
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasie
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298 Chs

Unexpected Turn of Events

The arena was buzzing with excitement as Amukelo and Kael took their positions on opposite ends. As soon as Kael made his appearance, the crowd, especially the girls, erupted into enthusiastic cheers and screams. He had the kind of charisma that drew attention effortlessly, his confident stride and winning smile amplifying the effect.

Amukelo, ever the observer, smirked slightly and said playfully, "Is this your unfair advantage?"

Kael flashed a grin in return, his stance poised and ready. "Will that be your excuse when you lose?" he replied, his voice steady and challenging.

The instructor signaled the start of the duel, and in that instant, the playful banter between the two fighters melted away. The room seemed to hold its breath as they both closed the gap, wooden swords raised high and eyes sharply focused.

The instructor signaled the start of the duel, and in that instant, the playful banter between the two fighters melted away. The room seemed to hold its breath as they both closed the gap, wooden swords raised high and eyes sharply focused.

Amukelo moved fluidly, his natural talent clear in his precise and calculated strikes. He had a way of blending his movements into a seamless dance that was both beautiful and deadly. Kael, for his part, was equally skilled. His training at the Elandria Heroes Academy had honed his technique to a fine point. He blocked and parried with a grace that spoke of his experience, despite his youthful age.

Their swords clashed repeatedly, creating a rhythmic symphony of wood striking wood. Each combatant was acutely tuned to the other's movements, neither willing to give an inch.

As the fight continued, it was evident that Kael had a wider range of sword techniques, likely acquired from his time at the academy. Yet Amukelo's raw talent and innate sense of timing allowed him to meet Kael's advanced moves with seemingly effortless counters.

The duel reached a fever pitch, with both fighters pushing their limits. In a decisive moment that seemed almost choreographed, they both executed a swift, spiraling strike aimed at each other's chest. The arena went still as their swords connected simultaneously, each finding its mark on the opponent.

A tense silence hung in the air, thick enough to cut through. Everyone, including the instructors, was wide-eyed, unsure of how to call the outcome.

After a few heart-stopping seconds, the instructor finally raised his hand and announced, loud enough for the entire room to hear, "Draw!"

Amukelo and Kael, both panting and sweating but wearing respectful smiles, nodded to each other in recognition of a battle well fought.

The crowd went silent, everyone was expecting Kael to crush Amukelo, no one know what to say, expect one person. Eliss beamed, her heart swelling with pride for her friend. "Well done, Amukelo!" she shouted, clapping her hands vigorously. "That was amazing!"

. . .

As Eliss stepped into the arena, a collective gasp swept through the crowd. Her ethereal beauty was radiant, captivating everyone's attention in a way that felt different from Kael's charismatic entrance. She moved with grace, her robes flowing like water around her.

Amukelo, who had returned to the waiting room after his own duel, watched her entrance from the sidelines. He noticed the eyes of more than a few students lingering on Eliss a little too long for his comfort, which made him visibly tense. Eliss, sensing his change in demeanor, caught his eye and offered a knowing smile, her eyes sparkling playfully. Amukelo rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a small, fond smile in return.

Eliss's opponent, Lira, was a young woman with a focused expression and a powerful aura. Despite her smaller stature, she moved with a purpose and determination that spoke of her combat experience. She was one of the top mage students of her year, and everyone knew it.

Their duel was unique: both mages had puppets that they had to protect while trying to destroy their opponent's. After a brief period to hide their puppets, the duel would commence.

Eliss, having learned magic from a young age, had an expansive repertoire of spells at her disposal, much broader than Lira's. However, Lira had the upper hand when it came to combat experience, moving efficiently and strategically, having learned to fight under pressure.

The duel was intense and fast-paced. Lira used her experience to her advantage, employing complex strategies and traps that Eliss had to think quickly to counter. Despite her inexperience in duels, Eliss's natural talent for magic was clear; she wove spells seamlessly, her incantations fluid and her gestures precise.

Amukelo, clenching his fists, was completely engrossed in the duel, silently urging Eliss on. He could see how she adapted, learning and evolving with every move Lira made.

As the duel reached its climax, Lira seemed to gain the upper hand, her puppet well-hidden and her attacks relentless. But in a moment of inspired intuition, Eliss used a clever illusion spell, creating multiple copies of her puppet that confused Lira momentarily.

Seizing this opportunity, Eliss unleashed a controlled yet powerful stream of arcane energy toward the location she had deduced Lira's puppet must be. The crowd held its breath as the spell surged forward, and then erupted into cheers as Eliss's spell struck true, disintegrating Lira's puppet.

"Lira's puppet is destroyed! Victory to Eliss!" the instructor announced, unable to hide his own surprise and delight at the outcome of the duel.

Lira, though defeated, wore a genuine smile, clearly impressed by Eliss's ingenuity. They exchanged respectful bows, acknowledging each other's skill.

In the midst of the applause, Amukelo's stern expression finally broke into a wide, proud smile. "Brilliant, Eliss!" he shouted above the clamor, his voice full of admiration and pride.

Eliss, catching Amukelo's eye, felt a rush of warmth at his evident pride. She returned his smile, her eyes reflecting her happiness not just in her victory, but in the shared triumph between them.