
Re:Zero - Resurgence

In the depths of tragedy, a young boy finds an unexpected twist of fate. Dying from an unknown illness, his journey doesn't end as expected. Summoned to the enigmatic Nexus by the Strongest Origin Goddess, he's offered a chance at a new life. The only price? A mysterious favor for the Goddess. Join him as he starts once again from Zero! Hikari here! This is a Re:Zero fan-fiction. I had the idea to write one because I noticed there aren't many fan-fictions of Re:Zero out there (and also because I am a fan of the series). You don't have to be a fan of Re:Zero to understand this novel. This can also be enjoyed by itself. At most, I will take characters and some plot points from the original. Other than that, I am going to be writing a novel that's fresh and entertaining for those who haven't watched the show and those who have. Please consider donating Power Stones so that my novel gets out there! Thank you!

HikariKage · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

Character Creation?

The Goddess gracefully gestured with her fingers, illuminating the cosmos above us for a moment.

"And the finishing touches... Done!" Her divine smile sparkled.

While the Goddess attended to her celestial matters, I took a moment to collect my thoughts.

'Wait, is she going to send me into a world of swords and magic with nothing? What about my cheat ability?' I jest in my mind.

"Cheat ability? I may not know what that is, but I won't send you empty-handed. Survival is crucial, especially in that world, where powerhouses are everywhere. Messing with them could get you killed instantly," the Goddess explained, lounging on her throne with elegance, her flowing black hair creating a picturesque scene.

'Powerhouses?' I gulp.

"So, any ideas? What do you desire? Be reasonable, though. The body you'll inhabit is quite weak, and your soul won't handle an absurd ability well," she inquired.

"A choice, huh?" I ponder. "Wait, what's this body like? Don't tell me you'll take away my manhood! You monster!" I joked.

"Hm? Well I guess it will be pretty uncomfortable to be in a body you're not familiar with." She says as she flicks her fingers.

"Here you go. You can change it if you want. I already tweaked with that world's Etherealis Core by sending you there in the first place, so altering your appearance won't be an issue." She dismissively explains as she summons a wine bottle out of nowhere and starts lounging on her throne.

A flash of light ensued as I opened my eyes.

"What the?" I instinctively say as I look at the figure that appears in front of me.

'It's a person… or the projected image of one?' I deduce.

I examine the figure before me. He has medium-length thick black hair that's slicked upwards. Slanted brown eyes with small irises that make him look intimidating. He is pretty average-looking. Not too handsome nor too ugly. He has a pretty athletic physique. Standing at about 170 cm tall, I guess? Even with his slanted eyes, he looks like a kind guy.

'Wait, he's Japanese...' I thought, scrutinizing the face.

"Who summoned him to that world?" I asked the casually lounging goddess, whose once-holy image was now somewhat tarnished.

"Hmm? Uhhh, It's just a crazy witch. She was obsessed with him or something. To put it simply, she was a yandere. As you would expect from the Witch of Envy I guess." she nonchalantly remarked.

'I feel like she just said something important…' I break out in a sweat.

"And won't that witch come after me? I'm taking over her beloved's body, after all," I inquired.

"Nah it's fine. You're going to 'become' him after all. His memories and a tiny bit of his personality will be embedded in your subconscious. She might notice a change, but it won't matter much. You're safe," she assured.

I sighed in relief, turning my attention back to the projected figure

'Character creation, huh? Let's make him look cool!' I excitedly thought.

"First let's change the hair color…I wanna go for something fantasy-esque…hmm…what about blue or maybe red? Wait! I know the coolest one…" I mutter as I make up my mind.

I imagine the color I want and slowly the hair on the figure in front of me starts to change.

"I knew it... white is the best," I sighed contentedly.

'His coolness points just skyrocketed…' I examine the beautiful white hair that messily covers the forehead of the figure in front of me.

"Eyes next. Golden or red? Nope, too edgy. Golden it is!"." I imagine the eye color I want.

"Perfect! I want him to be a little taller as well….there! He looks so cool." I exclaimed.

"Haha, you're having fun. He does look pretty cool," the amused Goddess commented.

"Right? Wait, his face needs a handsome touch. Hair and eyes look out of place with an average face," I muttered.

'I can't think of anything... What counts as handsome? I was stuck in bed all my life!' I realized. 'Wait, I have an idea!'

"Can you do the face for me? I don't get what counts as handsome—just make him good-looking!" I requested.

"Hoh hoh? Looking to impress the ladies, huh? Let's see… there! I did it to the best of my ability. Have fun!" the Goddess beamed, snapping her fingers.

Another flash of light, and I opened my eyes to the figure.

"..." I stared, utterly speechless, at the breathtaking face before me.

The white hair flowed gracefully, its unruly strands framing its forehead with artistic chaos. The golden eyes, like two pools of liquid sunlight, held an enchanting allure. The figure captured the perfect blend of a chiseled jawline, high cheekbones, and a straight nose—features that bordered between godly and breathtakingly human. It was an exquisite masterpiece in the realm of aesthetics, a face that promised to turn heads and linger in memories.

"What the fuck…" A blush forms on my face as I gaze at the figure…no this masterpiece.

I quickly shake my head as I clear my mind.

'I like women. I like women. I like women. I like women. Too powerful. I can't believe it...it made a straight guy blush...' I start chanting in my head like a madman.

"Hahaha…that was a great reaction. I based the look around that bastard Adonis. He's a jerk, but I guess his face is semi-decent. That face even somewhat rivals his. The most beautiful man in existence? You lose your title today, you old coot!" the Goddess laughed, enjoying her wine.

'Adonis? The God of Beauty? Whatever,' I sighed once again.

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