

A guy that has been reborn as a legend within the dragon ball universe... With a system of course :). Update schedule: This series is for fun, so when I get time. Depending on how well it does.

PettiaMius_6689 · Anime und Comics
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76 Chs

The End and Interesting Discovery

~Omni Pov~




The grand priest thought grimly to himself.

'As much as I don't want to admit it, this isn't someone that I can fight with our skill. He's already gotten used to my techniques, I can't even touch him...' He thought.

Daiko this time dashed forward, this time, his movements could be seen, albeit to a minor degree.

The Gp guarded him, blocking the overhead kick from his opponent. With a swift twist, he readied another kick, aiming for the chin.

He even upped his speed more to ensure he didn't miss...

As the strike inched closer to Daiko, there wasn't even a centimeter's worth of distance between his face and the blow.

'I have him now!' The Gp thought with finality... However.




That wasn't enough.

Daiko's luminescent orbs seemingly gazing in another direction, suddenly shifted and peered unto the Daishonkan's own.

'What?' He thought before his kick was swiftly dispatched by a simple weave to the left.

The saiyan quickly backflipped away, landing elegantly. The grand priest doing the same...

"Daiko, I must say, you are far more than what I thought you would be, to think you would be able to hold your own against me, you sho-"

"Enough with the small talk. You say this, however, you've increased your strength with ki, by my estimation, you're several times stronger than you should be... Don't you think that's a little unfair?" Daiko said, cutting off the lord of all angels.

The rest of the angels looked shocked at what the mortal said, one didn't just talk over a being such as their father and walk away, but they also knew that what he said was true.

Their father was not a match for Daiko, and even worse for them...

The grand priest however remained silent for a moment, his eyes flashing a light of mischief, but as quickly as it came, it left.

He then responded.

"...You are correct. I underestimated your abilities a bit too much. Not only did you master the technique of the gods, but you also adapted to my martial arts and improved upon them... This match is over, you've won." The Gp said, somewhat anti-climactically.

Daiko hearing this relaxed... His eyes returned to normal, as well as his hair falling.

'I'm glad that's over. My body is screaming at me. He must have realized himself...' Daiko thought.





[Hidden quest complete. 'Defeat the grand priest with pure technique'. The rewards are the title, 'Zenith of Martial Arts'...]




Hearing the familiar notification go off, Daiko was pleased with his reward, not only that, he received a badass title too...

A little after, the Grandpriest healed himself, as well as restored his clothing. He then walked over towards the saiyan that bested him.

"Congrats, your one of the few that has bested me on even grounds, be proud Daiko. The amount that has done so can barely be counted on one finger, but... You are the first one to show such a gap, I hope we can spar in the future. For now, take this" The grand priest said, throwing a small button.

Daiko caught it.

"This is for you to alert me of when you may be able to spar, however, please take notice that it will light green when I'm available, and red when I am not, dor now, it's time for me to go" He finished, shaking hands with Daiko.

The grand priest left, calling his angels with him, some looked back with disdain while others... Well, that's for another day...





~Daiko's Pov~




I didn't think the Grand priest was such a chill person. Good to know...

The fight earlier left me in shambles though.

I utilized ultra instinct earlier, surprisingly, it was easy to let my body do the work. It came naturally to me as breathing did.

This talent of mine is monstrous, both the combat talent of a Hanma and saiyan prodigy, whilst also being a hybrid paid off big time.

However, there were advantages that I gained throughout the fight.

Especially concerning my new physiology.

1. I don't adapt as I do before my bloodline fusion, I don't know why, I know my potential increased, so such a thing shouldn't happen.

Still, it's not like I didn't get stronger, however, if I could lift 800kg before the match, I could maybe lift around 1200kg, give or take. The point was that I should have gotten at least twice as strong. But I didn't.

I sat on the grass with my bloodied body, pondering why this was the case...

'Could my Bloodlines conflict with one another? Are Hanmas and saiyans that much different?...' I thought.

I sighed. That could be dealt with later, right now I need healing.

"Daiko 2!" I shouted, instantly my clone appeared before me.

"I need some healing done, my hand is threatening to burst from its beating..." I muttered silently.

"Gotta say the magic word though lil bro," My clone said.

"Not the time for your shenanigans. Healing. NOW." I said with finality. I hated how this clone got the more jovial side of me. It can be annoying...

He stretched his arm out towards me, and a green light shone, and not long after a warm sensation spread throughout my body...

However, what I saw shocked me...

"Steam?" I said to myself, my clone losing his smirk, replacing it with a serious face.

We were both analyzing what was happening. I felt steam exude from my body, this even alarmed whis.

The sensation felt even greater than before, my body... Something was happening to it...

My wounds closed, my internal bleeding fading without a trace and my mind felt at peace with itself.

A feeling of strength came over me it was like I could lift a mountain and then some...

'My strength is rising rapidly!' I thought to myself. However, the notification sound of a Zenkai never came...

Still, my body felt vastly different. I could tell, it was like my entire being. No, my cells felt as if they were taking revenge for what I had done earlier...

I then clenched my fists to feel overwhelming amounts of strength. An even greater increase in strength was brought by.

The bones in my hands felt much tougher than before as well, my arms were slightly thicker as evidence...

'What is this?...' This wasn't normal. My clone looked carefully at my change. The steam finally stopped...

"I guess I found out why my adaption didn't kick in much..."







