
Reborn as a Diablos in fate?!

I am new but i will make this the best that i can make it. Jackson was going home from his work when the most cliche thing had happen, a child wanting to rush home had crossed the street not noticing the truck rushing down the street as though a mad man was behind the wheel, but Jackson noticed and reading those fanfic and novel had filled him in thought so he took his chance's in his belief and rushed to the child.

NUTTER_BUTTER · Anime und Comics
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23 Chs

The Weeks of a Diablos 3/3

As the griffin slammed against the sand on the ground the two Griffins diving downward would reach there mark, slamming into him with the force of thor's hammer being tossed by his son's the Diablos would be forced to kneel

Crunching the scales upon the ridge again leaving that spot to forever be marked as a weakness, ripping the scales the two griffins would pull and tear upon his flesh hoping to cause enough pain that the beast would let itself die.

Feeling them shatter his scales on his ridge once again he would groan out of pain unable to think about what to do, he would think about running again, to escape this pain, this misery but a thought flashed through his head with just one word

"Points" that thought alone started to fuel him, as though a desperate man thirsty for water, not even caring about the pain he stabbed his claws into the sand ferociously ripping the sand into the air.

The two griffins would notice the behavior of the beast and get ready to fly off of the Diablos back but once again the same problem happened, one of talons would be stuck but this time the griffin would rip its talon off not wanting to drown underneath the sand.

As the Diablos would slither into the sand only its club-like tail would stick out. The last griffin on the ground would start to flap his wings to reach the others in the sky, underground the Diablos could hear them fly up above him "Damn it i can't do anything if they keep flying and this wound on back is irritating I don't know what to do anymore."

He would keep moving in the sand making an infinity symbol from the amount of times he kept going back and forth thinking of his next move until he realized that until one of the griffins came down in a dive he would not be able to reach them. But his moment would come sooner than expected.

The woman with the head of the Lion and a disk of the sun upon her head would snarl with dissatisfaction and whisper out "How weak of them. To hide from the battle below inside the sky where Horus commands" she would lift her hand up as a scepter slowly formed heat radiating off of it. It looked as though it was made from the hottest of fires with obsidian like metals for it to be made.

She would point lazily towards the five griffins flying and only set the tip of the feathers on fire knowing if she tried to put in any more effort the sky would be painted in flames from her powers.

The griffins could feel it, Divine powers were forming and they would elate in happiness thinking that Divine punishment would come to their enemy and would grant them a boon of more food from his flesh. But that would never come as the flame formed upon their feathers burning them to ash in seconds.

The griffins would screech out in terror *SCREEACH* upon seeing their lucious feathers be set aflame, they would come down in a dive to push the fire out of their feathers but leaving only trails of flame in the sky.

The Diablos would hear their cry and worried if something worse was coming or if they were leaving to come back another time, and so he cautiously tunnel out of the sand using his horns to push the sand out of the way and have only eyes look towards the horizon.

"Nothings coming over here so maybe they left the area, but, no I should be happy i'm still alive I don't know if I could kill them since they are always in the sky and i've never even tried to fly before since my arms were too weak and because i've also just been underground tunneling."

Once he finished his thoughts he would hear it *THUD* once again that noise would replay *THUD* this time the Diablos would fully exit the sand and see it, the Griffins on fire not moving at all.

"What happened, how did they get set on fire? wait who set them on fire" He would lift his head in a panic and look around seeing nothing "No this can't be, someone set these Griffins on fire but who I know i'm … in ….. Fate."

"Don't tell some god did this, but that's the only explanation. But that would also mean the gods knew I was here, that I existed and were probably just using me for entertainment."

"That may… also mean….. I could really be used as the apex in a hero's story." he would start feeling even more distressed knowing that beginning for his reason of strength was starting to become a reality and he would just become armor like the Diablos in monster hunter.

"NO I can't let that happen I don't care anymore if I have to be evil just to live so be it, I'm not even human anymore so shouldn't even care but it's just the fact that something you used to be will now kill you for existing"

He would look out towards the horizon and sit still as though he was trapped in his mind, alone with his thoughts.