MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(General POV)
Location the Nethervoid-Castle Neo Oblivion/The Throne Room
Laharl was gaining consciousness, as he returned from the Neutral Space, after telling/warning his brother of the future Emperor, and the importance of not interfering with their mortal enemy, and the Earth...much.
Just when he requested more Ambrossia to calm his anger, summoning his favorite chalice to his right hand he reached out waiting to be served his next drink, when he was kept waiting, just when he was about to demand for his servent to hurry up, the Dark One looked to his side and saw a frozen black haired succubus, about to pour him a drink...
But as stated before she and even the light violet liquid Ambrossia was frozen in mid air.
Which only meant one thing, that Absolute Chaos was calling him to the Void...has Laharl already had enough in his plate, he has to be careful not to enrage his patron, as this were starting to get distorted in his vision, and the Dark One also felt his body become entirely numb and unable to move.
And just like it quickly began, everything started to fade into total blackness...
Location...The Void of Absolute Chaos
Once again Laharl has been summoned to the eldritch void of Absolute Chaos, this infinite realm of absolute pitch black darkness was starting to be calming to Laharl, the more attuned to his [Void] divinity the less unnerved he felt in the Chaos Primordial's realm.
As the realm that originates all Chaos, Malice, and Evil across the multiverse, the Dark One simply floated helplessly in the void, as once again Laharl couldn't move or speak while in the realm of Absolute Chaos.
That's when he sensed a not one but two presences that are familiar, seems that last meeting he had with his brothers were enough to sway the Plague God to their side of thinking, and sastify their patron enough for him to call all of us...
Laharl sensed Khorne who quickly messaged him psychically, "Brother!!! Have we been summoned by them?" Laharl immediately confirmed Khorne's question, as it was clear that the Blood God was still not used and cautious about being in the Void and within their presence.
That's was when we noticed Nurgle fully restored carcass floating just in front of the two older Chaos Gods.
They were surprised that the Plague God was fully healed from all the wounds that they caused him, but that obviously meant that not only did Absolute Chaos summoned their younger brother, but also fully healed him as well.
The bloated green, corpse like daemonic God of Pestilence was completely confused unable to move, all he remembered was returning to his body after finishing his meeting with his elder brothers, and as he was back again in his lovely home, soaking in the vile waters of the restoration pool, underneath his mansion he felt a surge of pain, and screamed alerting all his minions from around and within the Blighted Mansion, as they rushed to his side.
He remembered that he stood up, and thrashed around the pool, as he felt every excruciating moment as his body was forcibly restored in great speeds.
First all the cuts, and burns were fully sealed and heal turning back to their original green disgusting state, then his bones all that were bruised or broken which included the minor remaining cracks in his skull.
He felt as his left side of his face was completely restore all dirty veins, all decayed tissue, all infected muscle, and the green bloated flesh has been restored, along with his left eye completely regrown and heal glowing it usual lightsaber green color and fully working once again.
His left antler was fully regrowned and back to it "prime" massive state, all his lost razor blade like teeth were regrowned as well, as lastly both his arms were fully restore too starting with the bones they fully reformed back to arms, as veins, maggots, parasites, dead tissue, muscle, flesh and pustule along with some bone spikes or fleshy tentacle grew back.
As there was still pain, he instinctually rised his newly regrown arms grasping onto his head, as he remembered that he still thrash until he fell back into the warm, thick, sickly yellow green waters of the as the Rot Lord, slipped with all the wild moments he was doing.
But just as the pain was finally subsiding, and he realized he was fully restored, that's when he tried to get out the pool but notice he couldn't move, when he tried to speak he couldn't talk, he turned to his daemons and realized that all his nurglings, plaguebearers, and great unclean ones were completely frozen, not moving a muscle as they were entering the chamber.
Next thing Nurgle knew, he was in this black infinite void, still unable to move or speak that's when he sensed and realized his brothers where in the void as well.
Since he couldn't speak to them, Nurgle contacted his brothers telepathically and said, "Brothers!!!! What in the Warp, is happening? Who has the courage to summon and imprison the Chaos Gods!!!!!" as Nurgle ranted and rage, a feeling of dejavu to the time Khorne first was summoned, as him and Khorne already know that their patron was closely watching quietly.
All that Laharl could think was "Ohh no, here we go again." as the Blood God tries to calm down Nurgle and also tell him, that no matter what happens next not to insult or demand anything from the "Primordial One".
As Laharl watched motionlessly as his two brothers, as one tries to calm the other an titanic amount of malignant, evil power and pressure spread out through the Void, and directed to all three of the Chaos Gods.
Laharl and Khorne they heard something very familiar as Nurgle, heard it as well through the pitch blackness of the Void, the sound of deep breathing echo across the Void, and like last time the two Elder Chaos Gods were at It's domain a gleam crimson glow started to barely illuminate the endless darkness, then that same light started to glow brighter and multiply in various locations and form all around them, as the crimson glows that are in fact eyes of the eldritch primordial being that is Absolute Chaos were all looking in different directions until they all focused on Khorne, Laharl, and Nurgle who was experiencing his first true taste of fear and helplessness, since his birth.
Wthin the Void, a voice that sounded like an amalgamation of many things a child, woman, old man, robotic, daemonic voices all speaking in complete synchronization, "Congratulations...Laharl...and...Khorne. You've...both...done...well. Chaos...Corruption...Malice... and...Destruction...are...uniting...and...becoming...stronger. You' As...a...unified...force...of...Chaos...I'"
As the three brothers were meet with stares and silence, for a short moment before...
Inside the Void, more eyes start to appear and provide some illumination in this endless abyss, several of the closest and largest eyes startes to split open into horizontal mouths filled with rows of sharp-teeth, or burst with sprouting limbs and tentacles, these tentacles of various dark fleshy colors wiggled through the void.
Majority of these tentacles have burgundy colored spikes, barbs, pincers, and withered long fingered clawed hands, and Nurgle had to ask his brothers, "Who is this being, brother!? And why does it feel like Chaos itself!?" since, Nurgle was asking out of fear and ignorance, it did not offend Absolute Chaos, like Khorne did trying to insult dominance over their patron.
Before either the Blood God or the Dark One, could answer their brother's questions their patron answered, "" as one of the many eldritch tentacles, reached out to the unmoving Nurgle.
The tentacle touching, the tip of the Plague God's forehead, flowing him with visions and revelations on what Absolute Chaos are, they more simpler terms their father and maker, as well as the eldritch primordial force of all matter of Chaos in the Infinite multiverse.
Nurgle was shocked and amazed by this, as well humbled by the "Primordial One", while they are Gods of Chaos, Absolute Chaos they are the progenitor, and both Khorne and Laharl saw that Nurgle was writing in agony or being punished, Khorne send a quick mental nog to Laharl to speak for them.
Laharl mentally sighed as he send his mental question to Absolute Chaos, sounding the most respectful and humble he could so is to not offend or anger their patron.
Laharl said telepathically his psychic voice being projected and heard by his brothers as well, "My primordial lord. Why have you call us? Last time was to reward us, for massacrering the eldar, so will you please answer our question of your reason?" Absolute Chaos breathing became focused as did their eyes that were all staring at Laharl, now.
Absolute Chaos was quiet for a moment before they answered, "We'" as multiple, synchronize voices of various kinds started laughing, in all honesty it was creeping the Dark One out.
As countless laughing voices were started to cease and go quiet, they spoke again, "The...reason...we' As...well...we''" immediately Laharl and Khorne knew what Absolute Chaos was about to grant them, a new daemon to add to their own Chaos faction, Laharl took the opportunity to explain quickly what this reward is to Nurgle, and he was quite excited another daemonic creature joining his family, and spreading rot and carrion across not only the Materium, but from what the Rot Lord has learn the multiverse.
Nurgle was excited by this news as he now has endless potential for him to study, collect, and thinker with countless plagues, viruses, bacteria, and infections from countless and nearly endless amount of world, the happiness and joy that Nurgle was emitting was also...unbearable for Khorne, while Laharl was just glad his brother no longer was cowarding and gloomy.
And just like before for Laharl and Khorne, as visions of various daemons and monsters from various worlds and series appeared in the minds of both Chaos Gods, Laharl was looking for a specific daemon that will be not only immune to all of Nurgle's gift, but also soak up a lot of damage and still slaughter their victims with various weapons, and after looking through the worlds of Darksouls, D&D, Dante's Inferno, Bloodbourne, he founds the world he was searching for and the daemons he wants...
He was looking at the Finis Daemons, specifically the Mortfinis variant from Devil May Cry 2, which their name means in Latin "Bound Death" they are blood-red finis daemons, which were animated by their "ruthless deaths", these are the strongest of Finis-class daemons, they are a common enemy in DMC2 but in the world of 40k and beyond they'll be a true threat and representation of Horror, Desacration, and Punishment.
The Finis Daemons are a family of lesser demons that appear in DMC2, each variation of Finis Demon are in an iron gibbet containing a human criminal's skeleton which is animated by its dark energies, with a bit of customization they'll serve perfectly in the Dark One's legions as he clearly made his choice, the mortfinis shall be his newest addition to his lesser daemons.
At the sametime Nurgle was amazed with the many worlds that have viruses and plagues that have created infectious monsters and daemons.
From Magic the Gathering, Bloodbourne, to even one called Green Worldz a world were plants have taken over the planet, in the year 2017, the vegetation in Tokyo rose up and toppled human society in moments, the few survivors are forced to live in the relative safety of a subway network, but supplies are running low.
Nurgle was impressed an wished to add this strain of mutation and infection to all his plants in his Garden and beyond, but decided to save it as this will take some time to sprout and cultivate various plants, to be carriers of his plagues, and also be able to survive in various embierments, and from the sound of the "Primordial One" he needed quicker spreading and replenishing troops for the upcoming battle, so regretfully he had to pass on Green Worldz...for now.
As the Rot Lord, continued to browse for hid newest daemonic servent he stumbled to the world of Darksouls, the third part specifically, he found a lovely creature that spread in unimaginable speed and can even infect the dead, drastically increasing his forces number the more they kill and spread upon a world they resemble walking corpses with a mass of maggots extruding from a gaping chest cavity acting as a hive-organism that with various little gifts and diseases added to these maggots called Infectors. [Real name Infector Corpses, but I wanted the maggots and hosts to act as sentient daemonic virus itself, unlike the mindless zombies that are Poxwalkers.]
They were perfect, he can even add them to his Great Unclean Ones, to spew and spawn them doubling their number and contagion radius/speed, the possibilities are endless as the Grandfather has made his choice, the Infectors shall be his newest lesser daemons to join his family.
Lastly, was Khorne once again he examined and browse the various world in search for a worthy bloodthirsty addition to his legions.
There were many from many world that would fit his desire from Dante's Inferno to many others but the world of Dungeons & Dragons, really caught the Blood God's attention.
The Goristros were a powerful type of tanar'ri daemon that resembled fiendish monsters they had broad, lumbering frames, overall structure was somewhat bear-like, but their arms were long and wide like the trunks of trees, because of this, they moved on their knuckles like giant gorillas as they barreled forward, their great muscular bulk was clearly visible with wide shoulders carried a massive head reminiscent of a leering bison, with carnivorous teeth and giant horns that curve upward.
Their physical prowess and savagery was comparable only to that of the balors, but with none of the dangerous intellect to match, they were prone to going on rampages in random directions and very voracious, they were perfect to be utter bloody beasts in any battle, they'll fit as his high-ranking daemons as he plans to give them some sentient and intellect so they won't be another hellbeast, his flesh hounds and juggernauts were more than enough.
So that was the end, all three Chaos Gods have chosen their new daemons to add to their realm, and command.
The first to make his request was Nurgle saying he wants the Infectors, then Laharl said he wants the Mortfinis, and lastly Khorne said he wants the Goristros, with them having made their requests three tentacles emerged from the void, with different orbs coiled around the tip of these tentacles, they slowly approached the three Chaos Gods stopping a few inches from each of them, as Absolute Chaos simply said, "Take...them...your...rewards. " the orbs presented were different with Khorne being an orb a scarlet with a rage crimson energy center, whilst Laharl's was a blue ghostly fire with spiked metal bars covering the orb, and lastly was Nurgle's orb which was a grey outline containing countless squirming maggots inside, as they felt their bodies were able to move and react to their commands, Laharl, Khorne, and Nurgle looked at their respected orb being presented to them, by their patron.
All three of them reached out their respected arm, and upon touching their presented orb with their hand, the daemonic energy within the orb burst like flames spread and moved like if they were alive surging and coating the arm and bodies of Khorne, Nurgle, and Laharl.
As they felt the essence, power, dominion, and knowledge of their new chosen daemonic servants, once the new daemonic essence assimilate within all three Chaos Gods, Absolute Chaos mentioned that they will be watching and expecting more from both of them, and also they'll see them again once Hound Rat, and Tzeentch, bounds with both of them, and the Gate shall be between all realm from now to the new, all Laharl thought was, "Are patron is really making us work for our pay".
With that Absolute Chaos, bid them adieu as all the eldritch tentacles, arms, claws, and mouths started to return into the darkness, and the eyes began to close, leaving all three of them in the darkness, as they started to get dizzy...
(Laharl/Carnage God POV)
Location the Nethervoid-Castle Neo Oblivion/The Throne Room
I gasp as I leap up from my throne, this startled the black haired succubus that was pouring me a drink, which in turn caused her to drop the massive gord onto the marble floor spilling all the Ambrossia.
She scrambled to apologize to me, and swore to clean up the mess, realizing I'm back home, I breathe some air in relief and said, "It's alright. It was my fault, little handmaiden, take your time and once your done cleaning, bring me more Ambrossia." she smiled at me, since she realized she wasn't at fault or I was angry as I sat back down on my throne, I could already sense the mortfinis within my essence as I got more comfortable on my throne, crossing my legs and rested my chin on my right fist.
I contacted Aillia to start registrating my new daemons, and spawning them not only will their be a versatile force to fight alongside my knightmares, but also will work perfectly within Mordred's forces.
As Aillia responded with a cheery and very happy, (Right away, my Lord. Also there's an update on the Pantheon List, nothing major mind you my Lord, but it should please you♡) taking Aillia advice I told her to bring up the list, and like that it appeared before me.
Chaos Gods
1.Laharl, Chaos God of Carnage, Void, Lust, Love, Promises, Infernals, Punishment, Horrors, Domination, Desacration, Devastation, Madness & Creator.
Worshipers-Carnage Daemons, Neverborn, Adhuman-Gobos, Carnage Corrupted, Chaos Cultists of Carnage, the Insane, the Demented, Builders, Makers, & Designers.
Rank: Mid-High
Faction: Chaos/Carnage
God Artifacts-Ragnarok, Claw of Hades, Iron Maiden 666, Gleipnir.
2.Khorne, Chaos God of Blood, War, Wrath, Hatred, Rage, Murder, Strength, Courage, Honor, & Martial Honor.
Worshipers-Blood Daemons, Warriors, Berserkers, Blood Corrupted, & Chaos Cultist of Blood.
God Artifacts-Unmaker.
Affection Level-Respected Sibling Rival 69%, Enemy 43%, Submission Progress 42%
Rank: Mid-Low
Faction: Chaos/Blood
3.Valkia, Lesser Chaos Goddess of War-maidens.
Worshiper-Blood Daemons, Blood Valkyries, Warriors, Women, Blood Corrupted, & Chaos Cultists of Blood.
Affection Level-Respected Brother-in-law 55%, Enemy 54%, Submission Progress 35%
Rank: Lesser/Daemon Queen
Faction: Chaos/Blood
God Artifacts-Slaupnir, Loceplex Daemonshield.
4.Nurgle, Chaos God of Plague, Disease, Decay, Death, Despair, Rebirth, Renewal, Stagnation, Life.
Worshiper-Plague Daemons, Sick, Diseased, Plague, Suffering, Plague Corrupted, & Chaos Cultists of Plague.
Affection Level-Respected Sibling Rival 12%, Enemy 88%, Submission Progress 5%
Rank: Low-Mid (Newborn)
Faction: Chaos/Decay
God Artifacts-Worldblighter.
Carnage Patheon
Ruler of the Carnage Pantheon: Laharl, Chaos God of Carnage, Void, Lust, Love, Promises Infernals, Punishment, Authority, Atrocities, Devastation & Omni-bending
Worshipers-Daemons, Adhuman-Gobos, Carnage Corrupted, & Chaos Cultists.
Faction: Carnage
Highest Deities of the Pantheon
Brides of Carnage-1.Chi Aahtahg, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Corruption of Nature.
Worshipers-Dark Druids, & Dark Florrah
2.Kiira Blakenroze, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Dark Desires.
Worshipers-Succubi & Lust Corrupted.
3.Scalpel Bleedinhart, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Bio-crafting of Life.
Worshippers-Biocrafters, Medics, Scientists, God Complexed & Unhinged.
4.Jade Emerlhyde, Lesser Chaos Gobo Goddess of Anarchy.
Worshippers-Gobos, Rebels, & Opressed.
5.Cassandra Crimsontear, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Bloodstained Majestry.
Worshippers-Soldiers, Nobles, Chaos Guardsmen, & Prideful Souls.
6.Ruu, Lesser Chaos Slime Goddess of Twisted Innocence.
Worshippers-Slimes, Lost Children, Broken Innocent, & Daemons.
7.Ragna Kaalika, Lesser Chaos Goddess of Rampage.
Worshippers-Brutes, Daemons, Carnage Corrupted, & Terrorists.
Low Deities of the Pantheon
Elder Daemons-1.Ba'al Allseer, the Great Seer.
Worshipers-Daemons, Seers, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.
2.Mordred Deathharbinger, the Ultimate Slaughterer.
Worshippers-Daemons, Warriors, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.
3.Nidhog, the Destroyer.
Worshippers-Daemons, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.
4.Beelzalbub, the Fly of Ruin & Gluttony.
Worshippers-Flies, Daemons, Carnage Corrupted & Chaos Cultists.
Named Herald-L'litha, the Rising Succubus Herald.
Elder Daemons of Blood-1.Skarbrand, the Rage Incarnate.
2.Karanak, the Apex Hunter Beast of the Blood God.
3.Zsash, the Lord of Burning Shadows.
Named Herald-Skulltaker/U'zuhl, the Rising Sacred Executioner.
Ascension-34.62% Skulls Collected: 272.
Named Herald-Epidemius, the Tallyman of Nurgle.
She was right that did please me, and brought a smile to my handsome face.
Seem my kindness and brotherly love with Khorne and Nurgle has paid off, as I'm close to the halfway mark in my progress with Khorne and Valkia, and with Nurgle its starting to show results.
I remember that Absolute Chaos, told us that the Gate to the multiverse should be accessible to us, and is between our realm...could they mean like the Forge of Souls is going to be in the future?
I'll check it and probably so will my younger brothers, later for now I need to drink, and then I'll stay by my wives side for a while, before I plan my crossing to Fantasy Warhammer, to "convince" the Great Horned Rat, to come with me and join the Chaos Pantheon as an actual God instead of a lesser I chuckled excitedly, cause despite being a 40k main, I love fantasy as well and of course, I was Chaos Warriors player through and through.
[Author: Hi and happy holidays again everyone. Got a new chapter and a question for you all. What should I name the Great Horned Rat? Cause it will get old calling him that over and over again, if you any suggestions comments me and I choose the best, bye and happy new years!!]