
Rebirth: The Universe's Hidden Heiress

Yuka, reborn as the daughter of the universe's richest man, tries to live a simple life. She gets a big shock when she has to join Union University of the Alliance because of government rules. In university, Yuka picks an easy major, hoping to keep a low profile. But her plan doesn't work. She keeps facing tough situations that show off her smart mind and strong skills. Yuka tries hard to live normally but keeps getting pulled into extraordinary accidents. This is the story about how Yuka grows. It's about her trying to hide her real identity while dealing with a world that always challenges her.

Treein · sci-fi
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163 Chs


After Nori's interruption with borrowing money, Yuka felt a bit relieved from all these messy issues. 

However, when she slipped out of the underground arena, walked onto the street, and touched the opticomputer in her pocket, she suddenly remembered the grudge between Ayoi and Alex, and her mood became heavy again. 

Yuka was never one to run away. She opened the chat with Ayoi and asked while walking to the hotel, "How's everything?"

It wasn't until Yuka returned to the hotel and sat on the big bed in her room that Ayoi replied, "It's fine now!"

Ayoi was a person that couldn't keep things to herself for long. As soon as she walked out of the underground arena with Alex, she couldn't help but tell him about Bartland and her parents' death. 

Alex was stunned at first, and after seeing Ayoi's anxious expression, he told Ayoi that he knew.