
Reborn as frieza?!

What if an average and ordinary guy was reborn in the world of Dragon Ball as Frieza? *THIS IS A MTL*

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DBZ Cold Rebirth: Ch.3: The Legendary Battle

DBZ Cold Rebirth

Welcome to Cold Rebirth. A What If based on the concept of a person being reincarnated as a Dragon Ball character. This story follows a Dragon Ball fan reincarnated as Frieza and taking a different approach to life than the tyrant's original story. I hope you enjoy and have a great day!

Chapter 3: The Legendary Battle

This was it! My big moment had come. Vegeta was healed by Dende and the others were left frozen in their tracks. My Final Form was on full display. And yes, it felt great! How so? You know how, when you go outside to play in the snow, you double up on coats and warm clothing? Well that's basically how Frieza's Forms worked. The first form was like being fully covered in a sweater, extra sweat pants, heavy coat, boots, and scarves. It made me slower and weaker, but kept my power inside in place of staying warm. 2nd Form is like that too, but less of a heavy jacket and one pair of thick jeans. 3rd was like being dressed for a rainy day. But the Fianl Form was like being in shorts and a tee shirt in the summer. I was free to move around at my full capacity, with all my strength on display. Dende crossed my sight and I took aim. However, this was a rather tricky situation.

Frieza: (Should I kill him? If I do, then I won't have to worry about him healing anyone and giving them Zenkai Boosts. If I don't, he could make the others stronger and more of a challenge. Plus if I just injury him to the point that he can't move, how will he make the wish to get everyone off Namek?)

I didn't have long to decide, so I ended up making my move. I fly around Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo and fired a blast. A simple beam with barely any of my effort, but probably capable of destroying a moon or asteroid. Dende was nowhere near capable of handling that, but luckily, he had Vegeta.

Vegeta: "Move, brat!"

Vegeta knocked the boy down and my blast zipped by and blew up a mountain in the distance. Everyone but Vegeta was left stunned. I floated down and landed next to him and Dende.

Frieza: "I admire your willingness to face me. However, if I see you heal Vegeta again..."

I pointed my finger at him, causing fear to flow through the child.

Frieza: "Then you shall join the others."

Dende: "..."

Dende then takes off and seeks shelter behind Piccolo and the others. Now, Vegeta was face to face with me, ready to fight.

Vegeta: "What's wrong, Frieza? Lost your touch with the kids?"

Frieza: "What can I say? I am rather impressed. Such a small group has forced me to actually take this serious. Well... somewhat serious."

Vegeta: "Oh, but you should take this seriously, Frieza. Because you're not dealing with the average saiyan warrior anyone!"

Here we go. Ok, so what do I think of Vegeta? He's alright. Back in my normal life, I always felt like he was overrated as the fan favorite. I preferred Piccolo as the main rival honestly. But Vegeta's good, don't get me wrong. I like him. But dealing with him in this new life as Frieza has been a bit annoying. I've known he was going to betray me and fight me since he was a kid. I rarely interacted with him, but every time he was around, I could feel his eyes glare at me like, "Enjoy it while you can. I'll kill you one day!" It got really awkward. And now I get to listen to his "I'm a super saiyan!" speeches. Well, whatever. At least I can have some fun with this next part. After Vegeta was finally done bragging about himself, he began his power up. The whole planet felt like it was shaking and the others backed away in shock. Plus, I swear I could literally hear the song Saiyan Blood playing in my head. Thanks DBZ Kai. Once he finished, the fight began. Well... "fight." Trust me, when you're the one actually in Frieza's shoes, the intensity and suspense of the battle vanish. The literal world destroyer attacks were basically like watching a toddler have a tantrum to me at this point. Anything he threw at me, I dodged. Anything to dangerous to let hit the ground, I deflected. Leaving Vegeta shocked and terrified.

Frieza: "Is this it? After all the years and build up, is that really all a super saiyan is?" *sigh* "I guess it was all just myth and legend after all."

Vegeta: "No! I refuse to believe it! The legends are true! I know they are!"

Frieza: "Oh?"

Vegeta: "I will not be defeated. I can NOT be defeated!"

Vegeta began his light show of blasts through the sky with me dodging all of them by being too fast to keep up with. I also stopped in front of the others for a second to keep them on their toes.

Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin, and Dende: "!"

Frieza: "You should probably move."

Piccolo grabbed them and flew off to safety, while I went up to Vegeta, shocking him and stopping the blasts. All leading up to his Full Power Galick Gun. Vegeta gave it all he had, but it was as easy to kick away as a soccer ball. With that, Vegeta began to break down into tears, knowing what true helplessness feels like now.

Frieza: (Sorry, Vegeta. But this is for your own development.) "Brace yourself. Here I come."

It wasn't much of a match after that. Vegeta was already done, but he still needed to be beaten down to near death. That feeling of helplessness against Frieza's attacks goes on to shape Vegeta in the future. I had to get it right. I knocked him around for a bit before he feel into a lake and just floated down to the bottom. I landed and used my energy to part the waters and go down to get him. And NO, I did not eat a carb! I hate seafood. Anyways, back to the story. So here is where Frieza mocks and ridicules Vegeta in the story. But with all my years to plan, I knew exactly what my script would be.

Frieza: "You know Vegeta, I knew you'd learn the truth one day. The truth of your world's destruction. I planned it all out. Yes, I knew of the legends. Old tales of ultimate warriors and gods, the kind that could defeat me. But I wasn't afraid. No no no. I was interested. I wanted to see if such a thing were possible. You see, with unlimited potential like mine, I seek a way to prove and push myself. Be the strongest of all time is quite boring. So I figured that I'd mold my own super saiyan to fight me. Why do you think I spared you?"

Vegeta: "..."

Frieza: "I thought maybe you could finally give me the challenge I longed for. That your hate would grow and create the legendary warrior to give me a real fight! But it seems... it just wasn't enough. Because if this is all the super saiyan is... then everything from destroying Planet Vegeta to now has been a complete waste." (I am nailing this!)

I then beat down on Vegeta for a bit, before knocking him over to the others.

Frieza: "Don't think I've forgotten about you. If you wish to help him, join in now."

No one dared to move.

Frieza: "Guess not."

I then beat Vegeta down for a bit and smash him into the ground. Here it comes. Any moment now, he'll be here!

Vegeta: *cries*

Frieza: "Goodbye, Vegeta. May you carry some bit of pride into the afterlife, knowing that it took me to finally finish off the saiyan prince. Hyaaaaaa-"

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by. It was time. He was here. Landing on the battlefield, ready to fight, was Goku himself. Finally, after all this time, we meet.

Frieza: "What's this?"

Goku greets the others before stepping up to me.

Goku: "So, you must be Frieza."

Frieza: "Indeed. I am. And you?"

Goku: "My name is Goku. I'm a saiyan from planet Earth."

Frieza: "A saiyan you say? How unexpected. Than again, that explains where the boy came from."

Goku: "..."

Frieza: (He's checking me out. Better do something.) "Catch."

I tossed Vegeta to him, which he caught and set down gently.

Goku: "Vegeta..."

Vegeta: "Kakarot... You're here..."

Goku: "Don't worry. I've got this."

Goku then stands up and faces me again.

Frieza: "I suggest getting him to the Namekians for aid. He won't last long like that."

Goku: "Thank you. Guys, take Vegeta and go."

As Gohan and Krillin run up to take Vegeta, he speaks.

Vegeta: "Wait!... You should be excited, Frieza... for the super saiyan... you've been seeking is here..."

Frieza: "..."

Vegeta: "Kakarot, listen to me... You must become a true... super saiyan. Harden your heart and... put aside your mercy. Then you might... might stand a chance and be one a super saiyan."

Goku: "I can't. I won't become as cold blooded as you. Not even if it'd make me stronger. I'll achieve my strength my way. So whatever this super saiyan thing is, I think I'll be fine without it."

Vegeta: "Kakarot, please!"


Vegeta: "Kakarot... He killed them... He destroyed the saiyan... Our people, our home, he killed them! Turned on us... because he wanted the legendary super saiyan... Please, Kakarot..." *cries* "You're the only one who can... avenge them now... You must... avenge... our... people..."

Vegeta then slips away into unconsciousness.

Goku: "..."

Frieza: "..."

Goku: "... Get him out of here. I'll handle this."

The others then take off, leaving me and Goku to ourselves.

Goku: "Is all that true?"

Frieza: "... The saiyans were vicious and ruthless. I'm no saint myself, but they were a whole planet of Warriors that would've turned on me and the universe eventually. Had Vegeta actually become a super saiyan and beat me, you'd probably be facing him in my place."

Goku: "..."

Frieza: "I decided to end their dangerous existence, but then learned of the legends. I let a few live so they would grow into a legend and become the ultimate rival I seek. Yet here stands a saiyan survivor that has appeared out of thin air. Quite interesting. Could this be the hand of fate? Has the universe brought me my super saiyan after all?" (That's it. Just egg him on. Goku can tell a judge of character after meeting someone. If I wanna join, I need him to see a potential future with me around.)

Goku: "..."

Frieza: "Long have I lived with almost none who could push me to my full potential. Tell me, Goku. Will it be you?"

Goku: "... I have to say, you're different from what I was expecting. I get what you mean. I know how it feels to want to fight all out with a worthy opponent. But kill so many, even those merciless saiyans, there's no justifying that."

Frieza: "Is that so? Then how about this? If you can actually defeat me, I'll never attack an innocent again. I'll give up my ways. But if I defeat you easily with no sighs of a super saiyan showing up in you, then I will have no reason to seek fighting and kill every living thing in the galaxy."

Goku: "... Well, that's quite a bit of pressure. But I don't back down from a challenge. Alright, I accept! Let's do this!"

Frieza: "Then come! Fight me!"

Goku: "HYAH!"

Goku charges in and collides with my attacks.

Frieza: (Yes! Finally! I can finally stop toying around and finally use all of this amazing power I've been given!) "HYAH!"

I then punch Goku in the gut and launch him to the other side of Namek.

Frieza: (Whoops. That was a little too much... I need to stay calm. I still need him to turn super saiyan first. Plus, I have more control over my power than Frieza did. I need to dial it back a bit. At least till he transforms. Then the real fight begins.) "I'll drag out that super saiyan form of yours with my bare hands."

I then fly back and begin my battle with Goku. Through the epic clash of fists, blasts, beams, smarts, and a bite, I push Goku all the way to his Kaioken times 20.


It didn't even leave a mark as I begin beating Goku down without an issue. Everyone watches on helplessly, including a healed Vegeta and still alive Dende. Goku gets to his feet and takes a stance with his arms to the sky.

Frieza: (Spirit Bomb.) "What's this? An act of surrender?"

Goku: "..."

Frieza: "Maybe desperation?"

Goku: "..."

Frieza: "Or maybe..."

Sure enough, I look up and spot the sucker growing in the upper atmosphere.

Goku: "!"

Frieza: "A final trump card."

Goku: "No... I just need time to-"

Frieza: "Go ahead."

Goku: "?!"

Frieza: "I'll wait."

Goku: "... Alright then. But don't blame me if it's too much for you to handle!"

I patently wait as the Spirit Bomb charged before Goku tosses it right down on me. I fly straight and push against it. For the first time since I've been Frieza, I could feel the strain of actually having to try.

Frieza: (I can beat this! This feeling... This rush of excitement! It's just like before I died, risking my life to save that girl! I love it! This rush from going all out and giving it my all is amazing! And the only thing I love more than it is Dragon Ball! I am going to be a part of it! Even if I am stuck as Frieza, this is my afterlife and I'm gonna enjoy every bit of it!) "HYAAAAAH!"

With a final push and my full strength on display, I launch the Spirit Bomb out into space. As I float down, Goku drops to the ground.

Frieza: *takes a breather* (This is it... I hope this works...) "I guess that's it then..."

I grab Goku and fling him over to the others. Now all in a group, I stand before them.

Goku: "Don't... Frieza, stop!"

Frieza: "I told you what would happen. Now... here's my promise."

I fire a beam into Piccolo's chest. Not a killing blow, but just right to take him down.


Frieza: "We, Goku?"

Goku: "Please... stop..."

I fire another into Vegeta's stomach. An easy fix for Dende, but still a shock to the rest.

Goku: "Stop..."

Frieza: "Last chance."

I then take aim at Krillin.

Krillin: "!"

Frieza: "... Bang."

I fire my blast through his shoulder, sending him tumbling to the ground. I was aiming for his chest... but failed to hit my mark. After all this time, I can't just kill him. I've killed others a Frieza, but never really intentionally or without reason. I just couldn't do it. I may be on Frieza's skin, but I'm just not him.

Goku: "Please... I'm begging you... stop this..."

Frieza: (No... I'm messing it up! I have to do it! There's no other way! Just do it. Do it! Or you'll ruin everything!)

As I struggle to finish Krillin off, something happened I never would've seen coming.

???: "You missed a spot."

Without warning, Gohan was blasted and struck down dead.

Goku: "!"

Dende: "Gohan!"

Frieza: "What?!"

I turned around and saw the attacker.

Frieza: "No... That's impossible..."

Before me was none other than the none cannon movie villain himself, Cooler.

Cooler: "Well well well. What a mess, little brother."

Frieza: "C-... Coo... Cooler?! How?!"

Cooler: "I've kept an eye on you for a while and now seemed like the perfect time to drop by."

Frieza: (I don't understand... What... What's happening to my story?!)

Next time on DBZ Cold Rebirth!

Chapter 4: I'll do this My Way