
Re:life,The fate dragon

Sam who died twice was brought to life again but this time he was a dragon. He was made into a participant of inter universe competition. The problem was that he was the last to start. But, fear not because he also has a unique ability to control fate. The ability that everyone desires. He continues his journey, tempers himself in battles and starts his own legend. The legend of fate dragon. The dragon who had mythical beasts as his servants. You have destiny to become equal to Vashuki and Shesnag. Not bad you can be my first subordinate. You have bloodline of garuda. You can be my second subordinate. He awakens and improves destiny of his people like eating peanuts. If someone offends him" Sigh you were destined to become a king but you met me, now you will have to work as town chief now" Sam has the power to know and change fate of every being he sees. How will Sam use his ability to make his life better and utilize the chance heaven has given him.

Rodon · Fantasie
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16 Chs

First quest

Sam was delighted to have a powerful helper.

"Let's go we are taking over this area now" Some might think it is strange that Sam wasn't calling Manasa by name.

Are you idiot. Do I have a death wish to call Manasa by name. I already experienced it twice. Once can be my imagination but twice isn't and I don't want to test it by trying thrice. As for before, I was talking with system in my head. He was explaining someone again on his head. Whom he was explaining? no one. (He was unaware, the perpetrator can hear his thought. And he was speechless, did this much damaged was done by that seal.)

[First Quest: Make this area as host's territory.

Kill the leader of rat and become their ruler.

Reward: Minor increase in cultivation.

Failure: Die ]

I got a quest. Only now you are giving quest. Where were other quests till now. You are even being generous now and even increasing my cultivation.

[Situation to give you quests didn't arose till now.]

Yeah, yeah then are you telling me the situation is different now. What is the difference of me killing snake or that rat yesterday. Their is no danger at all. I can easily kill leader of the rat and complete the quest and will not have to die like you said in the quest.

No something isn't right. Why are you giving me quest now instead when I found their burrow. You are even saying to only kill the leader to complete the quest whereas my plan was to increase my cultivation by eating beast meat.

[System is doing this you so that you will not massacre just to increase your cultivation. Even mosquito has meat if you massacre every living beings just to increase your cultivation then what is the use of training you. System isn't given to you to become invincible. System is given for you to train. System is like a mentor when you learn to walk and helper when you are strong. System isn't trying to slow you down. System only helps you to gain strength but will not let you walk on wrong path. If you want to destroy a nation and their is a serious reason for it then system will not stop you. But if you want to massacre a nation then system will stop you. System is teaching you to not massacre an innocent. These weaker animals will not help you train. So, system forbade you to kill it. You are being trained to represent our universe to other universe. So, system will not allow you to harm universe in anyway. Today you may massacre a group, tomorrow whole forest then what will you do in future. There is a famous saying in cultivation society. The greatest sin of immortal is to kill a innocent mortals and it is true. Heavens sees everything. The immortal who sinned will face heart demon during his cultivation. So, host has to know one thing if there isn't a good reason then you mustn't kill the innocent but you can kill innocent solder to fight general because it's solders duty to die for nation or general.]

Sam was baffled. System just gave him a cultivation world philosophy. He knows himself. He will never massacre innocent but he never thought exp farming as massacre. It was because he had the brain of Earthlings. Earthlings used to massacre every monster in the game to get exp. He also thought so because of his reincarnation and system which was similar to game but he missed one thing. This was not game. The beast in front of him were also living beings. They had soul like humans. He was also a beast now and will have to fight for beasts in future. He was made human even though he was a dragon because system creator didn't had any sort of remorse against human and beasts. They were equal on his view. How could he, who was being trained by the system creator and being a beast could still have different view about beast than human. Every living beings should be equal on his eyes.

Sam stopped walking and began to manage his thought. He closed his eyes. He was dragged into a strange state by the universe. He felt peace he started to perceive what he hadn't till now. The winds were howling. Trees leaves were fluttering and swaying in the wind. Birds couldn't help but chirp in delight, all the beasts felt the presence of Sam. They began to look towards him. Clouds gathered in sky, lightning ran through the clouds like dragons dancing on sky. His presence started to increase, all animals and birds in peripheries of Himalayan region looked toward him, then of South Asia, then all beasts and humans of earth couldn't help but turning their heads towards him. All strong tides calmed down, light wind flew all over the planet, active volcanoes calmed down, even the solar wind stopped.

In God's realm there is a saying everything is Dao and Dao itself is everything. You can comprehend dao from anything because everything is product of Dao. Dao is the rule the universe made to control all the functions is universe. So, if you can comprehend the Dao you can control what that dao controls and learn what that dao teaches. Sam was also perceiving little about one of the myriad Dao of universe. The Dao of harmony. This Dao in itself isn't powerful but is very important for many reasons. The cultivation technique of monks and saints are based on dao of harmony. On fields like herbs growing and beasts taming Dao of harmony can give cultivator little help but this little help becomes major help for cultivator. Cultivator will become more amiable. His aura will become more peaceful.

The herbs will feel more comfortable around him and beasts will also try to make friends with him if he doesn't harm it. Buddha, monks and the saints are the great example of it. When the saints and monks meditate beasts and animals gather around them. Sometimes saints and monks preach dao to the beasts increasing cultivation of beasts.

Now Sam was gaining minor understanding on Dao of harmony. Unknown to him his soul was being refined by the grand dao. His mental powers and capacities were also being refined. He felt that some kind of shackle was broken when he had comprehended the grand dao. The seal placed in his soul was being lifted. His soul was being visible. His mortal body couldn't withstand it anymore and seal placed on his body also broke. Dragon aura began to spread on whole planet. Dragon was a noble beast so its aura spreads in all direction if it wants. Sam was still in state of comprehension. He couldn't control his aura. The power of his soul descended on earth. The sun began to shine fiercely. Earth couldn't hold power of Sam's soul and was in the verge of turning dust.

The man who was observing Sam from the shadows couldn't watch it anymore and shielded entire solar system with his aura protecting sun, earth and every living creatures who were on verge of dying due to Sam's spiritual pressure. He again placed seal on Sam's soul and physical body sealing away the his powers and dragged him and Manasa into his space related treasure where time was hundred times faster than outside. The situation was under control once again.

Manasa was shocked to see all the changes going on. When Sam was still for seven days. She didn't left Sam's side. She began to feel strange and peaceful aura coming out from Sam because she was near Sam and had a strong connection with him because of which her soul was also being refined. She also closed her eyes. When she closed her eyes she saw a blue thread pulsating which was connected to a man who was very handsome. Even though she is a beast, she was strangely attracted towards the man. Strange runes began to flow through the blue thread into her consciousness. She saw a green planet covered with trees no animals whatsoever. Then she saw a blue planet with only water and aquatic animals, who were swimming and playing around. After that she saw a planet like earth with humans, beasts and different kinds of plants. Then she saw the martial world with people flying in swords. Many fierce and beautiful beasts in forests and soon. She gradually started to comprehend law seeing millions of lives living peaceful, dying of various reasons and new lives being born then gradually developing and dying at last. The cycle continued for millions of years. Unlike Sam who was comprehending grand dao of harmony. She began to comprehend grand dao of life. She saw same thing Sam saw but she only comprehended a portion of it because she hadn't fulfilled the criteria for comprehending grand dao of harmony. It is said that the beings who cultivate grand dao of harmony has his door to godhood open. Sam's soul was already at demigod level. So, he could comprehend the grand dao.

What Manasa comprehend was grand dao of life. It is considered one of the difficult grand dao second only to time and space. The connection between her and Sam wasn't weak. Instead it was strong because the fate of Sam and Manasa was tied the moment she was born. She would have become subordinate of Sam one way or another.

Sam himself was controller of fate, how could their connection be that simple. The connection of threads had many other function sharing his epiphany was one of them but what others comprehend from it only they know. In cultivation world there is saying epiphany could only be shared but not taught. No body can teach grand dao. They can only share their experience and way of understanding grand dao .

She also began to enter in the state of dao comprehension. Sam and Manasa comprehended laws for one year. Sam and Manasa both comprehended minor understanding of Dao of harmony and life respectively. After a year Sam opened his eyes only to see a being he didn't believe he was seeing.

System killed me because I thought rat as my cultivation resource. This was his only thought before he fainted.

You may think this came all out of sudden but it is actually in line. To become god one has to comprehend dao of harmony because god doesn't represent a race but all living beings. Sam's soul was in demi god level. So, he could comprehend it. What he needed was sudden epiphany which system provided as a guide.

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