
Same Old Ginger

Sae: Ah, here we are. We have two targets to take down.

Terra: Wait. Take down as in what?

Sae: Ah, same old Ginger. To kill of course. I guess we could take them alive. But that would be harder. Right?

Terra: That's one of Integer's old soldiers…

They were high up on a rooftop. Looking down at Three. She The Integer soldier that wasn't hypnotized. There was another person. A tall black man with short black hair. He had sunglasses on, even though it was night. And a full white tux on. Along with dress pants. They were surrounded with a bunch of guards. They were walking somewhere. Three had a fancy outfit on. Contrasting her normal sweatshirt.

Terra: We're going to kill a kid? I know all the shit you did was bad. But a kid?

Sae: You want the money right?

Terra: Fuck it, I'm not doing this. I was wrong to go on this mission. Everything about this is wrong.

Sae swiftly leg swept Terra. She nearly fell off the side of the building.

Sae: You aren't fit for the job, you die. You've pleased us so far, don't make me do this.

Terra violently grabbed onto Sae.

Terra: You're coming with me if I fall.

Sae: You think I'm scared?

???: The Gashadokuro!

All the people walking around Fifty and Three drew their guns and started shooting at the pair. Sae pulled Terra up with her. Terra landed on top of Sae. They both got up and ran across a couple buildings. Terra sat down, and so did Sae. Terra felt her shoulder. It was bleeding. But only a little. Sae quickly wiped her mouth of blood.

Terra: What the hell…

Sae: Must've been a stray bullet.

Terra: Are you sure this looks like a stray bullet?

Two marks were on Terra's shoulder.

Sae: Two stray bullets? Whatever.

Terra: Well. Looks like your mission is forfeit. Since they saw us.

Sae: Not quite, They were going to a party. And we're not far from a rich asshole's house.

Terra: What rich asshole?

Sae: Dude's name is Hunter Kunai. He disappeared a while ago. So most of his properties were sold. To a guy named Cyrus West. Either way, we can still pull this off.

Terra: This is MFI. Right. This should be a very serious mission.

Sae: And it is. We'll take them down.

Terra: You can't just jump in there like you did with Vera!

Sae: Fine. We'll send both of those assholes to the pen.

Terra: You're joking, right?

Sae flicked Terra on the nose.

Sae: There might be some people who disappear though.

Terra: You're insane.

Sae: Charming right? We need disguises though.

Terra: Seriously? We're doing it that way?

Sae: Yeah! I think it's worth it. I doubt you've had this much fun in a while.

Terra: ...You wouldn't believe the amount of fun I'm having right now.

Sae moved the entrance to a vent.

Sae: I bet!

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Two women walked out of a changing room. Sae came from behind them and jabbed a pressure point to knock the two out.

Sae: Take your pick.

They both dragged the women into the two changing rooms. Not long after they walked out with their outfits on. Terra walked out with her armor. Trying to find a place to hide it. Sae hid her prosthetics with a legging and her arm with an arm tight.

Sae: Nope. Armor stays.

Terra: Fair enough.

Terra put her armor back. Sae blocked off the changing rooms.

Sae: Hopefully we're the last to this party.

Terra: This outfit is so uncomfortable.

Sae: Don't complain.

Terra: I don't think I've been to a party since my childhood.

They walked into the main room. A huge room with chairs, A pool table, a big TV, and a hot tub in the corner.

Sae: Just watch me.

Sae walked up to a random man.

Sae: Hey there.

Random man: Hello. Who are you?

Sae: Why would that matter? I want to know about you...A man as striking as yourself shouldn't be interested in a little lady like me.

Terra: Ugh.

She walked away. And grabbed some wine on her way.

Terra: This is illegal.

Terra sipped up the wine quickly.

Three: It should be illegal. For us to be all doll'd up like this.

Terra turned and saw Three unhappily sitting on the couch next to her.

Terra: ...Wait. Uh. Hi. I'm Terra.

Three: Pretty bad intro. How old are you?

Terra: Not old enough to be drinking wine.

Three: Like twenty? You look younger than you are.

Terra: I'm eighteen. Not far off. What's your name?

Elaine: Eliane.

Terra: Nice to meet you. I'm Ter-...i. My name is Teri.

Elaine: You don't go to parties often?

Terra: No. Especially parties like this.

Elaine: My families super overprotective. Especially since…

Terra: Especially since what?

Elaine: Oh, don't worry about it.

Elaine: You want to ditch this stupid party?

Terra: You wouldn't get the half of it.

Elaine got up.

Elaine: Come on.

Sae saw them leave. She smiled.

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Elaine opened a secret door somewhere in the mansion.

Elaine: Check this out.

Terra: Woah!

Terra and Elaine were surrounded by a bunch of swords. All old relics. Encased in glass.

Elaine: That's Ecalibur. King Arthur's sword. That's old as dirt.

Terra: I thought King Arthur wasn't even real.

Elaine: There's all the proof you need. This is Wolfsbane's sword. Wielded by Kira Luiza. She fought valiantly at the Invasion of Ryukyu. Oh, and here's Shi Sun's Odachi. He was a chinese mercenary.

Terra: What's that one? Isn't that a soul blade?

Elaine: So you know your swords, huh?

Terra: Not really. Mainly soul blades.

Terra: I've actually seen soul blades in action.

Elaine: Oh? Me too. Hey, I feel like I've seen you somewhere.

Terra: Must be someone else. Do you know the powers of soul blades?

Elaine: No. Not all of them.

Terra turned and examined the soul blade. She saw there was a 3 embedded in the steel. Terra turned around and saw Elaine holding a sword. She swung at Terra. Terra jumped back and got in a fighting stance.

Terra: Hey! Put the sword down.

Elaine: Terra! I don't have a sword! Look.

Terra's eyes adjusted. Everything was blurred and she saw Elaine standing there with her hands up. No sword.

Terra: Ugh,

Elaine: You need help or something? Like, mental help?

Terra: Heh. no. I'm fine.

Elaine: You sure. Because you scared me a little bit.

Terra: I'm sorry to scare you. I learned from a friend that I can't always trust my eyes.

Elaine: Just don't do it again.

???: Eliane. What are you doing in there?

Elaine: Ugh. How did you find us Phobos?

It was the tall black man with short black hair from earlier. Terra was still confused by the sunglasses he had on,

Phobos: I can read you like a book. And who is this?

Elaine: This is Teri. I met her at the party. I mean, you did want me to have fun. Right?

Phobos: Ugh...children. Very well. Don't break anything.

Phobos walked away.

Elaine grabbed Terra's hand and they ran off. Elaine led Terra over to a living room with nobody in it. There was a guitar sitting next to the chair. Elaine played a couple notes.

Terra: Wait a sec...Keep going.

Elaine started playing more. Putting together a song.

Terra: Hey. I know that!

Elaine: You know the song?

Terra: Yeah actually.

Elaine: Sing along with it.

Terra: Uh...I'd rather not. I don't usually-

Elaine: Come on! Just try and go along!

Terra: Ugh...Fine.

Elaine started playing again. Terra went along with the notes.


Watched my world burn through my eyes

He killed my family by surprise

Bred to fight with my own guise

Purpose to kill all these guys

My heart urges time to stray

I tell myself no bloodshed today

Jumping off bearing armor

Destroying who took them all away

One day they'll all scream hurray

Call myself a castaway

Through this war I disobey

A girl from the woods led astray

And there, Elaine stopped playing.

Elaine: And that's all I have from the song.

Terra: Uh...so.

Elaine: Have you even hung with friends. Like normally. I mean it's not like we're even friends, we just met.

Terra: ...you showed me that you all aren't really bad.

Elaine: What?

Terra: What other things can you do?

Elaine: Well, I can play guitar, I did gymnastics a while ago. Oh and I can kind of juggle!

Terra: My only talent is really used to hurt people.

Elaine: What can you do?

Terra: Throw that water bottle up in the air.

Elaine grabbed the water bottle next to them and threw it up in the air. Terra did a hook kick and kicked it across the room.

Elaine: Woah! That was awesome!

Terra: Imagine if that was your face. I am only great at hurting people. Because of the martial arts I was taught. I was almost molded into a monster. Almost like Sae…

Elaine: Well I don't know who Sae is. But I do know that everyone has multiple things their good at. I sucked ass at guitar when I started. I mean, I still do. But I can play part of a song. Think about it. What are you good about?

Terra: I mean. I'm pretty good at fabrication I guess. Like bending metal into something usable. The shit I make is made to hurt people!

Elaine: Isn't it made to protect yourself?

Terra: I guess.

Elaine: What is it? Are you trying to get a job? I mean you just turned eighteen. It usually takes a long time to even know what you wanna do.

Terra: I want to protect people I guess. Make sure justice is served.

Elaine: Isn't that what you're doing?

Terra: I guess.

Elaine: This is weird for me though. I never get along with barely anyone. Because of this.

Elaine made a fireball over her hand.

Terra: You can make fire. So? Metas and Mutants are all human. Some just get power hungry. They become misguided.

Elaine: Even men with the greatest intentions can start believing their own lies.

Terra snickered.

Terra: Nice. Where'd you hear that?

Elaine: A video game…

Terra: Hey, it's a pretty good saying actually.

Elaine: Should we go back?

Terra: Not yet. Don't feel like dealing with the rich assholes in there.

Elaine: I feel ya.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Sae saw Phobos walk back into the party. Sae went to walk up to him. But someone put their hand in front of her. Sae turned to see a man in a black tux. He was wearing glasses and appeared to be blind. He had dirty blonde hair and looked about Sae's age.

Sae: Az…What are you doing here?

Az: Stick told me to send a message. The Chaste is back in town.

Sae: So? I'm kind of busy.

Az: We don't want you. As far as Stick's concerned. You're dead. But he is interested in your friend, Terra.

Sae: Why?

Az: She is and was a valuable asset. Rough around the edges. But still valuable. Stick knows of her powers.

Sae: I've got news for you. Little Ginger doesn't even have powers.

Az: Stick wanted to know if you could meet up and come to an agreement at some sort.

Sae: Only if he's paying.

Az: He's more than willing.

Sae: Great. Now get out of my face.

Az: ...Have a good night Sae. Enjoy the party.

Az walked off. Sae lost sight of Phobos.

Sae: Ugh. I need a drink.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Terra was standing on a balcony with Elaine.

Elaine: Teri. Can I actually tell you something?

Terra: Sure.

Elaine: Have you ever heard of Jilaya Springer? Otherwise known as Integer.

Terra: ...Yeah. I-I saw her on TV sometimes. And then she admitted to all the horrible things she did. Like hypnotizing a bunch of people into being her personal slaves. Disgusting.

Elaine: Yeah. But she was like a mother to us. Even some of the people she hypnotized even kept following her after they were set free.

Terra: Oh really?

Elaine: Yeah. People thought I was crazy because I was part of the small percentage who weren't hypnotized. But she was like a mother. She wasn't a bad person!

Terra: She did a lot of bad things though.

Elaine: You say that like you knew her!

Terra: I guess it was just a feeling.

Elaine: She was gentle to all her soldiers. We weren't considered slaves. Don't listen to the media coverage. Listen to someone who really knew her.

Terra: I guess I getcha.

Elaine: Either way, it looks like the party is going to end soon. We should probably get back.

Terra: Alright.

Terra walked ahead of Elaine for a bit. Then it hit her. She had a job to do. She had to still betray Elaine and bring her in. Terra started getting a nervous feeling.

Terra: Hey, Elaine.

Terra turned around. Terra was all of a sudden blinded by fire. She dodged the fire and grabbed Elaine's arm and snapped it. And pushed her off. She heard lightly in the back of her head.

Elaine: No please! I didn-

Elaine jumped on a chandelier. Terra jumped up and dodged a fire blast. She wrapped her hand around the chain holding it up. Terra snapped it in half. She heard a scream of terror and betrayal. And Terra fell on the ground atop the chandelier. She was knocked out for a second. And then came back into the real world. She got up. And saw Elaine crushed to death under the chandelier. Terra was quiet for a second. Whatever she did was still going through her mind. She started tearing up.

Sae: We're the same Terra. You don't like to show it but you are a super killing machine! You have the power. Use it. Just like you did with Three here.

Terra: Her name was Elaine! And I was fighting back!

Sae: Illusions bring out the hidden letter. You don't even trust Integer's soldier who has moved on!

Terra: But I...I did.

Sae: Then why did you fight back? Or well, as I saw it. Kill her in cold blood.

Terra: That's not what I saw! I lost control...Oh god.

Terra threw a punch at Sae. She dodged it and pushed Terra out of the way. She grabbed the back of Terra's head and slammed Terra on the ground. Sae came down and grabbed Terra's chin.

Sae: Come on! Make it dramatic!

Sae punched Terra in the chest and then hit her in the throat at a pressure point. Terra spit out blood onto Sae's hand.

Sae: Good little Ginger. Phobos offered me a better deal. He probably will also be delighted when he finds Artemis herself unconscious at the party.

Terra: You know President Borden is going to be pissed. Right?

Sae: You think he's the only one who I'm partnered with?

Sae stood up and did a slight wave of her hand. And Terra's small wound from earlier started gushing blood. Terra got even more lightheaded. And her consciousness started to fade.

Sae: It was nice working with you Ginger!

Sae blew a kiss at Terra. And jumped out a window.

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