
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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296 Chs

Meeting their Opponents

Upon entry to the Elandria Heroes Academy, Amukelo and Eliss were greeted with a mixture of awe and respect, but skepticism was also present in the eyes of some of the students and faculty. Whispers of "the Saviors of Larenth" had spread throughout the Academy, creating a buzz of anticipation for their arrival.

Amukelo's eyes were steady, his excitement manifesting as a focused intensity. He carried a reserved and composed demeanor, clearly eager but not one to wear his emotions on his sleeve.

In contrast, Eliss was a beacon of joy. Her eyes sparkled as they wandered across the grand halls and vibrant, youthful faces of her peers. Her wide smile was infectious, drawing warm smiles from some of the more welcoming students and staff.

As they stood amidst the throng of students in the grand hall, a distinguished figure approached them – Master Faelen, one of the Academy's most respected instructors.

"Amukelo, Eliss," Master Faelen greeted, his voice steady but warm. "I've heard much about your courage and skill. We have arranged special conditions for your entry assessments due to your extraordinary deeds."

Eliss' eyes widened in surprise, but Amukelo merely nodded, accepting the information calmly.

Master Faelen continued, "You will both be engaging in combat trials against some of our students. This is standard for new arrivals but, given your experiences, we've adjusted the matchups."

He led them to another room, a spacious combat arena designed for sparring. Students gathered around, eager to witness the famed newcomers in action.

For Amukelo, his opponent was announced to be Kael, the top student of the first year. Kael was known to be a prodigy with the sword; he had a well-built frame, and his eyes were as sharp as the blade he wielded. There was a certain cold elegance in the way he moved, a testament to his masterful skill and confidence.

"The Saviors of Larenth," Kael spoke, his voice laced with both respect and challenge. "I've been looking forward to this."

Amukelo's eyes met Kael's firmly, a storm of anticipation brewing between the two young warriors as they prepared for the duel that lay ahead.

Master Faelen then turned to introduce Eliss's opponent, a petite but fiercely determined-looking girl named Lira. While she may have been less intimidating than Kael at first glance, her reputation was one of impressive accomplishment. Lira was agile and swift, with a natural talent for spell casting that placed her among the top students of her year.

Eliss offered Lira a friendly smile, to which Lira responded with a focused nod.

Master Faelen then proceeded to explain the rules:

"For Amukelo and Kael," he began, "you will be using these wooden swords. The duel will be conducted under strict conditions: it will end when one of you makes the first clean contact with your opponent. This is a test of skill and precision, not brute force."

Amukelo and Kael both accepted their wooden swords from an assistant, their grips firm and ready.

"For Eliss and Lira," Master Faelen continued, "your duel will be different. Each of you will have a magical puppet, and you will be shielded with a special protective aura. Your spells will cause no harm to each other, but your objective is to use your magic to disable your opponent's puppet. The duel ends when one of the puppets is rendered immobile."

Two intricately crafted magical puppets were brought forth, and Eliss and Lira each took one into their care. A soft, radiant light emanated from the protective shields that were activated around them.

With the opponents introduced and the rules clearly laid out, the atmosphere in the combat arena grew tense, electric with anticipation for the duels that were about to unfold.

. . .

In the waiting room adjacent to the combat arena, Amukelo was calmly adjusting the grip on his wooden sword. He looked ready, steady as a rock.

Eliss approached him, her eyes soft with sincerity. "Amukelo," she said warmly, "Best of luck out there. I know you'll be amazing."

Amukelo looked up from his sword and met her gaze, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Thanks," he replied, then added in a mock-serious tone, "I don't know if I'll be able to see you before your fight, but remember: try not to throw your staff at your opponent this time."

Eliss's eyes widened for a split second, and then she feigned deep offense, dramatically placing her hand over her heart. "Oh, the audacity!" she exclaimed, her tone dripping with mock indignation. "I'll have you know that wasn't a fair move!"

They both shared a quick, knowing smile, their nervous energy lightened by their playful exchange.

With that, Amukelo turned towards the door leading to the combat arena, his lingering smile a testament to their deep bond as friends and comrades.