
Reborn as a the Demonic champion of the Goddess'!

Niji is reborn as the goddess of Darkness' champion! He must embark on a journey as a demon of dark and conquer this new world! (Disclaimer): I did not steal this book, I wrote it on Wattpad but it's stuck at 300 views so I decided to repost it here!

Veldori · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Trains and Bombs, Combination

We had been walking for a few minutes before Maryi had crossed one of the streets and ran up to a platform similar to a train station, minus the tracks and some other key features.

See, the station had no roof over it and not even a place to sit, so it was full of people shifting uneasily on a platform.

Maryi squeezed through the crowd to the front of the station where I could see a slime like substance in place of the tracks. The transportation in this world was different than some things in our world, for example big "doors" and cubes that transport people into predestined locations, but the sight of a somewhat train station calmed my nerves a bit.

When the vehicle finally arrived, I could see Maryi standing still, not budging to enter a slime carriage that seemed to fit about eight people at max capacity. She gritted her teeth and sighed as she made way like the rest of the people did for a bloated man with obvious hair loss parading down the aisle like a performer, hamming it up for the crowd.

The lady on his right and left wore matching red and bore the sign of the Sigil, their looks of disgust only masked by their occasional compliment to the man. I assumed this was some kind of royal, but something told me otherwise, he didn't seem to be much of a royal. Though these girls didn't seem to be acting on their own..

A man kicked the man onto his belly, sending him sliding down the floor and causing him to almsot fall onto the slime tracks. The man wore similar attire as the man meeting with Maryi. His grin was a cruel one and the woman ran to his side and hugged him tightly, looking down at the man they had done the same for with more disgust than before.

What was happening.. the whole scene was confusing, more confusing than I wanted to have to deal with today..


Her fist was clenched and I could feel her take a step forward. But why was this such a bad thing.. if I had to guess this was probably some form of public humiliation, but why to this guy.. and why did Maryi seem to be so angry at it.

"Kura, for your sake I'll make this quick. You still haven't been taken to the Treasury yet and I have a duty," she would mumble before stepping out into the aisle so that she was at the head of the disgraced man.

"Rex, great to see you again. Glad to see you still partake in your disgusting activities," she spat at him.

The man in the white robes simply laughed, the females at his side looking confused at eachother but then following as well. Rex stopped and dismissed the two of them, looking down at Maryi for he was maybe a foot taller than her. His gaze paused on me and his expression changed from mocking to cold and calculated.

"Maryi, great to see you as well. I assure you this," he looked down at the man, then took a step forward to step on the man's head bringing it smashing into the ground, giving Maryi a smile now that his hunched position put them around the same level in height, "filth, is being handled accordingly. You have no say in the matter."

No say, huh? If I wasn't a tiny demon I would have sucker punched this condescending little jerk, but maybe that was my ego speaking. I don't think I could take down such a powerful enemy even if I tried.. though I think thats what gave the smile to Rex, knowing this situation was out of Maryi's control.

I focused on using my [Telepathy.

:Maryi.. I know we just met but I can sense this guy is really strong and I'd appreciate it if you didn't make him an enemy..

Maryi looked shocked for a second, her eyes off of Rex for nothing but a second. But that's all he needed, wasn't it?

A force knocked her back, almost into the tracks. She used some sort of skill to allow her to jump into the sky, effectively letting her float above the tracks, almost hitting the slime carriage.

"You'll let that man go, or I'll see to it that my brother has you investigated again," her voice was a bark.

Rex smiled more with his eyes closed.. this dude gave me the heebie jeebies..

He stood straight again, withdrawing his stretched out foot, then dusting himself off. The crowd was stunned and watched as the man stood and ran off into the streets, proclaiming prayers and thanks to the heavens.

"That insufferable- hah.. it's no use," Maryi sounded tired and defeated like this was a normal occurance. But really.. what the hell did any of it mean? Was it some way of emasculating men who did bad things to the Sigils or was it something more personal? Rex seemed like he could do it with all that..


If he had the skill too that means he knows my every weakness and I'm still left in the dark still.. not to mention I'm sure he will be more careful around me now.. or maybe that's just me overthinking.

The crowd got back to the normal boarding process, however the carriage that had already arrived for the man had disappeared, flying all the way to the dome for as far as I could see it. 

Maryi had left the station promptly after and instead went to the nearest Sigil she could find after a little stroll down the streets. The interesting thing was that the Sigil seemed to be positioned all around the city, and you couldn't walk half a mile without atleast seeing two of those pesky guys in green.

The streets were nothing too remarkable except for a little traders market going around and more of those weird cubes being passed about in very shady ways.

When we made it to the Sigil, she said something in some weird language that I couldn't understand and he handed her a green cube. This time, the cube showed a scene of a estate surrounded by Sigils. 

Same weird teleportation sequence, and we were outside of the palace but in the estate so we didn't have to check-in with the Sigils. 

:Uh.. Maryi? Care to explain what's going on here?

My relationship with Maryi was a confusing one... I think it was more mutual respect than any friendship as of now, since for all I know she took me here to be pawned off..

"It's a show for Rex.. I don't know if you could formulate in your tiny little head the inter workings of the church, but the Sigils highest ranked members enjoy the luxury of being allies with the church," she explained, strolling to the main palace, taking a longer route that went by some gardens and a grand fountain with a ruby gempiece at the crest of its spire.

And yeah that made sense.. the church would be doing its own thing and recruiting strong people.. now that I think about it, what was Vline wearing..?

But he was a Warlock of Vein, I wouldn't think that he would be working for a private church over his country..

:And what about Rex? 

"Rex is a very powerful man with influence almost everywhere here. He could tell a governor to kill himself and the wretched thing would ask him how and when. He bullies the rich for being "filth".. if I hadn't interfered, the man would have been sent to the dome and sent into the Blue."

The Blue? I'm assuming thats what they call the ocean here, since it isn't much other than blue, but that seemed so cruel.. It would be impossible for any human to hold their breath long enough, let alone swim up there without taking a break.. or maybe the water didn't go that long and it was just wide.

:Seems you really hate this Rex guy.. if he's so evil why does the Sigil work with him?

Maryi sighed, entering the palace's large doors and eyeing the structure of a face built out of the bodies of Raptors.


What the hell?! Why is there a chunk of flesh sculptured into a face.. who could be into that?!

"Don't worry Kura, I just have to take you to the Archbishop so he can divine you and make you pure enough to be held by royalty!"

Two Sigils in light blue.. wha, light blue?

Anyway, these guys snickered when they saw Maryi, so in return I gave them a prompt growl. They coughed and looked down at her.

"Oh Lady, What knowledge has been passed down?"

Maryi shifted a bit, not responding at first. What knowledge would they have to pass down, I mean, maybe these guys are working for someone else? That seemed a little far fetched though..

"I have come with the passed down knowledge of three predecessors. I have ascended to B," She said with a bow.

The people in the robes seemed satisfied enough and opened the large doors to greet me to someone similar to a king, wearing a crown. The man was standing so ordinarilly, I couldn't get a read on him. If I looked at someone normally, I could usually tell what they were thinking about me by their body language, but this guy..

Maryi took ten steps before standing there, teeth gritted. She doesn't like any of these guys, huh? I know Rex could leave a bad taste in her mouth but this guy seemed so innocent. He gave her a warm smile and in that second her knees buckled and she suddenly fell to one, causing me to fall off. Her body shaked violently.

"Lady Maryi of the Bajin branch, I see you have a creature there," he boomed, his voice almost sending me flying back out of the room. Maryi thrust her head up from its place looking at the red carpet with much effort.

"I went to have you appraise him.. as the tradition."

Tradition? The way things were going now, I would assume she wouldn't care about tradition. She seemed to hate this whole organization yet they held so much power from what I saw.. but I haven't seen much of anything yet. All I really saw was the failed execution and some of the higher ranking members.

Could life slow down for a second?! So many major events happening in little succession.. I'd assume I've only been alive a month. I got so adjusted to everything thinking that media I consumed would make me a pro in this new world.. but I was genuinely scared as two guards picked me up by either arm and carried me like I was some artpiece. I'm a living thing!

He mused over me for quite some time before jumping back a bit and watching me carefully in the eyes. For a second, I could see something behind them, something curious and similar to Rex.

"This is a very strong creature, so strong in fact that I hear the gods calling to me.. they speak.. they say.. it will be made offering for the Blue," he projected.


:Wait! WAIT! Why am I being sacrificed?

This message was aimed at the bishop, but it seems Maryi heard it too, I could sense her standing up being freed from whatever held her down. 

"It speaks? Quite devilish, though that is what it is. Yes, I think you will make you a great offering, do you object?"

Before I could say anything he touched my forehead with his finger faster than even [Spatial Awareness] could see it coming. My head jolted straight and all of my skills were... locked?! My system voice thingy wasn't answering my calls and I felt like a normal animal for once. 

Maryi lunged forward and went to grab me but I could tell it was all a performance.. she knew she couldn't think of keeping me away from the hands of this man. I had one last hope to get away from him..

I willed my head to move back just enough that his finger was no longer touching  me, truly by just an inch. If he had caught on he didn't say anything. 

Then I exploded. I had to hope and pray that I would be able to survive..

Oh, and what did I do? Simple. I channeled every last piece of MP I had to create a Darkness Magic explosion, dubbing the spell 'Dark Bomb'

Named Spell Created

Name: Dark Bomb

Spell Grade: Semi-Third

Spell Description: A bomb of darkness with capabilities to absorb people and MP.

MP: 600

I was blown out of the palace, probably very far away from that wretched palace. I had been captured so fast.. traveled so fast.. sent to execution so fast.. this plot sucks! I mean surely my blessing should give me some filler.. like a nice slice of life episode for me to rewind..

I passed out.

I woke up.. big surprise there, and that's only half sarcasm.

I awoke on a cot in a dimly lit room that was no bigger than a western cell. I had been bandaged when I woke up, and found myself on low HP. I had some weird effect on me..

[Dark Sickness]

My regeneration was fighting at it but.. eh, no use. Maybe being exposed to all that magic was bad for me? Oh, and there was more new stuff on my status

Level 4 Small Demon

HP: 3000/3000 (+13/s)

MP: 1500/1500 (+15/s)

SP: 1000/1000 (+5/s)

Skills: [Body Spikes] [Darkness Magic] [Telepathy] [Divine Step] [Holy Magic Resistance] [Holy Magic] [General Magic Resistance ] [Appraisal] [Spatial Awareness] [Clairvoyance] [Regeneration] [Spell Creation] [Analyze] [Mind Acceleration] [Spear Arts] [Advanced Spear Arts] [Magical Absorption] [Physical Absorption] [Prison]

Unique Skills: [Yami's Blessing] [Arcane Darkness Magic] [Humanifacation] [Lord of Greed]

Ultimate Skills: [Mammon: Lord of Greed]

Titles: [Reincarnated: x2 XP] [Otaku: +1/s MP] [Prodigy: x2 Skill XP] [Spider Slayer: x2 Spider XP] [Hero Killer]

Huh? Where did all of these new skills come from.. and I leveled?

<The Ultimate Skill, [Mammon: Lord of Greed] allows you to absorb any skill observe being used, as well absorbing other skills.>

I guess that makes sense.. ultimate skills would be the strongest I guess. If I can absorb any skill I observe or of any one I kill.. I can take a whole lot of skills with zero effort! Finally some good news!

I wondered about my unique skill.. oh, and I just realized something! If I combine [Absorption] and [Prison], I can forever absorb! It's like having a NPC Unit in a RPG unit constantly throw buffs at you..

:Hey system thingy, have I used prison before? How did I acquire it? And what does Lord of G-, that's probably too much..

<Prison is currently holding four subjects.< strong>

You absorbed it from the subject: William Fitzroky.

Lord of Greed: Allows the user to utilize the four different parts of the Ultimate Skill: Mammon, as well as let the user Allows user to process absorption and reforming instantly and allow the skill to be accelerated by a factor of 200.>

Hm.. so I'm assuming I'm holding the third guard plus Maryi.. or that evil bishop. Wish there was a way for me to tell.

And huh, I can use the skill pretty quick I guess, not like that would help much. 

:System, can I get a more detailed analysis about Mammon?

<Mammon has [??] abilities< strong>

Absorb: Absorb abilities either by looking at the subject and utilizing [Appraisal], or physically touch a subject to absorb their skills, levels, stats, and their soul.

Reform: Reform the souls you absorb to create subordinates. Subordinates can be manipulated in any way you wish, allowing you to direct them as you please physically, but also alter their personalities. Reform also allows you to split them and yourself, letting you create an near infinite amount of clones of any object that you absorb if you have the Mana to uphold it.

Creation: [???] 

Amplify: Allows the user to amplify damage and effectiveness of any attack positively or negatively. This ability can be used on just about anything, and can allow the user to manipulate reality to a point. Heavy MP strain, and takes immense knowledge to properly perform.>

WHAAA, I've been this OP this whole time?! I mean I can only really use two abilities as of now, but absorb and reform are so frigging powerful I could for sure defeat that Bishop!

Soundly a hand clasped over my mouth and I could hear the sound of footsteps coming this way. I looked up slowly to see the dirty face of a tiny child.. a child? Surely there had to be a mistake.. but that's when everything clicked.

Titles: [Slave] [Reincarnated]

It was a reincarnated human! No way!!

The child's eyes gleamed, their blue hair was dull and their features were feminine. That would be interesting.. but I had no time to think about that!

The girl grabbed me and threw me harshly under the cot and the guard shined a lantern in her direction, then threw it behind him and opted to use a fire spell instead.

"Well what are you doing awake, missy? Your debt cant be payed off overnight, stupid new laws prevent it. Get your ass in bed or you'll serve a week of Institution!" He shouted, then stomped off. Now that I looked at it.. this wasn't much of a living quarters but actually a cell. It came with a desk though, so that was decent?

The girl sniffed a bit, obvious having started crying but followed the orders, not even coming to retrieve me. That bad, huh?

I crawled from under the bed, looking at the girl who was now fast asleep. Maybe the tears were enough melatonin for her, so I went off on my own little adventure. I touched the little door that stopped me from leaving, absorbed it, then replaced it with a copy after I had reached the outside.

Time to find out what this place was.. 

I had appeared to be inside of some strange tower, as when I looked up, rows of dormitories went up for maybe miles.. but who would build something like this? For one, the smell was Other-Worldly, and it wasn't all that humane, which I guess was fine since, ya know.. slaves.

I had to still be in Vein though.. maybe the girl found me and patched me up after I blew close to wherever this place is.. though I don't think that would be much of the case. 

Or the more chilling fact.. I had been registered as a slave myself. But what would they want with a seemingly stupid animal? I mean, I don't think I would have raised that much eyebrows after flying across the map.

I decided to look down, and same thing, seemingly infinite rows of dorms and whatever rooms inbetween. I decided jumping would be more of a move for later, not now, though I don't think I would have had much of a choice in it. A guard walked up to me, then gave me a weird look before that look turned into determined anger.


What? Why was this guy speaking like that? He sounded like a zombie.. 

Suddenly, I was surrounded by more zombie folk, one grazing my sholder and sending intense pain. HE HAD CLAWS?!

I booked it, running through the group of zombies infront of me and absorbing all of them, not gaining any skills, but a nice amount of XP. I decided to store the rest of their essence in the little Reform Pool, hoping it could come in handy later. Where the hell was this place.. and could things please slow down?!

I ran down a long corridor and turned into a darker one that I was hoping would mean a room that wasn't already copy and pasted for the millionth time, but that one was just full of more zombies out to chase me. At this point I had close to 20 something zombies all coming after me!

A maid who wasn't a zombie was pushing a cart of something down the hallway, so I ran through her and sadly.. absorbed her. I then used reform to throw out her essence as a new being, something that totally happened on the fly. I was only expecting about half a woman to come out, but instead a lady wielding a spear appeared.

:System! How the hell did she get a spear?!

<The Ability "Reform" is very complicated, however I will summarize it. Recreating her allowed to be reformed with all of the essence you had, meaning people absorbed and stored their were added into form created. This can controlled manifested anything, it a spear, due that being only art have proficiency in. If would like, recreate your creation optimize starting skills, looks, manifestations.>

Nah.. but thanks for the help! I didn't give her a personality so I guess she'll just do what I want?

:Ah.. go and keep those zombies off of me!

The woman stopped standing still and raised her spear before looking back at me and grinning, then dashing forward, breaking the thin layer of floor under her, revealing a lower layer of the infinite spiral. She sliced through all of the guards in a matter of seconds, then looked back at me and gave me a nod of approval, before dashing down the corridor to take care of more.

Phew... she doesn't act like a robot, and she can fight.. I also don't have to worry about the zombies anymore, though I would love to..

Damn it!

I could have analyzed the zombie dudes but I manifested them or whatever into a spear!

If I knew how to use my skills better maybe I wouldn't be in a infinite prison..

After mentally kicking myself, I turned the corner to look for a zombie, but then I just took the better approach and asked the system..

:Hey uh.. how do I call the girl back?

<You can call back any subordinate by simply willing with the [Control] skill. If they haven't declared to be your and are unnamed, you can... hope pray.>