
Reborn as frieza?!

What if an average and ordinary guy was reborn in the world of Dragon Ball as Frieza? *THIS IS A MTL*

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DBZ Cold Rebirth: Ch.4: I'll do it My Way

DBZ Cold Rebirth

Welcome to Cold Rebirth. A What If based on the concept of a person being reincarnated as a Dragon Ball character. This story follows a Dragon Ball fan reincarnated as Frieza and taking a different approach to life than the tyrant's original story. I hope you enjoy and have a great day!

Chapter 4: I'll do this My Way

After finally adjusting to me life as Frieza in the Dragon Ball world, this was definitely not something I was prepared for.

Cooler: "What's the matter, Frieza? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Frieza: (How is he here?! He's not a canon character in Dragon Ball! He doesn't even get much recognition outside of Dragon Ball Heroes! So how is he here in the Frieza Saga?!) "I know who you are, but why you're here is what I'm more curious about!"

Cooler: "Hmph."

Cooler floated over to me and looked down on me with a grin.

Cooler: "You've been acting differently, Frieza. I have my sources from within your own empire. You've been training yourself in secret. Why would some so vain and caught up in his own ego wish to improve what he delusional assures himself of is perfect? Perhaps the hope of becoming stronger than those he knows he can't beat. Training in secret and now coming here looking for a wish for immortality. Did you think I wouldn't see such a threat coming? Did you expect me wait till you came after me?!"

Frieza: (He thinks I'm trying to overthrow him?! I didn't even know you existed!) "Listen, Cooler, this has nothing to do with you! You shouldn't-"

Goku: "You..."

I then turned back and realized what had happened. Goku was holding the body of his dead son and glaring up with a furious look in his eyes.

Goku: "You... killed... MY SON!"

Frieza: (Oh crap!)

Cooler: "Awe, the monkey's upset. Poor thing. If it's too much to bare, I could always reunite you with him."

Cooler took aim with his finger, but I wasn't going to let that happen. I quickly grabbed his arm and moved it away from Goku.

Cooler: "You dare?!"

Frieza: "This was my fight you've butted in on!" (Come on, Goku! Do it!)

Power and energy raged around Goku as he finally pushed through and ascended to his super saiyan form.


Cooler: "What?!"

Frieza: "Yes!"

Dende: "!"

Goku: "..."

Cooler: "What... is that?"

Frieza: "He's done it. He's the super saiyan of legend."

Cooler: "What?! But that was just a myth!"

Goku: "Little boy... Help the others and get out of here."

Dende: "Huh? Oh, right!"

Dende began healing the others as Goku stepped up to us. However, his sights were set on Cooler.

Goku: "You! I'll make you PAY!"

Goku lunged at Cooler and punched him into the distance. They began their fight, leaving me in shock.

Frieza: (I've spent years thinking I had it all figured out, then this happens and rips my whole plan apart? Is this world some kind of bizarro mix-mash of the Dragon Ball canon? What logic do I follow now?)

Vegeta: "Hyah!"

Vegeta tried to punch me, but I easily caught it.

Frieza: "Vegeta, now is not the time!"

Vegeta: "You dare-... Wait, is that Kakarot?!"

Frieza: "Yup, he's a super saiyan. And that's my brother apparently, stealing my spotlight and the fight I've been waiting literal years for!"

Vegeta: "So then, Emperor Cooler is here too?!"

Frieza: "Yeah, he-... Hold on, you know Cooler?"

Vegeta: "Your older brother who is said to rival you in power, besides your father. I thought your goal of eternal life was partially a plan to get rid of him."

Frieza: (So Cooler has always been in this world, he didn't just pop into thin air.)

Goku and Cooler began their clash and battle with punch after punch. But that's when I realized something.

Frieza: "Wait a sec, Cooler's not even transformed, but he's fighting evenly with a super saiyan Goku!"

Vegeta: "But, isn't that his Final Form?"

Frieza: "No, he's got another. A 5th form beyond that."

Vegeta: "WHAT?!"

Frieza: (In his movie, Cooler was no match for a super saiyan at all. But that movie had a non-canon Goku from after the Frieza Saga who could literally bring back dead birds! This is first time super saiyan Goku. And if he's even with Cooler's 4th form...)

I look over and see everyone still alive on their feet with Piccolo holding Gohan's body.

Frieza: "All of you, get out of here. Go to Goku's ship, you'll be safe there till the wish is made to send you to Earth."

Krillin: "The wh-"

Frieza: "I mean!... Screw it, just go! Cooler would crush you like flies. Goku won't be able to beat him like this. Not yet at least. And if this well designed yet lazily designed Frieza knock off thinks he's going to ruin all that I've worked for, HE'S SORELY MISTAKEN! HYAAAAAH!"

As I charge in with no hesitation, Cooler is currently holding Goku underwater and trying to drown him. The last thing he was probably expecting was my fists to meet his face. I knocked him out of the ocean and to land where Goku and I jumped out to follow.

Cooler: "Gah! Frieza!"

Frieza: "You've ruined everything I've been working towards for years in mere minutes! I won't let you get away with this!"

Goku: "Frieza."

Frieza: "?"

Goku: "... All the people you attacked back there were still alive. You just wanted to bring out this power in me, not blindly kill. But this guy murdered my son in cold blood! You're not like that though... You just wanted to fight me as a super saiyan, didn't you?"

Frieza: "... I'm sorry about Gohan. This wasn't supposed to happen. I just wanted to finally use all of this power I've been given and worked hard to control. I just wanted to fight with you. This wasn't supposed to happen. This Frieza copycat has ruined the story."

Cooler: "Copycat?!"

Goku: "Heh! Guess we're not so different after all. Let me deal with this scum first for what he did to my son. Then, we can have our fight. Sound good?"

Frieza: "No offense, but I doubt you'll beat him alone. Even if you do, you'd have nothing left to fight me with. But if we work together... this will be over in no time."

Goku: "... Haha. Alright then."

In a scene you'd never have gotten in Dragon Ball Z, there was Goku and Frieza standing side by side on Namek. Totally awesome!

Cooler: "... Haha... Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha! Oh father, it was awful! Poor little Frieza was ripped apart by the super saiyan. I avenged him and killed the beast, but there was nothing left of my dear brother. Now, the responsibility of taking control of his forces and becoming the one true ruler of the universe falls to me! That is my final gift to you, brother! The knowledge of how your story will be told. To end of your legacy! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

Cooler then bulks up and mutates into his 5th form.

Goku: "!"

Frieza: "Grrrrrrrr!"

Cooler: "Now die!"

His face is covered by his mouth mask and the battle begins. I can't sense energy yet, but I could tell that even at my best, he was above me. However, in a scene you could take out from the Tournament of Power, me and Goku charged in and battled the monster. Just replace Jiren with Cooler and that's basically how it went. Goku and I threw our punches together and battled against Cooler with all we had. Punch for punch and kick for kick, we moved all over across land, sea, and sky. For the first time, I could cut loose and finally use my strength to its fullest. It was amazing! Like finally riding a bike with no training wheels. No more holding back, I was finally free to be me and let everything out. Cooler was no push over though. My hits didn't faze him much, but Goku's help managed to leave some damage. But Cooler's hits were like trucks. I had to brace myself and keep pushing through the pain with every hit I took. Put Cooler began pushing harder and managed to grab us both. As he tried to choke us out, we were set free by blasts to his back.

Cooler: "What?!"

There was Vegeta and Piccolo, lending the help they could.

Krillin: "Destructo Disk!"

Cooler: "!"

Cooler moved, but lost the tip of his tail to the attack.

Cooler: "AAAHHH!"

Sure enough, Krillin was even here. I was fighting with the Z Warriors! It was the greatest moment of my new life so far!

Frieza: (This is so cool!)


Frieza: "!"

I knew what he meant. This guy was basically a Frieza clone in terms of personality. He made a Supernova Attack and launched it at the ground.

Frieza: "No!"

I fired my Death Beam and set it off early, making a huge explosion that blinded everyone for a moment. Once my vision came back, the ground had a hole all the way to Namek's core with the planet begin to spin into madness.

Cooler: "Fool! You cannot stop my destruction! The core has been damaged and this planet now has but a mere 5 minutes left before it explodes!"

Frieza: (You mean about 10 episodes worth of time.) "Goku, get out of here! Now!"

Goku: "What?!"

Frieza: "You need to go, now! Go grab a Ginyu Ship and go!"

Goku: "I can't leave you to die while fighting him!"

Frieza: "Relax, I can breathe in space. But so can Cooler. I'll stay and make sure he doesn't get away."

Goku: "..."

Frieza: "... 2 years. I'll give you about 2 years to learn how to use this form of yours. Become the true super saiyan warrior and meet me on Earth for our rematch. Then we'll settle the score."

Goku: "Frieza..."

I then float forward and face Cooler alone.

Cooler: "So, you chose to die by my hands before the explosion of Namek, eh?"

Frieza: "You know... I've spent a lot of time just trying to do my best and make this all work out. But I'm done with holding back and keeping to the script. From now on... I'll do this my way! HYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

Remember when I said that changing forms was like taking off heavy clothes? Well imagine flexing so hard your skin rips off your muscles. The pain of the expanding and ripping, yet your body is being pumped with so much adrenaline you become stronger than ever.

Goku: "!"

Cooler: "Impossible!"

Well that's exactly what it feels like... when I transform to my 5th form.


Now with my massive muscles and thinker, more helmet-like head and spikes on my legs and back, I grinned at Cooler knowing that he was so screwed.

Frieza: "What's wrong 'Big Brother?' You look like you've seen a ghost?"

I flex my face muscles and my body reacts by covering my mouth with a mask. Now, I was ready to rid the Dragon Ball world of this noncanon poser for good.

Next time on DBZ Cold Rebirth!

Chapter 5: It's a New World