
Reborn as a the Demonic champion of the Goddess'!

Niji is reborn as the goddess of Darkness' champion! He must embark on a journey as a demon of dark and conquer this new world! (Disclaimer): I did not steal this book, I wrote it on Wattpad but it's stuck at 300 views so I decided to repost it here!

Veldori · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Spider Mom!

I woke up, and didn't even know how long I had been out. I was still in the labyrinth, which kinda sucked. I was hoping I would wake up on the surface, but sadly I didn't. The hole in my forehead made by that hero guy still hurt, but the wound seemed to close.


Level 15 Kurayamioni : No Name

HP: 1000/1000 (+8/s)

MP: 600/600 (+6/s)

SP: 500/500 (+1/s)

Skills: [Elbow Spikes: Lv 10] [Darkness Magic: Lv 5] [Telepathy] [Divine Step] [Holy Magic Resistance Lv 4] [Holy Magic] [General Magic Resistance Lv 10] [Appraisal Lv 10] [Spatial Awareness] [Clairvoyance] [Regeneration]

Unique Skills: [Yami's Blessing] [Arcane Darkness Magic] [Humanifacation]

Titles: [Reincarnated: x2 XP] [Otaku: +1/s MP] [Prodigy: x2 Skill XP] [Spider Slayer: x2 Spider XP] [Hero Killer]

You can now evolve!

Woah.. evolution! I've heard of this in isekai anime, and it was cool to see it in effect. I pressed the screen with one of my fingers and a new screen popped up with three squares. The words in the boxes showed my evolution options.

<Small Demon< p>



Wait a goblin? I would go from a furry white thingy with long black horns to a goblin? A nasty green thing that usually fights with primitive clubs.

Also what the hell is a hound?

<A hound is a creature born in hell. Walks on all fours. Usually pet of high level Imp's. Submissive creatures.>

For the scary names, these guys seemed awfully wimpy. Also not to say I'm above it but being someones pet but in this new life I wanted to be my own person. The small demon seemed like my best option. 

But before I evolved, I opened up my stats window and looked back at my skills. It seems like after killing that hero I leveled up a lot. Also [Spatial Awareness] evolved into a new skill [Clairvoyance]. 

Uh system thingy, what is Clairvoyance?

<Clairvoyance: Allows the user to use their SP in order find certain objects or beings. Requires a large pool effectively use.>

Pretty useful skill. I used the skill, in hopes of finding more spiders. I sensed about 49 spiders in a mile radius. However, all my SP was completely gone. Seems like the system was right about this thing costing a lot of SP. I also wondered why I could only see basic stats like Health and MP.

<To see more stats, skill [???] Is required.>

The skill that I needed wasn't being shown, so I guessed I would look at that later. It also said I had a lot of resistance to magic and holy magic. I could also execute holy magic?

I used the skill, and the spell [Light Arrow], and sent out an arrow of light. The light was dim, probably because I was a demon trying to use holy magic, but the fact I could use it without a drawback was insane. My other skills were cool and all, but I was more worried about the whole Unique skill thing. A new tab of skills known as Unique skills popped up in my status bar.

They seemed to be more powerful than my regular skills. I found out that [Arcane Darkness Magic] is something I can't even do since it costs more MP than I have. Probably more than double. The [Humanification] skill was also a doozy. I had no clue how to activate it. It also said I had Yami's blessing.

Weird because I have no clue who Yami is. I think it's the Japanese word for darkness or something like that. I didn't have time to ponder about names though, and I went back to the evolve menu. I pressed the Small Demon option and I started to get hot.

Was I passing out again?

My body fell back and my head hit the stone floor of the dungeon or whatever.


When I woke up my body felt weird. I used [Appraisal] to look at myself and my skin was now gray?


My horns were now more curved and I had gotten way bigger, like to the point where I wouldn't look like a child compared to those humans. I'd say I was maybe the height of an average teenage boy give or take.

I then started walking toward the spiders. More levels and maybe a way out of this place. I found a huddle of them, some of them looking like they just hatched recently. Eh, I don't discriminate when I'm killing monsters. Hey thats kinda weird considering I'm also a monster. I shrugged it off and brought out my elbow blades.




My elbow blades were pretty long now so I had no trouble reaching any escaping spiders. I gained two levels from killing them, which wasn't as much as I was expecting.. but it would have to do.

Elbow Spikes -> Body Blades

Body Blades-> Allows user to create blades anywhere on their body. Evolved version of Elbow Spikes.

Neat! If I could create blades anywhere on my body...

I willed a blade to come out of my palm and it did. Way better than fighting with my elbows. It was kinda hard to slash so these new palm blades would be way better. I exterminated the rest of the spiders and went on my way. After exploring the level a little more, I found out some parts of it actually contain vegetation, so it wasn't all just stone walls and floors in different sizes. This level was really starting to get boring.

Then I sensed a pretty disturbing aura. Yikes!

I looked around but saw nothing. What could have made such a disturbing aura. I used [Clairvoyance] to try and trace the aura back to whatever was emitting it. Sadly, I was prompted I needed a different skill. I used [Spatial Awareness] after that to try and search around for it. 

To be honest, I didn't want to meet that thing. I had things going good for me and didn't need it ruined by something powerful. I also just started thinking about the hero and the geezer. Their corpses weren't near me when I woke up from that coma.

With my newfound height, I had also gotten faster and I ran a couple laps around the area. I was able to make a connection between me and my spider skin blanket (trademark of course) so that I would never get lost. Since this level of the labyrinth was mostly just stone, I couldn't make somewhere to sleep.

Killed some more spiders on the walk. Man these guys keep coming back. Then, a large one popped up. Like big big. If he saw my spider blanket he would for sure be mad. I backed up. Aren't you guys scared of dying, I thought.

It screeched and sent out one of those famous webs but this one was different. It was more sturdy and instead of being silky it was stiff. [Appraisal] should be able to bridge the gap of knowledge.

Lv 43 Greater Taratect : No Name

HP: 5000/5000 (?/s)

MP: 3129/10000 (?/s)

SP: 1000/1000 (?/s)

Skills: [Thread Manipulation Lv 7] [Poison Threads] [Appraisal Lv 10] [Higher Appraisal] [Spatial Awareness] [Kin Control] [Poison Magic] [Poison Fang] [Kin Communication] [Teleportation] [Greater Teleportation] [General Magic Resistance Lv 10] [Advanced Poison Magic] [Spatial Magic] [Agility] [Shadow Step] [Wisdom] [Cover Lv 10] [Greater Threads Lv 10] [Darkness Magic Resistance Lv 10] [Body Blades] 

Unique Skills: [Danger Aura]

Titles: [Mother] [Queen] [Demon Slayer] [Level 4 Ruler] [From the Depths of Hell] [Merciless] 


I booked it! There is no way in hell I'm fighting that thing! I can't see what boosts its titles give them but just the skills alone made me wet my nonexistent pants. Also, it did show me that to see specific stats I would need [Higher Appraisal].

The spider of course used its broken skill, [Greater Teleportation] to appear right behind me. One of its webs shot out and reminded me of a certain anime transformation. Think it had something to do with men and snakes?

I shook my head, and kept running. That unique skill, [Danger Aura] was the scariest. It gave me some status effect that made me super scared. Doesn't sound too bad but feels super wonky and fighting while under the influence of it doesn't seem like a good idea. I brought out my palm blades. Then, I stopped dead in my tracks. She had a title that said [Mother] didn't she?

A web went up and caught me. Damn it! I squirmed but that crap was way too strong for my tiny arms. I tried making blades all over my body to cut out but not only were my blades not strong enough, but I could only make 4 at a time since the skill was still level 2 or something.

It scurried off, it must have been an hour  or so of transportation. I tried using some [Darkness Magic], but her resistance was so high that it did minimal damage.

I used [Appraisal] and what I saw shocked me.

MP: 10000/10000 (+1203/s)

What the hell? Where does a spider get so powerful. Her level was so high that I didn't even want to see her full stats. I was just scared that she would eat me alive, since she totally could. Maybe I would explode her insides or something. Man, I just wanted to be on the surface. Maybe I should have just picked a human and lived a near normal life. Then, she teleported.

Finally, I thought. I tried looking around but my web cocoon stopped me from moving my head too much. I heard lots of creepy spider noises. Then the spider let me down and just sat me there. She then said something in  or whatever and the spider babies shut up. Thank god.

Or maybe not, because then they all started coming towards me, unwrapping the web. My chance to escape! This thing obviously had low intelligence stats since she didn't use that poison fang skill. Then, I saw a glint of light. In this dark dungeon I saw light. There looked to be a staircase. Maybe the surface! 

I struggled and the spiders backed off from the cocoon. The mom cooed them to go back and eat. The plan was to kill the spiders and then the mom. Then, go to the surface and hopefully never step foot in this place again.

It was kinda dumb but it had to work. Please be dumb enough to let me escape! Man, I was really missing Earth right about now..