
Re:life,The fate dragon

Sam who died twice was brought to life again but this time he was a dragon. He was made into a participant of inter universe competition. The problem was that he was the last to start. But, fear not because he also has a unique ability to control fate. The ability that everyone desires. He continues his journey, tempers himself in battles and starts his own legend. The legend of fate dragon. The dragon who had mythical beasts as his servants. You have destiny to become equal to Vashuki and Shesnag. Not bad you can be my first subordinate. You have bloodline of garuda. You can be my second subordinate. He awakens and improves destiny of his people like eating peanuts. If someone offends him" Sigh you were destined to become a king but you met me, now you will have to work as town chief now" Sam has the power to know and change fate of every being he sees. How will Sam use his ability to make his life better and utilize the chance heaven has given him.

Rodon · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Lord Shiva

All t.

After one year Sam and Manasa opened their eyes together. When Sam opened his eyes he immediately fainted.

System has killed me because I thought rats as exp. This was his last thought before passing out. Now, all of you must be curious what did Sam saw that he passed out.

He saw a grand character of the universe. The man in front of Sam was so handsome that thousand tongue of Sesnag cannot describe him. He was topless and only wearing white tiger's(mythical beast) skin. His body was covered in ash of dead. He had three eyes. His third eye was in his forehead. A snake was on his neck which was looking towards Manasa. His body was muscular and had well refined muscles. He had crescent moon star( Cultivation world has two types of star Yang star(Sun) and yin star(Moon) ) on his head as ornament. The holy river Ganga (not of earth) was flowing from his head.

( He uses Holy river and yin star as ornament. Other that that he only wears skin of mythical beast. It can't be described as extravagant because he doesn't wear anything except them. You can't describe it as simple who will wear holy river and yin star as ornament. He Never wears any clothing except that when he is in real form but wears primitive clothes when he is travelling mortal world.)

He is the most iconic being who even blind can tell who is just by looking. Lord Shiva was actually standing in front of Sam. If he didn't died then how can he have audience with Lord Shiva. So, Sam thought he was dead.

Meeting Shiva was actually coincidence. Lord Shiva don't have any major responsibility as a god. He just have to slay demons when they attack heaven. So, he is often free. He spends his free time either in Mount Kailash(not one on Tibet, China) or becoming mortal in mortal world. Yes, yes he likes to become mortal and live on mortal world. Which god will do that? every mortals want godhood but he becomes mortal to relieve his boredom. (Make me a god to relieve my boredom I will absolutely not complain anything.)

Due to sheer coincidences he came to earth and was travelling as mortal in forest( mortal in forest filled with beast). Then he saw what happened between Sam and Manasa. When Vashuki( Lord Shiva's snake) heard Sam naming his snake Manasa. Vashuki was furious. He actually dared to name a snake as common as grass his sister's name. (Manasa is sister of Vashuki and Shesnag. She is also called Queen of all snakes. She along has title of Vishahara, it means she can destroy all poisons. She also comprehend Dao of life.)

Vashuki was going to kill Sam and his snake but Lord Shiva stopped him.

When Sam's aura was overflowing Lord Shiva shielded the solar system and dragged into space treasure he got after killing one of the demon generals. It is useful then I guess. It was worth caring this whatever it is. This was the thought of Lord Shiva while dragging Sam into the treasure. He repaired the seal placed on Sam. He knew whose seal this was so he repaired it. He was going to ridicule that man for doing such a poor job. Even he who has nothing to care of, can do better than him. He helped both Sam and Manasa when they were comprehending the grand dao especially Manasa because her soul and body couldn't handle what she comprehended. Vashuki was satisfied when Manasa comprehended the dao of life. Only then he acknowledged her as Manasa. Vashuki was also a dragon snake same race as Manasa ( after obtaining Sam's blood essence.) Vashuki had choice to become dragon or snake but he choose dragon snake having defense and vitality of dragon and agility of snake. He also considered one of the eight dragon kings by mortals.

"I died in such a young age. Sigh" Sam then looked towards Lord Shiva. "Mahadev( Lord Shiva's another name) how exactly did I died. Isn't taking souls of dead work of Yamaraj( He is known as King Yama in Chinese mythology. King Yama exists in both Hindu and Chinese mythology.)

Manasa was shocked hearing what Sam said. Now that she had observed millions of life and had her intelligence she could understand what Sam was saying. Did she really died she was still young. She still hadn't seen her master in action. He was so powerful. He even upgraded her intelligence and soul cultivation. So, cool. What will a girl do when first person she sees is most powerful she had saw till now and is attractive and has a noble aura around him. (She has already gone beyond treatment.)

" You aren't dead but you would have destroyed this mortal world if I wasn't here." Lord Shiva was looking towards Sam like kids looking towards the monkey dancing in circus. Exciting right, not like one in the text book, it can dance. His thought were similar to their. I came across a 'mortal' dragon with demigod soul and seal placed by him. He also had ability out of this world and opened his path to godhood. This will satisfy his curiosity for another thousand years. He will observe Sam's life from now on with Parvati(his spouse) and Nandhi(his mount). I will also show them to the demons. They may learn something from it.( He actually has demon army even though he is a god.)

"I am not dead. Thank you God Shankar( another name of Lord Shiva)" Sam was trying to impress Lord Shiva. Who will not do it. There is a popular saying among demons and gods. Pray Lord Shiva for hundred thousand years and get what you want. One of the most iconic feature of Lord Shiva is giving blessing to gods and devils a like. Whether you are god, demon or beast pray Lord Shiva for thousands and years and one day Lord Shiva will appear and give you your wish. Others gods come if they like or they will see your character first but Lord Shiva if someone prays then he fulfills there wish. So, he had more devotees than other gods.

If we talk about popularity. He comes in top. He is one of the most powerful person in whole universe. He doesn't dies. He shoots laser from his third eye and destroys everything. He drinks worlds most powerful poison like water and sleeps for sometime and once gain back in shape. He is also righteous. Every descent person loves this type of grand character.

As for demons and devils. He fulfills anyone's wish as long as they pray. Million years is nothing for demons and gods specially beasts. He is like total bad boy. He does what he likes.(But doesn't harms other). Smoking tobacco is his hobby. He eats scorpion and poisonous lizards raw. He takes intoxicants and sleep for thousands of years somewhere like drunkard sleeping in road.

Sages specially like him. He lives the life of sage. He doesn't need any sort of luxury. He only wears tigers skin and doesn't like extravagant attires. When he starts meditating

he meditates until some call him.

One time when he meditated he didn't stopped it even after millions of years. Gods were terrified. If Lord Shiva doesn't wake up what will we do if demons attack us. Then they tried everything they could but he didn't woke up. Then they had one last way and it was to sacrifice a god, and that unlucky one was god of work. He was like cupid, he used to use his arrow of work on sages who went into deep meditation to woke them and made them do the work they were supposed to do. He fried the arrow of work and Lord Shiva woke up. When he woke up he was so furious for disturbing his meditation he opened his third eye and made him into ash. A god died just like that.

Even his love story is extraordinary. He was single for millions of years. So, one day he went to Lord Vishnu and asked him if there was any good girl on his sight. Lord Vishnu then told him about a girl who was said to be most beautiful of the era. He went with Lord Vishnu for her hand. But her father ridiculed Lord Shiva and told to get out. Lord Shiva had no home, eats lizards how could a father give his daughter to him. Her father also had his own pride because his other 24 daughters were all married to gods. How could Lord Shiva get angry over a mortal's word. So, he immediately left. Then Lord Vishnu came up with a plan to deceive her father and marry Lord Shiva to Sati( girl's name). Lord Shiva married her. Sati was delighted to know that she was Lord Shiva's wife. Wife a supreme deity but her father wasn't. Sati danced in front of Shiva for three days( a lady will only dance for her husband. If she isn't a dancer then telling her to dance for you is a huge insult for her and her husband.)

One day she found out that her father had arranged a huge ritual. He invited all of his daughters and son in law except Sati and Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva was indifferent towards it but Sati wanted explanation from her father. So, she went to the ritual. Seeing her, her father insulted her and Lord Shiva. All the gods present were trembling in fear. He was cursing Lord Shiva. Sati jumped into Agnikunda( a place where fire is ignited for ritual) and committed suicide because she couldn't face the humiliation of her husband.

All the gods immediately fled from the scene. They did wanted to face wrath of Lord Shiva. The fire didn't dared to burn Sati's body. Lord Shiva immediately knew about Sati's death. He send demons and massacre everyone. Then he took Sati's corpse from Agnikunda and roamed whole universe. He kept roaming universe until her corpse completely decayed. How much time will be needed to decay a corpse of immortal imagine yourself. Even after her corpse decayed he travelled around the world with her clothes on his shoulder.

The gods couldn't watch the scene anymore. He was the pillar of heaven. If he continued to stay like this heaven will be defeated when demons attack. Then they told King Yama to know about future incarnation of Sati. Gods told Lord Shiva that Sati Devi(goddesses) will reincarnate as Parbati in next era. She will be beautiful like Sati in next era. They also promised to establish temple in everyplace her body parts dropped after decaying. Only then he stopped travelling world.

Parvati was born like god said. From the moment of her birth she had the desire to marry Lord Shiva. She would visit every temple to wish for her marriage with Lord Shiva. She was then told a method which will fulfill her wish by Lord Vishnu. After she completed the method told by Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva appeared in front her with the disguise as Lord Indra( King of Hindu gods). He then mocked and humiliated Lord Shiva(yeah himself) but Parvati couldn't take it anymore and tried to curse Lord Indra(disguise) in the expense of her own life. Lord Shiva couldn't continue the act anymore and appeared in his true form. Then he married Parvati. He also taught Dao to Parvati making her one of the most powerful Hindu goddess.

Note: I am going to use Hindu and Buddhist mythology as base for this novel. As for Norse and Greece mythology I am going to use it in another novel which is on hold now.

After this arc Sam will have his intelligence back. His path will be set. No shortcut for power and only hardwork.

Comment me on which race do you want Sam to fight with. Fox, Phoenix, Qilin, Black tortoise, tiger or any other or even human. Demon is compulsory so other than demon comment me which race will be good to make opponent of Sam.

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