza: "Crystal, have we been here before?"

Crystal: "Huh? No. This is our first time here."

Frieza: "Something about this place looks familiar. But not from my old life. Like something I saw-... Uh oh."

Suddenly items, tables, and even people began floating off the ground as an explosion destroys the entire food court. Luckily, my Instant Transmission let me grab everyone in a pile and get them to the safety of a roof.

Frieza: "Everyone, get out of here!"

The people flee to the fire escape while Crystal and I turned back to the partial destroyed building. From it, 2 figures flew into the air and looked down on us. It was none other than the the noncanon androids 14 and 15.

15: "Looks like our readings miscalculated. This ain't Goku."

14: "Hmm."

Frieza: (Better play this smart.) "You... are you the androids?!"

15: "The heck? You know about us?"

Frieza: "You're androids that are here to kill Goku and the Earth's fighters, right?"

15: "Hehehe. Yeh, that's us. This big guy here is the fearsome android 14."

14: "..."

15: "I am the talented and handsome android 15. Now, exactly who might you be?"

Frieza: "The one person you shouldn't have messed with! Hah!"

I disbursed my illusion to show my true form.

14 and 15: "!"

Frieza: "Crystal, get to safety and try to call the others this could get dicey."

Crystal: "On it!"

She ran to the roof's fire escaped, leaving me to fight the androids.

15: "Huh. Quite the funny lookin fello, aren't ya?"

14: "I have no data of this creature..."

Frieza: (No data? They must have only gotten DNA and info on King Cold since I was late to that fight. Huh... I wonder what Cell would look and be like without Frieza's DNA?)

15: "Keep a recording going on this guy. The Doc may have use for it."

Frieza: (So this is just a test run. Sending in the lower digits before the main mechanical duo. I had better take this seriously. These guys are androids and 13 will probably show up soon.) "Hey! Let's take this somewhere else! Follow me!"

I immediately fly south and lead my pursuers to the Arctic. Once we arrive, I take my stance and prepare to fight. 15 tosses few verbal gabs and quips at me, but the fight began shortly after that. I'll admit, maybe fighting 2 androids at once was a dumb idea. Sure, these guys aren't on 17 and 18 levels of power, but they were tough enough to match post training super saiyans. Individual, I could handle theses guys. But 2 on 1, I need some strategy. I didn't like the thought of having to reveal my Yardrat moves, but I didn't have much a choice. With a mix of copy Frieza's having my back and my greater strength from training, I soon had 14 and 15 struggling to keep.

15: "Dirty little... Got tricks, huh? Well I've got a trick called shoving your tail down your mouth!"

Frieza: "Easy, 15. Lame jokes like that will have heads rolling."

I created a Destructo Disk and chucked it at them. They were smart enough to dodge, but 15 was smart enough to think it'd come back around.

15: "Haha! Ya missed, you idiotic lizard-lookin-"

The disk came right back to me while cutting 15's head clean off.

15: "... Ah man..."

He then topples over with an explosion.

14: "What?! You!"

14 jump in to try and grab me, but a swift Death Beam through his chest sent him tumbling back as I used my Destruco Disk one last time. I split 14 right down the middle and he exploded just the same as 15.

Frieza: "Shew. That takes care of the grunts. Now where's-"

I was then cut off my the sound of a slow clap from above. Floating in the air was the redneck robot himself, android 13.

13: "Hehehehe. Well done. Color me impressed, space man."

Frieza: "Another android, huh? What's wrong? Didn't feel like helping your pals?"

13: "Nah, they were much. At least... as they were..."

From the remains of 14 and 15 came chips and energy cores that 13 absorbed right into his body.

Frieza: (Crap. He's going right into his Super mode.)

13: "Grrrrrrrrr! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

With his blue skin and red hair on display, Super 13 was born.


He came down swinging and knocked me off my feet. Before I could even hit the ground, he grabbed my tail and sling me around and around. The moment he let go, my head went right into a glacier. After pulling myself out, 13 was waiting for me to make my next move and crush me. But I wasn't going in till I was ready.

Frieza: "You're pretty tough... but your kind always end up losing with no consequences to the story. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

With a quick transformation to my 5th Form, I was ready to brawl with the super 'roided out android.


Frieza: "Bring it, weakly structured movie villain number 6!"

We bashed heads and began a pretty even match all things considered. I was even a bit surprised with how well I was doing. Maybe 5th Form Frieza is no Spirt Bomb Super Saiyan, but I was doing pretty well. The clashed fists and tore the icy land asunder. As I kicked him to the sky, I made at least 30 copy Friezas and sent them all flying into his for a huge explosion.


Frieza: "Can't keep this up forever. Time to end this!" (Let's see. How would you finish off a guy like this in a DBZ movie?)

My eyes immediately looked to the sun.

Frieza: (That'll do it.) "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

With a Supernova charged to full power above me, I launched that sucker right into 13.


Try as he might, 13 couldn't stop the Supernova and was launched right out to space. As I reverted back to my normal form, I watched the attack fly right off to the sun.

Frieza: "Haha... Oh yeah... I have so got this story under control... At this rate... I'll beat Cell no... problem...."

I then collapsed into a nap from exhaustion. The others soon found me and brought me back. I simply told them that my attackers said they were early prototypes of the androids that would be attacking us soon. That only motivated Goku to train harder for the next few months. Soon, the time had come and I set out with the others to the island town 9 miles off of South City. After a quick meet up with the others and Bulma showing off her new baby Trunks, the city below was attacked by whom I knew had to be androids 19 and 20.

Goku: "I can't sense them! Where are they?"

Frieza: "The ones I fight didn't have anything to sense either. It must be because they're androids."

Piccolo: "Then we'll have to split up and cover more ground."

Bulma took the Senzu Beans and the rest of us took to the city to begin the hunt. My confidence in my ability to handle this situation was at a high. So high in fact that I hadn't noticed I was already setting up to fail...

Frieza: (Alright, Frieza. Let's just ride this out. You know what to expect so just-...) *coughs* "Ugh..." (-play it safe.)

While flying across the city in search of them, I didn't even realize my breathing was shaky and I was feeling a bit odd. And if you're familiar with how Goku got benched during this part of the story, you've probably figured out what happens next.

Next time on DBZ Cold Rebirth!

Chapter 10: The Heart Virus Strikes