
Reborn as a Demonic Creature

A tale of a criminal's demise, For within loss and regret, hope may arise. In life's mysterious journey, redemption may unfold, A soul reborn, its destiny yet untold

oceansmith · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Devil From Within


As someone who lived in a dark prison cell, I had grown accustomed to the embrace of darkness. However, the darkness that surrounded me now was unlike anything I had ever encountered before.

It felt suffocating... as though it could swallow my very soul, rendering me incapable of perceiving or comprehending anything!

It was as if I had been lost in an infinite abyss. I can't even sense anything...

Confusion washed over me.

Where am I? Wasn't I supposed to get executed? Could this be the so-called afterlife?

These questions lingered in my mind. As I ponder and ponder over the same thing, a potent scent infiltrated my nostrils. The unmistakable aroma of blood hung heavy in the air, a scent with which I, a criminal and a murderer, was all too familiar. The mere thought of it sent shivers down my spine and evoked the dark memories and all the horrified deeds that I had once committed.

Unknowingly, my eyes that I thought were shut forever, opened ones again.. The world around me remained enveloped in an impenetrable darkness. But I strained my eyes to discern any clues about my surroundings.

Slowly, things around me became clearer, and I could see through the veil of darkness around me. And what I witnessed left me horrified at my core. A chilling secession crawls up to my spine.

Everything around me was soaked in a gruesome shade of crimson red. Hundreds of corpses lay strewn across the ground, their mutilated forms bearing witness to unspeakable violence committed. Some bodies were severed in half, while others were grotesquely dismembered, like a meat paste.

Among the lifeless figures on the ground, some were humans and some were human-like creatures and as well as beings straight out of some nightmarish horror films.

Although my hands were stained with blood, but seeing this gruesome sight before me stirred an uncontrollable urge to vomit with all my might. I wanted to move... run away from this horrified place, but like a newborn toddler, I did not have any strength in my body.

I stayed in the same place as if I was frozen in time. However, as time passed, my body began to react in a different manner.

The revulsion that I felt just now, seeing all distorted bloody bodies, was slowly replaced by an insatiable hunger. Overpowering all my other senses, hunger overtook me...

I was hungry like I never had been, and the smell of blood and all the flesh before my eyes seems like a huge feast to my eyes. Unconsciously, I was staring down at all the dead bodies and seeing all that flesh, hunger in my eyes intensified. And soon my body started to move uncontrollably...

My body????

Initially, I was too panicked to notice anything. But as my body started to move, a wave of realization hit me!

As I took a closer look at myself – I found myself in a smaller body, with hands and feet resembling claws as sharp as a knife. My skin, a pitch-black hue intermingled with a hint of bloody red, only served to accentuate the horrifying image before me. I appeared to be a monstrous being, more like some kind of devil. Panic initially seized my heart, but it soon subsided as I tried to make sense of my appearance and the cause of it.

Countless questions flooded my mind, each demanding answers.

Am I dreaming? Or because of the horrified deeds I committed in my last life, I turned into some kind of devil being?

Or maybe I am in hell... It seemed like the most plausible explanation for the nightmare I found myself in, a fitting punishment for the sins of my previous life. After all, as they say, "Everyone must bear the consequences of their actions."

As I contemplated my fate, the uncontrollable hunger I had been suppressing suddenly overwhelmed me. My vision turned crimson red, and before I could resist, I was no longer in control of my body.

My body propelled itself toward the mangled flesh, as if it were a lavish feast laid out before me. Saliva dripped from my mouth, and my elongated tongue swung excitedly from side to side.

Succumbing to the insatiable desire, I took my first bite, unable to resist the urge any longer!

Initially, I wanted to resist, to register the horrors unfolding before me, but with each subsequent bite, my hunger intensified. Like a bottomless abyss, it grew ceaselessly, compelling me to consume more and more.

All the flesh was like a true juicy steak, and any blood was like a fragrant wine!

Although my body acted independently of my will, my mind knew the truth— that I was no longer human anymore. I was a devil not only from the outside but also inside.
