
Reborn as a Diablos in fate?!

I am new but i will make this the best that i can make it. Jackson was going home from his work when the most cliche thing had happen, a child wanting to rush home had crossed the street not noticing the truck rushing down the street as though a mad man was behind the wheel, but Jackson noticed and reading those fanfic and novel had filled him in thought so he took his chance's in his belief and rushed to the child.

NUTTER_BUTTER · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

The Weeks of a Diablos 2/3

As the Diablos would move through the sand uplifting it lightly from the earth as though the earth would crack open at any moment.

"I must find food and water but if I can not find water I may return to the Nile to drink in hiding from the eyes of people that may tell them of what lies nearby."

"I know of one patch of food but I must find more. It has been two weeks and I have ventured further. Each time I thirst for water I go further down the Nile to decrease the chance of spotting me."

As the Diablos would move underneath the sand leaving cracks upon the sand above him, he would not notice that feathers would follow his path as seven griffins would follow him to gain revenge from killing their pack mates.

But he would not notice it until it was too late. As he broke through the sand he would look around while blasting the sand from his area, he would see it once again feathers on the sands he would look up and miss from the corner of his eye a women with head of a lion and a disk of the sun upon her head licking her lips savagely as though she would enjoy watching the battle that would come.

As the Diablos looked up he would see them a flock of griffins looking at him three of them upon the ground, new one's most likely, as four others would fly up above waiting for moment they would dive down like a spear from the heavens ready to enact punishment upon he who killed their kind.

He would think " I could just run again and not have to deal with this" but he knew if he did not cull the number or kill them now he would not wake for tomorrow, and so he crawled from the earth as if he was born again from the womb of the world and lift his head to heavens forever above him and roar

*GGGRRROOOAAARRR* much stronger than before because of his increase of muscle but still the same length the griffins would be stunned not hearing the world around but able to move still the same, they would not realize that yet until one of the Griffins would be pierced by him.

Having blood splattered by their flock member would awaken them, making them so ferocious that they could be stunned for so long they would immediately rush to his legs scratching them only to leave white marks as though it was painted upon him.

The griffins up above would have two of their Flock dive downwards to him thinking to shatter his plates and making him bleed once more, and so dive the two did having feel the wind break upon there descent, both of them being their when the first battle began knew of the spot that was already marked for ravaging upon his flesh.

Not seeing the shadows flying down to strike him, he would swing his tail sideways immediately smashing into the griffin on his left making a *THUD* noise as though he was slammed upon a wall.

The battle was just beginning and only five were left.