
Reborn As A Divine Saiyan

Cryptic_werelord · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Growth Spurt!!!

It's been almost four years since I move here with my new family. I'm now 16, and hit my last growth spurt early. Giving me my prime fighting physique. The first time I came here I ended up sparring with my father. But he nocked me out in a single blow, while in base. Today was the day that I would challenge him again but this time I had a surprise for him. I also taught them how to use ki sense. So now they don't need their scouters. I'm so excited to challenge my father today because if I pass the challenge he will let me go on a mission. The mission has three youths going to a planet to wipe it clean of inhabitants.

Soon my father was at the training room. "Father are you ready to lose?" I asked with a confident grin. "Haha Me lose. We'll see about that son." Chokeet brazenly said while laughing. We then walked into the center of the room. "This time I'm going to beat you father." I said with complete confidence. "Show me what you've improved. Since I've been gone." Chokeet said bluntly as he raised his fists. I immediately started to charge up to transform. The house started to shake, and tremble under the power. A red aura started to form around me as my body's muscles began to swell up to a massive size. Even growing to be as tall as my father. Who was six feet tall.

My hair turned all red growing longer in the back, with two thin blades of hair running down my shoulders on both sides, with short fur growing on my body. Leaving only a small part of the upper center of my chest hairless. "This is my saiyan god form father." I said as my transformation finished. My father then powered up to his maximum, and charged forth to attack with his fists. Just as his fist was close to my face I instinctively dodge to the side, and delivered a spin kick to his abdomen. Sending him back a few steps. He then caught his balance and came rushing at me again. Throwing a jab with one hand, and a hook with the other. I blocked both punches, but my father immediately retracted his arms, and dropped down preforming a sweeping kick at the side of my leg. I lifted my legs, and levitated. Making his kick miss, as I launched a kick of my own at his chest. My father raised his hand to grab my kick. I then increased the power of the kick. making him miss the block.Then the kick hit his shoulder causing a minor shockwave, and causing my father to be nocked to the side. As soon as my father caught balance. He stopped, and lowered his power level.

"Son congratulations on passing my challenge. Your quite strong to be able to stand toe to toe with me" Chokeet said surprised his son already achieved power greater than his. "Tomorrow I will take you to the pod you will use, and you'll meet your team. Then you'll leave for a unnamed green, and blue planet, to map it out, and take over the planet." Chokeet said blatantly. "Okay father I'm gonna train some more." I said as I turned to the control panel in the back of the training room. Soon my father left to get things arranged. As I continued training in my fathers training room. I knew I could of accessed other transformations just off of my knowledge alone. But I still have to train my body to be able to handle the pressure from certain transformations. For now though I know I can definitely go super sayien four. "Belirad it's time for dinner!!" Chilip hollered from the dining room. I stopped training, and left the training room. Turning off the lights as I left. In the dining room I met with my mother, and sister. Who were patiently waiting for father, and I. To come to dinner.

I sat down, and started talking to my sister about her recent mission on a newly discovered planet. "So sister how'd it go on your mission to this new planet?" I asked a little sarcastically. "It went smooth enough except for the weak guy they sent with me. I managed to defeat all the planets inhabitants by myself. While that guy was so weak he almost died to one of the weaker inhabitants." Okri told me with clear dissatisfaction about the weak guy they sent with her. "Well maybe next time they'll send someone competent enough. To do their job." Okri said bitterly hoping that she wouldn't work with anyone that was weaker than her. "Hmm seems like you just can't handle, having subordinates." I teased making fun of her ability to lead a team. "Shut up brother, your going on your first mission tomorrow, we'll see how well you do with your team." Okri said pitifully as she looked the other direction, and ignored me. "Mother when should father be back?" I asked nonchalantly. "Hopefully soon Belirad, or he'll have to eat dinner cold." Chilip said blatantly.

Meanwhile in the kingdom of the south. "Lord Pik, I Chokeet zucchini challenge you to a duel. For the right to be lord of Brija." Chokeet said brazenly raising his power level. Causing the throne room to shake slightly. "I lord Pik accept your challenge. Tomorrow morning meet me in the challenger pit." Lord Pik said casually as he swept his hand gesturing for Chokeet to leave. Chokeet immediately left. After Chokeet left lord Pik looked off to the side towards one of his henchmen standing there. "Have you been keeping track of them Onice?" Lord Pik asked. "My lord they are sending their son on his first mission as expected." Onice said while kneeling towards lord Pik. "Okay send someone to tail him on his mission." Lord Pik ordered. "yes my lord." Onice said robotically before leaving.

The next day... "son come on get up. or you'll be late for your mission." Chilip said as she shook his entire bed. "Yes mom I'm up. where's dad? I asked puzzled. "he came back, and left after eating to go fight lord pik to be lord. Don't worry son he's got this. Get ready and I'll take you to were you need to be!" Chilip said with enthusiasm. "ok mother I'll be ready shortly." I said as I jumped out of bed. quickly changing into my battle gear. a set of reddish black cloth/fiber pants, some cloth shoes, and reddish black body armor with the pointed shoulder pads. I wore a red shirt with no sleeves underneath the body armor. on the shoulder pads was the image of a tree with many vegetables on it. a special tree that only grew in the Brija area. After getting ready I went downstairs to meet my Mother. "you ready son? Got everything you'll need?" Chilip Asked making sure I was ready. "Yes, I've got everything I need mom ty." I said pleased to be going on my first mission. "Let's go." my mother said as we left the house, and Headed towards the military school launch pads.

we flew for maybe one minute before we got there...