
Reborn as frieza?!

What if an average and ordinary guy was reborn in the world of Dragon Ball as Frieza? *THIS IS A MTL*

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DBZ Cold Rebirth: Ch.12: The Cooler Force Invades

DBZ Cold Rebirth

Welcome to Cold Rebirth. A What If based on the concept of a person being reincarnated as a Dragon Ball character. This story follows a Dragon Ball fan reincarnated as Frieza and taking a different approach to life than the tyrant's original story. I hope you enjoy and have a great day!

Chapter 12: The Cooler Force Invades

With Imperfect Cell gone for a little over a year now, I had spent the time rather peacefully. On a especially sunny day, everyone gathered at Capsule Corp. for a massive barbecue. Everyone was having a good time; aliens, androids, humans, and all.

Frieza: "Mmmm! Rich people parties are the best!"

Crystal: "Hey, can you get me another soda?"

Frieza: "Yeah, sure."

Crystal: "Thank you~."

While I walked over to get some more drinks, I was cornered by Bulma.

Bulma: "So~?"

Frieza: "Here it comes..."

Bulma: "You and Crystal are so close these days. I can't remember a time you weren't side by side."

Frieza: "We're close friends from space enjoying Earth together. Friend! Wouldn't it be more fun to go bother Krillin and 18? They are an actual couple after all."

Bulma: "Oh please, they're a open book to me. Now back to you."

Frieza: "Thanks for inviting me, Bulma."

I then teleported back over to Crystal, leaving Bulma with a scowl. Look, I don't really have the answer to her questions myself. I've kinda be pushing that off to the side. Saving the world of Dragon Ball is a bit more important than my love life in Frieza's body. I handed Crystal her drink and tried to not focus on Bulma's teasing. Everything was going well, but that's not how an action story is meant to last.

16: ".... Hmm! Frieza, look out!"

Before I could even look over to 16, I found myself knocked off my feet by a sudden blur of golden light.

Frieza: "Ah!"

Everyone: "!"

Crystal: "Frieza!"

Standing over me was the prince himself, Vegeta.

Vegeta: "I've waited so long to see you on your knees and at my feet."

When I looked up, I was met with the wide grin of the super saiyan. Not just any super saiyan though. I could feel the power coming from him and the lack of strain on his body. Vegeta had no doubt spent each day since he saw Goku's and Trunks' new power training to catch up. Vegeta had mastered his super saiyan power and reached grade 4.

Vegeta: "Do you remember what you said to me on Namek? That you thought I was the one who could finally give you a challenge after all your work of destroying Planet Vegeta. Well? Do you find me a worthy challenge now? Hahahahahahaha!"

It was bad. I knew I wasn't strong enough to take him. Even with my 5th Form and Yardratian training, he was too powerful for me to match as I was. But luckily, Vegeta's hand was caught by Goku before he could hit me again.

Goku: "Enough!"

Vegeta: "How dare you interfere, Kakarot. Siding with this monster. Have you no saiyan pride?!"

Goku: "You're the only one holding on to a past that's long gone. Frieza's changed and I won't let you hurt him!"

Vegeta: "So then I'll go through you to get to him! Don't forget, we have a fight to finish!"

Goku: "..."

Vegeta: "Once I'm done with you..."

Vegeta looked right over to me.

Vegeta: "Then I finish all loose ends."

Thus, Goku and Vegeta prepared begin their fight far up above Capsule Corp. while everyone else ran to my side.

Crystal: "Are you ok?!"

Bulma: "I'm so sorry he did that. Ugh, he's such a brute sometimes!"

17: "Don't worry. Even if Goku doesn't win, we won't let him touch you."

16: "I calculate that without Goku, we'd only have a 15% chance of stopping Vegeta from-"

18: "16, that's not helping."

16: "... Sorry... but the odds aren't in our favor against all of these invaders."

Frieza: "All? What do you mean all?"

16 pointed out to the clouds above Goku and Vegeta. As the saiyans prepared to fight, they froze as they began sensing the same thing everyone was sensing. An energy I recognized from Namek's final day.

Frieza: "Cooler..."

From the clouds descended a Frieza/Cold/Cooler style ship.

Frieza: "Piccolo, 17, stay here and protect the others!"

I flew up to the sky to fly with Goku and Vegeta.

Goku: "That's your brother, right? It feels like him."

Frieza: "Yeah. It's him." (But I didn't expect him to appear like this.)

As the ship came to a hover, the main door opened to reveal Cooler's new look. I was shocked to find that he wasn't a Meta-Cooler, but actually a Mecha-Cooler. Instead of a sleek metal body, Cooler was covered in mechanical body parts that I would've had if I'd been cut in half on Namek.

Frieza: "Cooler. You're..."

Cooler: "Hello, brother. Yes, I am alive. Or at least..."

He held up his mechanical hand.

Cooler: "Most of me is. A casualty of our previous battle. A price that you will pay in full for all to see."

From the ship came 2 familiar faces. Kikono and Berryblue appeared at Cooler's sides.

Berryblue: "Hello lord Frieza. It has been a long time."

Vegeta: "Pfft. What a pathetic display. A crippled, weaker version of Frieza with Frieza's thrown away intelligence officer and nanny. Get lost or I'll unleash my new level of power on you!"

Goku: "'Nanny'?"

???: "So, all monkeys are as insufferable as you said, Uncle."

Frieza: "?"

Then, walking up to Cooler's side was something that left me in shock. Before me was a tiny version of me. Only the gem colors were red and his head gem had a point to it. It seemed impossible, but I knew it had to be him.

Frieza: "You! You're... Kuriza!"

Kuriza: "...Hello, father."

Goku and Vegeta: "Father?!"

Cooler: "Nephew, there's no need for such niceties. After all, he completely abandoned you to the wind. You don't owe him the title of a father."

Kuriza: "..."

Frieza: (Kuriza?! The son of Frieza from Neko Majin the GAG MANGA! I didn't even read that! I just knew about it from internet videos!) "..."

Cooler: "Hahahaha! Oh that expression says it all. How pathetic you are, Frieza."

Frieza: (I... He's my son... But... I...)

Kuriza: "Hmph."

Cooler: "Aw, don't worry, nephew. He won't be here much longer. It's time to unleash our little gift to Frieza."

Berryblue: "My lord, I don't think Kuriza should watch this-"

Cooler: "Quiet, woman. You will obey my commands."

Berryblue: "..."

Cooler: "Kikono, let it out."

Kikono: "Yes, lord Cooler."

Kikono pulled out a device and pressed it. From Cooler's ship, a panel opened up as a whirlwind of pure energy swept past the Z Fighters and me.

Goku: "Whoa!"

Vegeta: "What is this?!"

Frieza: "!"

From the ship, a humanoid figure in chains descends with massive power coming from him.

Frieza: "Oh no..."

Cooler: "You see, brother, I decided to get myself my own monkey! One that will rip you and your weak pet saiyans apart! Meet, Broly."

This was Broly. The newer, Dragon Ball Super Broly. Chained and restrained with little resistance to the chains and a blank look in his eyes.

Frieza: "What did you do to him?"

Cooler: "This beast required some domesticating to obey me. Luckily, it came with its own collar."

Cooler then holds outs the control device to Broly's shock collar.

Frieza: (He was the remote! That means... He must've met Paragus, right. But... did he...?)

Cooler: "Monkey! Obey my command! Destroy them!"

Cooler pressed the button and activated the collar.


I watched in horror as Broly was shocked and his power began to spike. Cooler had made the device to control Broly's rage into a way of unleashing Broly's rage. And now Goku, Vegeta, and I were face to face with a super saiyan Super Broly.


Goku: "Oh my gosh!"

Vegeta: "Impossible! What is this?! How could he be so strong?!"

Frieza: (He probably isn't as strong as he was in the movie. That's years ahead in the timeline. But right now, we don't stand a chance against that! He's hundreds of times stronger than us!)

Cooler: "Give the order, my boy."

Cooler then handed the remote to Kuriza.

Kuriza: "..."

Frieza: "Wait! Don't! Please, don't do this Kuriza!"

Kuriza: "... Get rid of them."

With a press of a button, Broly was unleashed on us. A tortured saiyan released to kill me by the hands of my biological brother and son who I didn't even know existed. Things have gone from bad to worse pretty quick. You know how Frieza took a beating from Broly in that movie? Imagine that on overdrive between me, Goku, and, Vegeta. I'd describe it to you more in detail, but to be honest I was hit so hard I can barely remember how it was done. All I can really say is that I was basically trapped in a storm of punches until I was knocked away like a ball. I crashed into the ground hard as Dende quickly ran up and healed me.

Frieza: "Thanks."

Piccolo: "Frieza, what is that monster?! What are we supposed to do?!"

Frieza: "I don't know. Broly's power is way to high for anything we could hit him with." (Ugh! I can't believe he showed up now! Dragged in by Cooler of all people!)

I was left shaking and thinking as hard as I could to figure out what could possibly stop a rampaging Broly. After helplessly watching Goku and Vegeta being beaten down, I realized that there was 1 thing we could do against such a powerful foe. A way to hold him till they could match him.

Frieza: "That's it! Piccolo, I have an idea! Wait here!"

I quickly dashed into Capsule Corp. and dug through every inch of Bulma's kitchen until I found what I needed. It was a simple clay jar meant for holding things like cookies.

Frieza: "This should work!"

As I ran out and showed the jar to Piccolo, he caught on to my plan just as Goku and Vegeta crashed into the ground and Broly came in for the kill.


Frieza: "Now, Piccolo!"

Piccolo: "I've got him! Evil Containment Wave!"

In a mad whirlwind of green energy, Broly dashed right into the vortex and was at Piccolo's mercy.


Piccolo: "HAAAAAAH!"

Piccolo bent the vortex downwards and trapped Broly within. I slammed the lid on and held it tight.

Piccolo: "Without a seal, that won't hold!"

Frieza: "It will hold long enough. Dende, heal the saiyans so they can hold the jar. I have a family intervention to attend."

I glared up to Cooler's ship and flew up to it in a mad dash. Once I was up there, Cooler was wide eyed in with his half mechanical face.

Cooler: "What is this?! How could you have stopped that beast with ease!"

Frieza: "I don't owe you any explanation. We don't have much time to waste, so I'm going to make sure you never bother this planet again!"

Cooler: "... No. Not today. It seems I have underestimated you, little brother. We must settle this another day."

Kuriza: "What?! No! You said we'd make him pay! You said I would watch him suffer!"

Without even looking at him, Cooler used his metallic tail to knocks the kid unconscious with a single hit. Kuriza collapsed and began to fall down towards the Earth.

Frieza: "!"

Berryblue: "Kuriza! How dare you!"

Cooler: "We're leaving. Goodbye brother."

With that, the ship began to rise as Cooler made his getaway. I could've gone for him, but I wasn't sure what to do about Kuriza. The kid could be a planet breaker, but I didn't know. If a simple tail flick could knock him out cold, maybe he's softer than the average Frieza race creature. In a quick choice, I flew down and caught the boy as Cooler's ship flew off at light speed.

Frieza: "Tch! Dang it."

Berryblue: "You made the right choice."

Frieza: "!"

I turned to find my old assistant, Berryblue, floating there.

Frieza: "Berryblue."

Berryblue: "Leave Cooler to his foolishness. Kuriza is far more important."

Frieza: "..."

Unfortunately, I soon found myself regretting my swift action.

Kuriza: "Let go of me! I hate you! Die!"

Kuriza was lashing out wildly while Piccolo held him in place.

Piccolo: "Would you stop squirming! Just calm down."

Kuriza: "Stupid slug! Die die die die die! All of you will die!"

Frieza: "Yikes..."

Goku: "I don't think he likes you."

Vegeta: "Forget about that brat of yours and focus! We have a mad saiyan trapped in this stupid jar and I don't think it's gonna hold for long!"

Vegeta was definitely trying to hide it, but he was shaking as the jar containing Broly was shaking like crazy.

Frieza: "Yes, we have to stop Broly rampage. Berryblue, is there anything you can tell me about him and how Cooler treated him?"

Berryblue: "Just that after Cooler killed his father, Broly has been tortured by that collar for hours on end. And even though its gone now, it'll be near impossible to end his damage now. Last time it was this bad, I witnessed the destruction of South Galaxy."

Frieza: (Of course...) "So if we want to calm him, then we have to overpower him."

Goku: "How? There's no way we could reach that level in time. I don't have much time left in the Time Chamber."

Frieza: "But I do. I need to go in."

Everyone was focused on me. I knew I couldn't hold it off for long. It was time to reach the full potential of Frieza's power.

Frieza: "I need you guys to hold Broly for at least 8 hours while I'm in there."

Goku: "8 hours?"

Piccolo: "That'd be about 4 months in the chamber."

Vegeta: "You think you could stop this beast with just 4 months of training?!"

Frieza: "Yes. I do. I can feel my true potential is just waiting to be tapped. It's time to go all out in my training and reach the next level. My golden evolution awaits."

Next time on DBZ Cold Rebirth!

Chapter 13: Go for Gold