
Rebels Rain

one hell of a past. but fang rises up from the scars that were created. soon enough the demons she faced, are a little more real than the reality she hoped for. will she finally meet her father? or will she have to wait a little longer? love, lust, and heartbreak all in one. what will happen to fang and Caroline? will their secrets get out or will they be hidden creatures with mysteries to tell?

LegendsLostStories · Musik und Bands
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17 Chs

chapter 10: so... i broke something

Carolines pov

So Chris showed me the letter, and I was so freaking angry. I knew part of fangs past, but I didn't think she would do something this drastic. But I was so pissed off, I just ran outside and well I kept punching a tree, and after quite a few hits to it I accidentally made it fall down. Out of shock, "S**T" so I just ran back to the bus, and shut the door really quick. Out of breath, the guys just look at me and I said, " h-hiiii. When do we have to leave?" Chris said, " in a few moments. Why?" He looked at me, I just awkwardly smiled, then said, " funny story actually, but to put it this way, I broke a tree." He looks at me wide eyed, and then Ricky came out and said, " so that was probably what we heard fall then."

But I then felt something drip from my hand, I look to see my knuckles were all scraped and red was dripping down my finger. So I said, " I will be right back." I had brought a roll of gauze, because I bring it for emergency reasons, but I grabbed it and went to the bathroom.I tried to clean it in the sink, and after a while I heard a knock on the door. And I replied, " come in, I am in a small predicament." When the door opened, I saw Ricky and I smiled. He said, " you alright?" I looked down to my hand again, the looked at the mirror, out of surprise he gave me a hug and rested his head on my shoulder.

I just smiled and sarcasm came away, " may I help you?" I said, trying to look over. I felt him smile. He replied, " Caroline, can I ask you something?" I nodded a little, he continued, " well, there is two things: one, will you go out on another date with me and two-" I looked back to the mirror, and his eyes, were like caved in, I tried not to panic, but I turned around and said, " well I can give you an answer in a moment just I have to go out of the bathroom." I pushed him out of the way and I was still trying to wrap the mesh around my hand, but I ran out and I felt my anxiety takeover.

" guys, I- something is up with Ricky." Two of the guys quickly got up and I tried to explain, it is just my fear I don't know what to do. Then one of them asked I didn't know who though, " what's wrong? What happened?" I felt shaky, I couldn't control my thoughts, and my mind was just scattered around. " I was trying to clean my hand, then Ricky came i-in and everything went-t d-down hill." I wasn't sure what to do, it has been a very long time since I have felt this way. The last time this happened was when I was in high school, walking home after school. I shook the thought from my head, and was brought back to reality falling to the floor smacking my head. I curse, " ow, dammit."

Fang's pov

So I was on a plane back to Philly, and I was so lost in thought I was home before I knew it. But I called a taxi after I grabbed my bag and stuff. But the taxi fare was only fifteen dollars. But once I got in the house I thanked the cab driver and I dropped my stuff after I locked the door. So the bad thing was I started to think out loud. " okay, now I have to grab my stuff well most of it." So I walked up stairs, and I wanted to start a new life. Just I was wondering, what, or how are they going to be when I am gone.

I doubt they would do anything fang, I really don't think that they even cared about you. You are nothing to them, now just keep doing what you are doing. And run away.

I make my own choices, and this was my choice, and I don't need anyone's pity, not even you. So here's a damn news flash: get the f**k out of my head. And don't keep popping in. Got that you idiot.

Meow, someone is pissed.

Caroline's pov

So I got up from the ground and I saw nothing but the bus I was the only one in there, and there was no one there, and I walked around and went to the back, I saw fang, she said, " I did this for your own good Caroline. Where you really my friend, or did you just use me to get close to them."

I shook the thought and I was brought back to reality when I heard mumbled yelling, " care, care, Caroline, come on stay with me." I had a fuzzy vision but I saw ghost by me and Chris and Ryan trying to hold Ricky back, and I started to have clear vision, I asked, " what happened? Ow that hurt a lot." I started to adjust and I asked, Chris. " what is wrong with him?" Chris growled, " I don't know but I think your blood had a aftershock on him." I looked down, this is all my fault. I am the one to blame.

But didn't we have to go to the next venue. So I started to have fuzzy vision, and walked to the bunk alley and I mumbled walking past, " let him go. It is not his fault." He growled, and looked at me. I walked to the very back and I found the one thing fang forgot it was still in plastic, so I grabbed it and started to play with it. I then took it out of the plastic and well I guess you can figure, I only did it once, and I heard a slam on the door. I quickly hid it and grabbed my covered hand and put it over my arm.

I wrapped my hand to look like a mummy so it was okay, but I opened the door. And saw Ricky and ghost. I said mumbling, " what?" Ghost looked at me and said " Ricky wanted to talk to you." I nodded and replied, "okay, thanks and I think I will be okay. So you can go." He nodded and left. Ricky came in and shut the door then sat down.

I asked, " what?" He moved closer to me, and said, " Caroline, I am sorry I scared you. I- I just don't know what came over me. I guess since I guess what Chris would say I am still new to this, but Caroline, I am so sorry. I just want you to know, we may not be dating or anything but I love you." He gave me a hug and fear and courage took over so I said, " Ricky, that is very sweet, but I- one moment" I got up and opened the door a crack and shut it again, and replied, " I can help with control if you want. Besides when was the last time you fed?"

He looked down and said, " two months ago." I was shocked and smacked him in the back of the head and said, " I may not be normal or a vampire but I do know that, vampires can do with out for about four to five weeks, not two months. Ugh. You adorable idiot." I slightly screamed at him and I saw his eyes were fading to black again, I rolled my eyes. And removed my hand from my arm and said, " you are lucky I trust you. And you break my trust I will break you."

He looked at me with his eyes black, and I rested my hand on his shoulder and he just took a big inhale and his fangs were showing, I felt my heart skip a beat. But I grabbed my hair tie and put my hair in a pony tail, I moved closer, my heart racing and nodded, as I moved my head to the side a little, everything, I let out a gasps.

Ricky's pov

I went to apologize to Caroline and the next thing I know is I say I love her, which I do very much, but my hunger was taking over again, she was my world, she moved her arm and I took a breath in and she put her hair up and moved her head, she nodded saying okay, I moved closer, my fangs were revealed, and I just let my hunger take over, but I didn't want to hurt her. It was this electricity that I felt between us, and I think I want to ask her to be my girlfriend. I pulled back and she said, " you okay?"

I nodded but replied, " I should be the one asking that. But are you?" She nodded and said, " Ricky, i want you to let me know, if you can't control your hunger let me know. Okay. I want to help you control. It might take a few tries, but I want to help. I want to do it for you and your state off mind. Promise me you will come if you can't control okay?" I nodded and I had my fangs exposed and her blood still on my lips, but I gave her a kiss, she was surprised at first, but she kissed back, and I felt her smile a little.

She pulled back, " I love you Caroline." She smiled and said, " I love you to Ricky." I smiled, and it was really nice to hear that, but I wanted to ask, " Caroline will you go out on another date with me?" She smiled and nodded yes. So here's me on the inside, ' yes, yes. Doing a victory dance.' On the outside, happy and smiling.

Caroline's pov

So I wanted to help Ricky with control, so I told him, and he understood, but me and him kissed which was why I felt sparks between us and fireworks going off in my head. But he also asked me on a second date, which was a score for me. He is the most, cutest, funniest, adorable, and romantic guy on the planet. In my opinion of course. But I thought it was nice. But I think I heard Chris yell, " we are leaving so make sure no one is outside of the bus." I saw Ricky roll his eyes. And it made me giggle.