
Frozen Wastes of Norsca Final Part: Landfall

(General POV)

Location the Sea of Chaos-Within Enzium, Central Level/The Great Hall of Banquets and War

Still celebrating especially with Kholek joining in the feast, standing next to the Warp Gods.

As they ate and drank, all the while they could sense the Speaker's deseperation, confusion, iratation, and soo much more negative emotions just permeating from the spectral like being that thinks he has played by the stronger Gods.

While they ate the Warp Gods spoke with Kholek on the upcoming invasion immediately they want him to be apart of whatever battle would surely come next.

Kholek was excited to test out his new power, and earn greater favor from his true masters, the Chaos Gods of the Warp.

He swore to them that all the blood spilled in the next battle, and all the souls harvested shall be all for the Gods aka them alone, this pleased Khorne, Nurgle, and Laharl.

While this conversation happened on the outside of the Avatar, the trio of Warp Gods were discussing which of them should take part, as commander of the upcoming battle...in the end they decided that it shall be the Dark One, aside from the trial in Malofex he hasn't had a opportunity to battle and lead their Dark Legion alone.

The Dark One was grateful for his younger brothers generosity and accepted to fight and lead in the next battle but for now they'll enjoy themselves...even with the crappy alcohol...

And so days passed the banquet was over, and preparations for the Norscan invasion was under way.

All throughout the castle/fortress of Enzium all members of the Dark Legion of the Damned, were getting ready for the upcoming battle and glory they'll gain from invading and conquering the South!!!

Sought after prize for all servents of Chaos, to destroy, pillage and desolate the Southlands in the name of the Chaos Gods, for countless years warlords, and great champions have risen and fall in the task of conquering the south but now at last a otherworldly Chaos Lord has come with the favor of the Bat, to finally claim the Southlands in the name of Chaos, this was exciting and making the Chaos Warriors eager to make landfall...

Location the Norscan Shores, the Lands of the Graelings-Graeling Port

Norsca is a frigid, arctic peninsula and Human cultural region located in the far north of the Old World, though not officially considered a cultural or historical part of it by southern scholars.

Norsca lies on the very doorstep of the northern Chaos Wastes themselves. It is bordered to the south by the freezing waters of the Sea of Claws, to the north by the Sea of Chaos and the Chaos Wastes, and to the east by the roving Kurgan tribes of the Eastern Steppes.

Norsca is inhabited by a race of savage and ferocious Men known variously as Norscans, Norsemen or the Norse.

Long ago, in the time of Sigmar, when these people still inhabited the northern lands of what would become the Empire, they were known as the Norsii.

Suffused with the unholy energies of Chaos by its proximity to the ruined Warp Gate of the Old Ones that lies at the northern pole of the Known World, Norsca is a brutal realm where no one ruler holds sway.

Instead, the bleak and brutal landscape is divided amongst the barbaric kingdoms and territories of many bloodthirsty and warlike tribes of Northmen, and other savage creatures.

Currently this is the lands belonging to a norscan tribe known as the Graelings.

The Graelings are one of the mayor and strongest northmen tribe in the vile, frozen lands of Norsca, residing in the western shores of Norsca, right beside the direct entrance from the Sea of Chaos, which make them one of the strongest seafaring trine amongst the northmen.

This tribe has spawned great champions such as Harald Whyrlas has an ambition to unite all the tribes of Norsca into one nation, using intimidation and the promise of stability, next Verdandi was a Graeling sea-maiden who ventured into an ancient temple of Lustria where she fought against the Amazons who guarded it, and finally the legendary Haargoth the Blooded was a Champion of Khorne and a Chaos Lord who became one of Archaon's Lieutenants during the Storm of Chaos.

During the time of Archaon's quest to become the thirteenth Everchosen, the Graelings resisted him, using the Werekin of Fjirgard to combat him.

The Herald of the Apocalypse defeated them only after his own forces suffered heavy losses due to the Graelings' valor, for this many of the Everchosen's mightiest warriors come from the Graelings.

Many more legends and tales have come from these tribesmen, in the Port village of the Graelings they were now they're preparing for sail and battle, Lord Archeon has called for them and summoned them to go to the North Chaos Wastes, to his citadel of power, the Inevitable City.

Many tribesmen warriors, marauders, Chaos knights, and more were readying their ships to set sail to the further northland.

That's when the Sea started to turn more violitile than usual and a powerful "empty" presence was approaching the port, all the tribesmen could assume is that a chaotic entity...a unique mutated beast was coming to attack them....

That when the waves and water levels were starting to rise then...

Emerging some distance from the port was a titanic monster, roaring as the horned and frill headed skull monster roared at them, as four massive arms burst out the cold surface of the Sea of Chaos, immediately the Lords and the most skilled warriors began to mount the boats and sail to face the unknown creature, Enzium.

Only for the Dark One, currently in command just gave Enzium one command, "Destroy them..." Enzium immediately responded to its masters' commands and readied all it's weapons, all the Skull Cannons, Catapults, Dead Head Launchers and more were all aimed at the sailing ships.

As Enzium's approaching victims came closer, it let lose and all out assault.

Hellfire skulls, and meteorites, dead head, and vile were all sent flying towards the ships, utterly destroying every single one of them.

None of the four Norscan ships were spared, several hundreds died in the initial attack of the Living Daemon Fortress of the Dark Legion.

The cold waters of the north, were now soak and mixed with the blood and bodies of many tribesmen, burning wrecks that used to be viking like ships now sank with their remains floating on the surface of the Northern Sea.

Enzium roared triumphantly as all three of the Warp Gods, still inside the fortress castle on it back were pleased and complimented their Greater Daemon's power and effectiveness.

This made Enzium more excited as it swam faster towards the shore, to continue the slaughter and to disembark all it accupants soo they too can join the battle and carnage, lead by it's dark masters.

(Wulfrik POV)

Location the Realm of Chaos Water-Gate

[I don't know how Wulfrik's Seafang travels through the Realm of Chaos, many sources suggest its instead like sailing through a vast sea of Chaos, so I decided to make it soo plus with Enzium exuding "Void" energy it wouldn't be able to track it unless it was in the open like right now...]

I stood at the bow of my mighty ship, the Seafang, as it been the longest time either my warriors or myself have been sailing through the domain of the Gods.

Normally it took but a few moments and we've been already in the Old World facing the next chosen challenger that the Gods have picked for me fight and kill.

Rising my right arm that held a wooden pint of mead, I drank as to calm my eagerness and desire to face this "Chosen of the Gods" maybe I'll finally have a worthy challenge for once?

I know I'm not the only one that feels the same as my warriors were pasing around the Seafang, and the beasts under my command were also starting to get restless.

Still if I'd known that even with Seafang, it would have taken me sometime to find my next query I would have celebrated the aftermath of our battle against the Tyrant, Olgarr more...wasted opportunities, as drank some more...the Realm of the Gods, still swirled around the vowels of my ship with all the energies of the Gods making this multi-colored sea.

Once my cup ran empty I tossed it aside and went to the mass to pick up my sword, Torgald which I left next to a barrel, picking it up and sitting on said barrel I decided to sharpen and maintain my sword, getting it ready for it's next battle.

I have to do something to keep myself from going ster-crazy and at least I can keep my blade ready for it time bathing in Ixion's blood.

I've forgotten when was the last time the Gods have send me to challenge one of their champion, they must be really interested in this Daemonhart, if their willing to take such a risk lossing a Champion against me, just to test his and my worth.

That when at the final wedge of my polish stone, I felt the Seafang ster, which meant that at last the ship has sensed where my next query is.

Putting down my stone, and standing from my sit I rised my Torgald into the air and let out a roar...let's see it I've finally found a worthy enough challenge that the Gods will welcome to their halls of champions at last.

(General POV)

Location the Norscan Shores, the Lands of the Graelings-Ruined Port

The Port of the Graelings was utterly ruined, burning away to ash and rubble as the daemons, dragon ogres, marauders and warriors of the Dark Legion, slaughter all in their path.

Ixion/Laharl was standing over countless slain and soaked in blood as his Hellbane and Wailmaker were coated in gore.

That when a horned helm marauder, charged him with axe held high only for the Dark One to command Ixion to lazily spin to the right, slashing his darkness imbued sword across the belly of the Graeling, as he fell to his knees bleeding out onto the snow and rubble, Ixion approached the dying mortal and with a powerful swing from his Chaos Morningstar, he crushed his head, splattering more gore, matter, and blood onto the ground.

As the furred cape of Ixion, flowed in the cold wind, he heard Khorne praised him for the brutality he has just caused to these mortals.

Laharl thanked his younger brother for the compliment, and made Ixion look around the ruined port.

Watching as the nurglish marauders along with the plaguebearers, nurglings, and infectors infected and kill more graelings from the south, while the Blood-Drinkers, were butchering everything in their path, while gorging themselve with blood.

Joining them in this slaughter were Khorne's daemons, the bloodletters, flesh hounds, and slaughterbrutes all rising Hell in the west of the Port.

Both Khorne and Nurgle were absolutely thrilled with their minions causing all sorts of chaos, and dismay feeding them while their weaker counterparts only get scraps in comparison, and the Dark One can fully understand as he saw his own daemons slaughtering the remnants of these graeling tribe...his succubi made quick work of the women, so they can take their time causing agonizing death to their male prey.

While his knightmares, mortifinis and infernal were joined by the furies and the undivided Chaos forces were killing the rest of the Graelings...

He tried to make them surrender and submit to him when he first made landfall, but they completely refused him, so as the God of Slaughter, he granted them no mercy.

Immediately ordering all his forces to slaughter every single soul within the Port, hence the destruction that is currently around him...

Just when he was about to order his forces to regroup and return to Enzium so they can continue their campaign further into Norsca, he heard Enzium roar.

Looking at the colossal daemon, as it stomped it way out the burning ruins, arming all the armaments on it, it was clear to Laharl that there might be a real battle after all...speaking through Ixion, Laharl summoned Kholek.

In a few moments, a massive shadow covering the spot that the avatar was staring on, the sound of wings flapping clearly heard, as the Daemon-Shaggoth, Kholek Suneater landed behind them.

He asked the Dark One, "what he requested of him?" Laharl made the avatar turn its head slightly and responded to Kholek's question, "Enzium senses a powerful force approaching us. Gather and organize the Legion, it seems our first true battle in Norsca is about to start."

Kholek nodding his head to the Dark One, rushed away to do as he commanded, both Khorne and Nurgle were eager to see the carnage that their older brother is about to wrought upon these mortals, Laharl just smirk and thought, "Well as a big brother, I mustn't disappoint."

With this a battle that will soon be edge in legend amongst the northern tribes was soon to begin...