
Re:Dragon Ball

I'm not good with a synopsis so I'll keep it short. --------------------------------------------------------------------- This story is about a guy who is forcefully transmigrated to the world of Dragon ball. Check out how he takes on the challenge of living in a dangerous world. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some tags that I'm not able to add. #Noharem, #KindMc --------------------------------------------------------------------- The characters shown in this novel are not mine, I only own my character. If you are the owner of any material I have used in this fic, please do contact me and I'll immediately remove them.

Sleepy_Kun · Anime und Comics
Zu wenig Bewertungen
36 Chs

Chapter 04

Please check out the Auxiliary chapter 'information'



"Are you sure you're ready for the challenge, Arlic," Raku asked me with a concerned voice.

"Yes, I'm ready," I replied to him with a confident smile.

Currently, Raku and I are standing in an open area and all the tribesmen are standing on the side to watch the competition between us.

The seven days I asked for training, I abused them as much as I could to maximize my gains. I went to the riverbank daily to train. Although, this time I did some things differently because what I needed right now was raw strength and nothing else. So, I did every exercise I knew from my previous world that came under strength training, and because there were no weights available, I used the heavy boulders available on the bank of the river as weights.

This seven-day training had completely removed the last bits of the baby fat present on my body. This training had also generated some mass in my core muscles, which makes me look a little muscular for a kid.

The most absurd thing that I learned in these seven days was that the anatomy of beings in this world is just too broken. The concept of something known as 'Body Limit' is just '404 not found' in this world. I mean, people in Dragon Ball only have one limitation, 'Potential', they can't grow past the limits of their potential. Just look at me, a 10-year-old, 4.8 feet tall, has little to no muscle mass, but I can still easily lift a boulder approx half my size, isn't that something ridiculous.

As I was thinking to myself, I saw that Hata started moving towards me and Raku. He was also holding a thick rope in his hands, indicating that this rope is kind of related to the competition.

"Okay now both of you stand 8 meters apart, and hold this rope," he said and gave both of us one end of the rope.

'Is this what I think it is,' I thought, and remembered the world-famous rope game of my previous world.

"Chief, what are we going to do with this rope," I asked Hata.

"He-he, after brainstorming for whole seven days, I and some elders of the tribe have come up with an amazing competition, it's so amazing that only a true strong warrior can win it, behold the competition of Rope Pulling'', Hata said with a proud look.

'Are you sure about that, this is basically 'Tug of War', and it's worldwide known' I thought and internally sighed, 'These people certainly should go and see the outside world,'

Hata then walked to the centre and drew a line.

"This is the line of defeat, both of you will pull the rope and whoever pulls the other over this will win the battle", Hata said and then looked at Raku, "Raku, try to hold back a little, try not to hurt Arlic,"

Raku nodded and got ready for the battle, and he was damn serious, I mean releasing war aura against a child, isn't he going a little overboard.

'Damn, this guy is acting too serious for a fight against a kid,' I thought and gulped, 'I have to be careful'

"Raku, Raku, Raku," All the tribesmen started cheering for Raku.

"Okay, are both of you ready," Hata asked, on which I and Raku nodded.

"On the count of three, 1… 2... 3, FIGHT," Hata shouted,

The battle had already started but neither Raku nor me pulled the rope, we just stood there and stared at each other.

"I think you should try to pull first, Arlic," Raku said with a confident smile.

"Okay," I nodded and gripped the rope tighter, as I have no idea how strong this monster in front of me is, I decided to use every bit of my strength.

'I can't take risks here, the people of the Karinga tribe were shown strong in the story,' I thought and pulled the rope as hard as I could.

As I pulled the rope, Raku, well… he got pulled along with it and flew over me, then fell face-first on the ground 10 meters away from me.

Everyone present around froze, and no one made a sound for two whole seconds.

"Wha… What just happened," one tribesman asked, breaking the silence.

"Ra… Raku just lost to a ch… child," another tribesman replied.

"I... won," I muttered in disbelief.

I was still processing the fact that I and I mean 'I' a small 4.8 feet kid who just entered this world two weeks ago has become so strong that I have defeated a 7.5 feet tall monster of a man.

"I WON," I screamed in excitement and started bouncing around like a kid who just received a box full of cookies.

"Hahaha, to think that I was defeated by a child, I guess I should start training again," Raku said and brought me out of my childish act.

"Ahem," Hata cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention, "Arlic has won the battle and received his right to challenge the Korin Tower,"

"Hurrah, Arlic, Arlic, Arlic," everyone started cheering for me.

"Ah, thank you," I hurriedly turned towards everyone and bowed.

"Now, go Arlic, climb the tower, and complete the challenge," Hata said with a soft smile and then turned around to leave, "We will pray for you" he added and left.

Raku walked near me and placed his hand on my shoulder, "Arlic, I want you to be careful while climbing the tower, there have been many cases in the stories of our tribe where challengers have fallen from the tower and died"

"I wish you luck, child, now go and conquer the Korin Tower," Raku said with a smile.

"Yes," I replied then joined my palms and bowed, "Thank you for everything,"

I turned towards the village and started running. After defeating Raku I can finally climb the tower and begin my journey to be the strongest.

As I reached the centre of the Tribe, I saw the Korin Tower, a thick pillar made of stones, with multiple carvings on it. The Korin Tower is so tall that it went even above the clouds.

There was one thing that I read online about the Korin Tower, which is that in reality it was actually a tree and these tribesmen inlaid these stone plates on it as it grew every 10 years.

Anyway, back to the topic, the height of this Tower actually plays an important role in Korin's training, he trains his students by making them climb the tower repeatedly, and for training one's agility, he makes them chase after him to snatch the bottle of Sacred water from him.

But, the most important thing right now is that I can now finally start gathering the knowledge.

"Alright, let's do this," I said and took a deep breath, then grabbed the ledge on the pillar.

As I started climbing, I started thinking about things I can learn from Korin, but there is one thing that is more important than his training, which is 'Ultra Divine Water'. It's going to be difficult to get it, as he only allowed Goku to drink Ultra Divine Water after he found out that King Piccolo has been released.

'I need to think of something,' I thought and sighed.


-//-Scene Change-//-

(10 minutes Earlier)

Korin was standing on the edge of the Tower, and he was looking down towards where the competition between Arlic and Raku was about to start.

"This kid is too terrifying, he actually got stronger than Raku in just 7 days," Korin said after feeling Arlic's Ki, "That regeneration ability has really helped him to get stronger."

"I think I can use this ability of his to train him better," Korin said, and started to think of ways to train Arlic.

'I think I should also arrange a training Gi for him, he won't be able to train in those clothes properly,' he thought and then mumbled, "Maybe Kami can help me in this,"

"What can I help you in," an old voice said inside Korin's head.

"Oh Kami, I was just about to contact you," Korin replied,


-//-Scene Change-//-

(5 minutes earlier than above)

Kami and Mr Popo were standing on the edge of the Lookout and were looking at the lower realm.

"This kid has seriously exceeded my expectation, he grew so strong in just seven days," Kami said in disbelief, "What do you think about this development, Mr Popo,"

"The child has potential Kami, his training method is also effective, I wonder who taught it to him," Mr Popo said and then continued after having some thoughts, "Once given proper direction, this child can become an amazing fighter"

"Isn't that a wonderful thing Mr Popo, Earth can finally have a strong protector," Kami said, "But, what about his training of Martial Arts,"

"He will have to use the Power Pole to reach the Lookout, so while retrieving it from Roshi, he can also train under him," Mr Popo explained.

"Hmm, Roshi is a good Martial Arts Master, but I don't want that guy to corrupt this innocent child," Kami said while shaking his head.

"We don't have better options, Kami," Mr Popo said.

While Kami and Mr Popo were discussing the future of Arlic, Arlic had defeated Raku and won the competition.

"Look Mr Popo, Arlic used too much strength, and Raku was sent flying," Kami said with a chuckle

"Yes Kami, he has lots of strength but no proper way to direct it," Mr Popo explained.

"Now that he's going to be training under Korin, we can analyse him better," Kami said with a serious face, "I think we should have a talk with Korin,"

"Yes Kami," Mr Popo said and continued after a second, "Kami, do you think we can use Ultra Divine Water on him to draw out his potential,"

"Hmm, maybe he can counter its poisonous nature with his regeneration, we can check it by giving him a drop of it".

"Okay, now let's contact Korin," Kami said and made a telepathic connection with Korin.

"Maybe Kami can help me in this," Kami heard Korin mumbling to himself

"What can I help you in," Kami telepathically said to Korin

"Oh Kami, I was just about to contact you," Korin replied, "You must have seen my new student right, he doesn't have any training clothes on him, can you help me by creating a pair for him,"

"Sure, I'll send one to you," Kami said,

"Tell me, Kami, why did you contact me," Korin asked.

"It's about your new student, Korin," Kami said, and then started telling Korin about his hypothesis of Arlic being under Demon's control.

"Hmm, now that you say this, his ability is sure something that humans generally don't possess," Korin said and started thinking.

"We plan to let him drink Sacred Water, and with Sacred water's ability to undo the mind control, we can know the truth," Kami explained.

"Hmm, your plan can work Kami, but I will give him Sacred water when it's time," Korin replied

"Now, tell me, what would you do if you are proven wrong, Kami," Korin asked with a serious tone.

"Then we have the candidate of Earth's Guardian to train Korin," Kami replied with a soft tone,

"I see, but what if he declines to be Earth's Guardian, our hard work will go in vain," Korin said with doubts.

"We'll still have a capable fighter for protecting the earth, Korin," Kami said, "You know earth doesn't have strong fighters, we are still recovering from last time Piccolo attacked, what would we do if he someday comes out by breaking his seal" Kami said in a sad tone, "We need someone who can protect earth from threats"

"Alright, I'll see what I can do," Korin replied and returned inside his Tower.

"Let's hope everything turns out good, Mr Popo," Kami said with his head down.

"Yes Kami," Mr Popo replied


{Current Power Level - 80}


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