
Reborn as a Demonic Creature

A tale of a criminal's demise, For within loss and regret, hope may arise. In life's mysterious journey, redemption may unfold, A soul reborn, its destiny yet untold

oceansmith · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Enormous Monster

I found myself consumed by an insatiable hunger that seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment. My tiny body was like a bottomless pit, devouring everything in its path. Human flesh, monstrous beings—nothing was spared from my ravenous appetite.

With each bite, my body got stronger, and an overwhelming surge of power, like a hurricane, rushed from within. Eventually, my hunger subsided, and I regained control over my body.

I took a moment to take a deep look at myself. I realized that I was drenched in blood from head to toe, with fragments of flesh stuck between my teeth. I was far from any human—I was a monster, and somewhere I lost my humanity.

With my hunger momentarily satisfied and no clear purpose in mind, I stayed in the same place, attempting to clear my foggy mind.

Time passed—maybe hours and maybe even days—but my dark surroundings always remained the same. And dead, rotten bodies accompanied me in my loneliness!

Gradually, I began to accept my circumstances, unwillingly resigning myself to my fate. Perhaps after my execution, I died and got reincarnated as this horrified thing. Perhaps God gave me this punishment because of the crime I committed in my past life. Or perhaps it was a mere coincidence...

Pushing aside these tormenting thoughts that had plagued me for what felt like an eternity, I summoned the strength to rise from my resting place and set out on an aimless journey. My unfamiliar body responded slowly at first, but soon I grew accustomed to it.

My top priority was finding out more about the place and where I was. And securing some food resources, as I refused to succumb to my primal urges and feast upon human flesh once more.

As I roamed, my eyes could see through the dark veil seamlessly. However, despite my heightened senses, I found no signs of life. The silence was deafening, broken only by the distant echoes of my own footsteps.

But soon my heightened senses caught a distant sound—a roar that pierced through the eerie silence. My first thought was to run far away from that distant sound. But my curiosity was piqued, and having no other way to know more about this place, I turned toward the source, a mixture of fear and excitement coursing through my monstrous body.

I slowly and carefully made my way toward the source of the commotion. As I traversed the twisted landscape, my eyes started to pick up the movements at a distance. As I approached and concentrated in the distance, I saw shadows dance and flicker like phantoms, revealing glimpses of a grotesque figure.

With each step, the roar grew louder, resonating in the very core of my being. I could subconsciously sense that whatever lay ahead possessed tremendous power. But curiosity got the better of me.

Finally, my steps led me to a clearing immersed in an ethereal luminescence. As I looked towards the source of luminescence, I saw a violet-colored pond of water. Sparkling like jade, it was truly a marvelous site.

But in the middle of the pond stood a monstrous being soaked in violet luminescence. Its grotesque appearance was like a serpentine scale, with razor-sharp fangs and sturdy muscles pulsating with raw energy. Its red eyes glowed with a fiery intent, emanating an aura of brutality.

The moment our eyes met, the creature sensed my presence and let out another earth-shattering roar. Panic surged within me, and my instinct screamed at me to run for my life.

I turned around, and with all the power my small body could muster, I ran for my life. Even though my body was tiny, my monstrous form propelled me forward with incredible speed.

As I raced through the twisted terrain, I could hear the heavy footsteps of the pursuing monstrosity thundering behind me. Soon I can see an enormous shadow hovering over my small body.

Desperation fueled my every movement, urging me to escape the imminent danger. But just as hope seemed to fade, an unexpected twist of fate intervened.

Out of the darkness, a pack of wolf-like creatures materialized before me. They were a formidable sight, their bodies brimming with malice. These creatures joined the force and attacked the enormous monster pursuing me.

Maybe because I was too small for prey, they just ignored me and headed straight towards the enormous monster behind me.

The pack launched a synchronized assault. Each member showcased unique abilities, unleashing an array of devastating attacks.

But as I saw the fight in front of me, I was shocked to the core...

When wolf-like creatures attacked the enormous monster, with each attack, flames engulfed the air, lightning crackled, and the very ground quaked beneath their combined might. It was a symphony of destruction and power, like something straight out of a fantasy film.

I stood in the distance, observing the fight with great interest, and my tiny monstrous form trembled with awe and wonder. The ferocity of the battle was beyond anything I had witnessed before, with each creature demonstrating its individual mastery over its unique abilities. Their movements were fluid yet calculated and precise.

But the scale of an enormous monster was as thick as steel, and his size was gigantic. He stomped down with his feet, sending a few wolf-like creatures to the afterlife.

The monstrous pack also fought with unwavering resolve, exploiting their opponent's weaknesses and capitalizing on fleeting opportunities. The air crackled with tension, the clash of raw power echoing through the surrounding area.

As the battle raged on, the tide gradually turned. The collective strength and cunning of the pack began to overpower the colossal creature. It roared in agony, its mighty form gradually succumbing to the relentless onslaught. With a final, thunderous blow, the pack delivered a decisive strike, sending the behemoth crashing to the ground in defeat.

Silence descended upon the battlefield, broken only by the heavy breaths of the victorious pack as they hurriedly started to devour the monstrous being. With their sharp teeth, they even break down the steel-like body. Each beast was intensely hungry, and they were eating like there was no second meal. It only reminded me of myself when I feasted on flesh like it was the best meal.

Seeing all the violence, an urge to devour rose within me. But controlling my urges and maintaining a steadfast grip on my rational mind, I gracefully moved through the shadows, making sure not to disrupt the pack of wolves engrossed in their feast. Quietly and imperceptibly, I disappeared into the darkness, far beyond the reach of anyone's sight.
