
Reborn as frieza?!

What if an average and ordinary guy was reborn in the world of Dragon Ball as Frieza? *THIS IS A MTL*

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Chapter 1: Guess I'm Frieza Now

DBZ Cold Rebirth

Welcome to Cold Rebirth. A What If based on the concept of a person being reincarnated as a Dragon Ball character. This story follows a Dragon Ball fan reincarnated as Frieza and taking a different approach to life than the tyrant's original story. I hope you enjoy and have a great day!

Chapter 1: Guess I'm Frieza Now

As the title suggests, that's pretty much how I'm going about this situation. But of course that wasn't my initial response.


Don't judge. You try finding yourself in the body of a fictional character/alien while keeping your cool. To recap, my name is Iida Tsuneo. I was a Dragon Ball fan who died during saving someone. For my deed, I was rewarded by choosing my afterlife reward. I chose randomly and got reincarnated as Frieza. So that's pretty much my life now. But I had to get my bearings first. Aaaaaand... it took a bit...

Frieza: "Ah! Oh heaven above, no! Is that my face?! Is this really me?! Am I actually-"

At the sound of my screams, Zarbon and Dodoria came bashing in to my shock.

Dodoria: "Lord Frieza?!"

Zarbon: "What's wrong, my lord?!"

Frieza: "Ah! Zarbon and Dodoria?!"

Dodoria: "We heard you shouting. Are you alright?"

Frieza: (Holy cow! This is actually happening! I'm Frieza! Ok ok... think about this. I need to collect myself. If this is all real, I need to focus. What would Frieza do here?) "..." *clears throat* "Excuse me. I was merely... waking myself for the day. Is that a problem to you?"

Zarbon: "No, sir. We simply-"

Frieza: "If I want you to interrupt my morning routine, I'll let you know. And what of my door?!"

Dodoria: "Ah! I'm so sorry! Forgive me!"

Frieza: "Have this fixed by the time I rest my head for the night or I'll have your heads!"

Dodoria and Zarbon: "Yes, my lord!"

I then made my way out and into the halls of what I could only assume was Frieza's ship, since it looked just like what I'd seen for the show and games. Frieza soldiers bowed to me as I passed them, praising me the moment they spotted me.

Soldiers: "My lord!"

Frieza: (Haha! This is so cool! That wasn't a dream. I really have been turned into Frieza for my own fantasy! Ok ok, calm down. You need to get your facts straight. Number 1, you are no longer Iida Tsuneo. You're Frieza and have to answer to and as Frieza. Number 2, you have to figure out where you are right now. What part of the story is this? And number 3, what kind of canon are you a part of? Am I running with just the classic Dragon Ball and Z story? GT? Super? Plus, what logic is this thing? Am I just controlling Frieza like the story mode for FighterZ or am I just 100% Frieza now like that Yamcha reincarnation story? I need to know. But I can't let anyone else know. I could mess up everything if I tell anyone about what I am. Think Isekai rules. Don't break the story.)

With all my nerding out, I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going. It's not like any low grade soldier was going to speak to me or get in my way considering who I was now. But I then happened to bump into someone who would. I turned a corner and found myself before Berryblue, Frieza's nanny type character.

Berryblue: "Good morning, sire."

Frieza: "Huh? Berryblue?"

Berryblue: "Yes, lord Frieza?"

Frieza: (Berryblue... she wasn't introduced until Dragon Ball Super: Broly. Guess that answers what canon I'm in.) "Ah, a good morning to you as well."

Berryblue: "Well, aren't we in a mood today. I heard about what happened upon your awakening. Are you sure you're alright?"

Frieza: "I'm fine. Let's just move past it already."

Berryblue: "As you wish."

Frieza: (Yes! I'm nailing this!)

Unfortunately, my back patting wouldn't last. Especially since I had already made a mistake.

Berryblue: "My lord, why aren't you in your hover chair?"

Frieza: "!"

Berryblue: "You haven't walked the halls of your ship yourself since you took over your father's empire."

Frieza: (Craaaaaaap!) "... Well... I just felt like stretching my legs is all. They have felt a bit stiff lately."

Berryblue: "Really? You are acting awfully odd today. I think I know what it is."

Frieza: "Y... You do...?"

Berryblue: "Yes... I can see through you..."

Frieza: "!"

Berryblue: "... You're shaken up over Vegeta, aren't you?"

Frieza: "Huh? Vegeta?"

Berryblue: "With the prince still being alive after the destruction of the rest. You're worried he may become a problem, aren't you?"

Frieza: (Whoa, so this is fresh after the destruction of Planet Vegeta. Goku's already on Earth as a kid now. So I'm years before the story actually begins.) "Very perceptive, but I have nothing to fear from a handful of saiyans."

I turned and kept walking. My next mistake.

Berryblue: "Umm, my lord, the control room is this way."

Frieza: "... Right..."

I then made my way to the control room and took my seat in the floating chair as Kikono and the Frieza soldiers welcomed me. I then just watched on as the ship began to move through the stars.

Frieza: (Well, I know the time and the story. That's that. Now what? I've got like 10 years before the story even starts and another decade till I'm a part of the story. Should I just go to Earth? No, that'd mess up everything. I just gotta wait it out till...) *eyes widen* (Till I get crushed by a super saiyan, cut in half, rebuilt, cut into pieces, die, come back, die again, come back again, and then keep getting stomped by super saiyans! Forget that! This is my rewarded fantasy. I'm doing this my way! Oh yeah, I'm changing this story for my enjoyment. I mean, if Piccolo, Vegeta, and Majin Buu get to switch over and stay as part of the story, than so can I! Yeah, I'm doing this! Look out world, here comes Frieza!)

With that mindset, I was ready to take on the world. Unfortunately, reality sank in pretty quickly.

Frieza: (Wait. I have no idea how to use this body. I don't know how to shoot beams or transform, or even fly! Oh man, if I don't figure this out, I'm doomed!)

Frieza: "Berryblue, what's on my schedule for the foreseeable future?"

Berryblue: "Well, after this meeting with the remaining saiyans, there are multiple planets of resistance that need attention."

Frieza: "Clear time in between those. I want to work on improving my ability."

Berryblue: "Excuse me?"

Frieza: (Uh oh. Quick, make up a reason!) "I've had a revelation recently. I... I realize that my father held his control for so long with not just authority, but the power to back it up. If our military might is now lacking after the loss of the saiyan forces, then I shall improve my own strength to be feared."

Berryblue: "You haven't trained a day in your life. Not on your own at least. You only received the basics from your father as a child."

Frieza: "Indeed. Imagine what I could achieve. I could reach a power level of 1.3 million and beyond!"

Kikono and the soldiers: "!"

Berryblue: (Destroying those saiyans has changed you. And for the better it seems.) "Very well, I shall arrange your schedule accordingly."

Frieza: "Excellent." (Alright, I need to work at this. First thing has to be energy stuff. I need to fly and attack. Just think back to Goku training on the Lookout or Gohan teaching Videl and Goten. Once I master that, I need to work on my body. I need to be able to transform. I'm currently in Frieza's 1st form. He rarely has to deal with threats that require his others forms, so I'll be good for a while. But I need to reach his true, Final Form. Once I do, I need to training in that state. Frieza lost so badly on Namek because he was outmatched by either lacking power or not being able to control his full strength. I need to fix that. I have to change the way the battle on Namek ends. Especially for me going forward. Alright, I've got the time. I need to use it. Let's do this!)

With that, my plan was set to motion. I'd like to say it all came naturally, but that'd be a lie. It took a while to get the hang of energy, for both using and controlling it. But some practice and my Dragon Ball knowledge helped. I... may have accidentally destroyed a few, tiny, itty bitty planets here and there. But I managed to control my power better! Plus they weren't any major story planets! I hope... Then, I began working on my body. Frieza's forms were hard to master. It took forever to finally break through to the 2nd Form. The 3rd and Final ones were even harder. All that power was difficult to work with. Nearly destroyed multiple bases and worlds with that. But with time, I managed to finally get a good grasp and properly train my powers. After years of hard work and practice, I was as much of Frieza as the origin! And even better in some regards. No, I wasn't Golden Frieza levels of broken. It's not like Super ever even TOLD how Frieza got that power! But I now had complete control over all my forms and abilities. The only thing I struggled with was the 100% power form. But since it was shown to be a bit unreliable in the Tournament of Power, I decided to not focus too much on that and continue gaining full control of my Final Form. And boy did I. Plus, a few extra perks that I won't spoil just yet. But when I say it took a while, I mean it! Turns out, ruling the galaxy is way more business and boring stuff than you think. It suuuucked! I get having all the power, but it's so dull. I couldn't wait till I could finally have some fun and get to the action. Luckily, after years of waiting and preparing, the time finally came.

Frieza Soldier: "Lord Frieza! Our reports indicate that the saiyans are off schedule and have deviated from their expected path!"

Frieza: "Oh, is Vegeta up to something?"

Zarbon: "Figures."

Dodoria: "Hehe. Monkey's trying to be sneaky, huh?"

Soldier: "We've connected to the scouter communications of Vegeta and his partner, Nappa. We can't detect Raditz's for some reason."

Frieza: "Put it through."

The soldier did so and a familiar lines of an old scene began to play through my scouter.

Vegeta: "That voice. You're the lucky one who was able to kill Raditz."

Piccolo: "What?! How did you...?"

Vegeta: "Come now, didn't Raditz tell you? Hmm? Our scouters also work as communicators."

Nappa: "Huh? Hey, I think the green one's a Namekian."

Vegeta: "Yes, no doubt about it. It almost makes sense in a way that Raditz would have a hard time with the likes of him."

Zarbon: "What's this? A Namekian?"

Dodoria: "Those slugs with magic tricks? What's so important about them?"

Frieza: "Quiet." *goes back to listening*

Vegeta: "-a chosen few are capable of preforming tricks, almost like a magician. Ah ha! You must be the one who created these Dragon Balls, aren't you?"

Kikono: "Huh? Dragon Balls?"

Frieza: (Finally!) "Berryblue, Kikono, prepare my ship. Zarbon and Dodoria, gather a team for search and recovery."

Zarbon: "Lord?"

Berryblue: "Of course. Where shall we set your course?"

Frieza: "To Namek, the home of the Dragon Balls." (It's my time to shine! Prepare for the Retelling of F! It's Frieza time!)

And with that cringe one-liner, I began my story as the Frieza of my own Dragon Ball story.

Next time on DBZ Cold Rebirth!

Chapter 2: Touchdown on Namek